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January 13, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 79) • Page Image 1

…CHINA-TWO VIEWS See Page 4 Latest Deadline in the State 4br :43 a t t4p CLOUDY AND WARMER VOL. LX, No. 79 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1950 PRICE FIVE CENTS Il FC Tables Censorship Resolution Would Restrict Council Criticism By JAMES GREGORY TheTInterfraternity Council House Presidents last night drew up and tabled a motion to prevent IFC representatives from criticiz- ing the Council's action in their capacity as representa...…

January 13, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 79) • Page Image 2

…PAGE.TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIMAY, JANUARY 13,--1950 All-Campus Events Slated For Sunday A full program of all-campus events is scheduled for this Sun- day, at the I-M building, when the first) rounds of the all-campus singles tourneys in handball, paddleball, squash, and tennis are to be played. The entire building is reserved for participants and no waiting is The hours at the I-M Building during the last week of the semester, from Jan...…

January 13, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 79) • Page Image 3

…FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1950 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE icers Open Eastern Invasion in Princeton Tonight Two Sophs Put to Test In Opening Swim Meet By GEORGE FLINT A comforting array of old re- s, liables and a couple of question marks should provide the key to the strength of the 1950 Wolver- ine swimming team when Matt Mann unveils his charges tomor- row against a first-class Purdue squad. The old reliables-such veterans as Matt Ma...…

January 13, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 79) • Page Image 4

…4I .AGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1950 China -- Two Views British Hong Kong ... FROM HONG KONG last week came the same old dismal report of a western na- tion short-sighting its way to an early end in the Communist graveyard. With the Red China armies on its bor- der since last fall and speculation running high as to when the Reds would try to take Hong Kong itself, a quick and just solution to the colonies latest labo...…

January 13, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 79) • Page Image 5

…FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1950 THE MICHIGAN DAILY U Senior Night Committee To Organize Coed Project Designed To Promote Class Spirit With the co-operation of Pan- hellenic and Assembly the Senior Night central committee will or- ganize all senior women on cam- pus into committees according to their residences. Seniors in each house will elect a chairman who will attend a meeting slated for 5 p.m. Monday.: Senior Night, a project which in- clud...…

January 13, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 79) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX" THE MICHIGAN ]DAILY rIDAY, JANUARY 1?, 1950 M SIGNS OF THE FLAPPER ERA: Flamboyant Ads Enticed Movie Fans * * * By BOB SOLT " What does every girl want? Freedom! . . . and beautiful clothes, a car, jewelry, happiness, and satisfaction of a million de- sires. "But for certain, there is one thing every girl in town wants To see 'Girls Gone Wild!'" Twenty years ago movie ads like the one above were printed in The Daily by local...…

February 13, 1950 • Page Image 1

…The, 'S.: 0 Manch of Di J-HOP Off Guard For Over A Century r Monday, February 13, 1950 OPENING- NIGHT-The entrance to the I-M is one mass of lights, people and noise as the J-Hoppers begin to arrive. FINISHING TOUCHES -- Bar- bara Munn puts the finishing touches on Carol Walker's hair- do while waiting for dates. ANTICIPATION-Joe Cyr and Bill Schmalhorst pick up dates Pat Scanlon and Helen Carson and start for the I-M Building. Se...…

February 13, 1950 • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY mr-Im THE MICHIGAN DAILY w w . Page Two Moriday, February 13, 1950 Monday, February 13, 1950 J-Hoppers Dance i, -- NAMESo.. (Continued from Page 25) Relax to Music I "Deep In B lues" By DON McNEIL Monday morning came wearily into existence today, held back from full reality by a string of remembrances which kept more than 2,500 couples still caught up in th magic of the J-Hop weekend. The "greatest dance of the...…

February 13, 1950 • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY I Monday, February 13, 1950 ti' .41 )ietitian Makes Application or Five Cent Hot Dog Stand DAILY SPOTLIGHT: Promotions Men Run Wild on Campus J-HOP P irl rix trt ttxt I Off Guard For Over A Century Monday, February 13, 1950 "What this campus needs is a good five-cent hot dog stand," Reginald B. Reinhardt, East Quad dietician, declared yesterday as police released him from impri- sonment in a "cabin" outside Yp- ...…

February 13, 1950 • Page Image 4

… p-Rv 9 ~4, THE MICIHIGAN-DA'LY I :THE MICHIGAN DAILY Monday ebruawy,,13,;1950 maee It Up' To Ply March 29, 30, 31 * * * * * * * * * Union Opera Road Tour Also Planned By PAUL BRENTLINGER "Lace It Up," second in the re- vived series of the Michigan Un- ion Opera, will be one of the high- lights of the campus' entertain- ment parade during the second semester. With an all-male cast, includ- ing a line of gorgeous masculine chc r...…

February 13, 1950 • Page Image 5

… , ..: s ob , " ; A, I -A- Mondays.February 13, 1950 HIGAN DAILY (Continued from Page 23) Dean; Joan Lennon and Donald DeVries; Louise Leonard and Jim Frost; Vanis Lephart and John Brumbaugh; Martha Lee Lesher and Merlin Hughes; Mr. and Mrs. Jacques Les Strang; Joanne Levey and Jerry Freeman; Helin Levin and Al Riefler.' BARBARA LEVISTEIN and Bud Frank; Gary Levy and Eli Schoen- field; Ann Lewis and Theodore Munsat; Patricia Lewis and ...…

February 13, 1950 • Page Image 6

… ,., .vi. - i.' i. ._... . Pu THE MICHIGAN DALLY Monday, February 13, 1950 Monday, February 13, 1950 THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY ' MERRY GO ROUND: The Truth About The PIGS By SCHMOE McPHERSON Has anyone wondered, besid the members of the ticket com mittee, why not a single membe of Pi Iota Gamma sorority at tended the J-Hop? Not one of th charming creatures enhanced th occasion with her presence. How ever, my investiga...…

February 13, 1950 • Page Image 7

…Tw -W - 11 ;;,.1 mm A _ f __- H A. G N THE MICHIGAN DAILY Monday, February 13, 1950 2 .. M dy Fb ry , Monday, February 13,. 1950 THE I AN -r .. *- R DAILY j Continued from Page 21) and Edward Sidor; Beth y and Richard Golden; Pat y and Don McNeil; Carol W. De Mond and Karl M. Fleck- ner.. Joyce Denison and KeithI Frey. Jackie Ann Dennison and Rich- ard A. Fenington; Mary Ann Det- zer and Bruce Jones; Janet Dewey and Stan Spaeth;...…

February 13, 1950 • Page Image 8

…a .4 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Monday, February 13, 1950 ) . A THE' MICHIGAN 4& w IDAILY ._ - '' Monday, February 13, 1950 *uI I AILYIBLE by pros holmes, sports co-editor THE ANSWER to the age-old female cry, "We want to play with the varsity athletes"-meaning of course they desire that girls be allowed to compete in intercollegiate athletics-seems to have been found in what appears to be a very favorable and practical solution. There is ...…

February 13, 1950 • Page Image 9

… rr--m 0 Or C I 0 -U 0 0 ""1' 0 * Z 0 0 0 CD, cr -" " 0 Nan I z zn {L 1 v ( , ". y } i ti 4 :5 I mss' v 04000 H 0 rte.., O h, . N "S H . H V- ev . v N n CA v O. ro 9J -9 D -" ', t . C C U cam, .1 S c . H H z -+ 0C C+ C o P'" C !0 C & pt 5 . as. N". Cp p . - .4CD C D m H CD A CD)" II0 11 1 (0®V -I. L i (A)h (A) Cr) CV) r 0 mm w I O '1 r O ~ 0 S 441 ~ 41 0 - -t. n -t C+ C+b 0o 5 g1 C C C +. j C + D~ C ...…

February 13, 1950 • Page Image 10

…,, >~ , r . ' ; t = I ~ '. '- §' S 'Monday, February 13, 1950 Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Monday, February 13, 1950 THE MICHIGAN DAILY SCHOOL SPEAR-IT: Zoraster Elected New Prexy Of Fast-Growing Bzantium'U' (Special to The Daily) ers use the now famous "Zoraster BZANTIUM, Egypt -Following system." -' PENCIL BRIGADE: SL Pledges All-Out Fight To Install Sharpeners New Super Men's Dormitory Will Provide Homey Living a furious three-day...…

February 13, 1950 • Page Image 11

… Page Eighteen THE MICH IGAN DAILY 1 .c-1 Y ' -i~ l ~ , V j S f s Monday, February 13, 1950 Monday, February 13, 1950 ' THE MICHIGAN DAILY _. _ - - - - RHYTHM, SPECIALTIES: Ellington, Prima Thrill J-Hop Crowds M.. Daily Team Exposes Plot Behind J-Hop D * * ~I' * * * * * * * * CORRECTION Many people think that Ulrich's Book By WENDY OWEN Duke Ellington and Louis-Prima left all 5,000 J-Hoppers thrilled with their red-h...…

February 13, 1950 • Page Image 12

… 'i.. 7 ) , 7} THE MICHIGAN DAILY Monday, February 13, 1950 Monday, February 13, 1950 THE MICHIGAN DAILY' - _- - __ _f .. -- -~- -i THE MICHIGAN DAILY WiI' y WrIv a dieLm e LK Committee Toil Brings Forth J-Hop By NAN BYLAN Plenty of toil and trouble stood behind the week-end's moonlight and roses for the hard-working J-Hop committee. From their first meeting two days after elections to the final night before the big event,...…

February 13, 1950 • Page Image 13

… PPP Pagt- Sixthen j. THE MICHIGAN f DkILY,, . Mcnday ebrwary 13, 1950 cP g itei'4 . H tW HG N D iY odVebtir 1,15 ody, ,February 13, 1 5Q . t T.;yE;,,M BCHI GAN D~A I Y- :. x _ i on the ie Party, party, party-a new semester begins and that means a new xound of parties. To keep you staggering in a straight line, this handy guide will tell you what's where and how to stay away. BEGINNING THE SEMESTER with a bang, those social beavers, t...…

February 13, 1950 • Page Image 14

… e Fourteen THE M J CItGA N DAIkLY Monday, February 13, 1950 Mondy, Februory 1 ?41950 T i- E MICHIGAN DAILY y' 4 > r Iill ' x I THE UNEMPLOYED: Lost Land Poses Problems For Kingdomless Monarch 4 * * 1 * / ._ 0 .t . ,_ ,. , , HEL P SMASH POLIO! all a '"4 * * "It'stough," the King said, "When you don't have a country." This was the answer to a Daily query of how it feels to be a King given by Petonivitch, XIX, whose country di...…

May 13, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 153) • Page Image 1

… BALTIC QUESTION Bee Page 4 Y Latest Deadline in the State *ati4 CLOUDY, COOLER VOL. LX, No. 153 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN SATURDAY, MAY 13, 1950 SIX PAGES Ruthven Attacks Proposed Budget Cut - _ __ -- --0 Big Three To Back United West Front Germany To Be Included LONDON-(W)-The Big Three foreign ministers agreed yester= day on joining Western Germany economically and politically to th rest of a united Western Europe Determinedly, they...…

May 13, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 153) • Page Image 2

…THE MTCI;IGAN DUAILY( SAT'URDlAY, kMAY 1,1950 I. I Rule Brings Need for G-I Certificate Due to a changed interpretation of Veteran's Administration rules, GI-Bill veterans who have re- ceived a degree, but wish to con- tinue in school, must obtain a sup- plementary certificate of eligibility before doing so. The .announcement was made yesterday by R. A. Correll, direc- tor of the University Veteran's Service Bureau. *' * * HE EXPLAINED that...…

May 13, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 153) • Page Image 3

…t v THE MICTIIGAN DAILY Volverine Nine Outlasts Purdue, 7-6 Wake field May Appeal * * * * Illinois Host to Michigan, Northwestern Trackmen By GEORGE FLINT- Playing the sometimes unwel- come role of favorite, Don Can- ham's Michigan track squad bat- ties Illinois and Northwestern to- day in a triangular meet at Cham- paign-Urbana. Although both Illinois schools boast bright stars in the confer- pence picture, the Wolverines' all- arou...…

May 13, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 153) • Page Image 4

…U- THE MICHIGAN DAILY' SATURDAY, MAY 13, 1195O _______________________ U I Baltic Question C ONTROVERSY OVER the United States navy plane lost over the Baltic on April 8, although it has been featured in the front pages for over a month, still has not been forgotten. And recent developments indicate that ,there is perhaps much more to the whole incident than either the Russians or the Americans have let on. Indeed, it is now quite plausib...…

May 13, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 153) • Page Image 5

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAdE FWVE .i BALI HAI THEY CALL YOU, Alice Lloyd Dormitory Slates. Traditional Semi-formal Ball For the first time since the oc- cupancy of Alice Lloyd Hall, the new women's dormitory will hold its spring semi-formal dance, from 9 to 12 p.m. May 19. The spring ball was started as a tradition for the residence last year before the entire dormitory was completed. "Bali Hai," theme of this event, will feature the music ...…

May 13, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 153) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ROADWAY STARS HERE: 'The Tempest' To Open Drama Season Monday "The Tempest," starring Vera orina and Arnold Moss will open is year'sAnn Arbor Drama Sea- m at 8:30 p.m. Monday night the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- e. Both recognized Shakespearean etors, Zorina and Moss, played e parts of Ariel and Prospero l the 1945 Margaret Webster roduction in New York and on ur. [olanthe' Will -ontrnue Run The Peers and the Peri will con- n...…

July 13, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 11) • Page Image 1

… SEMANTICS See "~age 4' Y Lw6 4:Iuti4 CLOUDY AND COOLER Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LX, No. 11-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1950 FOUR PAGES Excise Cut Bill Killed by U.S. Leaders, Korean Crisis Forced Decision WASHINGTON-(A)-The Ad- ministration signalled a halt yes- terday on tax revision, including ~excise cuts, in view of the Ko- rean war. The Congressional leadership ti quickly complied. THERE. WERE reports, m...…

July 13, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 11) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1950 HOMAS L. STOKES: Semantics W ASHINGTON-Mere words often take on meaning far beyond their original sense and become disturbing facts in the minds of men. Much evil can flow from that-even to wars. It is about time now to look at a couple of phrases composed of ordinary Anglo-Saxon words from the standpoint of semantics. There is first "iron curtain." Winston Churchill coined it in his Fulton, Mo., ...…

July 13, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 11) • Page Image 3

…V TfIURSDAY, JULY 13, 1950 now~uE "THE MICHIGAN DAILY MICHIGAN DAILY Phone 23-24-1 HOURS: 1 to 5 P.M. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES LINES 1 DAY 3 DAYS 6 DAYS 2 .54 1.21 1.76 3 .63 1.60 2.65 4 .81 2.02 3.53 Figure 5 average words to a line. Classified deadline daily except Saturday is 3 P.M. Saturdays, 11:30 A.M. for Sunday Issue. PERSONAL GERMAN!-Translating and tutoring. 0. Cassel, 921 Oakland, Ph. 3-0747. )18P LEARN TO DANCE Jimmie Hunt D...…

July 13, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 11) • Page Image 4

…THUTRJSDAY, JULY 13, 1950 Engine, BAd 'A' Students Announced Five business administration and 37 engineering college students re-; ceived all A's during the Spring; semester of 1950. * * * THOSE IN THE business ad-. ministration school to receive all A's are: Tsun Chen, Norman M. Gold, Tracy E. Mulligan, Jr., Robert L. Thornton, and Russell J. Zentz. ALL-A engineering students are: George E. Barker, Donald R. Basel, Carl Beers, John C. Biery,...…

August 13, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 35) • Page Image 1

…WF 0 EDITOR'S NOTE See Page 2 Y Latest Deadline in the State uI~azAl 0 0 Q PRETTY FAIR VOL. LX, No. 35-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN SUNDAY, AUGUST 13, 1950 FOUR PAGES MacArthur's Ban Could Apply to U. S. Pentagon Urges Security Censor, WASHINGTON - (P) - Gen.- MacArthur's headquarters is pro- posing that the terms of any cen- sorship imposed in the Korean war zone apply to news gathering in the United States as well, Officials said here yes...…

August 13, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 35) • Page Image 2

…IR qw PAGO TWO Y TUGAN ' iLY -1 -, "llGAS' -5 0 L. -n U.S. & Russian Propaganda ONCE AGAIN Russia has given the world a demonstration of her ability to spout off about nothing in particular. Her latest venture in this field has been to declare that football in the United States is a warmonger device used to condition the people to accept brutality and murder, so that when the time comes they wil be "'-'kadv" War. A Mos- cow broadct w&t...…

August 13, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 35) • Page Image 3

…VF H71MTrGN ~L -. - -a ~ .. , ~ - '-..- -- . - - - - -- Phillies Edge Giants, 5-4, in 11 Innings RENTED SOLD BOOGHT REPA RED STUENT SUPPLIES MORRI LL'S 314 S. Stcte St. Ph. 7177 fountain pens repaired ._. Falls Short LONDON-(P)-Olympic cham- pion Mal Whitfield barely fell short of the world record he set out to break yesterday but still ran the fastest half mile of 1950 before 40,000 spectators. The 25-year-old king of middle distance me...…

August 13, 1950 (vol. 60, iss. 35) • Page Image 4

…TH MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, AUGUST __._ }LLEGE ROUND-UP: 'Miss America' Title Lures Coeds n.. r,......... ........,, hose four out of five coeds who 't go to Michigan may leave °r campuses stranded next fall. ith the annual Miss America est not far away, a pulchritu- hoir To Sing oda at Hill 'he University Summer choir, ducted bf Henry Veld, will pre- t a concert at 4:15 p.m. today in I Auditorium. reld, a guest conductor with the sic ...…

October 13, 1950 (vol. 61, iss. 15) • Page Image 1

… EDITOR'S NOTE See Page 4 4bp 4LA&F t r4 al t a4 it Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXI, No. 15 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1950 FAIR AND COOL EIGHT PAGES o I French Fall Back Again In Indochina Bolster Defense North of Hanoi SAIGON, Indochina - (P) - French forces gave up another outpost yesterday north of Hanoi, and serious consideration was be- ing given to bolstering Hanoi it- self against the danger of a Viet- minh...…

October 13, 1950 (vol. 61, iss. 15) • Page Image 2

…THE .MICHIGAN DAILY 4 THeMCIGNDAL M- A- e t 6.Unirsstaidents who . tsnx bers- of-. different UgtS 'ms tke*Naiona1 'Guard and the Organized Reserve Corps had "fitter :cheokWt1!e t1 draft,status, iaugetka e p e ent tup is a W".fexemption i,,conscriptions, M slp itkkns,.. - - n'Arbbtft s N"VtlonaI =Guard tit4la ni'sefty tudets, who arer liyl t'o' b*''aledxF Ser- ea4ff' ti4Wi' of tfie 4th Division 'NY'1Ai-1 TE, tliey are given Speciarin$ derit...…

October 13, 1950 (vol. 61, iss. 15) • Page Image 3

… FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1950 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Furstenberg Tells Meeting Of Cocaine Cocaine has been found superior to novocaine as an anesthetic in tonsillectomies, Dean Arthur C. Furstenberg of the University Medical School reported to a na- tional meeting of eye, ear, nose and throat specialists yesterday in Chicago. Dr. Furstenberg presented an evaluation of the drug before the 55th annual meeting of the Ameri- can Academy of Opthmalogy ...…

October 13, 1950 (vol. 61, iss. 15) • Page Image 4

…w I' FOUR' THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1950 UN U f top ; dot . By JIM BROWN THREE YEARS AG when Michigan's football team returned from the West Coast after a spectacular 49-0 win in the Rose Bowl, more than 3,000 students flocked to the Ann Arbor railroad depot to give them a never-to-be-forgotten welcome home. This morning, just three years later, University students are being askd to give the Wolverines a rousing sendoff ...…

October 13, 1950 (vol. 61, iss. 15) • Page Image 5

… FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1950, THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAE IV FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1950 ?AGE FIVE I I ON THE HOUSE By JO KETELHUT Ann Arbor will settle down to a comparatively quiet weekend as the campus begins preparations for some roaring Homecoming parties and displays next week. Students from every house will be "partying" in New York tonight and invading Yankee Stadium tomorrow while their "brothers" and "sisters" at home must be content with ...…

October 13, 1950 (vol. 61, iss. 15) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, Sum SPOT By BILL BRENTON Daily Associate Sports Editor AN ARTICLE in this week's "Saturday Evening Post" glorifies Michigan State College's campus, their officials, their athletic plant, their football team, and their SPIRIT. The well-informed gentlemen who typed those lines went on to predict that State would carry out it's 1950 plan of sur- passing Michigan in athletic prowess as well as enrollment. And he give...…

October 13, 1950 (vol. 61, iss. 15) • Page Image 7

… FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 195 FRATERNITY GRID ROUNDUP: THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVE Settle Passes for 7 TD's, Phi Psi Wins Newman Club's Victory Streak Comes To End Harvey Dean's Passing, Kersten Brothers ReceivingLead Mugwumps to 20-7 Win DORM PIGSKIN PATTERN: Flet cer Breaks Williams Victory Skein By KEITH MILLER Aerial fireworks featured this week's I-M fraternity grid card as passing played a large part in almost every game. With less than...…

October 13, 1950 (vol. 61, iss. 15) • Page Image 8

…PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1950 I I ROTC FOR WO EN? ' 'Me NeKdh Ars Training-Wieg d By BOB SOLT * *, * College students don't know enough about America's problem of national defense, according to Col. Charles D. Wiegand, newly appointed chairman of the Uni- versity Army ROTC progarm. And the best way to counteract this situation, he said recently, is by universities requiring all male undergraduates to take a cours...…

December 13, 1950 (vol. 61, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

… TIME LIMIT MOTION See Page 4 C, r Latest Deadline in the State ~~ahj CLOUDY, SNOW FLURRIES ,. VOL. LXI, No. 67 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DEC. 13, 1950 SIXTEEN PAGES I a U.S., Britain OK Korean Truce Plan TN Committee WeighsProposal LAKE SUCCESS - (IP) - The United States and Britain yester- day endorsed a proposal by 13 As- ian and Middle East countries for the United Nations to see if there can be a cease fire in Korea. The...…

December 13, 1950 (vol. 61, iss. 67) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1954 Movie Guild Co-Sponsors Petitions Due Campus groups wishing to co- sponsor movies with the Student Legislature's Cinema Guild next semester have until Christmas va- cation to hand in their petitions, SL member Hugh Greenberg, '51, said yesterday. The petitions may be obtained either at the SL Bldg., 122 S. For- est, or at the Office of Student Af- fairs in the Administration Bldg. The Cinema G...…

December 13, 1950 (vol. 61, iss. 67) • Page Image 3

… ODNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1950 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE 1agers Down arquette VanderKuy, Putich Top Night's Scoring for irst wiin0 0-37 AA U CLASSIC SATURDAY: Frosh Swimmers Shine in'Detroit Meet By TED PAPES The Hilltoppers of Marquette became Michigan's first basketball victims of the season last night when they bowed to the Wolver- 'ines, 40-37, in the Yost Fieldhouse. It was the fifth defeat for the yisitors against a single vict...…

December 13, 1950 (vol. 61, iss. 67) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1950 e __________________ I H I Time Limit AMA Approach "How's That Again?" Motion LAST NIGHT'S Michigan Forum debate on the time limit for removal of frater- nity bias clauses was a clear example of the value public airing of a controversial topic in crystalizing and clarifying the areas of dispute. It is unfortunate, however, that more members of the Student Legislature and the Student Affai...…

December 13, 1950 (vol. 61, iss. 67) • Page Image 5

… 1950 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Forestry Cub To Present Paul Bunyan Formal Plaid Shirts, Jeans, Evergreen Corsages To Complete Scene Plaid shirts and blue jeans will add their touch to the atmosphere of the most informal formal of the year, when the forestry club ' presents its annual Paul Bunyan formal from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Jan. 13 in the Waterman and Barbour Gymnasiums. Featuring the music of Paul Lavoie and his orchestra, the event will provid...…

December 13, 1950 (vol. 61, iss. 67) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1950 U GOES DOWN WITH 'U' HALL: Cast of 'Columbus Doors' Destroyed Garg Seeks Recognition; Holiday Issue Out Today 4y By BARNES CONNABLE A small bronze plaque is all that remains of what was once one of the University's most valuable his- torical relics. The descriptive plaque which is now in the possession of the Un- iversity Historical Collections, was, attached to the original casting of the...…

December 13, 1950 (vol. 61, iss. 67) • Page Image 7

… WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1950 THE MICHIGAN DAILY EDemu a«S s. aYDcEM1 YSF^ , * * 3 . R 13, 1 9RSi5 &S 55 I k75SX"StSCi ,eS . THE MICHIG]PA DA7C iLY.w'7 SA tAi RL7 7 SnA7 MkM'YF MMOfS A sue. 1 'i 9., I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '; f: B +7 8.1 r" ;';'i°Wo' ,?w i' + ?.A+r'"a$.'i%7d3.'t+7e ,h :t+t¢7G1 t L+K1T1 .^G' ' Gi '4'. +r" Sr ' / r d i''w+ r; .R o R' «r«o4: 7, A X+" .?+v.lswa.r'i+...…

December 13, 1950 (vol. 61, iss. 67) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1950 J- . I LOW PRICED for Christas giving - Outlook Brighter f or Keen's Wrestlers GRAPPLING PREVIEW: BY HERB COHEN As the Michigan grapplers head into their final pre-season prac- tices in preparation for their home-opener with Toledo this Saturday, they look forward to a year better even than last, al- though last season was indeed adequate in itself. This year Cliff Keen, Michigan's gr...…

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