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October 13, 1920 (vol. 31, iss. 8) • Page Image 5

…LI "F- * IAl k-l D InnA111111P We are zealous in maintaining the QUALITY of IC ECR A Our Factory at Ann Arbor is One of the Finest in the State and it is equipped with every modern appliance to insure uniformity of product ASK FOR IT AT YOUR FAVORITE FOUNTAIN I - I f, TOiLTOUNG MEN AND MENT WHO STAY YOUNG Style rul1es us all ' x ! ~ We may pretendeinclif Terence to style, but after all we feel comfortable when our clothes aire in sty...…

October 13, 1920 (vol. 31, iss. 8) • Page Image 6

… ve progressive up-to-date ad- Let us g use The Michigan Daily.- wash in Laundry. keep your clothes clean. We soft water. White Swan Phone 165.-Adv. l v wtomicn STUDENTS'. SUPPLY STORE 1111 SOUTH UNIVERSITY AVENUE We carry a complete line of supplies Fountain Pens Shop Tools Drawing Sets Note V ooks "N" Stationery Come in and get acquainted OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT II r, THAE MAKK RrG. U.S. PPA*Cf. F g Featuring Brogue Oxfords Annual tryo...…

October 13, 1920 (vol. 31, iss. 8) • Page Image 7

…SCHUBERT DETROIT The Winter Garden Eighth Annual Revue The Passing Show of 1919 GARR1 K THIS WEEK PICCADILLY TO B KOA DWAY WVUERTHm M WEDNESDA Y T"HURSIJA Y H. B. Warner "IHAUN TING SHADOWS" 12:15; - Dlental faculty lunicheonin h room 133 of the Union. 2 :30-Comnmittee of appeals meeting in room 302 of the Union. S :S3Final try-ounts .for Schoeol of JIus- ic Glee club in Miss Kleyn's studio. All students of voice eligible. 4:00-Ferris ...…

October 13, 1920 (vol. 31, iss. 8) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 11 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Volume I WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1920. N amber S. I The meeting of the Deans will not be held today. M. I4. BURTON. President. Plans for Inaugural Procession-Oct. 14, 1920 Time of Assembly-9:00 a. m. Weather Being Fair: Flaes of Assembly: Honor Section made up as follows, will assemble in the Auditorium of University Hall: Special Guests Two Heralds with Trumpets Professor Sadler Tw...…

July 13, 1920 (vol. 11, iss. 9) • Page Image 1

…I ETTLED, ITh SHO0VERlS 1We Unalurrin AT YOUR DOC: THREE TIME" A WEEK ;' - - 9. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 13, 1920 PRICE FIV JULY122 IS DATE SEITFOR SUMMER SPOTLIGHT SHOW KEMP KEENA, STAR OF UNION OPERA, TO SING POPULAR - SONGS PROGRAM TO INCLUDE EIGHT. ]FEATURE ACTS [riginal Pieces Now Being Composed by G. H. Roderick, Who Will Head Musical Act Thursday, July 15, has been set as h( date of the annual summer Spot- ight vaud...…

July 13, 1920 (vol. 11, iss. 9) • Page Image 2

…L I I 1 1 L 1. La ;nine , STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE SUMMER ION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. hed Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Afternoons. es: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street. Phones: Business, 960; Editorial, 2414. OFFICE HOURS: O 12:00 Daily " 1:3o to 5 :oo Daily, except Saturday. ications not to exceed 300 words, if signed, the signatures arily to be published in print, but as an evidence of notices of events will be publis...…

July 13, 1920 (vol. 11, iss. 9) • Page Image 3

…SV N E .V.., At IS CHOSEN, ~F0R on of the annual outing of ity of Michigan club of De-i nned by the executive com- 3aturday afternoon, July 17.! is an old custom, given uj war. ie form of a picnic upon the' ,ore, the outing will con- ;ram replete with a variety Baseball between the Ed- the Bryans; swimming ill sizes and ages. sailing rhose experience allows it; food particularl. adapted c, and water for those who on the program. chartered...…

July 13, 1920 (vol. 11, iss. 9) • Page Image 4

…THE WOLVERINE E EN LEVES TO ILLINOIS COACH tinued from Page 1) e St. Louis Americans. In with Captain Sisler, as a got together a nine, which on all the j-st teams in y. While not winning the ate title in 1915, he turned 4erful nine, and added still his laurel, - I's poorest year at Michigan , h en ,u1t i averav :nine i out. Graduation had lost 7igood mni, but hy tho Ind m a strong aggregation was' rough Carl's- eftorts. caused the cessation...…

May 13, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 160) • Page Image 1

…Id I' Pd , an at . P A YANDINIGT SERV[CE I ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1920.- PRICE THRMV , - ----- N IGHT PLANS RAPIDLY APPROACH COMPLETION; TOQUES TO BE BURNEDI tans for Cap night are progressing dly and everything is practically readiness foT the staging of the nier campus tradition on the aing of Friday, May 21. i accordance with the oldest phase hie historic ceremony, the caps and tes will be burned on the big fi...…

May 13, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 160) • Page Image 2

… during the Univer- Publications. D PRESS tied to the use for oit or not otherwise dished therein. Michigan, as second' street. signed, the sig- n" evidence o ed after 8 o'clcck M: CAREY Early' in the spring, when the ground 'was still hard and old paths made their appearance from un- der the snow, there might have been some excuse for doing some absent-minded crosscutting. But now that "Keep to the Walk" has been dinned in our ears and pr...…

May 13, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 160) • Page Image 3

… L/: ( 4. y .} L .. p .: . ." r" . a , . " e. , . .Al1 BOXING NOTICE INNING vIc. citing baseball 1 on the Ferry in triumphed core of 9 to 8 ran come-back ;ue and turned an defeat into ,elessly behind' andgren's . men sixth and sev- ed them seven' Last practice of the Boxing club will be held tonight at 7 o'clock, in Waterman gymnas- ium. All active members should be present with fees. A special meeting will be held Tuesday at '7:15 ...…

May 13, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 160) • Page Image 4

…11, I, Uiotnew I studi'o,,- / :. Phone 598 R SESSION 1920 ISITY OF MICHIGAN The old and new cabinet of the Y. W.;C. A. will meet at 3 o'clock today in Newberry hall. The Women's Cosmopolitan club' will hold an important meeting at 7:30 o'clock, Friday, in Newberry hall, the University Y. W. C. A. Short stories to be entered in Stylus short-story contest should be sent to a member of Stylus before May 15. Baseball practice hours are as...…

May 13, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 160) • Page Image 5

…A NT MAENUNW L I CY WITH U. S -PROF. SADLER. INDUSTRY HAS COME i-s., 13--Madge Kennedy in tly Confidential," and a wood drama and a' comedy. 14- Pauline Frederick in s of Letty," with a North ldrama and a comedy. 13-Will Rogers in "Water, - Everywhere," with Larry n in "Home, Sweet Home." LI SHIPPING lI II Ifi stillilliil lilllil marrick Detroit MAMMA'S AFFAIR BY RACHEL BARTON BUTLER = Euti1ill Ilil IlIIttItIunlr1llti;g { Il ENIORS Y - L...…

May 13, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 160) • Page Image 6

…LV _...L A A 1i~ IN PC T FACTOR T'S SUCCESS ANN ARBOR CHOP SUE Y Excellent CHOP SUEY from 11:30 a. nm. to midniht Steaks and Chops 314 *S. tate (Contnued from Page One) son, K. H. Buttars, M. R.Coleman, E. H. Nicholson, J. E. Burns. and F. H. Carlton, H. W. Scott, G. O.' ld. Wallace, L. D. Wright, J. D. Peterson, prat- J. Bowers, H. J. Conroy, F. C. Orens, call- a. S. Gillette, W. Paynter,FW. C.Nay- 'or, M. E. Hanna, J. E. Defley, D. C. rs...…

March 13, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

…!JJNOME vWHAT IMER TODAY L rr SWl :43A6r tlx AY PRESS Y AND NIGHT SERVICE No. 116. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1920. PRICE THREE AN ROMIHGN ATRA.MRC-3 90.pT , ,TT~~ ,{ r if FHARRELL TAGS CLASH EET TONIGHTI B-V.D,. DANCE DATE A SET FOR APRIL 23I Barristers, Vulcans, and Druids will give their annual B. V. D. dance the first Friday after vacation, April 23, according to an announcement made by the committee in char...…

March 13, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 116) • Page Image 2

…E. .L NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN eery, morning except Monday during the Univer- Board in Control of Student Publications. dBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for tall news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise paper and the local news published therein. the postoffice at 'Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second n by carrier or mail, $3.50. n Arbor Press building, Maynard street. iiiness, 96o; Ed...…

March 13, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 116) • Page Image 3

…- -~ - 1. % _ "; is 1 ... - !!; Mii IONS TO MEET tinued from Page One) Speer is a half miler of no ite. He and Jones have won it meets in which they were At the Illinois Relay Carni- hicago two mile team made >tain Speer, Jones, Otis, and ers, Brickman, Pearce, Kennedy, W. Bowers, Moore; (Michigan) Burkhold- er, Larson, Carson, Lukins, Douglas, Fitzgerald, Butler', Shaw, Messner; mile run-(Chicago) Otis, Brickman. Moore, Jones, W....…

March 13, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 116) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY gs, new s t 11 to be -Adv. . Start Cleaning Ann Arbor Streets Cleaning of the paved streets in the city has been begun by a gang of men and teams. Owing to the varia- tion in weather during the past few months it was necessary to postpone' the work until the present time. .- : satisfacton 4 / Tuttle's Bank I I 18.000.00 Lunches Nunnally's Candy Maynard St. Main & Huron. niversity Ave. I: . r.r. wr.. '1 : M...…

March 13, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 116) • Page Image 5


March 13, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 116) • Page Image 6

…"HIGAN DAILY L "JVL. ., .- a v .,.,_,. 0 SPRING TRIP CERTAIN FOR IF EGE TSVARSITY BAND, SAYS 3MANAGER "The band is practically certain to take the spring trip," said James S.' ES PETITION Klumpp, 120M, student manager of the band. "Only two more' guarantees are red from Page One) needed before it will be a certainty D. Harvey, H. 3 . Horn- as we already have four guarantees H. Hughes, J. W. Ken- and six are needed. K~unert, L: Kiizchi...…

January 13, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 77) • Page Image 1

…i1w At _.A .1 FM~ DAY AND N SERI 40 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1920 ' PRICK I -; PRC READY FOR TREATY VO ANGE TODAY its whose athletic book num- cd in "2" or "3" may secure to two Conference basketball by presenting their athletic t the desk in the main corri- Jniversity hall between 9 end k and between 1:45 and 5:15 today. whose book numbers end in "5" may secure their tickets lay, those whose numbers end CLAIM JA...…

January 13, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 77) • Page Image 2

…Y .. rroathy at is the reason jusuce muuan de- clared that ,some of the "best women in the coun- try and in the world smoke cigarets-This isn't Hickville out in the center of the farmi country." People of the middle west may resent being re- ferred to as hicks, They believe their homely cul- ture on a par -with 'the east and- if the recent de cision passed by the judge is a sample of eastern morals, the middle west should be proud of its po- ...…

January 13, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 77) • Page Image 4

…tork e Is IAN ES O TA TIt isthe desire of those in charge T medicigan aily, tme only ~ FhsY a T D N X H N Ethatl,1 debating. societies and theIn paper inAn ror oztil 1 Law school choose their candidates laestCaLpus, O. tt.SZ"worldl news.-~%'. - X:The 'Danish 'University of Copen- as soon as possiblle, the limit being BriyHelh aer-I en has a 'plan for an exchange of{ *eased during 191, college students ,with otker countriessta jn Patronize our ...…

January 13, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 77) • Page Image 5

…LARY INCREASES .scale adopted by the state board of administration, according to an an- nouncement issued from the board's .Jan. .12.--Faculty University of North offices today. The action affects 86 Forks will receive members of the varsity teaching staff, 1A i/ * i - L 1 DAILY IN A Bismarck, N. D. -members of the U Dakota at Grand salary increasesA R andall amounting to $500 including assistants. ,. ! .. 11 p 1 Studio, PHOTOGRAPH ...…

January 13, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 77) • Page Image 7

…I f midnight 314 S. State - I Plymouth Guild SLEIGH RIDE Ili Next Friday Night Leaving Congregational Church at 8:00 o'clock. I Women sign up at Newberry Hall. Men sign up at Lane Hall. All Welcome' LY, JANUARY 16 2.00 j Mail Orders NowI THEATRE ANUARY, 15th ExtTw- ATrii.r.y )RT THE&ATRE N. Y. Editoi, The Michigan Daily:- There has been much talk, of late, concerning athletic conditions at Mich- igan. Steps have been t...…

January 13, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 77) • Page Image 8

…11 IVEH51 I in Ittee sma. a, _r .{... a in graphjrs 'hale days this week y, make appoint- In 1 1"111u smoker in club Science building. meets in room iciety meets in Lane club' practice interested in the Freshmen n club are requested to Lane hall Wednesday even- o'clock. Unless more inter- hown the club will be dis- 4d. ng of the Chimes board of Shas been postponed for k only from Tuesday, night e!CSI ments for sittings. Seniors h...…

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