March 13, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 117) • Page Image 9
…INTRcAMURAL NOTE~S wili]feet at a latter date. k'.1g1flhty at te ic igan 1union ajesto fi e'- 'hlWA U be ll1V111e al'II ~'IS,0 al1 lll Mllewil be the saime as those govern- minle the interfrat rnlitytitle hldker. imeet will bfound in the Intramural and mile n, shot ing the interfraternlity tract: lmeet,. - HIankbook whiuch are av'ailable ait thle lroad Jump.miad runni SInterfra rnity relays will be run ___ iff Wermann gymnasiu tm.rrThngfour Ie...…