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March 13, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 123) • Page Image 1

… 'tof 94 Pai~u VOL. X. ANN AR1B01, IiCH., TrUESDAY. MARCH 18,, 1900). Spring Announcement G. H.WILD &CO. WAe hasejlot reeed scur111ine of sprin' woolens forimin's wear. It includes ever ything inI sirale o h esn. Wecasic also xliowinc full.ranges in nov- elties, in dualityva d'01 l t sut the iiiost x cxtinl tasti.' consi~iising of Tp Co itio "ilt- 'Irouxociin;''5 W(ii te 01 calland insec I i n a WILD' 108 E. Wasbir)gton St. THE DEBATE As ...…

March 13, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 123) • Page Image 2

…v3 THE UNIVERSITY OFE MICHIGAN DAILY Pahilehed Daily (Sundays excepted) deuring the Collegoe eaat THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, sFirecac The Ilanad Pres, Henncing Block. Both Phoes c147. M1ANAGING EDITORI. F. EO ~a sRc,'O1 L. BIaaNlI.SS MANAGERi. 0.11.AId cc cL. EDTORS. A~THLETICle, . Ii.G.D. II cacce '111E T. R. W1oeotow,1)1 . 11 .tcDceeieALLe 011E AG.BROWNE 021E. J B FDei00, LJ.MONTcOM ace 00, W D.H ICKEY,'00M, Ike csuceceipicenciprI ic fte...…

March 13, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 123) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY 01F MICHIfGAN DAILY. +hA INTEF "TANS NOW IS Tf1IC TIME~ TO BUYJ 6- Rr FLY k-DGO0 1D9SouhManStre 'IHGNCETA,The NiagaraFalls Route." I 1 entschler, the bl'oto raphev. ' CENTcRA.L SrAN)AII)1EVI. Takig lfl'et Novemeet' 19, 1999 Dtetroit Night Exprtetse... ....555Ant1 Atlantic Ettprees.............74 Greand RapidsExprtes....... ....H1 Mail and Extpres't........ ...34I,31 N. Y. Baeaos toecil .... ...45 Fest Eatern . . ..........94...…

March 13, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 123) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. JUST RECEIVED ST D~ B NTS Jo Hayu remcemaber that we caii supply you weith a 41.00 Foutain Pell, the Laughlin or W5Aaterman, wihich we fally guarantee. 'What mcoie can you aici? lit as MRTiN $ HALI and I Q M. IiVLWYKN t O Both Phones, No. 8. 119 W. Washington St., Ann BY PRISON[R 0OF HO[ t32O .S. TT ETL8., AN!' ARBOR- t - - IIIIIN U. Of YM Barber TVAPiORolccoio Slop sand tSat h pthejCitc'en ROOMtS, 32 SA...…

March 13, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 123) • Page Image 1

…;be 'of VOL. X. ..Our Special. Line of.... Foreign and Domestic FABRICS FOR SPRING has arrived and is ar ranged for inspection. i We have the largest as- l sorrment in the city, I t G. H. WILD CO. I io8 E. Washington St. t Help a Fllow Student i Our...,.. Salted Peanuts Are roasted by a law student who is working his way through i college. Every pound you buy t helps him. Received fresh every day. WILDER'S PHARMACY YOU KNOW where to get.. ...…

March 13, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 123) • Page Image 2

…x THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. +o Detroit Chemists Lecture Here R tN OR SHItNE _______________________________ tohe comoisng'week'our totsI- The ''00'' $3.00 Shoe is the shoe - i- \ Pubished Daily (btootd sceped at itg tOloeoitso-tion-eetottiP to wer whes the weather is uncer -- ,oigto 10ott'ltobfr leottoo'o tm A little rain doesnt hurt it \ \ lTHE UNVERSITY OF NICIIIGAN ticatlieptctttMarttt 27( titles while it affords plenty of comfort o...…

March 13, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 123) • Page Image 3

…ThE l , vi 1iTiNOF MICHIGAN DAILY ~'e pring"Vriy Is absolutely the swellest hat being s~lown in the city. The present popularity of this hat was gained by sbeer force of merit. You are as welcome seeing as buying. Kindly favor us with a call...... !1! Mf !Rs MR. if if !h Tf !1! if' if' if' ife P E Ei13 17PEED'STREE GOOBD 41%. w. w..a " .. --- -.- - -,- .- w.w.w.w.w w.w.w - .w._ -.-.-.-.-.-. - - - - - - - - - ,qT 3 3 3 3 i 3 333 333333i3 i...…

March 13, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 123) • Page Image 4

…4 4 THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY SPECIAL SALE ONE WEEK{ ONLY ne.... Writing Paper y ube pound at 45C Azute and Crmna Wove, Envelopes to match 10c per psetosge, 3 packages 25c POSTER BOARD,j PHOTO M UNTS, TYPE WRI'T'ER SUP0LIES. Sheehan &Co. 320 S. STATE STREET. You can jget a HOT LUNC H AT TUTTLE'S. 08 Soutti;stat Et. Lectures Printed lectures for all depart- ments of the University. Tlype- writing and Mitaeotraphing. EDWARDS BROS. Over ...…

March 13, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 118) • Page Image 1

…14TC . y T£ . 1 1 ' _ Y "ryy-t ,,k r 'k kx I i K.y d "Y l; ' cd _ _Li i.0 1~ Vx 'i '.y 'try' _.-1r \...-. -a THE3BALL %I£'IiOr t i ' tt"t II , ,;Ir a, f. { II f I ]It " ,I"t=IiIII , I"s j 11"t I't i'!' i 1 > I ' i iil{';i' tltl'ii1 3i1(l t'': ' . l itt['i" E I' ''.ll ?:ll:l. 1 tt"" \ il ' 1;I i t'll i;l lil'. + i'()St 1t3t'CI t 'II!_; lIt FRESHMEN VS. TOLEDO. i , ; i tit ti" 1 Nc LatinosAre' D o 1 e o No .2: C lit, Ilit'ii >l;lt' 1 11 t't'il t...…

March 13, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 118) • Page Image 2

…hr \Y~i~ilAN L) i - W S LLuJ W it!< z.O UVY elY e,?P3 .2 Nerooi N KsI ICeY Ii'' II~ el { .I 1 ,,; .:t {i: dt'I l Booksto--- Y reS H. L. ERKIN 01 ! )resiet aI1 -Mke w,-i - By N A, C. . JQLHL\ S2 \\l .~lNI~) F Ar- C( I'PA r CIIOt 4eSCFAISL E ER V~ f, .......... 4-++++++i--!,-I--l ! + a. . 4. 4. 4 . : Thii, 'Pace Belonge to 4. 4.i 4., 1. P" IF I, ++ .. t f J. THURSDAYMR~H1t CIIAI 1 1 kIIMN Scomnany n n te %eratest comedy ever swritteni !ramatize...…

March 13, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 118) • Page Image 3

…TTo Ol\ 4STEIN -BLOGH C( _t 11.. S E kN--B LC 'F+ 2 I-,ND SG II-TT e4 61L l I -+ OTHES ~+++4 + + .1. .3. .3. .3. + N + 4. + + .3. + + + + + + + 4. .3. .3. .3. + .3. + .3. + + .3. 4+4+44. 'Y'j .- :. ^" - _ -_ ' " r ,- t 1 1" f x d } t f ' r ' ; Ff, Ci; ! < 2a"'yA V r. _ Tere s M?'i Better TaiOur cENT4 FUGE /1. .9' 1' 1< ;i ( N'r. i +, y : ?10 t(1 OTHES XX' N ,( ', '( ELEKb'~XCU & - lmp(t'ters 1k 'lartufacturers EGYPTIAN DEITIES "N etrTurkish ML...…

March 13, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 118) • Page Image 4

…H~fr .*4 *- -H - ~ -~ u ->I+'I+--~ :- ++-ip -1--' I 'e a . :.s^'' '"-, + cPf~I'X L ~~11 fshsam~Il ZUMC 32 S.7I4E4 " l'++++++++++-+++ .+*+++4++4.o44 THE HOCKINO VALLEY RY.! We- ( . NV LA'N l4AN,(i zi 41 p aeb iz ~ll 1,5, 02,5 2 and 30,C a l b. SOHALLIER'S BOOKST0Rn-1 1165 MAIN STREET Capith T il ... th .in rnt, ep r i)r t~ t~rrl~lz4: tt 41 FIRS NA IU RA NK (r a F.} 1 afn,.. Capitl, FU( Jto''.Slc 8, t nal I',t d tl f ' cre02dit. coe ~' (l-A 't,,...…

March 13, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 120) • Page Image 1

…TB" n.Or P1. DAILY. xli'. ANN ARBOR, TMICH., FRIDAY, M4ARCH 13, 1903 No. 120 ILLINOIS ARR VES TODAY aor tke utal Meet Saturday Night- a3terscholastic Meet Will Take Place ofl..Usual Inter-Clasa Contest Next Week PThis, aftertoont it 4:58 the tratck 'liof eivei Isea relpreseli tiog the ,zss of Ilinoiis will arrivei Lion Arbor ini pletity of tittl to get a ; hdiightit sletep preparaitory to the '('Mlit Iis gt'rtitllty believed thtt '5it jjani wi...…

March 13, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 120) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF M1ICHIGAN DAILY. - ____ THE U. OF M. DAILY to1;,,2 tiioiif _______0111"_________ it ' i wrmu.. __________________11:110_________,_________on;'b~f, A idet' MANAGINGI EDITOR, truclb .;eiwhen ii liii old The Office Standard The hiarge st andniost NEARLE I. IHOUSITON.0;. i I(11 liT.his ii tlii. nost conpr- compillete l icetofohBUSINESS lIANAIIER t roI i o Mw 1111111'e'r of rhi10-iiihensive and up-t-date ROSCOE B. tISTiVi, 'i14.j,...…

March 13, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 120) • Page Image 3

…THE UNII'ER TZ NIEISITY OF MIC'IIIIGAN DAILY. HFURNESSIZ ri.. 4 i } I 1r RACKET BRAND waxv-f M.-- --------------------------------------- ,I r Vint, rc'le.'wh 1:, ot 1 I it 4m Lien and Pt. Wa gner to: ' tat at- hands D :zand!s Geit a " hail) No is-:d~aL . Teti for 15. Plain an _.' a ,d Cork Tip. I. I0'llI"I 11'..11 .Iiri flc I BURCHFIELD'S FINE TAILORING TRADE. # a we lit))') iu4(reasetl tiwn 14i4'l ) 1 41of .14"s lz4ulir hveTHE FINE...…

March 13, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 120) • Page Image 4

…THTE NIS'EttSITY OF 'MICHIGAN DAILY. Cutt ing, Reyer & Co. G. J. BUSS, Ilgr. 109-111 EAST WASHINGTON ST. " University Tea Rooms RENTSCHLER, ARTISTIC FRAMING 10. M MARTINS. AT PHOTOG RAPHER. AT RENTSCHLER'S. FUNERAL LOVELL'S Cor. Main and Huron Sts. Phone 39, 3 rings DIF ECTOR CORNER STORE. Office 209 S. 4th Ae. 'Phone 98. Ret- MWer from 8 a. m. to 8. p. m. AMUSEMENTS 'xllxxxxx i' x i h ealirti. 'Piee',mle- dene 3193 S. 5th ave. 'Phone 314. Am-...…

March 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

…0 The Michigan Dail VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 1904. No. 116 "rICNIGAN VICTORIOUS. BIBLE STUDY. BRYAN LECTURE. First Reiment Defeated by Score of Inter-Fratrnity Bible Study Associa- William Jennings Bryan Lectured Yes- 42 to.22-Rose Breaks all Amer- tion Organized and Operating- terday Afternoon to One of the iean Records for Shot Put- Fifteen Fraternities Interested Largest Audiences ever As- The Summaries. and over N...…

March 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 116) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Reduction i Sale As we have too large a stock of fancy SUITINGS AND TROIJS[RINGS on hand we will sell them at rednced prices to make room for or Spring and Snmmer Woolens. Be sre and call in before yon place yor order.,A t A1,,I, G. I. WILD & CO., 108 E. WASHINGTON STRET. nT! [xciting Tun for f[veryone 45c. Pocket War Mraps f or the Ear East, 18c. -:.SHEEHAN & CO, University Booksellers, Sta- toners and Engravers. 320 South...…

March 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 116) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY *hI&T Ansew lot of tie lioes 11. S. 24. Illack Suils, .r I I 5 ETNG in Vicunas.,'Phibets,('bovioes and Worsteds, imade JIor I 4 in single or double breasted.Z $3.00 [O2 L~A L S $3.00 Varsity and Regular Sack Siylr s 4 We $15, $18, $20 li U TZ The only shoe in the world:de)i ned by a W e have all sizes in stock now anifl al 'i t yobui r ~ o i n - - ~ r o ~ n Th ltirw m n-frnicely. Call and inspect them'. 217 Southb kiaini Str...…

March 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 116) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY k. ' ~I:~ tCII + +k+* +k+. :M+i.+oO. Pr Ff! ^ "t~ w -i Notice to the Public: WlghWICTflS + Drop saard to 323 S. Malen St. and have us calltryu wok - ;, - We, the undersigned, will continue the Clothing" a n d F u r n is h i n g G osR y & C a a h i a An roentered upon, his Tua fourteenth year in connection t Forest Aeu Met Uaret - withs the store, will have charge of the Clothing otramanI'hinesn. U oprtnent, and Clarence Gain...…

March 13, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 115) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR. MICH., 'TUESDAY, MARCH14t. 1905 No. 11 LAUDS PRESIDENT ANGELL FITZ WAS PLEASEDJ. PRIZES FOR ESSAYS. Coach Satisfied Nitto Re suits of Pur= Students of Economics Offered Big due Mit --All=[ reshi Try- Sums for Studies on outs This Week1. ious Topics ANNIVERSARY EXERCISES Professor Coe C Forty=Sevient; of the 1100 lo 0011 u C n 0. 'si 1l)0 i r2?i1 "Quo0 t t 1 thof 1 Fi 1 it r ; r 1 iilt c Iil C )S1 t. t'ti i; t...…

March 13, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 115) • Page Image 2

…e i, Spring *Talain * *e THE NEW SP~RING :WOOLENS ARE READY ' 11%'11N, D 11,y THE1'I1HI AN IAILY NlAA N AA AA BA. SLEY . } !~O1I~ AR OVELS at ;1r4s;tt c was, S1'cty,,>s A nNI. I r' Al1 r ' "' 1' E. . 'NMe 12:30N to 1:30 and b:(1301 to 7:30I IAnd the Styles are: unusually Handsonme. He. B. WILD CO., 311 S. State St. * . ~E AII'A ' 11 X.-: t .: ' I)} .tt(t;I"t N, E sOine'AA " iJ4+ 14+i~ 1 f{i+ it +14{ a{ff f{1 {i. *i{1{ +Y8 { Ed SCollege Text= B...…

March 13, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 115) • Page Image 3

…T HE IC H& IGAN r)AIL.Y. LIArI, SCAFFNLBR &MARX Troer 1fo srig of 1905 nIt 1WE ready fo r cour itl to tu . . LUTZ The Clothier, 217 So. Meiri S4. :. .4.UIM lt 1 I'1 . 4 AL p'evi' blk 11 1104.t a tt l.5 4 Ar~q4. *1Fary W 'JIIDITOiRL UMBRELLAS *For Ilen and W on-en} y The Lart'g ILine of Newt Ideas 1 for this1110Seasto' * IPrices 75c up to .5.00 MACK & CO. )thing uif'as0tiS0 ThE Cl2Fd 5CE T G .t00000ItPEA1100-&Co.- Most Men's CGb it 1 1 1 it ? ,...…

March 13, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 115) • Page Image 4

…CITTGAN AL)\ll RAN P HOTO S OS I (oil Y i" 3,r hr I XFeO Kiciol V tor Study with aGo ih THE W ELSI3ACH 13IINiLAN ALL. 515 1.1 Al At I Sl. The Ann Arbor Oja,; nipt , A. G. Sfoal ding& Bras. ATHLETIC IMPLEMENTUS BASE BALL BASKET BALL GOLF BOXING GLOVES STRIKING BAGS [ GYMNASIUM GOODS, A. (i. SPALI)INU & B(O. 5N5EW ~ lt I tS PERFECT BALANCE P II I IEth NtTt (iOWNS MaetoOdr n Rne C~ll. I ~Ii~L~A~GQ LOW RATE FAST- TIME WALK-OVRSl 111 . Mat il S. NI...…

March 13, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 115) • Page Image 1

…4 The Michigan Daily AXNN ARBOR, \HEC EI i<f. ' C I SDAYkMAI RCH [ 13, 1900. MI o. XVI. No. 115. PROFESSOR PATTENGILL CON FE~RENCE ARBITRATOR VINDICATES MAKES STATEMENT Michigan's Representative at Football M C I A O L Y N Conference Makes Explanation as1 to Work of That Body. Professor Waldo of Purdue Says of Xir 1t.. G IfI-i l l . ) Michigan Was Justified in idf r-i le atnioiii rescnt liiiti iatte ret fro ll 1rilfi I Playing AI11..ieste...…

March 13, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 115) • Page Image 2

…-- - THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sprinig, 1906 fOURSTORY SAttractive Styles jNew Colorings FORd ME~1N'S W[AR ILargest Line of Woolens Shown, all at IPOPUL.AR PR ICES jFull Dress Suits a Specialty at G. 0.$. Wild Co. Leading SMERCHANT TAILORS 311 S. State t. 35 CENTS For 60c Boxes of Embossed Fraternity Stationery To close ot a broken lot of Fraternity and Sororiety Sta- tionery, we offer te reglar hoc box containing one qire of gold embossed paper and...…

March 13, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 115) • Page Image 3

…THlE MICHIGANi DAILY FILAT MEN ATTENTION! ~:,,. ,.,..>+. .Qr rr~*I+ "+ +d4+oc. ~" FINE LUNCHES (,)I 4o000 t 4, '44feu ('I4tr 04 in 4must be Sth ee+ )f I11 -0 I 1,4)4141 '[area tt S [or';, 03 I [dy tetr(, .nohr (., New Spring Suits and Top Coats ;(or:, ..0 4454I~36 a new Pt tt^ 0t(44z4fo' ( l c or' for t. , t 4,,, l if inter- II , " nl(- . J.iALLE'f 0 , lR. E. JOLLY. Stte St. CapsBrbrSo+ We take pleasure in announcing the opening display et~ ie...…

March 13, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 115) • Page Image 4

…7"q T 1lE MIC14IGAN DAILY ilockinig Valley Ry. CONTINUES ITS EXCEILFNT TRAIN StRFlClt You will find Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depots in Toledo and Co- lumbus S. E. CLARK, 32-t Campus Martius Detroit, Mich. KODAK Finishing We do developing and printing for amateurs, and do it well It is to our interest to do it well, that we may sell moref i I m and more Kodaks PRICES ...…

March 13, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 118) • Page Image 1

…The Mkichigan Daily N 'L N\II .NC. iiMC8. A, :DAY Il:(l Vol- XV, 11. t : 1 18. ENGINEERS WIN SEMI- FINALS IN BASKETBALL Fresh and Soph Engineers by Last Victories Make Championship a Departmental Affair. CCCyll o ilI C. CCCI i ts ICC CCCII lice e t u eIII the' CC'"IC aml r))C " ll ro ers1I i~ei on 12C 1 l theC til game of t111111 cs 1'CC CCC CC e f it, ev~ iI I as c -C1C lwcil lit fr~ti a"i C'CCC'IC' 1111C ictr Til, <1am C IIaI ] CCII CI o...…

March 13, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 118) • Page Image 2

…'04 z 1L~) Co = urn a i u v C . . C LO In C Coe) r t vy 5H C G F czu z SE o (I) ~ *~ C W y ' . i CL a I ' O V ~~o: '~.0 0 i 04 v G : M_ W M 0 - J n a O V ,')!1 17a 7'E O ~ H. I I H z H z) 0 Ql vl H U ~ O 2 z 0) z 0f 0-+ CI) a 0 «0 cc cn Ln as G 0 ,.C :r_' , Y .i i ... ,.., _... .... ,! _. . ,r _ ...-. .I y. «.+ r f, +t I'yF W r n '_' . V r ^- . . "I J. " e . s .- /, V "- r. r f :J « ., ... f; ;r' 'J: 1 ! " f. , fir, j ...…

March 13, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 118) • Page Image 3

…f G A (Il F N N 1) A fI1,Nr Saml Burchfields Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver the Goods SAM DURCHFIELD & CO. 106 EAST HURON STREET II E HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW SPRING SHIRTS AT MACK'Sy Cluett & Peabody's Famous line is now displayed and in- cludes every new and natty fad of the season in white and colored Men's Dress Shirts with Cuffs attached or detached 50c, $1.00, $1.50 MACK ea CO. THE F'ARMEtRS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND) IUtOON SRTttl...…

March 13, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 118) • Page Image 4

…THE, t MICHIGAN DATlY CLOSING THEM (OUl What? Schleede's Note Books 4)odoflis' (s oticrthem at 25// lDj'oCO11t, Itt HOAG'S 201-203 SOUTH MAIN ST. Occidental Hotel WSe Caiter to tanqret', Etic. llixson Lunich= Ypsilanti D., Y,, A. A. Ct. J.r AILWAY Butter Cup Candy While It Lasts lOc per lb. 3 lbs for 25c DEAN "~ CO.. Ltd., 214 S. Main St. .______- t NIv13RsrrY 1NOTICE s 11 (i( llclll r~ ~it ill 111. 1, II Studenrts are alway's wel- cne ...…

March 13, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 121) • Page Image 1

…The Michigadn Daly VI. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, M-ICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH r3, 190. NO. 121. VARSITY RECORDS MAY BE SMASHED veterans Will Meet Some. Fast UnerclassmenHaskins' Ar- rival Delayed. Hlaskins did not arrive yesterday as was expected, but sill probably be us tbe gyro Iis morning. Te sale of re- served seats is progressing rapidly, and tie crowd wil be a large one. Prac- #tically all the athletes of any proninence aout the University have ent...…

March 13, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 121) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN! DAYL~t I' 1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY. G. I. Wild Comfpanly Our Spring 198 line of fine- Imported and Domestic I WOOLENS j Is now ready. It includes all the latest ;Novelties, Shades and Upto-D~ate Patterns in Moose Brown, Caribou Tan, Leather Shade Grays and Fancy Blues. Your patronage respectfully solicited. G. H. Wild Comlpally 311 South State Street TRY "Sheehan's Special", Linen Bond Writing Paper ani ullon1 agree w.ith us that i...…

March 13, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 121) • Page Image 3

…THFE MICHIGAN.D AIL.Y - -------- - Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring T 'rade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burcilfiek O T 106 & C. Coo EAST HURON ST:. BEST STOCK OF. ,CIGARS IN THE.CITY AT vn BROAWN'S;, Drug. Store 120 E. Liberty St. We have Pipes to sell too-lots of 'emi at low prices. ALARI'1 CLOCKS $1.00 ,$1.50 $1.75 tAe pebst ol:.ces' a dtfully ute 0 MICHIGAN PINS AND FOBS 25c up to $5.00 FINE WATCH REPAIRING A SPECI ALTY~ Watch Inspector for...…

March 13, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 121) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ~ ~ - ~ Ice Cream Soda 5 Cents All flavors except Chocolate Chocolate Soda 10c with double portion of lce Cream E. E. CALKINS, Druggist. 324 South State Street. AMUSE M ENTS ALWAYS LOOK FOR MAJESTIC PENNANT aFor the Entlre Week COMMENCING The following Attraciions will be Presented: 1.--Overture. 2.-Beuckeye Trio. iComedyTrick torse Act. 3.-Jean. Cunningham. Large but Graceful. 4.-Miasleal Harts. Novelty Musical Act. 5.-Jul...…

March 13, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

…The "--ichigan Dxl :\\Ali()R, IB. TI(A\,SA\TURIDAYilNI. i13,1909. :t i'. v c: r 3 (). MEET PROMISES CLASSY EVENTS Capt. lDull is Expected to Lower (iymnasiurn for the Mile R~un, Fast Men Entered in D~ashes. t r o14 \vtr-theic hlytO 1.1w- f t- c-~t t I'(I f)I- the i, th t ia u b r o C 1111(1;lts for vmsl - ii H lm s r itt lt( ~ tilt-1r t."cot occirds. A.\\miles v ~ t an () beterttttil0 e\i c r uet.h f - lapped.ii :\siiti I e a,(i n t i s...…

March 13, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 116) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY., AI N llL flflN -I t lLN '1O1 IiCli fLAX G eH. WldCoffpally :s Io teas \acciaaa F Riaiiolile AXE -CCLINT FAILOR tilt 1 tat lianagercrJOHN F.. ah ea aDTORS- Icafi-rrnal it helathe-a-dt eadttlto give Newsa .. Lee A Whitera tstae itiatntti llbeeit of teaclir' tihletics . . . . I> Eldridge leantio ithe itir aaof ich iga ieil Ihave eceived a large line o al r i. . Robert Montier e lv lced ,,, II,(pc nit utlt ...…

March 13, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 116) • Page Image 3

…THE~i MICHIGAN DAILY SIK'K OR JENI NIOKElZ)P, SN1 11 ' a r rC .t t otDIoSSES PARMACY. S PR I V PV IO )''1\111' I St tPc regutla r meetintgof the Pre,- SPECIAL CHOICE ali l tcil l'itl y eening, A. N. Blangee Lta I~eell j 1(11 [ rda\;tte rlo il o ga 't - ery ttlteatitlg talk tupoti 'Phar- loeEnineerigbdng- 1 Prof1."1 loom11R11 ace 1. 1A lldMdiine in India." TIhoe H ot PiP. ngave'',In oune ofthO O In 'Afnoraprofessionsare divided int that count...…

March 13, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 116) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN ISAIL Y UVERSITY NOTICES 112ARk IISTIC 1)E.CORI( OES, CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH _______ __________I 1s11!LT . I AN) MOST UP. 'O-DATE WALL PAPER, PLATE t Ni 8 itViLLVES, PHOTO RAILS, BURLAPS, PAINTS, Oit-S I 111001 151101 ial,10 i~ldlycrianl THR1I., IUSHES, (01 ASS WINDOW SHADES, ETC., ETC. ci 5turdo .ccnin . 1 . 111v115 ft 1inDcora11ting, 0111211 In vr- 2 gi Paint- 1 11 10 1 0 ic 1 fo~o~ i11 011d eX112ior2) Wall-1i01ingiKasoolinixlg. F...…

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