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October 14, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 14) • Page Image 1

…, Wpo- *--w. wow. ror.. . No. 14. UNIVERSITY OF MICIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1890, PnICI, 3 C]",T.8 TWENTY I FfV7E HUNDRED. Schedule of Yale Foot-Ball Games. D)A1LY for three or four days past au- W i ht, t K4 ay & Co. _____noalllilll "auil illlloraulnet-h~of 01the ( lf OUR ALMA. MATER VWILL CARE Oct. 11 , Lehigh a1t New- Haveln. laghlr Assiatio" for 10:81) this RO THAT NUMVIBER THIS YEAR. Oct. 15, Trilnil tyat Hatfold. Illllg li~ llrseli ot ...…

October 14, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 14) • Page Image 2

…THE U. 01 e'I 1t8. Social Uses of the Kicker. C. 'm~~i. . t* . 169. Who Talk the lBest English} _____170. Training the Mlemory. Plished Iaily (5Sdays exceted1) during 171. A Study of the wordi"Reliable". the Ct ta-c ear, bay 172. Rteasons fur Private O)wntership taf Land. 'IlE U. OF EM. INDEPENDENIT AtESOCIATIOI. 17;). ('ollege itiaruction 1)y Lecture. Staaaitai.' rie *,07:0 per yearl, I ain l-ly , 17-5. 3Maaiers 1inSetiolts. cOlv aoge utle Ii...…

October 14, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 14) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY -men i 4 a ] v } a TL hTWO SAM$ Messrs. YOUMAN'S, KNOX' and NIL VERMAN'8 see thetClla THE - L-COAT See it at Of COld U. of M. shold have a University of MihgnGuitar. Pi'ces loxivest,C,?ualityhIigite t. Enaranteid every inch ar the roa d. Violin mnod Guitar Strinigs, 10 cts.: Bansjo atnd Mandolin String;s, 5cts. 1Exe(rt thing in rpin timn). O {t t ( etnent, ALLMEITPIIG{ tE"RL AITL & OLGAII 00. i ltSm t . BROWN'S DRUG STORE CO...…

October 14, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 14) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. CLOTHING HOUSE, 171, 73, 15 Woodw adAvenue CtIt is the Iatest ml n l y. + le "5 CLOT 111CINGld" l MVi' I SII( ,tit' k 10P f ee NOBLE'S Wind.owDisplay. ~Y L4I~h No t La H~ V4 10Black Shirts, Black Uniderwear, Bi k Neccl wear, Bick NEWT BOOK SORE Handkerchiefs, Black Caps, Black Susop~ei> ,BI lk 'Black Mastics; Black Studs, Black Buttons. THE B1LACK CRAE UNIVERSIT'Y nsx'r-nulOKS, S T O -G.H.-ILD 111 3< l nei11 {it. Lc h B s o...…

November 14, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 41) • Page Image 1

…+ = q Y _ - '%.. -O- -Q ' . ' ' a. VOL. I. No. 41. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1890. PaRICE t+;u i FURTHER DEVELOPMENTS. CROEEDINGS OF THE CORO- NER'S INQUEST.--MANLY {S HUNG IN EFFIGY.-- 1= GRANGER'S ILLNESS.:. ig9ht of the Militiamen Arrested.-- Their Version of the Case. Ford Belford, Denison's room-mate, olil what lie and Denison did up till tii" of the fatal blow. Dr. Nancrede alloWed With the facts of his death. 1MLITIA ...…

November 14, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 41) • Page Image 2

…THE.U. OF M. DAILY. weC of facts of the case are,that the comn- psymarched north along Di- Publishet ileiy(Sutndays excepited) ding svision till they camne to Libterty, the Colle~evee, bythen they turned -downs Liberty THlE U. OF M . INDEPENIDENT ANSOGIATION. on the rec.°/s sit-I of the street, hut 1proceedled west o~ili about Substeition iti Fe t-s A p;e yie, stit t-abl 1saf l hit-k l;whleste -r -d ins silsesee. lsilise i - eCents. tiOiIct . ...…

November 14, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 41) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY AT THE TWO SAMS Prince Albert Suits, Cutawvay Suits, and Fine Dress Suits, - --JUST .ARRIVED____ __-_____ See Yournan's Hat, Knox's Hat Silverman's Hots and Cabs, AT THE TWO SAMS AIl Arlior t1o a nd~lliry. VOOR2HIS S&DEABEST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE ST. TAILORS, 0MXOALLEDFOR and DELIVERED. FISCLSWOK +$ 23South FourthAe LLA[ E U8 =T7=1Z WJT ==TT Of Old IT..of M. should have a University of Michigan Guitar. Iliices lowest, Qual...…

November 14, 1890 (vol. 1, iss. 41) • Page Image 4

…TU-E LU n7 M. DAILY --THE NEW CLOTHING I-OUSE. 2 yWiAi$h~WK) ~W' 171r Chiens C LT11-NIf1 (S Nil D N1 FiiSi LEI&IQL Noveltes rrivr n a . NEW BOOK STORES, 3LQO~CFF , the Latest Qraze, -4 A~ ~ TQ~L.'~rT TP T "'' l tT1T T 1 I1 't \ :' 17 7. t~vl < <1 TAP>Y__11111HEADQUARTERS FOR NOVELTIES- G So.uth Marl Street. 44 South Stare Stretw'' - UNVERSITY TEXT-BOOKS, r.T _ I01-'T m. .WID Medical BoksLavL.oes, LANTV s ALL+iN^-, All:1o oks me tilin ity Schoo...…

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