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February 14, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 98) • Page Image 1

… DEDICATED TO JUSTICE 4kr r Awn t t ~Iaikg MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXV. No. 98 EIGIHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SAITURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1925 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE~ CEN',M . _ N 40TOriiOWii Religious Idea Gains Ground, FOR BENEFIT oF FosterCaim VARIT BNDMN llyn K. Foster of w Yr -- ~n,1i h First BaptistchrhD. L(WCA 1, AUTOMOBIL~E 1)IA iEVS o ,ter sjpolce upon p olems of co01. WILL GIlVE OVER ALL le,,- education which ...…

February 14, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 98) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MIHIGANDAILYSATURDAY, FEBIRUARY 14, 1925 BAND TO PLAY AT Dr. F. R. Pengelly Will Address Group; Secretary S mih to Be Toastmaster 'Goes To Explore Ocean Graveyard SUC.AI~~ ~~ VTSHOJOffers Proposal aoi TPIG OTN SERVIESPOPULAR g ALU0 NI MEETINI 1' n4, acid13 ly rge ISCisuuion Of k : 1' oui 1Days Inh i F" t ESMr. Tapping also spoke to alumni in!( Toulon, Feb. 13.-The French bat- Boise, Idaho, Butte, Mont...…

February 14, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 98) • Page Image 3

…SATURDAY, FEBARUJARY 14, 1929 TU--E MiCHIGAN DAILY PGr {1t _;,..,. .__.....e,.__., - Pro'Jf. B. 11, Bode Will Add~ress Honor- j ary Edu(;itionial I'ratei'ily ]aa AMeeting Here My~stery HdsCuse O Fatal Kansas Ri rs~ ^. . : { ;I { ,; . . v r x ~ r :: : " , : . : . ":? } a n ! ri ;" . . : . &IFT OF ALEX SOO 4 0I'I INJV'JEH[PLAT ...,..Y.....,. i no room for such a course on the cur- WOLRn 11LL LECTUI nRE rrrln_____ -___w_ I r r; t 4, ...…

February 14, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 98) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY and less looking for dirt they would and energy with which the exti aordi- get much further in their attempts to CAMPUS OPINION nary difficulties of providing schools guide youth. Jazz music is no worse Anonymous communications will be for a rapidly increasing population, Published every morning except thntenwcedwlz"oa0yer disregarded. The names of coinmuni- 'eeoeeu nrc n agae Sdeey r tMondy thnte"ikdwat"o 0ya...…

February 14, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 98) • Page Image 5

…SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAIL% PAGIfVE 4 rJ , i!. 4- VA= MR WKWA I= mr vas- zsn ) t1 '141 C4 Et 1, I (oim'M~l'EE PLANS ENEIANE~~ FOR 20,) (d'SIS Pvery avail able space in tha2 Martha ,'Cook k nildin g is being used to accoml- odate the 200 guests expected for the bridge tea to be held between 2 :30 and r' o'clock this afternoon for the bene- Medical Lead 'r SELECTS SQUAD9 FStuentDescribes IN~ffIAtiRA~fTRII Life...…

February 14, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 98) • Page Image 6

…-PAGE SIC. THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, F EBRUARY 14, 1925 f-.""r.n joll R I --- 14044 gft ' a- nw__.o ,"WAM-pmp- r c= v THE IA ,TEAMS VIIl p E g 1 1 T a SWIMMER s REACH MADIS ON FOR MIEETi 3;att )Iiin(Gi,,Proteges IDrill ti C~ A. f'.1?irinig Restover in ChicagoI Eight BigT Teams To, 'lonigit will s5(C all b)ut B.ig; Te'n 1ba:;ietball I cans in 011 ig t11, :he neaten 11] incu Ohio Stato, runmners up in t Mili n plays...…

February 14, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 98) • Page Image 7

…SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1925 TIIE MICI--IIGAN DAILY T~lE I~hIAN DALYGG, KVIEN Bates Calls British Courts Too Strict F or Americans DE c la a'ing Ithat the 'ilic coi' co-I yste111ws anl excellenIt oll' as we as one which works oilt adiiraly ill _England, Dean I lenry AT. Pate;, Hlt of the -law school, stated yesterday in .an interview, that hie(lid niot beClieve it would fit the American state if, mind, largely because of its exi ri'in ...…

February 14, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 98) • Page Image 8

…P'AGE EIGH{T Tfl7 N IC-,AN DAILY SA'fTURDAYi, FEBRU-ARY 14, 1923 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publicatin In the Bulletin 1s constructive notice ti., all Members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to th,*a -,osident until 3.30 x. M, (It 30 a. n. Saturday.y Nexv French Ambassador Takes Offic ? JAUSl absolutely thne last day for acepthIS SU ayets htthgrerm~ i I litii1t nearly next xwee?;. g;amxes, and grourp disecs ons of th hih...…

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