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December 13, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 66) • Page Image 1

…_______ UNI, E RSITY OF MICHIGAN.______ ANN ldid~t)1b, \tl(1I . S\Ttl'1)AY. 1 ('MD ixf 190182 Nto . xi Si' NI) : 1 J.:' . COMEDY CLUB TONIGHT i s5'" V lxix uand Dlio' i 'l ,,v ~ C~O Er C OSEN r u . J l tax la t sa i ~'x ...l P ..a .: . Cf i t !ijiliAt . a ... xt i t{ i I~ f13 ii i mil ii li i }Ii I i t i tt V Iri-i fii'.; ' r l1 +; '''liitrliii)' ,, ' : )i + l 11 { . 1):y w iiII ' yix 1;1 I' p ''ii il L' ii1t I I i(ii11xvi x.iiin 1 i i1: f i s...…

December 13, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 66) • Page Image 2

…'l ; NH II F ' iN ' IV ,) t T 74 1 , r f .. l " S > _ ... J 1' A . 'y S .a y ' 77 A(Tt IMP 111 0 NO 'i'ito ' V AT U. H.WILD CO. MAN (iINti I)1 O' BUS NES.S i'Atia~iIT , 'x -CTE II S uNt 'it Robert A 'r, TENEITL NEWSI 'a ii 1 '04/ M & u :! 1i p l i Im rt r 'at ' Ia tt IM d i t iy. \N t rit ul v uby aKARL EDIiN HARRIMAN. It to s i I, A $1.20 net Wa T ]~~OE TtN N 108 E. Washington St ANN AkdITIi- MNICH'. heart of Mine BY James Whitcomb Riley Illu...…

December 13, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 66) • Page Image 3

…I HE Ml('11HI11ANtLY NK>V r If you want to knowI what smartly dressed 0- men will wear this sea- son ask to see This I I' vo IN Seinj= H 1,SI'( Smnart Glo'hes lsi ______ [ntI~nschif & AplelEB PALACE AND PARISIAN TeFns ut Lainii[yAfRlCI i and vro is woth OUR ATTENTrION - o th 1) iY OLOCY, LOIY a 13, [HGLOGY IY C alS~t~ MI atlt RBI ts Ai& SON, IPRER N Branch Store on State St. jLAST YEAR 551 (01 O 1 TTE SIGn1A SIGMA SOUTHERN KNICKERBOCKER Ia i c...…

December 13, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 66) • Page Image 4

…THEL MICHIGAN fDAILY--NEWS ? ~i ,' -,., n, _,, I -% '\N\ \ i -':* is \ ] 1 "1 ~1 \ ". 1 { it ..« . cy.c. I - " .,-FO1,.J-- - lr-"..1+~ ae- - i . :_ ~ "u' i1Wiisirl ".. ,M E N..l~ r ~.AY~i+r1,. ..-_. = n .t -" r I- Rubber ~f : .1 (Mos Gy he,"115 EANS Keep Warmi CPhtatas Vests keep out r the cold. We sell them. CALKINS' PHARM ACY, t 324- S. State St. B~ailey I liundts FISHNETS 7 FOR )1 CORA FIN6. 121 East Liberty St. OPEISN I)AY ANit NIiHT. W.tC...…

November 13, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 45) • Page Image 1

…UNVRST OF MIOHIG ~~~~~~ y.11N L) i v < .xx;<.K STAG'S H~xB~C~~ CLSS HA~PIOSHt Di u x:n~ A ~,5i2. lst L m s i ;;ix3 ! tI3 J 'I t X' , l i" , : i3 1 {:iti i ~i t ' :rl. 11' if; Mu ixii'Not (= ... Turn Ou,, i _x .. …

November 13, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 45) • Page Image 2

…TIIE MCllI(-A.N DAUIY rEWF r. y'I * t 3 ) II 'lJ u ( t I ~ , \\'Ztj~'I~1 S TII Ylui ~ur *B I 'KSr: ~'Why" , 'I 1yKr, (imas iur ti. BUIN1ESS I NA(JF-, EDIITORS , At lt01-E ,F:t5 MICHIGAN NOTES. N x. > I iiid' iilu A l 11( ,1t ir tlu ' 11 ,I" : i il : 1 SiE' i nnt' I~l.i. /l 'it '". ,, Ulited S t- es Steel Cofporkations, VOTN HOLST'S s.Coiltitutional Histor of the Uited States. u ~,utI5CuI) '2'~ "2 4 In IrI( .11 1 A'E+ \'1 s't 11: 1li iXlt IS O ...…

November 13, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 45) • Page Image 3

…TH AIC IIIGAis'DAILY--NEWS 'WHITE VESTS rANC Y f' i y If you want to know what siuartly dressed This is worthy YOUR ATTE,-,NTrION tten wilt wear this sea- ]±' , L 4 i,?;+,<< ,trlr i s4on ask to see 3 TE OLG.bLO X ati__ HISTOLOGY o0 .-TIOLOG Snar~atesIstiNiet4u Fri0TES N Iinrl~uhmit P~ BRAH& O, UATRR . I 1 ..,, ,. u.. L3I"Z I1L:It JLOf C UII OLUlC .Jt. AI.ACE AND PARISIAN ,AU<o" u 11' I- n SOUTHERN IKNICOKE RBOCKER All the new effects in - I rY...…

November 13, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 45) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS E FR ME k.1 NOTHIN BETRAAYPIE 191 If ou re articular and hrdtofi c tIU Ru' .Vbber oods, GymSoe," 11S. AI Fne Shoe kepairitng.I ...-r:cR:. y -" ','^ " 7 " j'+ ^^ : I^""1 "'^ P°+vnm-""'iT^ rc-.- . qr R-+r t '.,r .. .r.. ... r. _.. , , a w - .,++nw^r-qr qr -n o p -w > . - . ar+w:,+u*'.w in:st+r xr r.'nv -c yyv,-r.. e--. rAr: w'w' ^'. . - IIR "r'1? t 7 :r"+ T' 1p s-u'.+'; .'^'-c vR -- ...._ , r.. 1-.:s ... rv. ,. ... , .- ....…

March 13, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 118) • Page Image 1

…14TC . y T£ . 1 1 ' _ Y "ryy-t ,,k r 'k kx I i K.y d "Y l; ' cd _ _Li i.0 1~ Vx 'i '.y 'try' _.-1r \...-. -a THE3BALL %I£'IiOr t i ' tt"t II , ,;Ir a, f. { II f I ]It " ,I"t=IiIII , I"s j 11"t I't i'!' i 1 > I ' i iil{';i' tltl'ii1 3i1(l t'': ' . l itt['i" E I' ''.ll ?:ll:l. 1 tt"" \ il ' 1;I i t'll i;l lil'. + i'()St 1t3t'CI t 'II!_; lIt FRESHMEN VS. TOLEDO. i , ; i tit ti" 1 Nc LatinosAre' D o 1 e o No .2: C lit, Ilit'ii >l;lt' 1 11 t't'il t...…

March 13, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 118) • Page Image 2

…hr \Y~i~ilAN L) i - W S LLuJ W it!< z.O UVY elY e,?P3 .2 Nerooi N KsI ICeY Ii'' II~ el { .I 1 ,,; .:t {i: dt'I l Booksto--- Y reS H. L. ERKIN 01 ! )resiet aI1 -Mke w,-i - By N A, C. . JQLHL\ S2 \\l .~lNI~) F Ar- C( I'PA r CIIOt 4eSCFAISL E ER V~ f, .......... 4-++++++i--!,-I--l ! + a. . 4. 4. 4 . : Thii, 'Pace Belonge to 4. 4.i 4., 1. P" IF I, ++ .. t f J. THURSDAYMR~H1t CIIAI 1 1 kIIMN Scomnany n n te %eratest comedy ever swritteni !ramatize...…

March 13, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 118) • Page Image 3

…TTo Ol\ 4STEIN -BLOGH C( _t 11.. S E kN--B LC 'F+ 2 I-,ND SG II-TT e4 61L l I -+ OTHES ~+++4 + + .1. .3. .3. .3. + N + 4. + + .3. + + + + + + + 4. .3. .3. .3. + .3. + .3. + + .3. 4+4+44. 'Y'j .- :. ^" - _ -_ ' " r ,- t 1 1" f x d } t f ' r ' ; Ff, Ci; ! < 2a"'yA V r. _ Tere s M?'i Better TaiOur cENT4 FUGE /1. .9' 1' 1< ;i ( N'r. i +, y : ?10 t(1 OTHES XX' N ,( ', '( ELEKb'~XCU & - lmp(t'ters 1k 'lartufacturers EGYPTIAN DEITIES "N etrTurkish ML...…

March 13, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 118) • Page Image 4

…H~fr .*4 *- -H - ~ -~ u ->I+'I+--~ :- ++-ip -1--' I 'e a . :.s^'' '"-, + cPf~I'X L ~~11 fshsam~Il ZUMC 32 S.7I4E4 " l'++++++++++-+++ .+*+++4++4.o44 THE HOCKINO VALLEY RY.! We- ( . NV LA'N l4AN,(i zi 41 p aeb iz ~ll 1,5, 02,5 2 and 30,C a l b. SOHALLIER'S BOOKST0Rn-1 1165 MAIN STREET Capith T il ... th .in rnt, ep r i)r t~ t~rrl~lz4: tt 41 FIRS NA IU RA NK (r a F.} 1 afn,.. Capitl, FU( Jto''.Slc 8, t nal I',t d tl f ' cre02dit. coe ~' (l-A 't,,...…

February 13, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 95) • Page Image 1

…41C 1 " ,TL r E L i i W. 2 rM w"rir . w. rf CA FLU ET YEAR. ANN ARI3OR, MIH., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13 1902. No, 95i PRELIMINARY MEET. Clare Entries for the Different Events and a Better Class of Material Than Ever Before. +.rt'the "' ,ll I 'j, aks',5 e 1t1 'e "1h i~t "hvnri ,. ;t r heellh+h iiiX' d r ~ let H , thatihe i re, ttt 1t, tit illhateIitt ti ttuthi Iea 'nI ' , 1 11 .1 ir e i, it, e lI,,i e h I ' ' 'I: '~eu 1 1 r ~ te h e il e k r i...…

February 13, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 95) • Page Image 2

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY--NEWS We Will Announce... .ipritig t i untiStn r iWoo;- }iii fir l11tt'2W4- r an sho-n .atde line of AN,( t'oo ai ittiittt , ltrotlng s ann foreign and 1donntit. VonY:': p t i~n t! oliitftil C H, WILD CO. loE.Washington St. THIN WHITE SLIDES, 66c. gross SLIDE BOXES , For 25 slides.......... : For 100) slides ........ 2 For .200 slides.... ......, 'i QUARRY'S CAMPUS D)RUG STORE WATC11 FOR R. E. JOLLY'S (TREAT JANUAVY' PIPE S...…

February 13, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 95) • Page Image 3

…THE MICIILGAI\% DAILYi--NEWS -044--ot to to-Its q The Most GonvInGino TWiO that we could do that would tend to induce you to buy STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES would he to introdjuce you to a man who has worn them. We cannot command the language with which to tell you how good these clothes are. The makers attach their label be- neath the coat collar of their coats, and they are so proud of thetr reputation that not the slightest defect either of style, ...…

February 13, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 95) • Page Image 4

…THE f C IGA N L)AILY -NEW,', h 4- NF 4. 4 +i+ 1r PHOTOGRAPHIC DEMONSTRATION A representative of the Nepera Chemical Co. will be at our store Wednesday evening, ieh. 12th, and will at 7:30 p). m. give a demonstration with VELOX, PAPER. "ou are invited to bring one of your owon negatives and have a print made from it. Admission Free. Third Floor. CALKINv-S-' -PH---ARMACY -32-4 --SO.- -STA] PE SJo 41 :::i ~1:1:lIIl : i ~ii 411i44-i'+I11 l141 I:it...…

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