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January 13, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 77) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. SECOND YEAR. ANN ARBOR, MICIH., TUESD)AY, JANUAlRY 13, 1903 No. 77 ATHLETIC ELECTIONS Rumor Concerning May Festival --A r. muory lis sit 5tsrsist(rally sit'- Zandidates are Scarce-Roberts and ;ealated anti studlets antd others Verder ut or Fotbll it the May Fes-tival would not take Terler ut fr Fotbal plao this year. WNhen seen tty thte Kanagership nallyNews last evettittg lrofes sor - .-.- Stanley :;aid positively that...…

January 13, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 77) • Page Image 2

…T N %I[C)ti14 v«U tL i-N ° troucrs.AIL N4EWS The U, o Al D ILY)1thtea The 'VARl' IX NIEWS, d5v '~hA~A A f atffairs ais any odwr' freshmtain. In lie Eas'lt I is of 1111 se :somtiewhat (11ferent, is~s-th le jitlfelsusiii d'e- I')s litBu It h~n1iellit sei'nis 'll ii v its iti « i l i' ill 0 u'tilt t t:55.i LIrvuIIr[ tYS tI 11 ri II g, Itii t r iiti of NIichi- >;tilti -:4t tt of thie ltett ternils ItI 1111,11 V otl 'ID mtsi tic ALT G.HWILD CO. IIA...…

January 13, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 77) • Page Image 3

…a If you want to knowl 'This is wrthy YOUR ATTENTrION ,va mrtl r esed1 30 n. Vint "v R9 6- zoom, ta xa xRCasc' R x ath ter , - ? § . men will gear this sea- seaskto se tS m at . r I Va. s I!, oC Taf1lOtjIA(wY ~torv A)(lf'i B[IL., 1.L 0 i or0P TiIOLO N_ ..F I rum Sup~ies J 3 _<i L 1 31 , A t l N,) PALAC . /I ~ p ~ O~L H1kArT A .GSad&r~ 0c ieckvsear for 35 Arltl N NI.) Basie Bill, iF-1, ii Pr1,c 3 lcii l___ Athletic jjj 3i'i I ft, aIcniss 1%itiT...…

January 13, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 77) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHI(-&N DAILY--NEXXR Puritan Shoes, PuritanlShes ry All Styles for lien, Women and Boys THE LATEST OUT Our New "Spud" Last Ask to see it Large New Line of Patent Leathers Just Received I I I SOUTH MAIN STREET ' t ' ' ;?'1 r"..r' . ;+, w :.tywt t S'Inn .ri' . .. 1 t. C l: s 'i ..C' ' d1.+ - --------------- ------------- 11, MY ! = Il r7 L v %, " We sell Blickensderfer Typewriters RE TSC H1LDR, {ARTISTIC F R AMNG PjlOTOoRlAIl R. AT RR7w Co...…

February 13, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 96) • Page Image 1

…TitE Oi: NM DAILY. Vol. X III. ANN AIt 'I l IMCI.. Ft I)XVYFEISIITAItY 18,1 1903 N. 96 TRACK Cant. Utleyasn1083Prospects The -IWX htttiI "4forliii- llit~lo" Frtesh Rela y Trials-Some Remark- "a i I0t,,itill miii i r~lw ttii able Perforancaes-Other' I"t iii Trials Today lIt- XWtt 111 i's : iitt1. rt i Y-,'tirii I 1I111kId ;II oiher :lay'of lrii i h g at lo of I'il Ir i iiii ii. fr te it'h e 11ii I :;Iii on It IIIli isle li I al ist o e o l v , ...…

February 13, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 96) • Page Image 2

…TIHE UNIVERSITY OFL' 8118I(LAN DAILY. Spring A unouncenieni The largest andi 1most YYOOLE~NS in Ann Arb~or wil lbe found at (G.11. Wild & Co', 108 E. Washington fit. (Oreat p/ains have been Iaken ini the sele~itioii of all suit- ings, trouerinigs & over- coatings for this season. GI H3I WILD CO. 108 E. Wash. St. College Text Books for all Departnmen ts New and Second (Hard The pest $i Fountain Pen in the city SHEEHAN & COI University Bookselle...…

February 13, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 96) • Page Image 3

…THE il, SIY MIi'II =NkIDAILYN. 1T ..>. fAK~ (l _;.._ . Z for \ V ~i~CoA yS ey ciar gsore ( /Ten for 1Iu Plain and Cork Tip. t BURCHFIE + We i 1e )ep isNv 11 "I ve ill 11" Il l I e 11,1 Ili the e(itY. wor1k ain it] 'II( ll' .4.. El I'(1 IC, VE A Al Lb'.S FINE TAILORING TRADE. -'I thisn ni:4l- l iii 1 eetlnil vein ulliiieid, -iirin(-il lhe li iieriofI itiiik mxii. A .THE FINEST LINEi of WOOLENS art alld skill wil predoil latin et IIl Oil 'ie lea...…

February 13, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 96) • Page Image 4

…Q JL~ I 1/r ) I~ . M III 'I tl;I1l' "" : i i.+ t ' 't".-_.'t t ; i I l t 5'l .,. . I 1 , k.' r 1 !' I * 'rt . lr ti ; ,11 ~} lit .it t 1 . I .t:. t s.II 11c1 t'i - ,_is- l r; I tll 51 N 11 J issl I Ils ns} ('-si i t Al -issI5I.. -I- I0:l15 1t. PRO INO W &ilCA'1LE. 1121110 -ito ilt }>'}iI. II~t't1 I I~sI I II; liss 5I5r, j t ilyir 1,11Is I lss llssssse t I ilt 1 ti'' Iltl' i} '' . ( 1111 11 1111 1 1. 15o l.1 'II wi __l _________________________...…

March 13, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 120) • Page Image 1

…TB" n.Or P1. DAILY. xli'. ANN ARBOR, TMICH., FRIDAY, M4ARCH 13, 1903 No. 120 ILLINOIS ARR VES TODAY aor tke utal Meet Saturday Night- a3terscholastic Meet Will Take Place ofl..Usual Inter-Clasa Contest Next Week PThis, aftertoont it 4:58 the tratck 'liof eivei Isea relpreseli tiog the ,zss of Ilinoiis will arrivei Lion Arbor ini pletity of tittl to get a ; hdiightit sletep preparaitory to the '('Mlit Iis gt'rtitllty believed thtt '5it jjani wi...…

March 13, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 120) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF M1ICHIGAN DAILY. - ____ THE U. OF M. DAILY to1;,,2 tiioiif _______0111"_________ it ' i wrmu.. __________________11:110_________,_________on;'b~f, A idet' MANAGINGI EDITOR, truclb .;eiwhen ii liii old The Office Standard The hiarge st andniost NEARLE I. IHOUSITON.0;. i I(11 liT.his ii tlii. nost conpr- compillete l icetofohBUSINESS lIANAIIER t roI i o Mw 1111111'e'r of rhi10-iiihensive and up-t-date ROSCOE B. tISTiVi, 'i14.j,...…

March 13, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 120) • Page Image 3

…THE UNII'ER TZ NIEISITY OF MIC'IIIIGAN DAILY. HFURNESSIZ ri.. 4 i } I 1r RACKET BRAND waxv-f M.-- --------------------------------------- ,I r Vint, rc'le.'wh 1:, ot 1 I it 4m Lien and Pt. Wa gner to: ' tat at- hands D :zand!s Geit a " hail) No is-:d~aL . Teti for 15. Plain an _.' a ,d Cork Tip. I. I0'llI"I 11'..11 .Iiri flc I BURCHFIELD'S FINE TAILORING TRADE. # a we lit))') iu4(reasetl tiwn 14i4'l ) 1 41of .14"s lz4ulir hveTHE FINE...…

March 13, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 120) • Page Image 4

…THTE NIS'EttSITY OF 'MICHIGAN DAILY. Cutt ing, Reyer & Co. G. J. BUSS, Ilgr. 109-111 EAST WASHINGTON ST. " University Tea Rooms RENTSCHLER, ARTISTIC FRAMING 10. M MARTINS. AT PHOTOG RAPHER. AT RENTSCHLER'S. FUNERAL LOVELL'S Cor. Main and Huron Sts. Phone 39, 3 rings DIF ECTOR CORNER STORE. Office 209 S. 4th Ae. 'Phone 98. Ret- MWer from 8 a. m. to 8. p. m. AMUSEMENTS 'xllxxxxx i' x i h ealirti. 'Piee',mle- dene 3193 S. 5th ave. 'Phone 314. Am-...…

May 13, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 163) • Page Image 1

…. . m 0 Cy C+ i. _ J r . r. i t f r r V r J ~ ti. I o Ct7 + n " . sn cn O c3 c cl _ Q i. i - 'j 0r a~ ci [I C.) cn CO '^ : , ' r _ J- __. r' r _ .n v . i .t. "J. = . .-, J .. : J .-. !- ,- ^ .-- I. J 'J. 'l. , r r '"' . , - f - ... r v...+ _ 1: 1- ._ _. a y t-; .- ^ r., ; . '" 'l. G -f: .. 'I i C ' - __ - i - .w , - J !. i, f. .7 7: C-. f: 1 r _ +n . r . n i.. .t.. r wi 1. . . FJ f " ~ r ""' C rr r v1 ^' " ~- " J u r 7:: J r U ;f i f; r=, c S ...…

May 13, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 163) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY (O MICHIGAN DAILY. jirin THlE U. OF M. DAILY Inesh lsi ln grI g®1lit II 11. 1. 14444LS4I N 410 , 1 1 44.4 44 11171 44ti, 44t-l,., ;t ,,lt l 4, m 771 4r . 4he44 14' .44 44. 4444 a 4 4. 44 44 114 ~i c'1tl n h b t lt; 11 Ii ' 4i, I' 1q fic241 (el' l ;It.t4 1 . ' 1744if4444.[l44 144 4 4 4 4 4 . 4 - 4 44 , 44 : 7444441 14"n44iii1 a e d let. ll n190 14t4 4 ~i t 17' tt t 1 .r41444. 1 4 t .44 , 4444 ((4 44l44t 44l41.44 4 , 31 . 1 4...…

May 13, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 163) • Page Image 3

…'7' TtiOUNIVERITY OF MICHIGAN 1DAILY. -FURNE.SSIA: 5 riTHE RIGHT THNGSAND ENOUGH OF THEM Srats, Overcoats, btH a ps, andall the nws Mn-Frnsic Fx..usive Patterns ienstN ns r:si ('llt'1t1 11 i i I t l i < ll h lriC eviot, C llt't II 11 ) 1 [ 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 14~ e n ecl. ii~tt~ t oeIi( W~gi~c & Co Therc is nobetter company ~when b0 n g "hard o' nghts M~li rc te p4earc l._e r. . A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 -1- e Bata I~ 41 4., Iblished IS...…

May 13, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 163) • Page Image 4

…TH1E TNIVIIISI'IY OF Mtt'ItlG a:N DAILY. 1 "-wn. N ew S ouve~ r (11 f lc. At ItIP N'(SllIalr, Aai1181 I 1'I1AM t'a'a M Cnuroa .ar. Man aand huron Sts. Phoei:11,8tht 3;f(;1 'alignQiY@atw c". I 0I 11RAeLOT FO1SIR e- cTsrMCIGA;N NOTES. Proposed Ctaaaage in Footbalal RaiI's 'I, a I' a aa' ana 41 Am- S.hutii,'iali 1a' :;tli 'ooriith. ts r he 'l t i p ;) I rsb, *' e . i , rv I rll, l it 1,1a t li re ( w '\oolell Sutin1s U l m i Li i 1'I i aSttl b t ...…

October 13, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 13) • Page Image 1

…TheMichiga Dil VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1903. No. 13 01110 STAT[ NORM1AL ... .. . 4................CPRES. ANEL ON RLSfl[S. aj The Michigan Daily sent "@ ~~ Plays a Mid-Week Game With the $'-D allh y t oradesfrte i l elrsFia ih' rul n balance of I st semesterDelrsFia NghsTouean 'Varsity Tomorrow-An Unknown Says That Young Men Arrested Team-Interest in the Minne- M'ail in your address to The Mrichgan Daily, or phone 461 W...…

October 13, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 13) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Fall Anoucmn.. The Largest and. Mest Complete Line of WOOLENS in Ann Arbor will he found at G. IT. Wild & Co's, 108 East Washington St. (ireat painsl hare ibeen taken in the selection of all suitings, trouserings & overcoatings for this season. G1 H. WILD CO, 108 E. Wash. St. SEEHAN'S Cheapest "/ace in t he Cily for all Kinds irf THE MICHIGAN DAILY Enrier'd is secoird csars rariri attire Ann Arbor Plitr Office. IPublidhed...…

October 13, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 13) • Page Image 3

…THLE MICHIGAN DAILY. t r®1 t A ®AA ®®®r N . ®i ®t"'Jr4 i il l0 ® E } r NNNNri10 i f#G"W.vwvw.vsv ® i-wvw wvwlq ' ® T 't ip l7 1® eii' *PA LL'S NATTIE ST :NECKWEAR, UNDERWEAR, g BATH ROBES, SWEATERS, DECORATIONS FOR ROOMS, r IN ELEGANI SHOWIN LG -NOJV AT "IACK &CO' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *3Estal ii 13 Lblshed 1881 106 Huron Street, East Burchffield's Fine T"ailoring Trade WAe are prepared this season to moot every demand, as w...…

October 13, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 13) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Prilan Shoes $3~ ON THE SQUAREn -- ' ~WE'VE GOT THE GOODS, YOU'VE GOT THE MONEY. E' NP LETS SAP 111t South Main St. - - Ann Arbor. t_ / ' {. \\ ' ' 5 f t !? i j Jfj " . !! A . s . . ,, 4 i ,.- !, The next painted picture on the banner ia that of the MOGUL Cigarette. a little roll of tobacco much beloved by the collegium studentum. Often taken to his room, where smoketh he them'" One of the lectures not in the course. Ten f...…

November 13, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 41) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1903. No. 41 FIERC[ SCRPI""AG[. '"4~'~ ~ ''"zz~"~I K, K ~ ' 2Z~22~.~' rONSIER fr1[TING. Yesterday's Practice Harder Than f MONSTER MASS MEETING. f Coach Yost, Dr. Fitzpatrick, The Band Ever-Condition of the Team- f * and Members of the Team Will Badgers to Spend Today at Bat * UNIVERSITY HALL; 7 P. M. TONIGHT. f Positively Be Present. tle Creek. v a,^, 4 g, f V 0 What prom...…

November 13, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 41) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. I Fall, Annlounlcement.. The Largest and Most Complete ine of.. WOOLENS in Ann Arbor will be' found at G. 1-. Wild & C's, 108 Fast Washington St. (real pains have been taken in the selection of all suiting, tronserings & overoatings for this season. G. HI. WILD CO 108 E. Wash. St. Stewart Edward White hIie I II'Tra,-io," c THE FOREST Thomse ~aFog~arty $1.0 NET. ; A book full of the charm and I be mystery and the wonder...…

November 13, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 41) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. LEook for tbe IH. S. ' fM. Label In your coat. It's the greatest security bond ever issued. We have Hart, Sehaffner & Marxt Suits and Overcoats FROM U $12.00 to $25.00 The Clothier, Io endless variety 207 SOUTH MAIN STREETJ 12 JPHOTO6RAPHER _121 E. Washington St. *: leCia O f ferings in ; ~~ Fre' urnishings 3 $6.00 All Drool, Fantcy Bath RIobes, priced at $3.98 j $150 Adler's , treet and Ress Gloves, - $1.00 - $4.50 Men s...…

November 13, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 41) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. '1' 'd' '+*9 i+I"~ I"I d'+ 'd ~ i'+11,THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND O RTSTEAL RI (,-eALIES. r OU T I OR NGITrains leave An Arbor by Central Sadr :FTime Standard:. DEPART ENT.,. Effective October 2, 1W_ *Not 0 :W0A. M. No. 1-9:00A. M. No t'3A. M. N. 5-12:30 . M. gaining in popularity, Come and see ns be-* No 2 P. M. No. 3-4:53 Y. M. / , fore placing yor order.' Trains No. 5 andS6 rn between Ann Arbor ) ans 1 3 4 5and Idaiy...…

December 13, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 63) • Page Image 1

…. ]0 VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1903. fl[SION CHOSELN. Michigan Half-back Only Western Man en Camp's First All-Ameri- can, Maddeck, Redden and Graver Have Places en Third Team. Waiter Camp, tie d1an1ofifoot 1)1)1. has chosen hisAll-Amorican tool hail teams anti He tons ofi Michig;ana sh onty westi-rnt tuaye to behooried otil slht hir-I ea.Caps etlimioare as fottows: First Eleven. hodlney 1-sristreton. tat ht -tii-an, Y...…

December 13, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 63) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. TI-I MICHIGAN DAILY are not so fortunate wil be given an ~ CII A~ ____-eqnl opportnity to help the clubs FFYCNSEC Entered as seondclass matte at the Ann along at the concert at YysilantiArePsOfc.nxtTrsa Thswlbehe_ 1IPabts hed daily IMnday exceptedaurng the initial concert of the trip and a rous - IeCiaI Limited IEdiOn& n n o u n c em e((til e year, atti7 Washington street, Ing send-off will do mu dl scsftoward tna POPU LAR ...…

December 13, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 63) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. o-caist~t' .y: e f t +i~a , >*t*+ft' '1 "t la . I Al All A 0 and $24 ( c~tsyafnow VIUI'UO.L All $1sOvercaats naw VaI I $15tOv~a52 ero ata110 W- This sals includes the femrous H. / S. & M. 52 and 54 inch long coats. v. 4l Black and Oxford. Plain or tic Belt IRyton. U 217 South Main Street T e C + Pbone 513 - - ;$20 - 18 - - 12 clothir, I I HOLIDAY GIFT rOR fMlEN New Neckwear Fi Handkerchiefs L, Umbrellas Fi Dress and Str...…

December 13, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 63) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. S-I I'*-I rs'.I- * +-EIr~' --N4~-4 ' As+..+ <r . r . 'THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD - i AND STEAMSHIP LINES. So e hi g s ecialITais lav3An1Aborfyenral Sttndardl~ Time r -+ Efective Otoer 26.l92. r' For bdturda /uh' ~ SUH OT <^'"* No. t- ! 2 A. o. No. 1- 9:00A. M.1 No. 2 ili33 A. m. No. 5-12:3 P. Mr. No. 4-8522P.M. No 3- 4:53. M. fTainis 1.,.3,, 4ad 6, li ilt'ecept Sunday ~. Kep1~dKe yor ee ol Ireeohair crs oQNo. and 4. W.IIIH, .P ...…

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