February 14, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 93) • Page Image 1
…The Michiga al NN ARBOUR, :IT(I 1 XI I(DM, f, SD:X I X R 1, t vIOL. XVI. TRACK MEN PREPARE XCF l NNINNTCX FOR INDOOR MEETS ,Is ior 'F 'a Sndil(-igilleers lpictures for theXIiiganes-i- Fir ibe iAnen Less Than Two Weeks Remain Until bF --nea-; its'and l lis Fi, First Meet-=Wisconsin Only Out- Thursday.5 This niii st be attenidlditcii side College Scheduled. tonea ite «li tt be Fdeilaved 1'ithi the rellnaiits of the"J" hopist ets akeni byii\Ve...…