May 13, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 158) • Page Image 1
…of , f 1a ,s VOc. 1IL-No. 15s. UNeiIVEB THE SOPHOMORES WIN AGAIN'.I(caiitcee lhrcs Ninety-three Loses Her Chancesi Hunter aod for the Championship Banner. Chickerinig t' Oniiaceoutotof te disturbhnce its theierror lt orallyeantiti iin the class rootms oft zeran't 'tittros the v'arioiis delitnienits wihen.i thei of both sitles inter-class (aiesiita're played ( ithe fiotm iing eaittpis, yesterdaty's 't ng i i s tctiote fnowtst( oni the failt i...…