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April 14, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 111) • Page Image 1

…News: 76-DAILY Advertising: 76440554 One hundredsixc yeah ofeditorla/freedom ttz Monday April 14, 1997 ... ..... Ills I aylor By John Leroi Daily Sports Editor Michigan basketball player Maurice Taylor confirmed Friday what most f suspected for quite some time - 4 giving up his final year of eligibil- ity at Michigan and entering the NBA draft. Surrounded by family and friends, Taylor said at a news conference at Crisler Arena that it ...…

April 14, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 111) • Page Image 2

…2A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 14, 1997 NATION/WoRLD NIGHT Continued from Page IA DeVaney explained that her night- mare continued for months after the assault. "The next day at the hospital, I was assaulted. For months, as my per- petrators harassed me, calling me a whore and a slut, I was assaulted," she *said. Y Wayne State University senior and women's activist Kamilah Johnson impacted the crowd with two kpoignant poems, "Rap...…

April 14, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 111) • Page Image 3

… LOCAL/STATE The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 14, 1 School of Education celebrates 75th year 997 --A 'U' College Bowl de en s national title *The University's College Bowl team ranks among the best academic teams in the nation. This weekend it compet- ed at the Academic Competition Federation tournament to win another national title. With its affinity for trivia, some members of the team traveled to London, where they won the interna- tio...…

April 14, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 111) • Page Image 4

…4A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 14, 1997 e £Dtr7iig Dig 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan JOSH WHITE Editor in Chief ERIN MARSH Editorial Page Editor NOTABLE QUOTABLE 'I think this Institution Is passionately devoted to equality.' - University Vice President for Student Affairs Maureen Hartford, at a meeting with members from Latinas y Latinos Unidos for Change It's...…

April 14, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 111) • Page Image 5

… David Lynch's latest is playing tonight at the Michigan Theater. Patricia Arquette stars in Lynch's latest bizarre film filled with the director's classic twists and turns that basically make no sense at all. Showtime is 9:15 p.m. and tickets are $5 for students, $6.50 for others. Monday April 14,1997 Local author Henkin reads at Drum tonight By Jessica Eaton For the Daily Flannery O'Connor said that every- e who lives to the age of 10 ha...…

April 14, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 111) • Page Image 6

…6A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 14, 1997 ACCEPT ONLY THE BEST Wilson White offers quality campus area apartments available in September, 1997. Fumished efficiency, studio, one and two bedroom apartments. Many great features include on-site parking, laundry and more. For more information call 995-9200. Equal Housing Opportunity. ***SIX BEDROOM APARTMENT- FALL '97*** Huge six bedroom with spacious doubles. Just a block from UM Union an...…

April 14, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 111) • Page Image 7

…1 HUGE BEDROOM IN HSE. across from 'CCRB. Great location!! Ful furnished, laundry, parking. I block from th U. Call Evan at 332-9884. ' LG. BDRM. in 2 bdrm. apt. May-Aug. Fum., A/C, utils., Idry. 912 Oakland. $2751 mo. (neg.) Call Ben. 747-6394. 1 LG. BDRM. in 2 bdrm. apt. Fully fum., gft., ldry., dwshr. 5 mm. to diag 331 Pack- #5. Call Tracey 669-0626. 1 RM. IN 2 BDRM. APT. S. Div. A/C, Idry. Fem. only, rent neg. Call 996-2867. 4 BIG BDRM. ap...…

April 14, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 111) • Page Image 8

…8A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, April 14, 1997 Mistry to read 'Fine' at Borders Ice Cube Is in serious danger In this scene from the stupid and unconvincing "Anaconda." By Elizabeth Lucas Daily Books Editor Imagine that you are a publisher studying a new manuscript. It's 600 pages long and strives to be simultane- ously minimalist and vast, describing people's inner lives as adeptly as it describes Indian governmental policy. And it's not...…

April 14, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 111) • Page Image 9

…ixhie 40, at( ti ArtullUn ia r IIWWAIWW p.. . e 3y NuL °a < e rYU' ° xlt. .Q Ex@ QBs shine in spring game By Alan Goldenbach Daily Sports Editor If only one of Michigan's quarterbacks could kick field goals, then coach Lloyd Carr would probably feel a whole lot better about his team. In Saturday's annual Spring game - won by the Brian Griese-led Maize team, 22-20 - the quartet of quarterbacks gunning for the starting job were significantly ...…

April 14, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 111) • Page Image 10

…2B - The Michigan Daily -- SPORTSMonday - April 14, 1997 Sunday's scores Pro basketball Detroit 108, Chicago 91 Milwaukee 132, New Jersey 123 Houston 113, Seattle 73 L A. Lakers 100, Utah 98 Phoenix 105, Golden State 97 Pro hockey Boston 7, Pittsburgh 3 Hartford 2, Tampa Bay 1 Chicago 5, Dallas 2 St. Louis 3, Detroit 1 Washington 8, Buffalo 3 Philadelphia 5, New Jersey 4 Los Angeles at Colorado, Inc. Women's Tennis Results Against Minnesota ...…

April 14, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 111) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily - SPORTSMonday, April 14, 1997 - 3B Jump to Draft leaves holes in 'M' Cagers need to step up to deal with subpar recruits, Taylor's departure Ny Danielle Rumore Daily Sports Editor Michigan forward Maurice Taylor announced Friday afternoon that he was foregoing his final year of eligibility at ichigan to make himself available for e NBA Draft. And although Taylor's status for the future seems somewhat certain, the sta- tus...…

April 14, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 111) • Page Image 12

…4B - The Michigan Daily - SPORTSMonday - April 14, 1997 SOFTBALL softball struggles at plate in doubleheader split* Blue scores two runs in two games against Northwestern By Pranay Reddy Daily Sports Writer EVANSTON - Of all things, you would think pitching would have been the Michigan softball team's biggest problem after the loss of star pitcher Sara Griffin to a broken left arm. But yesterday in Evanston, pitching was the least of Mich...…

April 14, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 111) • Page Image 13

…BASEBALL The Michigan Daily - SPORTSMonday - April 14, 1997 - 58 Michigan baseball alone in first place, braces for final stretch By Sharat Raju Daily Sports Writer The Michigan baseball team is now in first place in the Big Ten. Still, this is no time to rejoice. At this point of the season last year, the Wolverines were threatening to take first place at 9-3 in the conference. And last season, Michigan dropped eight of its last 16 confer...…

April 14, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 111) • Page Image 14

…pi6- The Michigan Daily - SPORTSMonday - April 14, 1997 :M' women's netters undefeated in new Tisch Tennis Center 'Michigan experiences best season to date in new complex at 6-0 -By Alan Gomez c nDaiy Sports Writer The Michigan women's tennis team ."played its first match in the new Varsity .,Tnnis Center on Feb. 15, against Western Michigan. The Wolverines won that match, 9-0, and ohave since established a home court advan- Aage. S Michi...…

April 14, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 111) • Page Image 15

…TRACK- The Michigan Daily - SPORTSMonday - April 14, 1997 -- 7B 'M' track answers questions Wolverines redeem themselves in Raleigh after time off- By Chris Farah Daily Sports Writer The Michigan women's track team went into this weekend's Duke Invitational in Raleigh, N.C., with more questions than answers. The primary question being: Would the Wolverines allow their subpar per- formance two weeks ago at the Raleigh Relays to develop into ...…

April 14, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 111) • Page Image 16

…88 - The Michigan Daily - SPORTSMonday - April 14, 1997 'M' tumblers to be tested at NCAAs Despite top-ranking, Wolverines will face nation's best in Gainesville By Jacob Wheeler Daily Sports Writer The time-honored phrase - if you do your job, everything else will naturally fall into place - held true for the Michigan women's gym- nastics team last weekend. That phrase and its connotations may be the benchmark of a good gymnastics team like...…

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