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March 13, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 113) • Page Image 1

…d ,I VOL. XX. HORNER STARS AND TIES GYM RECORD Wins 35-Yard Dash in Four Sec= onds Flat--May and Ross Do Good Work Featured lby tle tiglflh' ido record it the 3-Warddalxi amt the irstl appeartcee of 'all thrsi}ahe the atttuli Vrstymt t wli hei ri trda ]ti t in 111 iiri un,eio nim Excepton tiir"'gooidItiirswr na i 'PTe hn oe initiii liltvidua pont v ute of the eveniiiiiliti it 3t-yarti dash itftutusecondsllat. di i iir tiet thr tid or reor, oo...…

March 13, 1917 (vol. 27, iss. 113) • Page Image 1

…I ~1 PROBABLY SNOW TODAY .R Y I. *fr 4a tAaiIJ UNITED PRESS DAY AND NIGHT WIRE SERVICE ..._, VOL. XXVII No. 113. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 13, 1917. PRICE FIVE CE HIGH, IN SCIENCE Prof. R. M. Wenley Says Michigan Astronomers Are Among Best CALLED DETROIT OBSERVATORY BECAUSE OF CITIZENS' GIFTS President Tappan Starts Project Wlle Making Inaugural Speech America leads the world in practical astronomy, and Mich- igan students...…

March 13, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 114) • Page Image 1

…s2:40 00, lt A6F ja kit .PA; DAY AND N SEW ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1918.. PP CAMPUS CAMPAIGN HEAD APPOINTED 95,000 CONSCRIPTS TO BE SUMMONED AMERI IGERM Prof. Clyde E. Wilson to Lead dent Liberty Loan Drive Stu. Mobilization First of Men Draft to March 29 to Complete Begin I a j 2OBERT R. DIETERLE, '18, STAR- RING AS TOM, IN "LET'S GO!1" ROE OF (ABL SKIPS " Vi IPPING BOARD NOT EXPECTED TO ADOPT SUBMITTED PR...…

March 13, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 0) • Page Image 1

…Souvenir Opera Extra Ylichl Daly -- EXTRA! __.I ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, MARCH 13, 1916 PERSONNELL OF CAST AND CHORUS FOR 1918 OPERA, 'TRES ROUGE' The personnel of this year's opera The chorus memlbers are as follows: perhaps contains more experienced Ponies---A. V. Livingston, '18, H. P. men than that of any other Union pro- Nicholson, '18, F. J. Wurster, '17, L. duction. Three of the cast parts are F. Berry, '18E, ,.. S. Burrow...…

March 13, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 113) • Page Image 1


March 13, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

…E DAILY Y' MORNING $1.50 ~I The Michigan Daily XV, No. 116. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1915. ENTRY OF BEZER TONIGHTQUESTION Syracuse Squad in Excellent Shape for Tus'sle with Wolverines, Who Come Seventeen Strong TODAY Union membership dance at Union, 9:00 o'clock. Chess and Checker club meets at Un- ion, 7:30 o'clock. Interclass track meet in Waterman gymnasium, 3:00 o'clock. Women's League fancy dress party, I GURATE...…

March 13, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 114) • Page Image 1

….,M 4 t I A I 01I . ... ,. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 11914. PRICE L BE B EVENTS FOR TODAY . "Hoodoo" Fischer party, Michigan Un- ion, 9:00 o'clock. Dr. James Franklin Jameson lectures . in Economics building, 4:15 o'clock. Oratorical association play, "She Stoops to Conquer," University Hall, S. 00 o'clock. Prof. E. H. Kraus speaks in room 348, engineering building, 11:00 o'clock. II Will Be 'y Su- 1.\ MiAR1OW or ...…

March 13, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 113) • Page Image 1

…LOCAL $1.50 MAIL $2.00 The an .9, Daily LOCAL $1.50 MAIL $2.00 ___.I IV Vol. XXIII, No. 113. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1913. PRICE FIVE - -- - - - -i BULLETIN GIVES WIDE SCOPE OF MICHIGAN WORK University Benefits Thousands Lectures and Hospitals; Naiture of Work Explained. With COLLEGE DIRECTLY SERVED 80,000 PERSONS LAST YEAR. Official Pamphlet to Legislature and Citizens of State is Issued Through the extension ...…

March 13, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 115) • Page Image 1

…Michigan Da y I ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1912. r claimed to typify hypocrisy, deceit and perjury, and is severely rapped. The radical views of the small schools are pointed out to show that harmony is im~ipossible,and the stand against the re- sumption of Michigan games completes the list of charges. It is a concise, strong, and direct charge against the western body. May Mean Breakup of Conference. If the withdrawal of...…

March 13, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 113) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN Doll li Spring and Summer 1910 Our Spring Specials DESIGNS-Original and Exclusive COLORINGS-Te Newest FABRICS-Dependable RESULTS-Pleasing and Harmonious - IN - Suitings, Veslings Trowserings Now Ready for Your Eamintion G. HI. Wild Comfpanly TAILORS 311 S0. STATE STREET CLINTON The "S LIPEASY" BUTTON HOLE MAKES THE BUTTON EASILY A M SIT PERFECTLY MADE OF LINEN 3ARCD SHRUNK REGULAR AND QUART ER SIZES 1 50 2 for 259 VI-A17E/RKER 09...…

March 13, 1917 (vol. 27, iss. 113) • Page Image 2

…Hj DAILY DAILY l April 8th Prepare Now ke your selection from our vast assortment of distinctive weaves and colorful blends. G.H. Merchant Tailors Wild Company STATE STREET 'oice Selectionof Place Cards and Dance Programs he Slater Book Shop me 430 336 S. State St. STOP AT UT TLE"S 33s s. STATE or sodas and lunches EORGE BISCHOFF ce Cut Flowers and Plants hapin St. Ann Arbor, Mich. PRONE 809 M Special Sale of Cosmetics and Switche...…

March 13, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 114) • Page Image 2

….A: tYATID wastebasket. In the e and buggy and tle id education as a by- e time, we could per- waste a quarter of a expensive university urselves, individually. be the proper time tion of mental rust. iecessity for full ef- There's One girl In This town Who thinks She is Either A Kleptomaniac Or a Detective. She keeps a Memory Book And She is Glad We are in this War Because it Gives her A Lot of New Things To Collect. Last ".Year She Gather...…

March 13, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 0) • Page Image 2

…THME W I LY, 'Gargoyle Wits Take Hand in I IC H AN DAILI Writing Of Annual Comedy Official newsp per at the University of Michigan Published everysmorning except The Gargoyle is a humorous publi- Wit, we say, born under such cir Mo~!nday drings! he university year. 1 U nivevsit u~ic 6 - cation. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor as The Gargoyle editor is a humorous second-class matter. . ...__ _ man. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Buildi...…

March 13, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 113) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, ww r i w.u r sir - rrr rw i. r __wrrrw r rr ur r 944-14an Dal-fia The Guillotine OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Published every; morning except Monday during the university year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled mo the use for republication of all news dis- patches credited to it or not otherwise ...…

March 13, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 116) • Page Image 2

…TripD MICHL.A DIL DAILY 'I From any View Point our clothes show their superiority. In the material, in the workman- ship- every stitch set with care- and in the fit and hang of the gar- ment. Don't spend a lot of money but to regret it; let us tailor you, this time and forge t the past. Place your order today for that new Spring suit. T HE MICHIGAN DAILYI Official newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published every morning except Mon...…

March 13, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 114) • Page Image 2

…7 J " LATEST STYLES [D COLORINGS FOR 'RING 1914 pest Line of Woolens city to select from I l'I' 11 MIL 4VIQ N .P.AI LY igan. Published every morning except Mn Official newspaper at the University of Mielh- ~Mon- day during the univeity xcar. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Mihigan.nader-Act -of Congress of March 3, STATIONERY TYPEWRITERS New, reouilt, and second- hand, For Sale,t $'10.00 up For Rent, $2.00 up 3 mos., $5.00 TY ...…

March 13, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 113) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Line of Spring Woolens Largest Assortment in the City Ready for Your Inspection, 13WILD- CO. 3 11~ S. State Street ®, '.ENNIS The season will soon be here. Have your Racket ready for use. Bring it in now and let us re string it. We guaran- tee all our work. Do not delay but do it now. EEHAN .CO. Student SIREEIM"AI Btwksta:-e AFFINITY ILOR CLOTHES that are your INITY in PATTERN, style and Di eterle LOR Liberty Street...…

March 13, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 115) • Page Image 2

…IQA AlL! Ii A _.... THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official Newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published every morning except Mon- day throughout the school year. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Ar- bor, Michigan, under Act of Con- gress of March 3, 1879. MANAGING EDITOR. Walter K. Towers. BUSINESS XANAGER Albert R. Dilley Want Ad Stations Press Building; Quarry's Pharmacy;. The University Pharmacy, 1219 S. University; Van Doren's Pharmacy, ...…

March 13, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 113) • Page Image 3

…3tli I 2011 111 0 iLT PAY YOUR CANDY BETS WITH GILBERT&S CHOCOLATES Best in the World 60 to 80 cents CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINGI ______________-I MUSIC AND DRAMA NV A20NTED. * AT QUARRY'S Money Loaned On Watches, Diamosd. Laooksto or other personaltproperty. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Office at residence 3311 E. Libserty St Ann Arbor. Hours: ito 11:30 a. mn..I to 4:30 atnd 7 to JOSEPH C. WATTS TIlE FARMERS AND...…

March 13, 1917 (vol. 27, iss. 113) • Page Image 3

…1-1 Lj I ............... .._.. FINISH[[ 1LN THIRD * * * * * * * * * Admission to the Cornell-Mich- * igan track meet to be held in * Waterman gymnasium,, Saturday, * March 17, will be by coupon nlum- * ber' 14. These coupons will be. * received by the Athletic associa- * tion up to 6 o'clock P. M, March * 12, and a reserved seat ticket will * be returned provided a stamped, * self-addressed envelope is enclos- * ed.. The tickets will be ...…

March 13, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 114) • Page Image 3

… , Plautsbhu rg "Ace" of the Season Every season some style looms up as the "'hit, " the dominant achiev- ment of the designer's art. This season 's feace"~ will be the Pla tts- burg by The House of K- The honors are honestly won. Snapp distinctive young man 's style-note th fitted military back-truly a fine exar ary e Comte in and see 7Jie Plattsburg, try it on attractive patterns and colorings. You 'll $25' to $40 N. F. ALLEN CO. Main ...…

March 13, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 0) • Page Image 3

…THI{I.MICHIGAN DAILYt. PRISES COSTUMES TO BE USED FOR 1916 PRODUCTION DIRECTOR iMlOIIGAN BELIEVES AT- TIRE OF CAST AN) CHORUS BEST OF ITS KIND DESIGNS SHOW MODERNITY Varioiis 'SCenes of Show Give Splendid Opportunity For Skill of Artists The coztumes for the Union opera, "Tres Rouge," are the finest that have ever been used for any student pro- duction, according to Charles P. Mor- gan, Jr., director of the opera. Not only are the costumes be...…

March 13, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 113) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY FAI ,. .. THE MICHIGAN DAILY P~A a F-I r 4 I"Don't Change Your Husband" ALWAYS A5K FOR r .r... ,.;'1 Trip Successful Despite Defeat Michigan's trip to the south to take on Indiana, Illinois and Ohio in the final three games of the season, may e considered successful from every point of view.- The game with Ohio State last Sat- urday night started them off well. During the first half Ohio seemed to have the best of ...…

March 13, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 116) • Page Image 3

…it 11 I GAN Li.AILY, r. r Overcoats GET IT AT CALKINS' PHARMACY Furnishings itest and styles. line of SHIRTS VEAR that com- the nobby ideas . , ; . ,., , - z: 1 .. J , v Do you know we served a ton of Malted Milk at our Soda Fountains last year ? We mek ke 'em K ght Our. New Ice Cre .m We make it ourselves, and it is REAL Cream. No Gelatin. No Ice Creani Powder. GET IT AT CALKIN'S PHARMACY 342 SOUTH STATE STREET, I \ ~ DdttA'0 0...…

March 13, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 114) • Page Image 3

…I SPRING SHIRTINGS The Stein-2iloch Fashion Camera Nothing gets by it. It reflects what London thinks about fashions for you. -what Paris thinks --what New York thinks -what Chicago thinks And out of all these opinions,with the jfot-de-rol eliminated, come The Styles Sensibly Dressed Americans Prefer. Such styles we are now ready to show you. -one more reason your suit should be a Stein-Bloek. LINDENSCHMIDT APFEL & CO Clothiers and Furnisher...…

March 13, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 113) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. You lose if you miss the big I F Things Different EASTER CLOTH I N CHARLES I. BUNNELL I For Men, Young Men and Boys CLEAN-UP SALE Men's BRITISH WOOLENS 69 West Fort Street S, $55.00 AND UPWARD Detroit s Clothes OF BROKEN SIZES AT r AS Ia N TI~S COUMNAR ToB WINDOW "Purfield's" 119 South Main Street CES ®r a qi Peklace of Sweets Down Town LET Farnish the Ice Cre.s AttentIoni to Fra..terni1ties .ind Soror...…

March 13, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 115) • Page Image 3

…* * * * * * * paneses card case Return Edna Phi Horse, 417 E. e 378. 115 ime o contract by April first rgetic man to travel during ush with line of school sup- ate teaching and experience :uaranteed. -Address A. J. st. Rep., 326 Catherine St., or, Mich., Phone 679-J. 114-15-16 rings and supplies for all Schaeberle & S..Main St. 87tf corner-The Printing. Ann 102 YOU CAN MAKE $$$$$$ >ods during spare time, Household necessity. cent. Rea...…

March 13, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 113) • Page Image 4

…TIllS MICHIGAN DAILY ~--- ~iLJ <>~- j 1IVb~v * 47 Su eses the freshness and N -s~ ha mo yof our NEW SPRING FASHIONS The Malcolm picruresa model devoid of fads, yet sopeeb in its style rightness. We will fit you with unerrinf precision, at a priee that fits yo porse Rest e a pattern today for EASTER-Mareh 27 J. Karl Malcolm 118 E. Liberty SECOND SEMESI RIO Granger's 5chool of Dancing Jois soot ClsssrstorLsdtes-ntt (,sisttcooo lot-ito toil It I...…

March 13, 1917 (vol. 27, iss. 113) • Page Image 4

…i A i" 1111 % 1 AA til71 \ LL-1111 1 - IU Dt bUt l GNEERING DEAN PANAMA CANAL TO 'ATED INTO TAU BETA Pl .i] ,n Mortimer E. Cooley of the eng- ng college, will entertain Maj. George W. Goethals when he 3 here to speak tomorrow night I auditorium on "The Construe- Features of the Panama Canal," rated with moving pictures and pticon slides. On Wednesday oon General Goethals will be in- I into Tau Beta Pi as an honor- iember along with the 11 ...…

March 13, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 114) • Page Image 4

…Y r 113 AI TH1-E f"LMA inK - Miii~ii~ir.~. * "The Passing Show of 1917," at * the Garrick. sing Friday and Saturday nights Armory.-Adv. a 1 * 1* "Let's Go!" Union opera, at tw Whitney, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, and Saturday matinee' and night, this week. TODAY Majestic-"The Black Stork." * * * * * * I~ Wuerthr-Dorothy Phillips "Pay Me." Also comedy. 0 in * * Orpheum-Billie Burke in Mysterious Miss Terry." Serial "The Eagle's...…

March 13, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 0) • Page Image 4

…THE M ICHIGA N DAILY. on the condition that the Italian cou- sin, Andrea, writes a poem and has it accepted by the "A4tlantic Monthly." It is further provided that it must be ac- cepted before he is 25 years old, which only leaves him two months to com- plete his task. Andrea, who is very sentimental, conceived the idea that he cannot write another line until he has fallen in love with a red haired wonan. So in order to make him write, Mrs. ...…

March 13, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 113) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1918. .....w --ammo-sm -WW VUERTHI iay, Tomorrow, 1 Priscilla Dean - in - Kiss or Kill Also 'showing a six-act Vaudeville Reel and Two- Reel Comedy Behind the Front. COMING SATURDAY Bllile Rhodes In Hoop-La ORPHEUM TODAY TOMORROW Mary Mctaren in "Secret Marriage" Also News and Comedy. '"PLEASZ HIT ME" SUND "W Marpuerite Clark in 'Little Miss Hoover" Michigan's paper for Michigan men. Adv. I . S...…

March 13, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 116) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY . Ai ~i S L I SPRING It's in the air. It's everywhere. There is that something about -yndon's Flashlights and Groups that many others have tried to imitate but none have equalled. It is that unequalled quality that you want-and it doesn't cost any more either SPRING HATS 'S' NOW READY The real "Spruce Up" weather, when men cast aside their winter togs and bedeck themselves with brand new Spring clothes. 8 x 1...…

March 13, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 114) • Page Image 4

…N'S BALLE 3UMPS Hll HO will see-the first'Robin Red Breast S and.geta.s. .shot. at him $5.00 Cash to the first person getting a snap shot of a 1914 Robin in Ann Arbor. - Picture must be reasonably gooa-Robilrwith in .;o ft. whien snappedaxd ow- mustbe ab eto'prore time and place. Get. Qut your Kodak-keep It loaded-and sreep with one eye open--but don't fail to go to LYNDON, for Kodaks and Films-Fresh 719 N. University Ave. w The esst fI ...…

March 13, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 113) • Page Image 4

…THE aICHIGAN DAILY Putting your money into a suit made to your order is like putting it in the bank, for smart clothes of ftne quality are a real asset. They make you look better and add to your confidence. Will you spend just ten minutes with us to- morrow in going over the wonderful assortment of spring fabrics. You need not think of placing an order, but do have a look. See what a fair expenditure will secure in the way of a "made as you w...…

March 13, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 115) • Page Image 4

…r:I mic DAILY ; M14~ 134&ILI WAGNER & CO. STATE STREET Sign of the Big Whit.s Shoe ~expert workmnen. hus every detail of d1 supervision. Designs according MSCANDDAMA jUNIVERSITY CALE"NDAR New Whitniey The violin Recital Postponed. March 1.Tid d * U MONDAY MARCH 18 Wednesday, M.i Violn SnataRectalto hve een Bridge tournament, 7:30 p. in. given this afternoon by Mrs. G. B. Mlarch 14.-Senior LawN dinner at the ThWol'Grg Rhead and Mr. S. P....…

March 13, 1917 (vol. 27, iss. 113) • Page Image 5

…A L v# i _ = i rr ...rr G i .wr SPRING SHOWING Catkins T might pay you to talk with us about exchanging your old Kodak for a new model or one with a better Co rdovans We have just received Drug l another shipment of Co. lens. 308 So. sat. or 112 so. Univ. Ave. I this popular shoe in BLACK and TAN. Special Agency Nettleton shoes of the new J c/f $20 to $40 Lindenschmidt, Apfel Co. I At Fourth Ave. and Liberty St. Labor...…

March 13, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 114) • Page Image 5

…HATS e Here aTIO N Co. MAIN STREET AT WASHINGTON t ANN ARBOR STEAM DYE WORKS Established 1887 I UMNI ANH1U flIbNi TO ENTER AUXILIARY EMPLOYfENT hEAD FILLS AP- PROXIMATELY 700 POSITIONS UNDER ADMINISTRATION Neil D. Ireland, '18, employment secretary for the Y. M. C. A. has re- signed his position to enter the Naval Auxiliary, and will leave for Cleve- land next Sunday. The employment department will be in charge of E. G. Hersman during t...…

March 13, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 113) • Page Image 5

…-~ THE MICHIGAN DAILX PA( -6- MUSIC STUDENTS David Nash, '20 TO GIVECONCERT Mazurka Op. 589...........Chopin.. TO GIVE CONCERT The Girl with the Flaxen Hair... Chopin's op. 59 Mazurka will be one Edith Staebler of a group of excellent numbers to Patter of the Shoon .. . ...... Trcharne appear 'on the program given by ad- What Is a Kiss ......,....Mana Zucca vanced piano and voice students of Harriet Woodworth, '20 the University School of...…

March 13, 1917 (vol. 27, iss. 113) • Page Image 6

…CHIGAN DAILY The Cadet T Classi ing lip he Cadet is a Walk-Over c - a model with strik- ies that is as comfortable as a "broad shape" on most feet. The price of leather continues to advance rapidly - better get fitted soon-our pre- sent prices range from $6 to $7. What more do you want THAN LYNDON'S GUARANTEE "Upon receipt of any roll of film we develop if you find a single defect we will not charge you one cent for developing." And we s...…

March 13, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 114) • Page Image 6

…1 £ A... VAAI...i-11 ..J1L L. You should give us a the BIG T M BLOCK' 650,000] BOOKS IN CAMP' LIBRARIES _CHEER MEN NEW MAILING SYSTEM SENDS ABUNDANCE OF MAGAZINES TO CAMPS Washington, March 12.-Five hund- red and fifty thousand books are es- timated to have been sent to the soldiers' libraries since the war libra- ry service of the American Library' association started its first campaign according to a bulletin issued from headquarters ...…

March 13, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 113) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY;MXRCH 18, 1919. KAHN TO SPEAK HERE Albert Kahn, of Detroit, archi- tect of many of the buildings on the campus, will give a lecture on "Chateaux of Tourain," Thursday afternoon at 4:15 o'clock in the Natural Science lecture Lroom. Mr. Kahn has been over the entire territory himself and brings with him slides with which he will illus- trate the lecture. He is brought here under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Art a...…

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