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January 14, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 74) • Page Image 1

…The MichiganDai rNN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FIDAY, 99J 959 I CI) 14 1Q1 V~ol.. Xx. ------- --- ---- --------- OUTLOOK BRIGHT FOR CLASSY TEAMS P_ Many Turn Out for First Basket- ball Practice-Election Judges Named. 1 nterelasa btasketall isanow in ftul awing. Al atof tihe lea))) that have 11a11d- edl in their tames toI IItterclasa Mantager Kniakern have hadi ther firs) pratice it) ~Water 1)1)) gytttnt Sit) will) entiaagittg 1-11)111). The freshaln ...…

January 14, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 74) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAMI G.FRH, Wild Complally MER'CHANT TAILORS Wehave complete lines of fine Woolens for Suit- i gs, Overcoats and Trou- ses, Fancy Vestings fory 1909 and 1910.c We maake Full Dress Suilts a Specialty CALL AND SEE UAS 311 S0. STATE STREET At the New :tore . _ THE MICHIGAN DAILY. tfeettegeeeg dtter tBusiness MEanegera (sotm . I0.AMss. Adderess: MICiCNc DAILtttY, Press Bldg., .\1a-nrod Street. Offite liottrs:Meanagting Editor, 8-iI...…

January 14, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 74) • Page Image 3

…/I s. Pa t f A ! I 0 -I Z w P- z C) =4 0 z; s) r - . ax 3 7i N fA d3 N d .P oao O O I I rp ; co f m' CJ 3 I Z N R $ n p K N N C a z W n cs I I I i i A 0 o. tr e !I C ce 1 M .:; :. - . s ' y rr :- j :; . f. r - ... .,; r ,, f , t'"' 4 w e+ ,Y ;r m s 'r Ef Q: O C7 H' H,.a w 0 z! n m a a ". , ;rte C57 u 1'Yf mC CIO ICA O C O O O I rrrr 0000 7;0000 AA U) U fA(0 ®___ I- p SSO c 0z ' ° rrnnV 4d M- y ry y Y i " AP A j ombso " " i " ...…

January 14, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 74) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAIL'Y FULVtL DRIESS SUITS .. Full satin lined with heavy cord silk facing at C-C-C $35.00 C-C-C For the holiday. s. Cut by experts and made by men who spend all their time on dress work. NOT one or two a Season. We give a try-on with each order. J. KARL MALCOLM, 118 E. Liberty LEARN aTO DANCE GRAN ER"SSCHOOL O1F DANCINGs (-it I fr Ladiesand Gentee''esi a y ndit t d Eeins 7t o, I ( tCilireinclTusto rday Ateron,33 o>ocok ENINEERS'...…

February 14, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 91) • Page Image 1

…" e Michigan L)ai y Nolr XX. IOIRNER STARS AT BOSTON A. A, MEET Places Everywhere Entered- Captain May Issues First Call for Track Candidates. w Ii srnc s ii soIng te i talis {is N ARBOR, -IJICHIGAN, 41i)N DAY. FI IRUARY 14, 15510. 11111 : \ sciIto .\ilissi rl 1-re hr,)kc1 the- record Coc,1 ai foreri Michga mas the Wi llt 53 fees l s1ill es f I formeril woI firs lsin 11111 l handl~icp oflss fot111te10p tse fisr ed ascts- slitsilo M,1111hc ...…

February 14, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 91) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY I G. H. Wild Companly MERCHANT TAILORSa We have complete lines of fine Woolens for Suit- irgs, Overcoats and Trou- sers, Fancy Vestings for 1909 and 1910. We make Full Dress Suits a Specialty CALL AND SVE US 311 50. STATE STREET At the New Store G. H. Wild Compally CINTOIN - The ",11VE ASY" BU;T~lii IOLE AES THE ITL iNi!. ftttSIT PF_ .FC.TCt .. R tal il iA:.,;lL i- e(a nAn Arbor by FWAGNER & CO. State tret k'.5tPALDING & B...…

February 14, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 91) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAY YOUR CANDY BETS WITH GILBERTS CHOCOLATES Best in the World 60 to 80 cents AT QUARRY'S Money Loaned Oil Watches, Dsimont's, Laws Boos, osr other perronas prioerty. Watches and jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Office at residencr 331 Ei. Liberty St Ann Arbor. Hors: 8to11:30a. m..t1to 4:30 and 7to 9 p, . JOSEP1H C. WATTS THEl F'ARMERIIS AND MI1CIIANICS BANK MAIN AND PIUIPON STREE~lTS Capttal $50,000 Surplus...…

February 14, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 91) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Oldiltill Sale for Jalluary All Clothing, at 20-350/ discount. This includes the STEIN BLOCH CLOTHING which we are Agents for in Ann Arbor. All Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Gloves, Etc., at 20%1 discount. Terms Cash. Lilldeusohnitt, Apfel & Co. i I THE CLOTHES FOR YOUNG MEN ARE REULE, CONLIN & FIEGEL'S Collegoe Clothes They are different in style and pattern but not too much so. Come and see them. HABERDASHERY The correct fix...…

May 14, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 156) • Page Image 1

….' N ARBOR, MICHIGAN, S -FlUIN lA _, io\lA . Vol- XX. TWO TEAMS FACE liiflii SYRACUSE TODAY; ,>t " 1 Lil I" )i FR1[ Ii 501 SiI IS xxIl' ix t. Kr i ic /. i ix cWARMLY CONTESTED Fresh Heavy-Weights~vercome IIw~l 111c_ ash" (1rs Sophs While Lighter Teams o;tr t) aor. xiiit -ttu *rlxlxxx ixx lii l l >tiii Varsity Nine is Ready to Turn Tables on Easterners on Ferry Field RUNNERS ARE IN ENEMY'S CAMPr Michigaisra'vfrrvneTw 1 teamns aix prepviaxe...…

May 14, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 156) • Page Image 2

…spring and Sumnmer 1910 Our Spring Specials- DE~SIGNS-Original and Eselaslle COLORINGS-The Newest FABRICS-Dependable RESULTS-Pleasing and Harmoios -_IN- Suitings, Vesfs Trowserings NowRadylfoeYrExIan aliatiol G. H. Wild Coupally TAIL.OR 311E5. STATE STREET OH INI ON The "57L PEASY'" BUTTON HOLE FMAKES THE PJRKER BRAD BUTTON EAIdLY AoNS IT PERFECT LY MADE OF LINfEM, BARO 5131313FF FlcULeAoD dIJ ARTEFSIZES 150, 2 f or 25F 'f'JJIERQ2GO MAKES Sold...…

May 14, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 156) • Page Image 3

…hisSpe Reserved FOR Sam Burclhfied ::s Co. :: Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS' 106 E. Huron SI. Opp. Court House J. ,L CHAPMAN, Jeweler ALARM CLOCKS 79c ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 tally Guoranteed Wwtash Rep.Pe at Sp 4inoloy THE FARMERS AND MEG-HANICS 145i K MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capital $10000 Surplus and Profits $100,000 j Generat Banktng Hasiness. 3 per pent paid on Ttme and Sarings Dieposits. Safety lie- posit Ho...…

May 14, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 156) • Page Image 4

…What it .means to represent S', MN IlLOCis Smart Cjlothtes are carried by the foremtost clting dealer int every city in America. To represent the SrT N-lALnvt people one must be the leading and most ic- liable dealer in his particular town or cit. This is STEIN- BLOCtH policy. And we choose the STEMiBLOCH lutes because shot give tivsersal satisfartion. They give the fall tdollars worth. STEItN-BLiOCH Smart Clothes are the finest suitings frotm...…

October 14, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 10) • Page Image 1

…_- w Vol XXI, YOST FEARS GAME WITil M. A. G. TEAM Improvement on Varsity Needed Before Game with Old ime Gridiron Foe LAST GAME RESULTED IN TIE l),1SotidayMithitgn twill ply M. :. C.for'th110-list t 1101 iltwo51)ears,15 1111Co1c1011ost5is t oereoidoetiof the11 boo e. 'tlirsdti th id11 little, lit trom the sistitcin iwshie tcade(4 t Cesi wok, it semed at s if hei ihnt ~tthere01 as0 pletyotf'rtoom1 for a ieI I cIll o : o il t 1the 1boys 1 5p 11...…

October 14, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 10) • Page Image 2

…THP MICHIGA N OAIL _________.._______c- G. HI. WILD CO. 311 S0. STATE STREET Opening Display of Fall and Winter Styles FULL DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY 311 50. STATE STEET Tealiors EASE UP ON THE PROF'~ wiyo row ype (C ite. h i la2cc~iie a al ri-,$25.00 andtp t~iietPie l ypc Xiitr upi The Siudents' Typewriter Supply Co. Rooim 4 Pres Building. Opposite Majestic Ye trueld save aney by biy- lug tyon urlge Booseatithe . kstoro Second-hand Books at B...…

October 14, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 10) • Page Image 3

…D #1. IMid+M.+.A:..A Reserved FOR Sam Burchifid Ann Arbor's Leading k TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler Alarm Clocks 79c Alarm Clocks $1.00 Alarm Clocks $1.50 Alarm Clocks $t.75 Fully Guaaneed Watch,'l ag Spmailty ThE FARMES ll$AND 'IIUIIANICS OANK- MAIN AND HURJION STROOT7S Capital$510,00(0 Surplus and Profits $l.0O,ll Genera0 iul Bninog lusisoss. 3.p~rcest paid onTimoe and ravins o)iposta. safety Jae-;...…

October 14, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 10) • Page Image 4

…Wagner &Coo State sivest Sign of the big white shoe Tihis cut reaprescents one of the new fall ,/ +c I*SC4~ft shapes of the celebrated SOS $4.00 and $5.00. Folly guaranteed as to workmnanshaip and material. Desks, Morris Chairs, Rockers, Rugs, Study Tables, and Draperies, Suitable for Student Rooms in Large Variety at MARTIN IHALLER .11~ TIDE MICHIGAN DAILY,_.; j U!N1VBR5TV NOTICES A tseeln#:ioi wilieihic titii t TIas1 hall tonight at S-m...…

December 14, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 60) • Page Image 1

… 0 * -.. * - 7 con E""' __ w -++cI CW O c ~a bt4 : lr f C c/ ,, _ --C v 41 J hr f V i. , ,f f ^f ... v - ' nl 'f f: i ^ .., r. f :' :, r J i .f i r, _ i f. f' . y . i ~ ... . ... n .... 1; ,'" .^ , w r, '- :;; f f ., J ,, vr, 'f. 'f; I _ ' f f i f.+vt 1 ' ' f r. n T -.. . . ^ i ".Y. ts. ,! ' n J v fl w v ' ' r-. . _.. '-'- j .. ... _ ... -'r . Y- .y.. .. -- t 'r. '.T. ~ J '1 Y './: N y ;.. ,r i-= V (, J ... J J -f , .+ r . _ _ ...…

December 14, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 60) • Page Image 2

…Oixnrg islay of F I md 'inter Styles II DES SUITS S RICES 3 r tSupply Cot 't;, Polxite FMajestii P~he Ne P ~' o~istor THE " CHIGAN DAILY iIi!II l(AN DAILY. niatiagri'. ~tcc lauttitti S almc t 's Ic- r'tin all lls la~s lt ____________ ____________________ ion irt isc< tiU)tlw l ii' iori hat liii iii +>'l iii ii ii 1 <i 1 I 1'11: eaictirit cciticsi, aidtil tiii' to ic i'o d tt i# - r oll -. X }.. 1 . . ,'-.. ' i 1 51 i tt iiand lil l.J~ ii al...…

December 14, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 60) • Page Image 3

…YHl' MICT-ICAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. MUSIC A J'J nx(r II df.n Of1 "1ii" xxx - \VANI'1( \ilx't PIAixt1xx ,( FOR ofIis series ofxhin ''lxxrhetr, "Cr' imsonIl ('hx''t,''School xx i toim S amii.13' fiel x(:dfor iI tnl ixxufolxxxxx't. ilxrtiu'r shoid 0O 0@ dollar-_ or__________ al______ Cot-____________ "* "" till- Cafe, fii lxx1ixr! o dc 111 ()pcrcrFickc 11'cared ') ood seasxseectons11141t n ~~~~LOST. SnaaI mjr 106 ,.Hurxx Si. ip, itwithu...…

December 14, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 60) • Page Image 4

…,! ---'" f r-- " , l ti,, r j 1 .. $E J Our best seller in $5.00 t)VAL LAST WAGiNER & CO. I ~State Street Et tFLE & Co, T E D PL C . i.c : c ttsauery :0 ts1 und and M,?Vorris Chairs, ockers R ug'> tuy ablest an I drp.4s, Su'table THE 4, iCHIGAN Iato r jLNV E i41TV NoTICESI {)fic cof e . tc a s~l tl l tic i, Regular prtc e rs r, ltl lt Nc evberv hll t 5 3 s AdT 1,AU11O 1:,R1\ '1' 1I(>l n tile 1)ilt(Ilt) e lt i S.I ii ece br Its 351 'he cc) t...…

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