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March 13, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 107) • Page Image 1

…OPINION : r{::: R £$ 4 ARTS 7 SPORT Women runners compe in NCAA Championshis Run for MSA Chiefs, Cities, and Automobiles ,, ,fF1iyff: :{ + , ,.:?tiff;S:+,t3,"';t , S$};:}i4C'Y, ni7:k }f'.:'.S:'kn,' u,?,' .4\ .$:{GkS hx +.:4r.'$. i.$.'fk++ . tif ' .rl..'$:>.Q {" Y"i4wv Y Yf:'i,+i.^i:;%:::i:::i: : i e iiigrnlBaily Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom Vol. C, No. 107 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Tuesday, March 13,1990 , ignDa 5, General Avri...…

March 13, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 107) • Page Image 2

…Ppe 2-The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, March 13, 1990 ., AP Pnoto Highway tragedy Rescue personnel work at a 40 car crash in Green Bay, Wisconsin yesterday morning. The accident, which occurred during heavy fog, claimed at least three lives. USSR continued from page 1 Progressive Moscow deputy Alexei Yablokov said legislators from Georgia, Moldavia, Azerbaijan, Estonia and Latvia are expected to boycott today's vote on the constitu- tional ame...…

March 13, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 107) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 13, 1990 - Page 3 'U, seeks research vice provost by Noelle Vance Daily Administration Reporter The search for the University's next Vice Provost for Research has begun. S A ten-member committee, ap- pointed by University Provost Charles Vest, will soon begin solic- iting applications for the position from University professors and deans. n The position - formerly the Vice President for Research - is th...…

March 13, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 107) • Page Image 4

…Page 4 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 13, 1990 le idligan ailI EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 ARTS NEWS OPINION 763 0379 764 0552 747 2814 PHOTO SPORTS WEEKEND 764 0552 747 3336 747 4630 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, .. signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the...…

March 13, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 107) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 13, 1990 - Page ' comedian makes U.S. finals by Jennifer Worick It's no joke. Laughtrack, a weekly comedy showcase at the University Club, will be sending a nmenmber of its troupe to the the finals of the Certs U.S. College Comedy Competition on March 21 in Daytona Beach, Fla. Midwest regional finalist Tom Franck, a junior in the School of Art wand Laughtrack host, will perform before a largely collegiat...…

March 13, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 107) • Page Image 6

…Page 6 -The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 13, 1990 C kSIFIED ADS 7641 -0557 TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED IN toieon iag... X ads cost S2.10/line for the first day, S.70/lin for each additional consecutive day X ads must be placed by 11:00 a.m. the morning before publication X ads must be prepaid with cash, an in town check, or a money order X ads may be removed from publication, but there will be no refunds SUBLET * INCREDIBLE ROOM IN LARGE HO...…

March 13, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 107) • Page Image 7

…1 r. ! ARTS Tuesday, March 13, 1990 Page 7 The Michigan Daily Pontiac by Kristin Palm- talks about their generation; %....P OK, so we're not Boston, Austin, Minneapolis or even Aurora, Illinois but no one can deny that Ann Arbor has a semi-prosperous (even compet- itive) music scene. While any capi- talist-minded musician has her or his sights set on transcending this mini- mecca, everybody needs to start somewhere and this is as good ...…

March 13, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 107) • Page Image 8

…Page 8 -The Michigan Daily -Tuesday, March 13, 1990 I i Laura Nyro sings again by Peter Shapiro IF you can envision a hybrid of three parts Roberta Flack, one part Nina Simone, one part Janis Joplin, one part Free to Be You and Me- era Marlo Thomas, and one part Joni Mitchell, then you know what Laura Nyro sounds like. Her bizarre amal- gam of easy listening styles with a tinge of gospel and blues caused her to become one of the most hyped ...…

March 13, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 107) • Page Image 9

…Men's Basketball vs. Illinois State (NCAA 1st Round) Friday, 9 p.m. Long Beach, CA - The Michigan Daily ._Tuesday, March 13, 1990 TRACK CAPTAIN EARNS ALL-AMERICAN HONORS AGAIN: Best is not enough for Rowand Women's Basketball vs. Oklahoma St. (NCAA 1st Round) Wednesday, 8:30 p.m. Stillwater, OKd Y i Page 9 by Annemarie Schultz Daily Sports Contributor Eight seconds behind, Mindy Rowand could see first place finisher Valerie McGovern of Ken...…

March 13, 1990 (vol. 100, iss. 107) • Page Image 10

…Page 10 -The Michigan Daily -Tuesday, March 13,1990 Wrestling Scorecard 1990 BIG TEN CHAMPIONSHIPS Associated Press Top 25 Here's a look at the top basketball teams Team Record First Round Game 118 pounds 1. Jack Griffin, Northwestern 2. Steve Martin, Iowa 3. Gabe Zirkelbach, Purdue 4. Lance Ellis, Indiana 5. Charlie Irick, Wisconsin 6. Ben Morris, Minnesota 126 1. Terry Brands, Iowa 2. Brian Smith, Michigan State 3. Adam DiSabato, Ohio Stat...…

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