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March 13, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

…The "--ichigan Dxl :\\Ali()R, IB. TI(A\,SA\TURIDAYilNI. i13,1909. :t i'. v c: r 3 (). MEET PROMISES CLASSY EVENTS Capt. lDull is Expected to Lower (iymnasiurn for the Mile R~un, Fast Men Entered in D~ashes. t r o14 \vtr-theic hlytO 1.1w- f t- c-~t t I'(I f)I- the i, th t ia u b r o C 1111(1;lts for vmsl - ii H lm s r itt lt( ~ tilt-1r t."cot occirds. A.\\miles v ~ t an () beterttttil0 e\i c r uet.h f - lapped.ii :\siiti I e a,(i n t i s...…

March 13, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 121) • Page Image 1

…The Michigadn Daly VI. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, M-ICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH r3, 190. NO. 121. VARSITY RECORDS MAY BE SMASHED veterans Will Meet Some. Fast UnerclassmenHaskins' Ar- rival Delayed. Hlaskins did not arrive yesterday as was expected, but sill probably be us tbe gyro Iis morning. Te sale of re- served seats is progressing rapidly, and tie crowd wil be a large one. Prac- #tically all the athletes of any proninence aout the University have ent...…

March 13, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 118) • Page Image 1

…The Mkichigan Daily N 'L N\II .NC. iiMC8. A, :DAY Il:(l Vol- XV, 11. t : 1 18. ENGINEERS WIN SEMI- FINALS IN BASKETBALL Fresh and Soph Engineers by Last Victories Make Championship a Departmental Affair. CCCyll o ilI C. CCCI i ts ICC CCCII lice e t u eIII the' CC'"IC aml r))C " ll ro ers1I i~ei on 12C 1 l theC til game of t111111 cs 1'CC CCC CC e f it, ev~ iI I as c -C1C lwcil lit fr~ti a"i C'CCC'IC' 1111C ictr Til, <1am C IIaI ] CCII CI o...…

March 13, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 115) • Page Image 1

…4 The Michigan Daily AXNN ARBOR, \HEC EI i<f. ' C I SDAYkMAI RCH [ 13, 1900. MI o. XVI. No. 115. PROFESSOR PATTENGILL CON FE~RENCE ARBITRATOR VINDICATES MAKES STATEMENT Michigan's Representative at Football M C I A O L Y N Conference Makes Explanation as1 to Work of That Body. Professor Waldo of Purdue Says of Xir 1t.. G IfI-i l l . ) Michigan Was Justified in idf r-i le atnioiii rescnt liiiti iatte ret fro ll 1rilfi I Playing AI11..ieste...…

March 13, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 115) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR. MICH., 'TUESDAY, MARCH14t. 1905 No. 11 LAUDS PRESIDENT ANGELL FITZ WAS PLEASEDJ. PRIZES FOR ESSAYS. Coach Satisfied Nitto Re suits of Pur= Students of Economics Offered Big due Mit --All=[ reshi Try- Sums for Studies on outs This Week1. ious Topics ANNIVERSARY EXERCISES Professor Coe C Forty=Sevient; of the 1100 lo 0011 u C n 0. 'si 1l)0 i r2?i1 "Quo0 t t 1 thof 1 Fi 1 it r ; r 1 iilt c Iil C )S1 t. t'ti i; t...…

March 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

…0 The Michigan Dail VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 1904. No. 116 "rICNIGAN VICTORIOUS. BIBLE STUDY. BRYAN LECTURE. First Reiment Defeated by Score of Inter-Fratrnity Bible Study Associa- William Jennings Bryan Lectured Yes- 42 to.22-Rose Breaks all Amer- tion Organized and Operating- terday Afternoon to One of the iean Records for Shot Put- Fifteen Fraternities Interested Largest Audiences ever As- The Summaries. and over N...…

March 13, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 120) • Page Image 1

…TB" n.Or P1. DAILY. xli'. ANN ARBOR, TMICH., FRIDAY, M4ARCH 13, 1903 No. 120 ILLINOIS ARR VES TODAY aor tke utal Meet Saturday Night- a3terscholastic Meet Will Take Place ofl..Usual Inter-Clasa Contest Next Week PThis, aftertoont it 4:58 the tratck 'liof eivei Isea relpreseli tiog the ,zss of Ilinoiis will arrivei Lion Arbor ini pletity of tittl to get a ; hdiightit sletep preparaitory to the '('Mlit Iis gt'rtitllty believed thtt '5it jjani wi...…

March 13, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 118) • Page Image 1

…14TC . y T£ . 1 1 ' _ Y "ryy-t ,,k r 'k kx I i K.y d "Y l; ' cd _ _Li i.0 1~ Vx 'i '.y 'try' _.-1r \...-. -a THE3BALL %I£'IiOr t i ' tt"t II , ,;Ir a, f. { II f I ]It " ,I"t=IiIII , I"s j 11"t I't i'!' i 1 > I ' i iil{';i' tltl'ii1 3i1(l t'': ' . l itt['i" E I' ''.ll ?:ll:l. 1 tt"" \ il ' 1;I i t'll i;l lil'. + i'()St 1t3t'CI t 'II!_; lIt FRESHMEN VS. TOLEDO. i , ; i tit ti" 1 Nc LatinosAre' D o 1 e o No .2: C lit, Ilit'ii >l;lt' 1 11 t't'il t...…

March 13, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 123) • Page Image 1

…;be 'of VOL. X. ..Our Special. Line of.... Foreign and Domestic FABRICS FOR SPRING has arrived and is ar ranged for inspection. i We have the largest as- l sorrment in the city, I t G. H. WILD CO. I io8 E. Washington St. t Help a Fllow Student i Our...,.. Salted Peanuts Are roasted by a law student who is working his way through i college. Every pound you buy t helps him. Received fresh every day. WILDER'S PHARMACY YOU KNOW where to get.. ...…

March 13, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 123) • Page Image 1

… 'tof 94 Pai~u VOL. X. ANN AR1B01, IiCH., TrUESDAY. MARCH 18,, 1900). Spring Announcement G. H.WILD &CO. WAe hasejlot reeed scur111ine of sprin' woolens forimin's wear. It includes ever ything inI sirale o h esn. Wecasic also xliowinc full.ranges in nov- elties, in dualityva d'01 l t sut the iiiost x cxtinl tasti.' consi~iising of Tp Co itio "ilt- 'Irouxociin;''5 W(ii te 01 calland insec I i n a WILD' 108 E. Wasbir)gton St. THE DEBATE As ...…

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