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April 14, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 143) • Page Image 1

…_The MchgDal VOL. XIV. A NN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, APRIL, 14, 1904. No. 143 PRACTICE YEST[RDAY. DANTE L[CITUR[. I 4IRLS Co"rPTE[D. [ INA[ D[BAT. Baseball Men Gamboled ins the Chil- Theodore Wesley Koch Delighted His Athletic Meet Endeo Successful Sea- Championship Contest Between Mich- ling Wind-The Prohahle Make- I Audience-One of the Best Lec- on at Barbour Gymnaseum- igan and Northwestern at Chi up of the Team for Sprint turs of the Year-"...…

April 14, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 143) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY - G. H. Wild Comipally L eading Merchat TailorsI ISPRINGi WOOENSj fFor Suits, Top Coats and Trusrs Full dress suits a speialy. etus show you our Loudon Serges, Lodon Cheviots, Scotch Mixtures, Kiloweus, Blarueys, High- lauds, Ediuburghs, Drum- t ochty's, MGugors, Lodou Iaud St. Audrew Flaunels,± Loudou Cassiteres or Amer- icau Serges. Please call ad seeZf 0. . Wild Coimpally ? 108 E. WASHINGTON SREET.'* T he Great Game s r ...…

April 14, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 143) • Page Image 3

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY %State Savings Bank. GEORGE BISCHOFF, Correct clothes for Men OI5OCTO5(lo W. 1.loolh ibo. V. Sucor IPLI-,5T. vm rnold pr. V. C. Vughn InS1It.okae . F: mills CIICCTLO 3& At OWN to the mn. PrfYO.U loholCapcI,,b lr or 1al Miller Ave utest details the correct. The (3.0 e-nilc eelsei10to11 aidmaes ro lie1011.11the fabric and il el),111,un C lie o me ea r o rrec 003A .& Co. make the gar Ha e;k Ysll5vosjso ment in New York. Rain ...…

April 14, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 143) • Page Image 4

…THE MICH41GAN DAILY BEW .PEi BEWARE OF IMITA'TIONS IN BUYING YOUR PURI= "MOGUL TAN SHOES AND OXFORDS THIS SPRING. DON'T BUY SOME CHEAP, INFERIOR BRAND XII II OUR LA BETL ON THEM, BUT BUY THI ORIGINAL. There is only one original Ponrt,1in S11ot--in-ids ItsbyGvoigc Keith, of Brockton, Mass, and sold it the old sad '@ .? _which the company has occupied foi thicpast fire :nars. iIH S. Main Street o + We have had a little trotuble wilh the copy...…

April 14, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 142) • Page Image 1

…:.... / -C7 n . }'+ 7 -, -. . 'J. .d '-" f. .. .. .U t, _ ,.V .. f, yI. _ a r .w. 'J f t. r y .7 t !', r ' , EfY r f J -fir ' _ f . :l i . C} U5 .. 1. - ! J= ' 1. 'J .. J f _ 1 '_ .. ., - 1Tr o .--.. r f y p rp I a :r' _ C - r- % r "J " f. , .f 4; % n, U' .. u , ' J 7u .,, t: '!.' M '°' 7 ; "I _. .. ' . n !C " t ti ! , r " O I 6 ! tae0 / FPM ; ' fY { I Fie y q i, 1 ' SV 4 r f . ': " ," + !r" " w. " c t ' i~ ,.: E t n r v r °, p " _- W : r .: i...…

April 14, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 142) • Page Image 2

…=" CP t'? O rI-I 0 7dl a t e-t .+ "T ;Pop J W 2 . C 0 rod, 00 z 0 mm (0J0 Q0 Vr+ Y ) t r. HH- o G r G r" R v = s 1 _ Q J A i ","CGo ', nV = V *o0m = -ll ..."-..i '.. (C.E..; e'~ ia .s r'Fsi s" + C., U G2 c ; a v a i 'c m n , p s s,. ' v s w . A ( c f _ a 3 '. \ ..3 a . Z t rt O tC R C p, 9 a ' w o c c .. c ,; i, o + w . w c n. J V K '_' f w C~ r.,. ^! ^ ^Y .. ~ W ; j a: 'D i:+ .,, J CD 'f '/. J R '1, _ A?7 r R C"rw"y y w y J -p J :D T' 'I.. ,....…

April 14, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 142) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHI4GAN DAILY Burchi TradceI 'm al iats on'- Vl4t i and(tanl hi7 s ... _ _ _ _ _ _ l eld's Fine Tailoring Guarantees.,. ): itt ! ta n.:d ai tic.n ri ii to !w had anywhi..ri it.r aiat ad Comptile-tei irnn ofitt tt i'itnitl two] c th.a .ig litv(for 1 .ei Nwer lI.-tatoin shirt.-, lit ittil; Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade, 106 Ei. Huron HOAG'S HOME SUPPLY STORE3 BRUSHES, COMBS, SOAPS, SHOESTRINGS, KNIVES, SCISSORS, ANI) COLLAR BUTT'ONS. Y...…

April 14, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 142) • Page Image 4

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. + G Fjr you're not built as other men, ur ~ Carl build a Suit to measure lor you. I fh, ie won't be near so+ great as the satIsfcton. We guaran-+ + 1 tee a fit. .. ,. ...f,. ;C ut ting,41.eyer & Co. 10) ((== 1 E.N 'sington St. +* * ANN ARB01 MIChIGANw $h350 REGAL $5 SPRING STYLES NOW IN Call and see them w hether you bUy or not. ,A A4ALL_.RI3ElOALSHOES SHINEDI) P111. PAUL MEYER 611 F. WLIJAMS ST. 7 a# Piickwlck i3. BOWLING...…

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