November 14, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 46) • Page Image 1
…I K, I - -1 z/ j0 L~r~ J LU/ <2J C~4> I - f m O. , _ ! _ 4r 72 j t _ Y …
…I K, I - -1 z/ j0 L~r~ J LU/ <2J C~4> I - f m O. , _ ! _ 4r 72 j t _ Y …
…TILE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWF Crous~rsDAILA LWS 10 - N-I 1 - rouscrs I NWEST BOOKS1 ATA G. HOWILD cD. 10 E. Washingto nSt ANN AI BO R4 - MICHO. our (onsde Pricks Us MIANAGING EDITiORl, E'AROL 1. IfOtli.1 . ') I BSINEISS 'TANAGERI, 1-(COE 1-1. HUSON.'0 EDOITORLS, (jENERAL N5155 F l3t \' ;il't' ti11 " 'j:1;2t1 it tii2t lllt ilt. .:t' I t ;: i'S :III t'lIi tl tIt" t l'llrti+rtl 1 ?tll 1'il lt t r111 ifltif' ( t r;l ^ 1i I I t I+) l]1 ' sliti A ht 1:I:...…
…THE MICHIGAW DAILY--N EWS - - = Extract from the Laws of the TH!iH T IG N NFURNESSIA Irt; Srat~e of New York. " T ENOGH OFH THEM D titl iti r SO J' OF ' E a rlfw.3,trhl. Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps, and aUl the it e ilsl r ai new~est Men's urnishinf T I1 nei'- l tt iti ma ii ltl io i'wi 1ti-i T 11 RACKET BRAND Barkers Collars are Stamped "Linen" 4t --U i ni'atlUAIo lRYANcst & tt3hRE VI ii W XtiIN C (0erB1ands Advert. ise nSoldasLnent. I I f 1...…
…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY-KNEWS Speci1-al Sale of, Over1coats. The Alfred Benja mini Celebrated Custom made, Fulton & Broadway Box, worn by all stlish dressers in the east. The make and (duality' speak fo0 themselv es. WXe desire to annouce that we are selling them at a close mar= gin (luring onir rem~oval sale. 0i. J. BUS, .manager. GiLOVES CLEANED't~n11 0, Lovell's Cornier Store (o.M 342 S. State St. Home Supply Store. i NNI \lt ilEl Will Close Ou...…