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January 14, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

…The Mchga ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SAT URL)AY, JANUA,\RY 14, 191.. NO, 75. Vol. XXI. nxRACK rliviu ILL FOR ESTE'RS AHR FOR SUCCESSFUL. SMOKER. HA E ! US S A ON Ove0on hunsdred foresters gatlsere Ii A rJ B SY Uik1U~iat ter'Michigan Union last ev ening for - their mo115 successful smoker. lollo1w- Sig' refreshments, Prof. ilibsert Rotls, Every Saturday Will Be Filled swhos acted astosmtecldfr With Interclass Veet Forced . ltlfortl and C. L. lilt, ...…

January 14, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 75) • Page Image 2

…g J~lL ICHAGAN DAILY. 'IIIGAN DAILY G. Hs. WILD Co. 311 SO. STATE STREET Opening Display of Fall and Winter Styles FULL DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY 311 50. STATE SI7EET TypcwriCtrs ALL PRICES The. Students' Typewriter Supply Co. Room. 4 Press B4iding. Opposite Majestic [ Complete line of Spalding's Auto grath I __ y_ e I I .,.. Hockey Sticks ddosaging ditos tie e A Wmuc. esioSss News Editor.........efarldTitus Assistaint......... u.try . Io...…

January 14, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 75) • Page Image 3

…THdE MICHIGAN DAILY STICKSt A Fall Assortment of the Best Line We Can boy 215 Cents ts $1.00 latch. Sweeter Vests and .Auxtormobile Swee~ters Complete Stock of the Spalding Mlake at WAH K'S University Book Stores Jo A. TRUWBEY FOR High-G rade Confections Pure Ice Creame c -1 S. C. A.==DAILY SUPPLEFIIENT SATUR~DAY, JANUARY 14, 1911 COMING EVENTS Saturday, January I4-t Membership Social, Mc illats I all at 6 :30 P. AM. Suntdav, Tanusar...…

January 14, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 75) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIG..N DAILY I I -- . - . - . . I -, - , - I MUSIC AND DRAMA MAJESTIC THEAUER. Among the interesting announcements in connsections with the Majestic theater is that pertaining to the cengagemecnt of an eminent Chinese celebrity known as Lee Tong Fon, a higtsty talented native of the celestial empiree whose chief fame eests on the fact that he has a magnifi- cent highly trained baritonse voice. Lee Tnng Foo sings grand otera ins French...…

January 14, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 75) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY A Blue Serge Suit comes in mighty hands= for an occasional change of attire. Excellent value to your measure $25 F. W. GROSS Liberty Street, eer. Fourth Ave. A. G.SPALDING & BR~OS. The S palding ar hlrtetau T~-e~d-M~-k MtNT,forallathletlc ~Pt NG sportasad pastimes. TRAD MARK shd.haee a coy of 4I / o th Spaldiflg Cata RGusP o labjae. Its a 'mplete eaecop is o isrkoawnothrow oalont Vh thold asoaa hat'sNein Sptt Gsaa~e..'teo. ...…

January 14, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 75) • Page Image 6

…THE It [ IGAN DAILY MALC MAKE IT YOUR FULL DRESS AND) TUXEI)O ti 5118 E A ST L II E T Y 7110N Usi a . v Hotel Cu erand S. W_ Cor. Broadway, at 54th St., NLW YORK Noer5th St. iha anx;,l4. ~v~cJ 1 icitt oph Sitfol tlrii , iii.rm _TV NOTICES 1 i'ti, Al lt i, i NeLWw Wh*itney Theatre C. -tate.. 8.15 P.8M. Lae co.ecseeotsse atedet eoseptly. TO l'55 ti-NCiii )kit littr ittt I it ivelli t t- lts l-, c - is f ttid tt1) t i Saturday, Janua...…

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