March 14, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 116) • Page Image 1
…The Michigan 9 1 ANN ARBOR, MICHiIGAN,\ \\ 'i)\l 'I):ST,-\ A R \d(II r4, r()0() XVI. c I, E Vs. RESERVED SEAT SALE BEGINS THIS AFTERNOON Record=Breakinlg Crowd Expected for Indiana Meet-Four=Mile Relay Team to Be Picked April 21. The reserved seat sale for the Itndiana imeet wil begin this afternoon at 1 :30 at D irector Baird's office. As with tite exettionof teVtisconsitn meet onet ~t k 1 ula ttis will he the only chatnct tosethtvarsity ...…