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January 13, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 69) • Page Image 1

…c .jlc tof Al . Wibj. UI.. 1, -- r, fill, UNVE1sITY O01' 2d1(;LAN, TUEi'SDAY. IAM'I FX I 1.iii' F, 'l Ite:i':b:( 'i:\"'t THE INLANDER. Aizpti et' oument to the Enter- arise of '91. thatl mb '(1 lst iee itr 1 tr. ivottlti )i ts l ltil7i i Iattire, itlil lrir, s tt* e o b-eto '11c uraii l 1 1 I it I lit I): 1 ( 1 Death of Mrs. Dr. Erieze. Mrs>. lI curt S. "riect' diet r 5111idetlit' last teti iii. She si~as at the supptier'table. intl ciis ...…

January 13, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 69) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. arn_' sru Cnd1ur u h C1R AT $TATI1flC13Y s3M$. ""igp~ h J~ c . o fnty- 1( t fl. a s cp cvd uring2 ? s ta h urs AVha 1 HW E W 11 L1 0 O R T H E N E X T F O U R i W E E K S ''a trh'sitiil ssssyns'nrprs 'lstng lrrsitahslilrwork. V o casnnot iafordlOffer ivtns of paper o ll kitds to Ili soulld by the ond it rit~ oi 'sisstotn ii ss it. I's rtiurns aoc propor-' Mill ratss. 'rs our (Crown luspssristl in ii, ,tn s "IIS)' OP4'. N13P...…

January 13, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 69) • Page Image 3

…THE'.U. OF MN. DAILY 1- FF S L Of ()0 I.ofM.sli iii 11hae a T~ T~roT Univeirsity of Michigan Guitar. 25 PER CENT SAVED= ioi. alili I itar isinino',10t.: ;;loal1H n ll tils I.. lentn, ILITDTT7 00111703 O~c1O~u~APD $UIU$ AT ET1E ( 0lT.IRTH C) I~F' - ALL (;LOVE'S. Li L DEi Ii\k.iBIcI)iJK S lD RUG0 71(1)OR.E AT THE TWVO S.Ai1 S. 1'(i I-l(=01<AD IE 'I U , (1 ('w \l MOPII Ar1~rSou ~ll VOORHEIS & DIETAS, ~ ~ S7 77-~31rs BES TWORK IN THE CITY' STATE S...…

January 13, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 69) • Page Image 4

…THlE U (),1M. D)A IL Y DINING fAN!) LUNCH ROOM, 48 SOUTH STATE STREET. Ye - it t- tmutUd. ;2.;-)) per week. Olvsters-in e very si vi. NEW BOOK STORES, Y L n i J, : 0 I, 1lt h^ LLKN) Al oo sllCd il _it -ch ol. -u (-1 y t lo k, ,II P1 1" SIt 'rl~llal't( iliN i\ "'yt1 I'lil ~ x~titS. s f , lt'S(IJ~ T oit: I,,trri~ - twk f F mlt~itlLclit. A War ~ itt.1 iN 1611 Pel Gl d! CI-I - I .). NOBLE, The Clothier, Is -l- : I tI' IN(t B3AtilAINStiINI'tEAI :1t...…

March 13, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 113) • Page Image 1

…I -N 1 U tiNIVEllII IT (hi MI(IIIG N A, AL LU FRIDAY. AlAR('ll 1:1), Ils" l. (4:-Nrs. r i4 , ETHICS OF MACHINERY. t~t't ~ 1 irMinstrels. AtNlhexeperienceo lee Mr. Wright's Lecture. errcie is' lull shaire of these 1 Melt who know liii ,Ii lplectate ii sttio. ilitileilitis ithit lo il. No 1 ilt tt tit it is (Yeiieritiiy kinownt there is to eteo elllsc 'lreSo Isle, a,1) teit le \o. tl ih tiil - not j 'tietcatefultitiititt itosit flit. I ittt t to...…

March 13, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 113) • Page Image 2

…7 1 r THE U. OF M. DAILY. i--f. f 21]W'1I~ci~ icontrihutors thanis allowed 1n ithe 1 CAT A Ia2 V7~ bR abei ui si-xixcexrxoxixi tinll l lii-iitont, WE \VILL li-OGETHlE NEXT FOM VER ~ cli-C-ti-- yir )yiC it (Itifer l i tns of i-aper ofall k iniis-ito lie 5soldlby the Ip-ii-ind-i--at ri- ,a'1,o . IN1DFPI.NIE NT ASSiOCIATION.rts.TysrCronImerllinn- CAl . Chang-es in Foot-Bali Rules. s-l rts Ieor(rw'hitprtl liiCat 25-Cii-iie poundii. lBondu-Papier, ...…

March 13, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 113) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF'.M. DAILY PcUJ, fl01313, I2CA , N; + EF E Of Old 1U. Of M. s11o1ld have a UnivepSity of Michigan Guitar. I'rices lowtest, Qiazlits h Iidhest. ( uaraist ees everinchi of ( the rss~sd. Viol int stel Guitar etringe,10 cts.; I,czjo and M and~ii in ;s, I it. Es 'er tiiiiin pirsosortion. . II 'lencn .L.LETDINfGELP EZAITo OF O GU7 CO .BFOWN'S DKUG STOEE I ( '( OI 'N I IfI MAINVT oN1) II EO()N SI'tfEI:'ls THE TWO -SAMSU Ittt( it-1' s- ls()(,...…

March 13, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 113) • Page Image 4

…r I -- 7 L r 1- J () I-' TA, F) Al LY SALEOF VVATGH.ES U. T. LIMPERT, Life is UnciqertVain! 1 fiiI I'tu3it,1 DEATH 1S SURE. II i"'lTtIMEtTABLiF..a1It"1a 1_.5,1 0,4, s 524 .3 , 9,1();30 p. n . I 212 e ANN 211111011, frntvs Dot'.e1 , 55,92:." 1.55, It. 1,.,an F~ ,H t l ti h 114 )til ilNi i, l- t U .U )',1 .5 .11 ra11 e ,11 }olln; mc 11e wee thet1,1111o1".1 H1d:5a hlmrt°o . 0C pNr AD.~) i , 11 Isiletl ( n : 1(112 1" ' '1'. ,0111 Mihia 'ilutlIit I...…

May 13, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 155) • Page Image 1

…40 Of Al. a V f'. 1. 1 -) : . G \IVENlSITY OIF MICHIIGAN, AWEDN 1SI)AY'. A Y 13), 15:31. I 11c1 ii~iCNS 5 AVINGO the experience of College iiithe i-luiratryof he ~ iiier e nro whisotiis in(owtl;neie - The Athletes in Training. 'There werre ltvenl}iht athletes at the fair gr ooonds yesterday vaater- noon to receciveelostrction from Trainer 1Ii ortili Somle of the Mlien present wr: lreSpence, (Cote, \al)eventer, Duitle,1Don1- liue, Sandersoani\ ...…

May 13, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 155) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. P TI t r11' f ' 'l ~f1 tites, ece ls 1)0th in track athletics, ,- tindthait Princetin is a verv iclose 'urih b aits' 1 instsys ('xepitd) turing foot-baill. litIn ise-till there are a HE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION iutirtitil cs hich arc oti a ___parii th iiIt Its tot 1(nd'IVale. Itrown Dsd aie ial'nole i lt ':iccii *. iiryule at1 'clotk, noon. Sub siptiins ol} b Lt ,I iist ,) lcnls"l'n A li h hei oficeiili i (i i ):1 ,...…

May 13, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 155) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF .M. DAILY UniersiO(O17.I Iof M. sieiul Ii iX ta OUTING OR NEGLIGEE 8HIRT8.UnvriyoMchgnQtc. You are iii I oititeredtin iithe ahbovCeiiieand as we hase 100n o (iisy il s oo V iin illnd G i t riiiii i s 10) vi', 1Banjio id ndidoi lii yii it iii tie m a C l IX < ii l st idv, Swis ou XX Nv Xould cl anitd siee what tewt.Ee ryCX LiX>tinini piiIropoirtioni.- havC. we PkXn XCv iii j- n liee Coila a ve Yi Cii louitoeC o i titl .Ceen,~ L IL 0 T...…

May 13, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 155) • Page Image 4

…(-Is- v C)\tj. N. Nli- ii iI~t . ii 11(i ANN A 1i)1 t > . 3. .:Af K, M anager !e NN Xi;1t IJ.\I1u ,: ..1, I> aI !> ii iiN ltiiti iVjl iflisti S -Iti f i-it' (-tt'I t I c11ii I t imii ii a < ii ie 1i ti-t ot t;t l.INit um taNl iii it1 e I- Il I p t S s I I i d ii I I.; t ll i ,! i ' 111 " l -i 1'1 1+.t -~l OGJD I I' V.F E- It N 1wrii N 1t .ti lc 1t i 5 t, c:'; r 1 G' sh~y ''IOfo 'xH!',0l flit 1.~i Sti()Il .111S t13.11( IDiU, L De ii Is T ii ;I....…

October 13, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 12) • Page Image 1

…° ~:i~ttI o ESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1891. PRICE, THREE CENTS. VOL. II.-No. 12. UNIVERSITY OFOMICHIGAN, TUI DENTS AND PHARMICS. The Entering Students in the Dental and Pharmacy Departments. FRESHMEN DENTS. Adams, F. P., Niles, Mich Amsden, C. F., Norwalk, O. Anderson, O., Ypsilanti, Mich. Bachus, E. I., Edwardsburg, Mich. Bell,eW. G", Detroit. Butler, D. 1., Detroit. Blake, F. W., Ann Arbor. Babcock, D. II., Bay City; Mich. Bailey, R. E., Ponti...…

October 13, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 12) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. in themain halt and ia the Library. C't of '. T ai The cmaints aeecoltiectl * i x Published Daly (Sundays excepted) during o'clock p. m. the College dear, by How Would It Work Here? THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION have received for toe opening of college 20,000 Books, new and second ____ The authorities at Wesleyan Uni- hand of all ksnds, Greek, Latin French, German, Law aid Medical Books, Subscription price $2.50 per ...…

October 13, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 12) • Page Image 3

…THE 13. OF M. DAILY THE TWO SAMS -AGENTS FOR-IE GOS ~ YOUMANS" AND KNOX HATS. c~v- The J. T. Jacobs Co., The J. T. Jacobs Co., Novelties in Neckwear. Latest in Fursishings. The 4J. T. Jacobs Co., Call and see ng. 27 AND 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. L L. IL . N. Il-We still have a nice assortment of ILighst Weight Overcoats to be closed out at Greatly Reduced Prices. Al ror Stu ~lLafflry, 4CO0AL. GEORGE L. MOORE (Sucsor toer. WORK CALLED FOR and DEL...…

October 13, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 12) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. JWE ARE THE PEOPLE. M |YANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY, Formerly Allmendinger Piano and Organ Company. New IVairrooms, - - - - - - - - Corner of Main and Liber/,i Streets. I will "Open the Ball" by placing a fine stock of Guitars, Banjos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find ~ 7Ts msR 's R\M tsic Szom , :L South Fourth Avenue, City. Owing to the Expiration of Patents, We are selling Nickel Plated Centre Draft Lamps at greatly...…

November 13, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 39) • Page Image 1

…of AL VOL. I.-No. 39. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1891. The Inlander. The November number of the Inlander appears this morning. Its fifty pages of reading matter present a great variety of interesting subjects. The leading article, "A Perversion of History," by Henry A. Chaney, lit'69 and law '71, is somewhat sen- sational in character. It investigates the circumstances under which the famous "Ordinance of '87" was passed ...…

November 13, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 39) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. {C. W . ' ~t pwerful attack on opening chords. of l Such fire, such a tone, such color- it was marvelous' Fannie Bloom- Pubied Daily (Sundays excepted) during field is still very young. She is the Colege tear, by married to Sigismund Zeisler, a THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION well-known and able lawyer of Chi- Subscription price $2.50 per yenr, invariably in adteance Single copisc eets. On sale at sneraca s and[Poset...…

November 13, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 39) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY mKE T ~WO SALMS_ EHE T2W0 SAMS_ WHAT TO WEAR IN COLLARS, CRAVATS, SHIRTS, AND GLOVTES- From the New York Furnisher. The linen collar of evening dreso continues the straight-oip effect, the points at the greateot eminence, whereothey alsmost meet, and rising gradaally froot the bock. The cravat of ovening dress to of white latn,oe c wide, without stitching or emhroid- ey, or eny- advention oate like character that may bse av...…

November 13, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 39) • Page Image 4

…THE U.. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. j"ANN ARBOR~ ORGAN COMPANY A7 TT7_ ~~~~Formerly Aimendinger Piano and Organ Company.r 9i; xnc .ffew lya er oon,18- Locr fplazcesa e Lite'rtl~lq resrr. I will '"Open the Ball' by placlllg a fbe stock o1fCGuitars, Banjos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU.; 2l5 Seuth Fourth Avenuee. City. -A NEW LINE OF- ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. .Stro I ESTCABLISHED 1 51. {(OURtSE, one year. Three faill terms J"" ) re...…

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