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January 14, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 72) • Page Image 1

…Ijc 1 . of , . tai to VOL.. V. NO. 72. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, JANUARY 14, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. THEY DISCUSSED ATHLETICS. trodnced b y Dr. Snari were Concert a Success. adaptted: Presidents of Six Western Univer- Resolvei, That we call on te ex- The Wie aiilBanjo clubs we en- sities Met in Chicago-Rules let maages of football to so revise tliushsticilly reeieil at their cincert the tles of the game that the liil-i for the ben...…

January 14, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 72) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF 1I. DAILY. rf f't in 4~ exiserts woulti ~lk'slcluotiia f J j'I IAU. f3 10bo ll it g "'2ir witlbt tl hot 3ear11 __________ Its to t'liminate anIllemen'1t'ftof 111u- l'(11lltsled laity (Sunldays t'xcepte'd)td(n11188 01110 1(1 l't'lll'lii is also8 1 to81w x theCO 0gab year, by 1101(1 11t11alte1ue11d Ili''gllltol8 THE U.Of M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION, t'0118i111'rt'(Avere directed1 lot so(1 111('11 ovjruir: Tiles building N. 181a11:st., ...…

January 14, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 72) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF R. DAIL. GH G R(E T~L The Senior Lit Social. NOTICES. RWIAN LA. ~J HI AN ~ I Stdeits intending to elect lhe Time Table (Revised) Nov. 18, 1894. naertnewt h eir lht thr'wl eli llirt tIc~lgCorse in the Latin texts of the EAST. IVEST. class expressed il lass imeting, tie' of the tDaly oard Satelrday evening IonnL~" 1," . s A A oanLt"(Latin a), are reqesel Mail and Es 1 55 Mail -~ senior' social olniittee ihs decided 1(o at 730 o'clock. ...…

January 14, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 72) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. a1I "okso'! HL OUND THE ANN AROR SVNS AKG M SUITS. of niely ert'ned tilet oap or An Ar r, plas StCapital Stock inSo~w T M E N r - Orgis e derhe ner I Baokis, Laws _______ of this Stte Receives diepsts bys ad ---------sells excang on the picpa cities of the Vi tniiy With G~eoge Wah Ite 15 CotLSSL OLE SA, ntet state'Drfts cashed upon prpe s eevdasml il %, asington st Headqularters for CLAESCLSSLTIE OP identification Safety de...…

March 14, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

…l e . of At. al. VO .N.116. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THUJRSDAY, MARCH 14, 1895. CONSUMIPTIVE STATSTCS. DR. VAUGHAN TALKS TO THE LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEES Necessity of Hospital for Consump- tives Urged-Will Blot Out a Dis- ease Which Kills 3,000 Michigan People Annually. Tie joint commiiitt'iesof the lgisl- ture n 110)11lii alih liet lt.Lansig last night anidgave aohearig to the mnembes of the state boaril of heiat. Dr. Vaugan miade a requcst ...…

March 14, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 116) • Page Image 2

…THlE U. OF M. DAILY. I P'ublished tDaily (Sunday excepted) during tbe College year, by THE U.OE M.INDEPENDENT ASSOCrIAION, OFruCE: Timtes building N. MNain at., opposite, punt ofice. EDITORS. Ii. COLE-WAN. Lit. '97, Mianaging Editor. G. 13.H(I nuio, Law '96, Assitant. A. XV. SIrn, Lit. Spel., Assistant. NV. A. Sm'r, Late'Xli, Assitat. J. A. Lnilow, Lit. '96, Atbletic Editor. J. S. PExARL, Lax '9.9, Businesso Manager. 1I. NV. Leer, Lute '96, ...…

March 14, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 116) • Page Image 3

…MJOHTOAN CJIA L Time Table (Revised) Nov. 18, 194. nail and Ex. 350 Mail........84C N. Y. Special... b 15 N. Y. Secial.... 7 a Eastern E.. 1 25 N. S Limited-_. 9 2 A. M. Pacific Ex-i.. .21 Atientic E-.7 47 P. N D. N. Express.... 5 405 Western Ex.3 1 G. R. Express ..110 Cii. Nt. Ex.---0 2. G. R.Ex-. . W Ross, iR. W. lAES, G. P. & T. Ag., Chicago. Ag., Ann Arbo T., A. A. & N. X. RY. Taking effect Snday, Ag. 1,,1894, Tainsseave Ann Arbor on Centr...…

March 14, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 116) • Page Image 4

…Schalier's Hookstore!, Formerly with Gleorge Wahr, 19 E. Washvineton St. Headquarters for everything a. Student needs in the line of 'rext-Books, Stationery and Miscellaneous Stock in general. M.ARTI SHALLER, IE DOWN-TOWN BOOKSELLER, 19 E. Washing n at. oe block east of Main at. 995 LAWuTS!o HAVE YOUR VW. ANOJDS, Jeweler. AW TRAC7l tttaf; MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER'S School of nuwm a Delsarte. Saturday, 14 .m,en temanbegnn erselass. Tuesday. 7:35 ...…

May 14, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 158) • Page Image 1

…VO. V. No. 158. UNIVERSITY OF MVICIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. RIME. LILLIAN NiORPICA.BLTEMSWRNRP. SENIOR LAW CONTEST. SEE OUR WINDOW!g AMERICA'S GREATEST SINGER IN Lae rdyAtrh~m~t L. G. LONG SELECTED AS CLASS THE DAMNATION OF FAUST. Wisconsin, ORATOR FOR COMMENCEMENT. ___'THERE MAY BB Sketch of Mine. Nordica's Career- The western tills of the 'vatsty Seven Contestants Compete for 8O0METHING Invited to Sing in the Bayre...…

May 14, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 158) • Page Image 2

…4 r, ~ THE U. OF 1. DAY[LY1. Pubished Dalily-(Sunday excepted) during the Colle-Es year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OFFICE: Times building N. Ma'in t., oposite Bost 5 tire. At a mieetling of the Daily board. held( last niight anoither frat,reity member was adldedl to the list of edi- tors. Mr. L. Ri. Haisblen, having joissd is fratrsity, had frfeited Ihis llosilion on the board as an indrpne- sot meimbe r, bist wao elctced back en as a fr...…

May 14, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 158) • Page Image 3

…THE U. 01? M. DAILY. MICHIGAN GNaR Time Table (Rvised) Nov. 1, 184. EAST. WEST. P. M. AM Mal aed Es-1 0 Mal __-.._-84: N. Y. Special-0 15 N. Y. Spe"1a1.... 77.0 Eastern Es__-1 25 N. S. Lmited.-192 A. M. Pacific E.....12 1 AtlanticE. 1 . 747:P;.at D NEspress.... 540 .WLestern Es. Ill 21 G. R. Express,..ll 5 Ci. N.. iS--10 5 G.. E----.-55 . W. RUGGLEES, ' H. W. HAES, G. P. x T. At., Chicago. At., Ass .Abor. T., A. A. & N. M. RY. Taking effect S...…

May 14, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 158) • Page Image 4

…TilE U. OF Ii DAILY. ELLI, T TAIOR,2200 to 2204 State st., Chicago Will be at the Cook House, Ann Arbor, from May 15th to May 25th, inelneive, with the SIVELLEST LINE OF SUITINGS AND PAINTINGSI ,ever shown. Imported English Clay Suit, Sack or Cutaway, $20.00. Are you with me? ELLS TH E "*TAILOR. T.~.Ddyou get a Liar's Diplomiia! Send 2c _stamp. At 0 SPALDING& BROS Athletic Supplies. BASEBALL, LAIN TENNIS, Uniforms for All Sports. BIDE THE...…

October 14, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 13) • Page Image 1

…YoL.. V1. No. 13. UNIVERSITY CF AMICHIGAN, MONDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1595. Pouit PAGS-3 CETS. i-- - STILL iANOTHER VY 1CT){ v-a aratiiitaoiltii Lac 1ESERVS BET NORMAi ~IONE GUITAR JjJl)DA, C. OUTCLASSED EY MICHi.I- icol tial fter a11tfoth FIRTnLIE-U p is enough for one person to I CAN'S STRONG TEAM. in gtoat atitlti.Di.A. C. lofthe baltl RESERVES SUCCESSFUL. 1111 play on at oeimtue. One i11oi afmbn ,aa lolfilitetlt uia i ntlnog,'ow OrMe PayatnppiCme...…

October 14, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 13) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OFL M. DAILY. Published IDaily (Sunday excepted) during the 00110gb year. at THE (UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, OFFICE:Times uldinig NN MinSt.,opposite post office. EDITORS. J. A. LoTos', '96, DManaging Editor. C. 1). CARY, Gis. 1L, Asistant. S. E. KNAPPEN, '98, Atlshtic Editor. R. C. IlArLstr, '11(1M, lBusiness noager. Associate Editors. L. A. Pratt, 'K. A. K. Petrie, '958. C. A. Bougirton, '96 D. G. M. Iheath, '96 P. 0i. H. Farrell, '98. i...…

October 14, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 13) • Page Image 3

…" THE U. OF M. DAILY. NOTHING BINIERIN 'THELANJD I :HA-MMER SL AUCG11 BI 3ROS'. FiNE SUITS AND VERCOATS Manufactured for the present season, are oniy sold by us. PRICES: Swits from $15 to $20. Overcoats, from $15 to $24. R. & W. Collars and Cuffs, Cutter and Crossette Neckwear, High Class Furnishings. WE SELL THE BEST $10 AKNOHIN THE WORLD. LINDENSCHMITT & APFEL. 37 S. Main St, At te Gand per Hose. rof Kesey pok. ; Saturday's Football Games...…

October 14, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 13) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. All6, SPALDING & BOS, Noble's Star' ClothingH se 11tbl Supplies a Specilty.35 South Main Street. -. Nereq-uiio th e very ~ ce~, ns t- Fair M inded Person ~j hr n (.oiurdsn. nal will admiit that cheap merchant tailoring does tntcon- lluirc Spaldings Olicial pare witih good, ready-made, garmets. Tthat the hest, a iri-t olcgoliat n~etl ready-n-aode Clothing equals the hest custoin work is t iai- IPrice, so no. . likewise uoii...…

November 14, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 40) • Page Image 1

…the I tt. a Ado VOL. VT. . NO. 40. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THIURSD)AY, NOVE:MBEIR 14, 1895. FOUR, PAGES-3 CENTS. AFT~tAT! F TLEGA E.hub wvriters, than by Mlacager Baird, __________ of telist' Mihian teain, in his torrTes- WHAT THE PRESS THINKS OFioideive to western jiaper'-;. Is enough for one person toi MCIA'SSADNl p lay on at one time. One IN Harvard- Michigan Game Placed New York Stiii of Nov. 1tt: S guitar is not enough, how- Us on ...…

November 14, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 40) • Page Image 2

…THlE U. OF M. DAILY -f ITERSTIG AD RES. es' icilos. Not only holt'p1 oce ~l+of f I~t~J NL{SJN A)RS. Where gariliool reole m,arl e j(o'on- O u MRS. KELLEY SPEAKS T") UN1- ((111(1, o tle fact of111.0i 1 \\e have left a fail' stock of P')9lihd Ilaily IS ildaY exceptled) during VERSITY STUDENTS. diseases0 in he roi~os(If the ,workers)I all sorts of thre Coll(.-,(,year, _____at~llllyell~li l iei TH} NIESTYO ICHGA Sweating System and Child Labor eiC...…

November 14, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 40) • Page Image 3

…THE U. 01? M. DAILY. MICHIGAN GLNT L Time Table (Revised) May 1, 114. Kniland Ex -3 50 Mail -5_______843 N. Y. Special--.. 5 00 N. Y. Specia-_-_ 7 3t Eastern Ex-- 10 1 N. S. Limited.-. 9 2. A. M. Pacific Ex-I--I1 57 Atlantic Ex_- 7 47 I.'M. D. N. Exprss.. 5 40 Western Ex--2 1M G. IR. Express -.11 05 Clhi. Nt1. Ex ---10 Sb G. R. Ex----557 0. W. RoUGGLES, AI. W. HATES, G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Ag., AEE Arbor 7:37 a tn.. o a. in. *12:25 p. m 11...…

November 14, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 40) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. isTDNSNoble'sStar Clothing House, S. U I GENTLEMEN. ---- ~ You have been wearing plain and smr Are well pleased with the T A rum U fRni have a compiete change Same will prefer TII ~ .... I.' uuiuuu iiii~the Plain,-hile the more enthusiastic dress- elegant fitting and m III rni m in mers ill 'adopt the new colos. The goods well made IIILE IMAN 11111A Eu IS ERIiflELJ lI UIV IAm shownsrerecy and hrown tweedsswitha das~h will i...…

December 14, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 62) • Page Image 1

…uf VOL. YI. No. 6 2. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, S.ArTRDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1895. FOUR PAGESx-3 CENTS. ONE GUITA s enough for one person to ii6 F lay on at one tite. One} lii guitar is not enough, how- ' ol ever, to supply 3,000 Sin- r dents. That's why we have O ' 4 onstan0tly in stock scvtial It I0 ON~ dlozesl of guitars of variousit m sakes anid prices, 4j i11 BETTER LOOK{ AT OUR key SU. OF M. GUITAR. I 6 It's good as its caine. ;4; THE ANNA...…

December 14, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 62) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY It 4 cit. REDPATIJ GRAND CONCERT (Continued from First Pane.) Published Dailby (Sunda y excepted) during the Gollegs yearat THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, Orrimn Times building N. Main st. opposite post office. EDITORS. J. A. LFtisy, '00, Managing Editor. G. it. Sims, '99, Assistant. C. ID. GARY, Gr. L, Assistant. J,. F. TisoxlAS, 'i, Assistant. S. E. KxAYrrnx, '98, Athletic Editor, L. C. WALKEis, 'lii. Bssisess Manager. R. C...…

December 14, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 62) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. MICHIGAN GNTI Time Table (Revised) M(ay 19, 1894. Mail and Ex-.350 Mail--------8 43 N. Y. Special--- 5 00 N. Y. Special---. 7 30 Eastern Es--10 12 N. S. Limited.--- 9 25 A. Mn. Pacific Ex---1157 Atiaetic Es--7 47 P. in. D.N.Express--.. 5 40 Western Es--2 00 G. R. Express ---1i 05 Chi. Nt. Es---10 20 G. R.Ex-------557 0. W. RUGGLES, H. W. HAYES, G9. P. & T. Agt., Chicags. Aft., Ann Arbsr Collst RAILROAD, Time Table, Dec. 8,...…

December 14, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 62) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. For aStylishNoble's____________________Main FULL DRESS OR TUXEDO DStr ar le iu H-e, ~NEEDLE CALL ON D la au Is what our new line of Nekwear is. (Spe il Holiday in). Our Price Goc. Il' UMerchant Tailor, Um rla Strictly igh grade work at Sold here and raised everwhre. Niee loid'y moderate plicles. _Presents.a 10 E. Washington St., 1DO ® yO U SKM4O IE? ? ____4 Pittsburg Stogies for - - - - 5c- - We w7 Full Value Cigars for - -...…

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