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April 13, 2016 (vol. 125, iss. 109) • Page Image 1

… Ann Arbor, Michigan Wednesday, April 13, 2016 ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIVE YEARS OF EDITORIAL FREEDOM INDEX Vol. CXXV, No. 109 ©2016 The Michigan Daily NEWS......................... 2A OPINION.....................4A SPORTS ......................7A SUDOKU..................... 2A A R T S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 A S T A T E M E N T . . . . . . . . . 1 B NEW ON MICHIGANDAILY.COM CSG ass...…

April 13, 2016 (vol. 125, iss. 109) • Page Image 2

…3-News 2-News Sudoku Syndication 1 of 1 9/19/08 11:34 AM 6 7 2 4 6 4 8 1 4 7 8 4 3 5 1 6 5 7 5 3 4 2 9 6 1 5 8 3 SO CLOSE YET SO FAR. puzzle by 2A — Wednesday, April 13, 2016 News The Michigan Daily — Students at the University of Michigan took to Twitter in observance of Equal Pay Day Tuesday. The national event began in 1996 ...…

April 13, 2016 (vol. 125, iss. 109) • Page Image 3

…3-News The Michigan Daily — News Wednesday, April 13, 2016 — 3A 2-News in a situation if it did happen,” Baum said. This is the event’s first year, and organizers said they hope to make it an annual occurrence. Wes Vear, LSA senior and president of the Club Sports Council, said CPR is an easy skill to learn, and training more people could help raise Michigan’s 8-percent pre- hospital cardiac arrest survival...…

April 13, 2016 (vol. 125, iss. 109) • Page Image 4

…CONTRIBUTE TO THE CONVERSATION Readers are encouraged to submit letters to the editor and op-eds. Letters should be fewer than 300 words while op-eds should be 550 to 850 words. Send the writer’s full name and University affiliation to T hey say you go away to college to learn about the world. To learn what makes the world spin, where your place is in it and how to someday change it for the better. ...…

April 13, 2016 (vol. 125, iss. 109) • Page Image 5

…JAMIE BIRCOLL T here’s a very quick, subtle contrast in “Mad Max: Fury Road.” Throughout the film, we witness the brain- washed, blindly devoted War Boys hurl themselves at danger with the expecta- tion of dying a warrior’s death. Just before their demise, they all call out to their comrades, “Witness me!” and then give themselves to Valhalla, as they believe. But just before protagonist Imperator Furiosa kills the mega...…

April 13, 2016 (vol. 125, iss. 109) • Page Image 6

…Classifieds Call: #734-418-4115 Email: ACROSS 1 Like many knock-knock jokes 6 Fit together, as some Russian dolls 10 Commando ploy 14 Square measures 15 Pledge 16 Magazine with annual Style Awards 17 Impressionist who was frequently a guest of Johnny Carson 19 Ink stain 20 Quite a while 21 Org. with Wizards and Magic 22 Hard-to-hit pitch 23 __ tai 24 Greek gatherings? 27 Cleared (out) 29 Clearasil shelfmate 30 Be in se...…

April 13, 2016 (vol. 125, iss. 109) • Page Image 7

…Sports The Michigan Daily — Wednesday, April 13, 2016 — 7A Michigan at Michigan St. Matchup: Michigan 29-4; Michigan St. 20-19 When: Wednesday 4:30 P.M. Where: Alumni Field TV/Radio: BTN Plus MICHIGAN MICH. ST. 5 11 BASEBALL Michigan falters in sixth inning of loss By NATHANIEL CLARK Daily Sports Writer EAST LANSING — The Michigan baseball team was engaged in a pitcher’s duel through the first fi...…

April 13, 2016 (vol. 125, iss. 109) • Page Image 8

…8A — Wednesday, April 13, 2016 Sports The Michigan Daily — Grading Michigan’s hockey season By KEVIN SANTO Daily Sports Writer After making the NCAA Tournament for the first time since 2011, the Michigan hockey team ended its season with a 5-2 loss to North Dakota on March 26. Before we turn the page to next season, the Daily evaluates the Wolverines’ performance in 2015-16. Offense: A+ The Wolverines boas...…

April 13, 2016 (vol. 125, iss. 109) • Page Image 10

…2B Magazine Editor: Karl Williams Deputy Editor: Nabeel Chollampat Design Editor: Shane Achenbach Photo Editor: Zoey Holmstrom Creative Director: Emilie Farrugia Editor in Chief: Shoham Geva Copy Editors: Emily Campbell Alexis Nowicki Jose Rosales Managing Editor: Laura Schinagle the statement Wednesday,April 13. 2016 // The Statement 43,625 students attend the University of Michigan. Only 12 are Students of the Year. N...…

April 13, 2016 (vol. 125, iss. 109) • Page Image 11

…3B Wednesday, April 13, 2016 // The Statement L SA senior Laura Meyer’s immediate response to being chosen as Student of the Year was to share the recogni- tion with all the other member of the Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center. “It’s really fun to be recognized for some- thing that I’ve worked really hard on,” she said. “But at the same time a lot of the stuff that we’ve all accomplished has been done together, so I...…

April 13, 2016 (vol. 125, iss. 109) • Page Image 12

…Wednesday, April 13, 2016 // The Statement 4B A YEAR IN NEWS ALLISON FARRAND/Daily Two thousand ninety-six women dressed as Rosie the Riveter gather at Willow Run Airport in Ypsilanti, Michigan on October 25, 2015 to reclaim the Guinness World Record for the numbers of Rosies in one place. SAN PHAM/Daily Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti residents march in memory of Aura Rosser for the May Day March for Justice on May 1, 2015. HALEY MCLAUGHLIN...…

April 13, 2016 (vol. 125, iss. 109) • Page Image 13

…Wednesday, April 13, 2016 // The Statement EMILIE FARRUGIA/Daily Engineering freshman Gabriel Croitoru tries out Google Cardboard VR at TedxUofM at the Power Center on April 1, 2016. 5B AVA RANDA/Daily Ann Arbor resident Libby Hunter calls for Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder to be fired at a weekly protest on Main Street on March 9, 2016. ROBERT DUNNE/Daily Ypsilanti resident Khaman Thomas holds a banner in a protest against police violen...…

April 13, 2016 (vol. 125, iss. 109) • Page Image 14

…Wednesday, April 13, 2016 // The Statement 6B O n paper, LSA sophomore Hannah Buck looks like every other high- achieving person enrolled at the University of Michigan. She double majors in English and Communications with a concen- tration in creative writing. She is currently acting as the Public Relations Chair member for the Groove Performance Group, a per- cussion team that entertains audiences with trashcan drumming and plenty of...…

April 13, 2016 (vol. 125, iss. 109) • Page Image 15

…Wednesday, April 13, 2016 // The Statement 7B L SA junior Jaimie Phelan has a lot on her plate: playing an instrumental role on the Women’s Track and Field team while working tirelessly with Athletes Connected and the Depression Center Stu- dent Advisory Board as an advocate for end- ing the stigma surrounding mental health issues. Yet, she never lets herself get too over- whelmed. “It definitely feels like a lot, but I also kind ...…

April 13, 2016 (vol. 125, iss. 109) • Page Image 16

…Wednesday, April 13, 2016 // The Statement Wednesday, April 13, 2016 // The Statement 8B 9B A YEAR IN ENTERTAINMENT ZOEY HOLMSTROM/Daily Twenty One Pilots perform on their Blurryface tour at Saint Andrew’s Hall in Detroit on December 17, 2015. LIZZY XIONG/Daily A ballroom couple dances bolero at the Ohio Star Ball professional show on November 20, 2015. ZACH MOORE/Daily Paul McCartney performs at Joe Louis Arena in Detroit on Octob...…

April 13, 2016 (vol. 125, iss. 109) • Page Image 17

…Wednesday, April 13, 2016 // The Statement 10B R ackham student Rama Mwenesi means a lot of different things to the people who know him. Within the University of Michigan community. To his fellow engineers — and many others, actually — he is the founder of E-MAGINE, a multidisciplinary student startup working to bring Internet access to remote areas in countries like Brazil, Sierra Leone, Kenya and Zambia. To those others who know hi...…

April 13, 2016 (vol. 125, iss. 109) • Page Image 18

…Wednesday, April 13, 2016 // The Statement 11B O ver her time on campus, LSA senior Fabiana Diaz has realized the necessity of advocating to prevent sexual assault, even if she herself isn't fully healed. “It is a privilege to be able to talk about [sexual assault] and advocate for it, because not everyone has that opportunity, but at the same time sometimes it can be tiring mentally,” Diaz said. “Just because I’m advocating for so...…

April 13, 2016 (vol. 125, iss. 109) • Page Image 19

…Wednesday, April 13, 2016 // The Statement 12B A YEAR IN SPORTS MAIZE HYAMS/Daily Freshman Collin DeShaw dives at a swim meet against Michigan State at Canham Natatorium on February 6, 2016. ALLISON FARRAND/Daily An in-camera multiple exposure of University of Michigan gymnast Lauren Marinez competing in a meet at the Crisler Center in Ann Arbor, Michigan on January 16, 2016. MARINA ROSS/Daily Members of Michigan’s soccer team cel...…

April 13, 2016 (vol. 125, iss. 109) • Page Image 20

…5B ZOEY HOLMSTROM/Daily need ZOEY HOLMSTROM/Daily Freshman Olivia Karas performs on the uneven bars in the Crisler Center on February 8, 2016. ALLISON FARRAND/Daily Michigan wide receiver Jehu Chesson stretches for the Wolverines' only touchdown of their 42-13 loss to Ohio State at Michigan Stadium on November 28, 2015. STINA PERKINS/Daily Michigan infielder Lindsay Montemarano chases down a bunt in front of third base on March 26...…

April 13, 2016 (vol. 125, iss. 109) • Page Image 21

…Wednesday, April 13, 2016 // The Statement 14B Family, faith and friends are what LSA senior Brittney Williams credits to her success today. The presence of all three has empow- ered her to overcome her own struggles with depression, an ill mother and the academic challenges she faced during her time as an undergraduate student. Williams, who began her undergraduate odyssey in 2005, acknowledges her path to graduation later this mon...…

April 13, 2016 (vol. 125, iss. 109) • Page Image 22

…Wednesday, April 13, 2016 // The Statement 15B Despite sitting in Starbucks on a rainy April afternoon, LSA junior Yumi Taguchi sported a warm smile. This, combined with her big eyes and sympathetic tone of voice hinted at why she might be such a comfort to students with mental health difficulties on campus. Saying Taguchi is a mental health activist at the University of Michigan would be putting it mildly. She is involved in fou...…

April 13, 2016 (vol. 125, iss. 109) • Page Image 23

…Wednesday, April 13, 2016 // The Statement 16B ZOEY HOLMSTROM/Daily Former Ohio state senator Nina Turner speaks at a rally for U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-Vt.) on March 7, 2016 in the Crisler Center. EVAN AARON/Daily Students celebrate Holi, a Hindu festival for the beginning of spring, at Palmer Field on April 3, 2016. AMANDA ALLEN/Daily Protesters hold signs against a deer cull in Ann Arbor parks at an Ann Arbor City Council mee...…

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