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January 13, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

…1 ichigan Da ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN SATURDAY, JANUARY 13, 1912 CERCLE TO GIVE I In MID-YEAR SOIREE Plavlet, Music and Recitations Make Up the Evening's Emertainment OFFICIALS STILL ,REFUSE TO TALK Rumors That Y. M. C. A, is Collecting Funds Are Not Confirmed COBBLER TOM CO"S INTO POETICAL FIELDS Lovell rItes Poem eiling The Seriousness "of Life.- With nore, F. R. G. S., Ly Janiuary 16, in the sixth' number irse for the year. optican ...…

January 13, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 76) • Page Image 2

…-vJ mievIigau. morning except Mon~- )ut the school year. Post Office at Ann Ar-. , under Act of Con- h 3, 1879. r K. Towers. SS M[ANAGER Editors. .....Harry Z. FoIk classes and organizaes s letmnie con- vinced that they are: in earniest, they will respond. No hardship is involved as it is hum~an nature to wait until the. "last minute" and the advancing and fixing of the "last minute" adds no new difficulties.:- Only necessity will cure procr...…

January 13, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 76) • Page Image 3

…UNIVERSITY .CALENDAR * ,n. 13.-Senior Medic Smokter at Un- ion at 8 o'clock. n. 13.-Soph Lit dance at Packard* Dancing Academy, 2: 30 p. m.* n. 13.-J. Lit dance; Barbour Gym,x n. 13.-52nd Annual Webster Ban-* . : W *, CLASSIFIED AD8. Adi ertisilig muatter for 111hs be laid for in adi alce, anud uca, be left ad the IJAILY office up- paosite this Majestic Ietiieen the hours of 1'"mnon anld 10 p. in., or at Quarry's IDrug Store, N. Unhiersity...…

January 13, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 76) • Page Image 4

… SIC AND DRAMA 4 "Doctor De Luxel Today. I E le. 1The secret of."Doctor De Luxe" suc- cess which has scored the biggest kind of a it everywhere, lies in the excel- lent comedy that the authors, have put ~oucanin their story and in the superb cast headed by Ralph Herz. Mir. Hlerz, leader of the funimaking , appears on the stage within a moment after the opening chorus and immediately puts 1 the audience in a hilarious mood, B lock From t...…

February 13, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 90) • Page Image 1

…dichigan Dail ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1912. R. HUSW]Y CTURE TO 'RANCAIS TODAY1 aible "Haiti, ancienne colonie francaise" will be the subject of an illustrated lecture which will be given this after- dest noon by Dr. Henri Hus of the botany ear- department. The lecture, which will >rof. be given under the auspices of the ntly Cercle Francais, will take place at o Ar- o'clock in Tappan hall, and will be n in open on the co...…

February 13, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 90) • Page Image 2

…A ;,I A I E MICHIGAN. DAIL' :_1 i I-q Official Newspaper at the University of Michigan.a Published every morning except Mon- day throughcut the school year. Entered at the 'ost Office at Ann Ar- bor, Michigan, under Act of Con- gress of March 3, 1879. MANAGING EDITOR. - Walter K. Towers. BUSINESS M&ANAGER Albert R. Dilley Editors. News Editor ........Harry Z. Fols Assistant ............Frank Pennell Athletic Editor........Karl Matthews ...…

February 13, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 90) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ew Orleans r. He will to Socialist Society. milton, of the econom- will address the Inter- list Society tomorrow 'clock, in the econom- n. His subject will he rminism." The general ss Verein. will be 'the ting of the n tonight. By the means of charts atistics he will trace and explain ecent changes in the German. stag, due to the sweeping Social- tories at the last election in Jan- n Hold Annual Post-Exam Party. ut forty...…

February 13, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 90) • Page Image 4

… 'H CRAIG TO COMPETE IN OLYMPIC MEET IN SWEDEN. ph Craig, Michigan's greatest :er, and the man who tied two 's records will represent America e Olympic games at Stockholm, n, this coming summer. He was 1 for the team at a recent meet- i New York. The majority of the will be young men who have re- r come to light. The official try- vill be held June 8th and any per- eligible. It is not probable that er will go, although it is under- he was offe...…

March 13, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 115) • Page Image 1

…Michigan Da y I ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1912. r claimed to typify hypocrisy, deceit and perjury, and is severely rapped. The radical views of the small schools are pointed out to show that harmony is im~ipossible,and the stand against the re- sumption of Michigan games completes the list of charges. It is a concise, strong, and direct charge against the western body. May Mean Breakup of Conference. If the withdrawal of...…

March 13, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 115) • Page Image 2

…IQA AlL! Ii A _.... THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official Newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published every morning except Mon- day throughout the school year. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Ar- bor, Michigan, under Act of Con- gress of March 3, 1879. MANAGING EDITOR. Walter K. Towers. BUSINESS XANAGER Albert R. Dilley Want Ad Stations Press Building; Quarry's Pharmacy;. The University Pharmacy, 1219 S. University; Van Doren's Pharmacy, ...…

March 13, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 115) • Page Image 3

…* * * * * * * paneses card case Return Edna Phi Horse, 417 E. e 378. 115 ime o contract by April first rgetic man to travel during ush with line of school sup- ate teaching and experience :uaranteed. -Address A. J. st. Rep., 326 Catherine St., or, Mich., Phone 679-J. 114-15-16 rings and supplies for all Schaeberle & S..Main St. 87tf corner-The Printing. Ann 102 YOU CAN MAKE $$$$$$ >ods during spare time, Household necessity. cent. Rea...…

March 13, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 115) • Page Image 4

…r:I mic DAILY ; M14~ 134&ILI WAGNER & CO. STATE STREET Sign of the Big Whit.s Shoe ~expert workmnen. hus every detail of d1 supervision. Designs according MSCANDDAMA jUNIVERSITY CALE"NDAR New Whitniey The violin Recital Postponed. March 1.Tid d * U MONDAY MARCH 18 Wednesday, M.i Violn SnataRectalto hve een Bridge tournament, 7:30 p. in. given this afternoon by Mrs. G. B. Mlarch 14.-Senior LawN dinner at the ThWol'Grg Rhead and Mr. S. P....…

July 13, 1912 (vol. 3, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

…E5At Your Door TreeFifteen Hundred Sm- Evenings a Woek, 75r VOa,. II1. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1912. No. 8. EXPLAIN WORKINGS OF STEAM-ROLL.ER! 'acutly 31(11 Join in Telling Their Personal Impressions of Conventions. DELEGAITES SEATED 1'IY FRAUD. Professor J. S. Reeves and Profes- sor J. I. Laane, of Washington and Lee University, who is giving several courses in the summer session, gave, in a joint lecture yesterday aftern...…

July 13, 1912 (vol. 3, iss. 8) • Page Image 2

…THE 0WOLVERINE THE WOLVERINE, SCOOL OF MSS TO GIVE Published Tuesday, Thursday and -- Saturday afternoons by the students Mr. Albert Lockwood, of the School of te Uivesityof t~ihi~a sumerof Music, assisted ty Mrs. Jessie Dick- session. Communications will bo printed only ein-Read(10a1(1hiss Orate Johnson, will whens signed, although writer's name give a conceri, next Tuesday evening, will be withheld on reqsuest.Noticse July 1t, at eight o'...…

July 13, 1912 (vol. 3, iss. 8) • Page Image 3

…THE WOLVERINE WHITE STAR LINE WlnIA OT DR O 71 ~Fr a Dlihtul all Day oting oss th beatsifuslSi. Clair Ri ake t~ thstemer i'tsti.,,tany morns'ting 33oSte a.. q-FrtrnnSat v r uon$ o tsstlys in ., Nj t isstt 715 i lty ittel x . S tin Stweek esths i ' -Fr ans Ateraoon id t tS. Cair Fits, Ttthst m k ar rP = y _Isv sluro w y pts tasketie"City o 'Tedo".at'i? IN=DOOR GARDEN Playing High Class Vaudeville -AND-= Superior Photoplays 3 shows ni...…

July 13, 1912 (vol. 3, iss. 8) • Page Image 4

…THE WOLVsi]RINE THE WEATHER Thunder showers this after- noon and evening; Sunday prob- ably fair. TEACHERS-BE IN IT By learning to operate the typewriter correctly and rapidly. Full course on- ly $5.00. School of Shorthand, 5-8. 711 N. Univ. Ave. Have the BEST MUSIC ni your own home. The VICTOR VICTROLA furn- ishes the best the country affords. The University Music House, Press Build- ing, Maynard St., Carries a complete line of machines and...…

August 13, 1912 (vol. 3, iss. 21) • Page Image 1

…At Your Door Three Fifteen Hundred Sum- Evenings a Week, 750 mer Session Students At YorDo..J3.OVR N itOoHnrdSm ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1912. No. 21. SPORTIVE LAWS WIN FAST GAME Hand Melancholia to Wild P ombers; Rampanti ussers After The Remains , ERRORS FEATURE BOX SCORE. W L Pet. Medics...............2 0 1.000 Laws ..................1 0 1.000 its ...................0 2 .000 Engs . .................0 2 .000 Lit.-Eng-Thurs...…

August 13, 1912 (vol. 3, iss. 21) • Page Image 2

…THE WOLVERINE Til T E WOa.VFERINE place, and so they get the receipt for work well done at this time. Besides The official newspaper of the sum- there are men and women here who mer seosion of the University of get tiheir "masters," Ph.D's an so on. Michigan, published Tuesday, Thurs- We've artists here who can play, day, and Saturday afternoons. speak, read, and in many other ways, Address-The Wolverine, Press Bldg., give a pleasant evening ...…

August 13, 1912 (vol. 3, iss. 21) • Page Image 3

…THE WOLVttttI~r! r I k I soft 5h , W HIT, 4 JUNCTION OF DETROIT & CATHERINE 5T5. & -FOURTH AVE. Bell Phone 165 Home Phone 152 White Our water softening plant cost uts $2,000. It costs yeu noth- ing extra to have all the ads alleage of laundry cork clone in wrater a ott as rain waler itisead of (itructive acids and bleaches. Thse finest lingerie waists and~ dress( s will CCnme back to you like new. Collars antdCliffs like :numv. Try your c...…

August 13, 1912 (vol. 3, iss. 21) • Page Image 4

… THE YOLVEIL~ ______________________ - SPOtI lE LAWS TILE WEATHER (Continued Unoettled tonight. Probably of one run to tie showers in eastern ptortion. te usual tally ir Wednesday fair,. itt safely to start care of Fold 0n(1 AN THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS HANS ed, butt Fox matte Capitl....... $300.00 '-srptcs and Undivided Profis..1W,0t,5-00Uttmant, whsichlet itn R . ..... ,00t(.000.00 ted. Wheat opetas Tranactsaa Geneal B aninlgBusi...…

October 13, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 11) • Page Image 1

…: ' . YOUR 2.50 1 The 'n Daly I AILED TI ADDRESS A U mmpmmw XXIII, No.'11 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1912. PRICE ER.BUCKS E DEFEATED a I THE, WEATHER MAN I Forecest cool; brisk monishing. for Ann Arbor--Fair and to high westerly winds di- AT 55-4 SCORE YESTERDAY'S GAME ON FERRY FIELD SLOW TO BEGIN, WAS FEATURED BY AVALANCHE IN SECOND HALF. CRAIG AN INDIVIDUAL STAR First Time in History That The Farmers Ever ...…

October 13, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 11) • Page Image 2

…THE MI( A: N E THE MI ANJ PoliticaIl PIatformI light Pie anld QualitY Tailors and Importers 31 1 South Sate Street UnLivrity Text Books New and Scoond Hland All Departments DRA WING,.INSTRUM ENTS THlE MCA-KWAN DAILY Official newsyaper at the. University of Mich- igan. Published every morning' except Monday dur- ing the university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann ,Arbor, Mich-! igan, under Act of Congress of March 3a, 1879. Offices:...…

October 13, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 11) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Presents the Animals or '<Four of a Kind"--to the People Thee's no bluffing when it comes to quality -we're "stand patters" on values' We'll wager that stein=Bloch Suits will give long and faithful service- And meet with your approval - aihe for a second term. I styles from $5.00 to $10.00 CLASS FOOTBALL TA KES A SLUNP AJnior and Sophomore Blacksmiths Stage Initial Game Thursday. Reports from class football mana- gers poin...…

October 13, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 11) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY x I Season's Popular Shoe $TRAO $6.00 4: WAGNER & CO. State Street Sign of the Big White ShoeF I, SHOES. $4,00-$5.00 FARMER BUCKS ARE DEFEATED AT 55-7 SCORE. (Continued from page 1) great end, both on defense and offense and his work on forward passes was pretty. Pontius was a tower of strength on defense.. Toward the last of the game many substitutions were made, nine second choices being picked and they displayed ...…

November 13, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 37) • Page Image 1

… R I The $2.50 Mi dhign Issommomimm- Dafl I AILED ADDRESS t ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBEIR 13, '1912. PRICE FIVE I r4 TARS TO YOST GETSH IIN SHAPE i THE WEATHER MAN I'l CRITICISE LOWER SCHOOL POLICIES .. ^ -%, i , and "Hal" Backs Weeks RUturni to Help. AND IIUEBEL .10VING FROM INJURIES ous Shifts and Testing Second String Men lt te. of riven by a regular horde of coach- working with a sullen feeling of er, ...…

November 13, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 37) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY CORNELL j as the winner. line of good'. Why not pick your Wild Co. Importers 311 South State Street m THE fICHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Mich- igan. Published every morning except Monday dur- ing the university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan, under Act of Congress f March 3, 1'879. Offices: Second floor, Ann Arbor Press Build- ing, Maynard Street. Office Hours: Edi...…

November 13, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 37) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY .. 1 UNIVERSITY CALENDAR. ...- s s 1 I--- MUSIC AND DRAMA I Many election bets are paid in wheel barrows-or clothes. Good loosers pay their suit bets in Stein=Bloch Clothes because they're good clothes. y We'll wager both winner and . loser will be satisfied. line of f7ackinaws In tt, Apfel & Co.= Wednesday, November 13.-Senior lit dinner at the Michigan Union, 6:00 p. m. Wednesday, November 13.-Iowa club sm...…

November 13, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 37) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY English Flat Last FUTURE TEACHERS CONGREGATE Prof. Davis Explains Purpose of Ap- pointment Committee. Four hundred students, graduates and undergraduates, assembled in the Tappan hail lecture room Monday af- ternoon in order to meet the prelimi- nary qualifications for registration with the teacher's appointemnt com- mittee. Prof. C. 0. Davis explained in detail the purpose of this agency and told about the success it had...…

December 13, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 63) • Page Image 1

…Local $2.00 Mail $2.50 rI The A& dgvowft -d -Nook lFS f:hig all' ' ;,; e. Local $2.00 flail $2.50 o Vol. XXIII, No. 63. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1912. PRICE FIVE CNTS MANY NEW MEN PRACTICE FOR TRACKSEASON Work in Waterman Gymnasium Has Begun in Earnest; Candidates Show Some Real Class. PROSPECTS ARE GOOD FOR DEVELOPING POLE-VAULTERS Trainer Farrell Is Working With Can- didates to Get Quartet for Eastern Relay. No t...…

December 13, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 63) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Select your Fall or largest line in the city. Winter Suit from the Dress Suits a specialty CGU H. Wild Co. Tailors and Importers 311 South State Street - Holiday Goods We have the finest line of ,Christmas Cards in the city. MAGAZINE SVBSCRIPTIONS At the lowest club rates PRIVATE CHRISTMAS CARDS With your Initials and Address Leave your orders new at Student's Sheeans."Bookstore I ..wa w I THE WAY To lose your m...…

December 13, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 63) • Page Image 3

…THR MICHIGAN DAILY Just enough of the "English" swing to our new STEIN-BLOCEH SMART CLOTHES to make them very stylish looking--of course they fit in that comfortable way which is the result of 58 years of knowing how to tailor good clothes. Yes, they will save you money too, and you will appreciate this better after an examination and try on. Come in to-day or to-morrow. 100 mackinaws on hand $6.50 to $10.00 In price L ndenschmitt, Apfel ...…

December 13, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 63) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY I CATHOLIC STUDENTS TO HOLD CHRISTMAS PARTY WEDNESDAY The Catholic Students' club will hold a pre-holiday party next Wednes- day night, ,December 18, at St. Thomas hal. The deco- rations will feature the Yule- tide spirit and "Ike" Fischer's saxo- phone quartette will furnish the mu- sic. Tickets may be procured from any of the club officers for 50 cents. The dance is open to the club mem- bers, or any Catholic students wh...…

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