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January 14, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan IN '\R1(R IIO \llt l\ 'IlLlI St) V \1,1:\ [: \ t Y 4.t 1 t O 78. V'OL. XIX. NEW CONSTITUTION JNI(Rl 1elN\Ti I' XS 1(11 ABOUT TO ISSUE1S 'itll),khistiegwiewrtya Long Deferred Athletic Associa- t"ieeclt i ite i ~ )i tion Document to be Submitted to B~oard, 'rhen to Students. ,- ;,;. tee c the auh tle. 11( --- -li~~~~ter Ciie ' inijitre h d el at~d I'he ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t c1(1nite Iect d o rpiete toe wa; 11 c i'i'il i tio h i n ti ecn~t...…

January 14, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 78) • Page Image 2

…THR MICHIG6AN DAILY lT H 1VMICH-IGANI DI.IILY~.!rx bxets ill pxi rbbly b1 irnel t xleable ' ',lNSv' i L F t(1< 111) TT TT'11to thoncxxxei lxxx ha l t of ]At ()RI" St. IY1V I i I I tI ii) 0 r r I C G. .W ll1UI rGl3 luranxxg Idir -Atc~rx F.RITCHIE. fair Indxl popuxlarx xWas fxtinxkxi. At 0 A A ________________________Managa-JOHN F. WURaxy o iexxgeioxxxlx lxiiil 1 xx xxlx ixl1SUPPLIE rai.xx. III, i small1lecture l(-111ion thex i nesIixx -,-.-- ii...…

January 14, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 78) • Page Image 3

…TWE MtCR4ICAN'flAtLY Toilet Articles AT Quarry's i :G\V('N ' iN1OR'S 1Nil)I RES lI 'liii frecciiciic ci ccii met c uno coca in an open ganmc ai ilicic cc Ei i- nasini.As usilctcci nivcity ii)womeni gcii ibe admcititei free, but tickeis will hec socl o tni ciili-of iiecWif \. ,1.ia ielcent eaiiccii. \cicAlc rthi c i f thes miores aiiilseniorin 0the ci riic~olc for the caonhip, theteis (iiiccihiicanii ici2 gamieillidckcie whlichlieim cIiiol th...…

January 14, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 78) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE ARTISTIC D)ECORATORS, CAN' SUPPLY YOU WITH THlE LATEST AND MOST UP-TO=DAVE WALL PAPER, PLATE AND STEIN SHELVES, PHOTO RAILS, BURLAPS, PAINTS, OILS VARNISHES, BRUSHES, GLASS WINDOW SHADES, ETC., ETC. Our specialty is fine Decorating, such ass Paper-hanging Paint- inig (interior and exterior) Waill-tinting, Kalsoinining, Fresco- ing, etc. etc. We eniploy only silled s 5 rk nyu 5and guarantee or work. nods Denlivered to al...…

January 14, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 77) • Page Image 1

…VOL XVII.ANN ARBOR, MICITIGAN, TUESDAiY, J \N \[iY 54, 51908 VOL. XVIII. oii. %%. MICHIGAN WITHDRAWS FROM THE CONFERENCE BOARD IN CONTROL OF ATHLETICS TAKES DEFINITE STAND S-STAR ATHLETES ELIGIBLE TO COMPETE IN FOOTBALL, BASEBALL AND TRACK-PATTERSON'S STATEMENT. Thes Board i Coto of Athltis TheFimopressioo that the Coference ha votesd last evening to withdrasv froos the beeo edseavorng to uiscipline Michigan Western Itcollgeiate Confereoce...…

January 14, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 77) • Page Image 2

…THE MTCHIOA5 15ALV _ .,. y--"--- - --- _ THE MICHIGAN DAILY. G. . , Wild C ollip ally i Managzgitng -AL ctrMw~t I Business Manager-C. E. WISTIAI. Te iLarget :tock in the tCity of Exclusive Styles in For Gentlemn's Wear Everything required for Suits, Trouserin(-, ando1 it hgtclats faberies andsial t l is. Full Dress t Sits al Specialty G.H id3 South State Street Feww 50C Michigan FV or 25c, whtile they last. These are thte origittal Miclhiga...…

January 14, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 77) • Page Image 3

…T1-Er MICHIGAN 'DAILY ALL Druggist's 8 up pies are best if secured -AT-.- QUARRYI'S,, Carnter Sttec St. ttdN\. Unit. Attc. Money Loaned On Waitebes mhind' La[Bo or'othterperal proety. "Watches and iJewil .ep (i(.. Bargain. in Watchesi&cDianioncti: Office at residence 331 E. Libelty St Ann Artior. Hoturs: Ston11:30a. Tn., It 1:30 and 7Ptn 9 p, . ALL OBUSINESS COtNFiIDENTIAL, JOSEPH C. WATTS THE LATEST LEATHJER Price 25' cents AT DARLING & MALL...…

January 14, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 77) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHICAN DAILY . Souvenir Post Cards See the large display in our rear room opposite the stamp department' Local View Cards Birthday Cards College Pennant Cards "Num-Skull" Cards Folding Cards E. E. CALKINS, Druggist. 324 South State Street. AMUSEMENTS ALWAYS LOOK FOR MAJESTIC PENNANT MAJESTIC THEATRE For Entire Week of January 13th Alexandroff Troupe Russians-Singing and Dancing--Direct from te Hipprodrome Conceeded to be the best on V...…

January 14, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan l VOL. XVI. TWO RECITALS IN WEEK'S CALENDER' ibert Lockwood to Set Forth Schu= mann and George Hiamlin to Inter= pret Lyrics of R. Strauss. iTwo muttsical events of unasual note; \\rill take siace titis wneek, tite Schutanno recital oil Wednesday afternoon by Al- pete Lokslwood, ande otn Thuseday tight Fl stng recital bsy George Hatmlin. Mir. Lotckwvoods recitals have reachted a hight level of excellencee thsis season, In tee fai...…

January 14, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 76) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Co. Leading iMERCHANT TAILORS The largest stock in the City of exclusive styles in Woolens for Gentlemen wear. Of I high-class fabrics and special style for stu- dents. I0. H. Wild Co. 311 S. State at. BUY YOUR BY THE POUND Trcmont 13od, white ad2 blue, pr lb. _____ Y Sheehan 13od, a ine grade of fond paper, folded shotq latest fahionable. sz.-i. LiJ Envelopes to match per pkiOC. Hars eHolland Lineon,1r gandie tinish, wit a...…

January 14, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 76) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 41 frArt aind Skill in Tailoring MON[Y LOAND REDUCTIONS IN Call on On ,'Watches. DImiaed cli') il a andJCal atralsIM Mens' and Boys' Sweatcrs Mens' Negligee Shirts SA B RC N LD& O.MVens' Underwear Mens' Hosiery Twodorssothofne Y ;1.C.A.ALL AT LARGE DISCOUNTS NOW The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the City 0 ica>°°"or n Fto11:;1 10 I O P N 106 EAST HURON STREET Bsns tityCnieta A K f O P N SPALDIN'S OFICIAL. PRICE 10 CEN...…

January 14, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 76) • Page Image 4

…___________________________tkt M14If-AM DAILY - BRING YOnU 50500 DPICTURES TO DEFRIES ART STORE and have them framed with Choice Mouldings Only the Best French Glas3 is Used. 223 S. Main St d THOSE NUMBERLESS * Forgottell Toilet x A fh n1Ano RL L ERSKATING COLISEUM RINK MAYNARD STREET AFTERNOON AND EVENING ADMISSION: 10c, Skates 15c. Evening 10c, Skates 20c Doors Open: Afternoo-, 2 P. M. Evening, 7 P. M. - fx{ : " 1' 1 S The distinction th...…

January 14, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 74) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICH., SAPU'CRDAVI JANUARY 14, 1905. No. 7 4 'RAKE GETS HESTOiN. richia 'r ga' ireat Hialf has Signed to AT Italch lDrake -Will Meet Mich- HE!A fgan Next Year. B 11n111 clc~ htCp.4 1 11 x1 fti, %:, n td la t 1 -11s tl il 11111 r i ile li'.it{ l ' l l l l 1 1 07 ' a U S f N U - a list ii 1111 liill 1 4 It f11; wI1 tesralii LIBRARY -IMPR( h liiil i tha li 1, 11<1ra li f1b 11 De oraed wittllcne I )llc iln li ia l str...…

January 14, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 74) • Page Image 2

…;I r lL Y LM IC H IG AN D A IL! *® 4 Tha vWULIv±e v 1 gihat we 2a~3, !' and - - - - 4 * 4 311 S Y T * ii t111lI a 1I XY4 HF.11 HIGi.N DAILY. o. 3.ANIF iSALIS . I1 C)101.LA1IOIOA. T- II~P110N. 'I ,.Ioseph Y. 0011 Ida 'Al. 11owol' tt 1 1 0211. 14!I:rr11.Anrw 1ci {,;U ti ,1 1 t010' 11''t'0' 0 1.N. l'001y .1. 0flours: 12:3011o 1:31) andc 7:30 y:~o00 CI. 0111)A. I I11"PSI)N, lBccinesso ;. 33o1 11 Iackar1d St., Telephoneco461).1", Dairi...…

January 14, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 74) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 4 ++++ J4+.t-++_ 4+++++++++++++_++++++++++++++++++++++++-++,+ All $24.00 an~d $25.00 OVERCOATS ruow $20.00 All $20.00 grd $22.00 OVERCOATS rao $17.00 All $18.00 OVERCOATS run'm $15.00 All $15.00 OVERCOATS rao $12.00 All $12.00 OVERICOATS rano. $10.00 D~ON'T WAIT!I COME NOW!I LUTZ, the Clothier, 217" So. Main St. ..:.. .* + 4 + 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -+ ' 4. +, 4., +i +! ii ;+OF INTERES T TO LDE } Winter Cos-ts...…

January 14, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 74) • Page Image 4

…THB; MICHIUJAN DAILY L® - IA RNALL P HO0TO0GWKA P H C W I I Stud wit a Good Light THlE WELSB~ACHI READING LAMP ALL STihiS A ALt PRIIES.U The Ann Arbor Gas Company. Wa lk- Over Shoes Winter We Weights ;can on __Fit New You Spring cAA l asts Ito just -Ef Arrived Width * 111 S. MIN STREET Spaldino's(OfficiallIntercllegiate .' EO BALL Uced Ivy AlLeading oiieoec Foot BalliPantslc I°tcc-c Ic A. II. SPAILDING & BROS. Inc. New Yorkc Chicago Denver Spa...…

January 14, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VoL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1904. No. 75 CHICAGO LETTER. FUNERAL OF ALFRED GOETTE. The sudden death of G. A. Goette, Memorial Services for University Vic- the freshman dental student, came as a great shock to his parents and tims of Iroquois Fire-Track Athlet- many friends. His death came after ics and Baseball--Opening of Bart- only a few hours' sickness and was lett Gymnasium. due to acute incompe...…

January 14, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 75) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Reduction Sale As we have too large a stock of fancy SUITIN#b AND TROUSERINGS on hand we will sell them at reduced prices to make room for our Spring and S u m m e r Woolens. Be sure and call in before you place your order.,4 - 4 G. H. WILD & CO., 108 E. WA HIINOTON STREET. THE GREAT GAME "PIT,, EXCITING F U N FOR EVE1RYONE SHEEHAN'S DETROIT, 160 Woodward Avenue ANN ARBOR, 320 So. State Street The Ann Arbor Savings Bank. C...…

January 14, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 75) • Page Image 3

…- THE MICHIGAN DAILY. AIORI )AN C(ngLti "The Hiaara Falls Rote."~ THE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR to CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON with direct connections at Chicago for St. Louis, Kansas City. St. Paul and the West. For information and throagh ticetnall on or write to W. W. CASE. Agent. Ann Arbor. COFFEE Ourn-own nroastng Mocha dW Alw~ays f.-ah and Java 28. pr pound 214 Main S. DEDAN ft CO. New Brunlswick Tables AT REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS Fi...…

January 14, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 75) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. rurta Shes_____ Groian in Turkey. P u ri a nI-Perfected in Egypt. Enoyed in America. Forto h opn lollThe'W. C. KernlCo iz, ~~411 E 57h Wt,Chicago C~ aps rd Gowns mae to o- j ~~~torydeanrot.- § ,t 1ally Pnnant- for all ol ge and t frIiorit(i e carried _ L iistock 101i7e~2e./ Class Pins, lass and Team MONEY LOANED ON Arkansas, lexas, Mexico Compllee ine of Dress Boots. Watches, lDiamondo, nd California... Jeweiyand all Hig c'...…

January 14, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. +,',,oNit YEAR. ANN ARBOR, MICH.. XWEDNESDAYX, .I \NUTAI 14, 1903 No. 78 WESTERN CLUB =-4yMuntain Students to Organ- iz One-Purpose Social and Political At-at- tti.tent is oitfoot to form Wr1,-i Clurb oa it s :e lines that St. s-na itt-IttClub, now exiting, was ftm .Ther is ,sfeeling among ti s~dnts from t.)v West that -uell a- F-Il will -he -- lising beneit. It. ,s 31 rn-ih ilt 0)11-I~ttaty for -loser tits-i-- irh ai-i...…

January 14, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 78) • Page Image 2

…THE MIfll(4AN I)DAI L)-NFW;= C :rou~rs DAIL: EWS tr u e s The VARSITY NEWS, N21ar CPA 1Ir a rcvlr~."innonittcrI AnnA i ther e is no drat worthy tlienamitue tolday, tliia ,spIrit of ( 11111(1 chili in rules tie cta'e A .. sidTat lvi timke the (ii li w 5hi I LR it, is Il Iangi't'r n a111 wt c irs leii slvltoftill jlilit hey i givl A boe 115 ii iil osde tol uy t lliirapccii iti fth i lI t drallla of 'iod;iN° «r ols (, c (,:ts o it) rant 1 01 1 U-...…

January 14, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 78) • Page Image 3

…IIIE MIC-HIGA:N DAILY--NEWh Low Crown, Broad Biln, Flat Set, A re-diffe ren t fI n what you wl u lehr WAG ER & C , SOLE AGENTS. THE RIGHT THINGS AND = ENOUGH OFTHEM Suits, O'ecrcoat., t, Caps, and all the nes t Mn'3 unihi to r ay'Cork2Tip. l A l l - BVCH IEFNTAILOING TRAD''OEN S. ri-FI N o N )( FILD Base Boil, Fiew liot key, Official Athletic Implement, Lawn Tennis, (iol. Mailed any OHAdde A.G. -PAl DINsG&LWPOS. ewYork Chc;-o ,dT evr11 : Other...…

January 14, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 78) • Page Image 4

…TBI MICI(+A.N DAtLY-NE A%_ Simply this: That here you can find the newest facts; the correct styles in colorings and effects becoming for any man. Same; as in the large Haberdashery establish- ments in larger cities. The only difference is the price. COME IN AND SEE US. G. J. BUISS, Manager 109 and Ill East Washington Street GLOVES CLEANED IRRN1TSAIIFAOR.EEt AT Loveli's Corner Store. cr.J 342 S. State yt.AM (as Portibles ai 1r{ti+ ~1OAW'S HOME...…

January 14, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 77) • Page Image 1

…FIRST Y> n. ANN ARB8OR MICH.diI ESDAY. JAN iUA0IiI Il1u. No. 77 AFTERIMATH AT STANFORD 11::11 iitit:1od idiii'ixiduly itttug MICHIGAN LAW IREVIEW 1111 11~t toix'" 'ii'oill('i fronti 1iW Sta1tford'(s Trainer Coch and l lle t x1iihei tti r H I ro First Number to App i Juse, Pro- II-. 111 111,ilu l off-,1(i jl, ixay. iTh atin Xh ere Impteosed 1y the Iti ,ti lesso(n ls rat, tolt @5r Floyd R. MccnhemEditor- 1ni:(iI nn xix ttl ,nng 111oi Michigan co...…

January 14, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 77) • Page Image 2

…TfIE M(1(NDAILY-NEWS , ._. I~c r 0 '° LEADING MERCHANT -t h i ol The U, of M.DAILY, 1t ' t. Ill)ll t1' 'the'VARIT'11Y NNVlS, OUR FALL LINE111r)12t is the hest 1Ne have ever show a, t ' !rtti~tt~ 't it w lti d ' ALL TH-IE NIbll l 'll!I- i ,1111 5.: (IPI ;1 11ti101tlit llA1W Blc ndB cIANAtiIN~i EITOR-- and a 'ery fine lise no it" ~ ~~ rsLiitt ~:t t r s Fancy1Sttin rs t :sIi1.(,il, ttlc I'ccI llllt' Iiliill-, 'sllt- 'd \llclli:; ;Ill Law .lcill'-...…

January 14, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 77) • Page Image 3

…THE 11 CE IGAN D AILY-NE S AHBuYF THEY ARE "DANDIES ! +1 Our new assortment of B sth Robes, Lounging Gowns and Smoking Jackets.+ All that yout could desire of our stock is complete in thsese lines and it sill he to your advantage to look them through bofore bnying your holi- 2o~o * day presents. +' 204202S.Main ;street. WDAS YN 1EL TOHlAlNS S F TALORS CHAS. DIETAS EX,EL5IOR L Q'4RT 601 EAST WILLiAMS STREET 'DRY WOlRK M SPL'CIMLTY t}- RNDWORS 1...…

January 14, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 77) • Page Image 4

…THE M\ICHfIGA~N DAILY-NERDS dn ainty inckLtes of all sires. We 'Winier sceery-i'anid winter 5ari n nake Idaiilnkii 4pacik for sh ip enio ithotcare..tice for the In inays. W ao !lth f ten - + et~reIhem in m r iiiaw. per cint.d iscont onkodaks. ~ CL NS'PHRMACY 324 S50. STATES I1Kwi~k IBilliar~dPPaos ana IBowlingi 707 NORTHIUNhIRSU\IT VENUE, THE HOCKING VALLEY RY.I H Tinain h eto eviythni S',R ICE I YI i NT and ROiADBiED). WVt i~-i r:< TO LEDO TO...…

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