May 14, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 167) • Page Image 1
…J gI 1 AV jA .9 4 VOL. XI. ANvN ARBOR, MIOI.. TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1901 .Our Special Line of.... MAYOR COPELAND"TAKIN IN" all gamn anti will furiish all the _________ "ingiii" Ipossible. Tliey re tlking ®I'elg~l and Domest01 of mrhingot to the 14aogm ~ ndDoesicThe U. of M. Ceebrities Increase Their iiab)y Membership-Peculiar and Unique -- FA R CSMethods of Initiation-Off- MEET THEM HALF WAY FOR SPRING es and By Lwse Athetc Bard Offers te Pay F...…