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December 13, 1950 (vol. 61, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

… TIME LIMIT MOTION See Page 4 C, r Latest Deadline in the State ~~ahj CLOUDY, SNOW FLURRIES ,. VOL. LXI, No. 67 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DEC. 13, 1950 SIXTEEN PAGES I a U.S., Britain OK Korean Truce Plan TN Committee WeighsProposal LAKE SUCCESS - (IP) - The United States and Britain yester- day endorsed a proposal by 13 As- ian and Middle East countries for the United Nations to see if there can be a cease fire in Korea. The...…

December 13, 1950 (vol. 61, iss. 67) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1954 Movie Guild Co-Sponsors Petitions Due Campus groups wishing to co- sponsor movies with the Student Legislature's Cinema Guild next semester have until Christmas va- cation to hand in their petitions, SL member Hugh Greenberg, '51, said yesterday. The petitions may be obtained either at the SL Bldg., 122 S. For- est, or at the Office of Student Af- fairs in the Administration Bldg. The Cinema G...…

December 13, 1950 (vol. 61, iss. 67) • Page Image 3

… ODNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1950 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE 1agers Down arquette VanderKuy, Putich Top Night's Scoring for irst wiin0 0-37 AA U CLASSIC SATURDAY: Frosh Swimmers Shine in'Detroit Meet By TED PAPES The Hilltoppers of Marquette became Michigan's first basketball victims of the season last night when they bowed to the Wolver- 'ines, 40-37, in the Yost Fieldhouse. It was the fifth defeat for the yisitors against a single vict...…

December 13, 1950 (vol. 61, iss. 67) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1950 e __________________ I H I Time Limit AMA Approach "How's That Again?" Motion LAST NIGHT'S Michigan Forum debate on the time limit for removal of frater- nity bias clauses was a clear example of the value public airing of a controversial topic in crystalizing and clarifying the areas of dispute. It is unfortunate, however, that more members of the Student Legislature and the Student Affai...…

December 13, 1950 (vol. 61, iss. 67) • Page Image 5

… 1950 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Forestry Cub To Present Paul Bunyan Formal Plaid Shirts, Jeans, Evergreen Corsages To Complete Scene Plaid shirts and blue jeans will add their touch to the atmosphere of the most informal formal of the year, when the forestry club ' presents its annual Paul Bunyan formal from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Jan. 13 in the Waterman and Barbour Gymnasiums. Featuring the music of Paul Lavoie and his orchestra, the event will provid...…

December 13, 1950 (vol. 61, iss. 67) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1950 U GOES DOWN WITH 'U' HALL: Cast of 'Columbus Doors' Destroyed Garg Seeks Recognition; Holiday Issue Out Today 4y By BARNES CONNABLE A small bronze plaque is all that remains of what was once one of the University's most valuable his- torical relics. The descriptive plaque which is now in the possession of the Un- iversity Historical Collections, was, attached to the original casting of the...…

December 13, 1950 (vol. 61, iss. 67) • Page Image 7

… WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1950 THE MICHIGAN DAILY EDemu a«S s. aYDcEM1 YSF^ , * * 3 . R 13, 1 9RSi5 &S 55 I k75SX"StSCi ,eS . THE MICHIG]PA DA7C iLY.w'7 SA tAi RL7 7 SnA7 MkM'YF MMOfS A sue. 1 'i 9., I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I '; f: B +7 8.1 r" ;';'i°Wo' ,?w i' + ?.A+r'"a$.'i%7d3.'t+7e ,h :t+t¢7G1 t L+K1T1 .^G' ' Gi '4'. +r" Sr ' / r d i''w+ r; .R o R' «r«o4: 7, A X+" .?+v.lswa.r'i+...…

December 13, 1950 (vol. 61, iss. 67) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1950 J- . I LOW PRICED for Christas giving - Outlook Brighter f or Keen's Wrestlers GRAPPLING PREVIEW: BY HERB COHEN As the Michigan grapplers head into their final pre-season prac- tices in preparation for their home-opener with Toledo this Saturday, they look forward to a year better even than last, al- though last season was indeed adequate in itself. This year Cliff Keen, Michigan's gr...…

December 13, 1950 (vol. 61, iss. 67) • Page Image 9

… EQUIPMENT WATCHDOG-Popular Henry Hatch (center) is shown performing one of his many duties as custodian of Wolverine athletic gear. He and his assistant, Beryl Walker, (left) give Guard Tom Kelsey a new pair of shoulder pads. -'*'* * * * SMALL MAN DOES A BIG JOB: Winter Sports Multiply Hatch's Duties By GEORGE FLINT A small man with one of sports' toughest jobs will see his cares and duties multiplied, in this wintry month of December, simpl...…

December 13, 1950 (vol. 61, iss. 67) • Page Image 10

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1950 I I i L AZCSI*4 is filled with the kind of Christmas gifts women can't resist and men can't go wrong on. Come in and let us help you get RIGHT on the holiday track. GIFT SUGGESTIONS I $1.00 to $5.00 Pearls Chemises Hosiery cases Jewel boxes Half Slips Anklets Eisenberg cosmetics Slips Handkerchiefs Mukluks Red Sleepers Fabric Gloves Plastic rain coats Flanne gowns Mittens Lollipops Flannel paj...…

December 13, 1950 (vol. 61, iss. 67) • Page Image 11

… WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1950 THE MICHIGAN. DAILY PAGE ELVEN , a Stores Carry W Tiny Rhinestone Stars Accent Formal Dresses By MILLIE PAAVO To give that added touch of sparkle and femininity to Christ- mas, fashion-wise women may wish to complement their ward- fobes with jewelry. Stores are offering a wide as- sortment of jewelry suitable for all the occasions that might arise during the holidays. For a casual date dress, a plain gold cho...…

December 13, 1950 (vol. 61, iss. 67) • Page Image 12

…PAGE TWLVE THE MICHIGAN DAILY m U I Many Nations Provide Basic Yule Legends Rings, Switches and Myrrh Are Important At Christmas Time Christmas always seems to bring a deluge of legends about the lit- tle old man with the belly like jelly, the various objects to be found in his pack and the reasons for his existence. In many parts of Europe Decem- ber 6 is the day that St. Nick be- stows presents on good children and switches on the bad. Fr...…

December 13, 1950 (vol. 61, iss. 67) • Page Image 13

…WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 195U THE MICHIGAN DAILY CHILDREN, OLDSTERS GIVE MOST: Salvation Army Booth Sure Sign of Christmas * * * By CRAWFORD YOUNG The annual appearance of the familiar red, white, and blue Sal- vation Army booths on street cor- ners and accompanying clamor of the traditional bell are a sure sign to. Ann Arborites that Santa isn't far behind. And the best response to the tinkling of the bell comes from small children and eld...…

December 13, 1950 (vol. 61, iss. 67) • Page Image 14

… *. THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1950 I _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___ ___ _ SNAKENAPPER: Boy Snatches Reptiles,, Leaves Zoo by Streetcar MINIATURE LABORATORY: Filler Prevents otential Blazes tI * * * PHILADELPHIA - IP)) - The city's zoo recovered two of its prize snakes, spirited away from their cages by a teen-age boy who took them home under his sports jacket. m * under his jacke...…

December 13, 1950 (vol. 61, iss. 67) • Page Image 15

…WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1950 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIFTEEN t NO NOEL NEED: Christmas Jobs Scarce in Ann Arbor By ZANDER HOLLANDER Christmas jobs, annual replen- ishers o fdepleted student bank accounts, are in short supply in Ann Arbor. Reports from local storeowners and personnel managers indicate that, although they are expecting a heavy Christmas buying rush, they will not require extra student help to handle it. * * * DESPITE t...…

December 13, 1950 (vol. 61, iss. 67) • Page Image 16

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1950 .... . __ _ .._ . . - -- -- - - - FOUR-TIMES-A-WEEK LIMITED: Tired and Weary Railroad Keeps on Rolling Along Ann Arbor Shops Brace For Christmas Buying 4 * . s *b s s * * s By CHUCK ELLIOTT A few miles out of Ann Arbor, on the main highway to Ypsilanti, a rusty old railroad track cuts across the road. Four times a week, twice head- ing north and twice south, an an- cient locomotive ...…

December 13, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 68) • Page Image 1

… t43t :4a iti r CIVIL LIBERTIES See Page 4 CLOUDY AND COLD Latest Deadline in the State ('LOUDY AND COLD VOL. LXII, No. 68 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1951 SIX PAGES SIX PAGES I- c S i SS RELIGIOUS SURVEY: A' Hindu Culture Has ManySects By RICH THOMAS Daily Associate Editor Properly speaking, Hinduism is no more a specific religion than is Christianity. Both are actually cultures, founded on a few basic bel...…

December 13, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 68) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1951 -__m__mm_ mmmm____mI_.. FORESHADOWING: Snow Highlights Cold, dIy Prelude to Winter DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN By GAYLE GREENE Cold and snow hit Ann Arbor yesterday as Winter made its sec- ond grand prelude of the season Prof. Foust To Leave 'U' For N ewPost Prof. Alan S. Foust of the chem- ical engineering department was appointed this week to head the chemical engineering department...…

December 13, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 68) • Page Image 3

…THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1951 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1951 PAGE THREE ZBT, Hawaiians Grab I-M Volleyball Titles; Williams, Strauss Swimmers Triumph 1947 Award Ups and Downs Featured INITIAL SPLASH: phRwevived By DAN FOGEL The I-M athletes had a busy program last night with cham- pionships being decided for fra- ternity and independent volleyball, residence hall swimming finalists being determined, and 32 men ...…

December 13, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 68) • Page Image 4

… : , PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURWAY, DECEMBER 13, 1951 PAGE FOUR THE MICHiGAN DAILY THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1951 Civil Liberties Committee IT IS BECOMING increasingly evident that it is necessary during these days of mass hysteria to have organized groups of watch- ful citizens ready to protect our civil liber- ties. It is not only the so-called Communists who are being attacked, but also any devi- ants from the commonly accepted v...…

December 13, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 68) • Page Image 5

…THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1951 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1951 PAGE FIVE _______________________________________________________________________________ I I I LOUISBOURG SIEGE: Clements Library Gets Rare Historical Volume 4 By JOYCE FICKIES Political and literary intrigue mark the story behind one of the newest acquisitions of the Cle- ments Library. The acquisition, a book entitled "Lettre d'un Habitant de Louis- ...…

December 13, 1951 (vol. 62, iss. 68) • Page Image 6

…d SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1951 ORDAN'S TESTIMONY: Harvard Grid Coach Defends College Sports WASHINGTON-(P)-College sports-and the men who play hem-were staunchly defended yesterday by Lloyd P. Jordan, football Dach at Harvard. Jordan, who is president of the National Football Coaches Asso- ation, was here to testify before the college presidents named by the merican Council on Education to find out what is wrong wi...…

December 13, 1952 (vol. 63, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

…EXTRACURRICULAR MATTERS See Page 4 Y Latest Deadline in the State A~aitF CLOUDY, SNOW FLURRIES VOL. LXIII, No. 67 Fry Allows Ballot Ruling To Continue Board To Decide Inspectors' Status A wire from State Director of Elections Edward W. Fry last night paved the way for the Washtenaw County Board of Canvassers to go ahead and rule on 766 ballots which face possible invalidation. Fry's notice followed a State Canyassers Board decision in- ...…

December 13, 1952 (vol. 63, iss. 67) • Page Image 2

…SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1952 PAGE TWO T HE MICHIGAN DAILY 7 EUROPEAN TOUR: Prof. McGeoch Attends Famed Music Festivals By CYNTHIA BOYES While most people visit Europe to look, Prof. Glenn,'McGeoch of the School of Music tried some- thing different on his European tour last summer-he went to listen. Leaving Ann Arbor at the end of August, Prof McGeoch spent a month attending some of Europe's finest music festivals. His first stop was the ...…

December 13, 1952 (vol. 63, iss. 67) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE Sextet To Face Blues * * * * SPORTS SLANTS . .'.By Ed Whipple OT 0 ToniW.,gh t f M'a Tornt NTo Compete r 'For Trophy (Continued from Page 1) BLUE LINE BANTER: Some psychological jockeying on a couple of trial runs has moved Colorado College into the pole position for the Midwest Hockey League race that gets underway next weekend with Michigan's important in- vasion of .the Rocky Mountain area. College ho...…

December 13, 1952 (vol. 63, iss. 67) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1952 II I TTERS FROM SCOTLAND: Extracurricular Matters By CHUCK ELLIOTT EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND-I think it's safe to say that American students are thought of in other parts of the world mainly in terms of their extra-curricular life. British students, for example, are frankly amazed at the amount of time Americans appear to devote to parties, fra- ternities, and hybrid activities like The Daily, the ...…

December 13, 1952 (vol. 63, iss. 67) • Page Image 5

… SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1952 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE Hillel Sponsors 'Hanukah Whirl' U,-. * * « * Students Plan HolidayParty A "Hanukah Whirl" has been planned from 6 to 10:30 p.m. to- morrow night at the Hillel Foun- dation in honor of the Jewish holy day. To begin the program, a sup- per club has been scheduled from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at the Hillel build- ing. CORNED BEEF sandwiches, cole slaw, potato chips and cokes will be served....…

December 13, 1952 (vol. 63, iss. 67) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1952 THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, DEcE1~mER 13, 1952 '. i ,1 (PAID ADVERTISEMENT) THE CTS I THE ROSE BERG C SE I On April 5, 1951, Ethel and Julius Rosenberg were sentenced to die in the electric chair. The date of execution has been set for the week of January 12, 1953. The Rosenbergs were charged with conspiracy to commit espionage for the Soviet Union during the period of June 1944...…

December 13, 1953 (vol. 64, iss. 69) • Page Image 1

…we EDITOR'S NOTE See Page 2 Latest Deadline in the State Da3 iij WAR1 VL VOL. LXIV, No. 69 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1953 TWELVE PAGES TWELVE PAGES r Are Quad Bonds Paid Too Fast? Officials Defend Dorm Financing; Debt Payment Procedure Explained (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second in a series of interpretive articles on the University Residence Halls-finances, food and future.) By JON SOBELOFF Quadrangle residents ar...…

December 13, 1953 (vol. 64, iss. 69) • Page Image 2

… PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1953 { I .t Y By HARRY LUNN Daily Managing Editor REMOVAL OF fraternity discrimination based on race, color or creed has made considerable progress throughout the col- legiate world as more and more under- graduate and alumni fraternity members have realized such discrimination is not one of the fraternity ideals which deserves support. However, there is still a powerful group within th...…

December 13, 1953 (vol. 64, iss. 69) • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1S, 1953 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE4 _______________________________________________ I ~U ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Ikola, Ross Spectacular In Deadlock (Continued from Page 1) Early in the period a neat three way pass play nearly gave Michigan a marker, but Phil- pott's attempt to climax the pat- tern successfully was thwarted as Ross quickly covered ...…

December 13, 1953 (vol. 64, iss. 69) • Page Image 4

…?AGE FOr THE MICHIGAN D}AlIY SUNDAY. DECEMBER 13, 1951 m _._, FOR FL4lR, Y gFILM FESTIVAL: Producer's Wife Discusses Movie Fare Calendar of Events I j , Music Classes To Give Operas Play School of Music opera classes Student3 will present three acts from three Act II of "Manon" by Jules outs for it' operas in a special program at Massenent, featuring Andrew of 'Detecti 8:30 p.m. tomorrow and Wednes- Broekema, Grad. will open the morr...…

December 13, 1953 (vol. 64, iss. 69) • Page Image 5

…SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1953 THE MICHIGAN DAILY A r BE WISE ..: 0 70 Avoin -t e Bush of LastmMinute BUY 4 \ " t T . ar . a SRP y\ k CC) A a" : 9 yy "' <" : " n' JY. r ear - .:.." <.k \ v t, / FF' k < fay i fF ' )N EFyt o-" vj ,y v' y ¢v v ,\415: . 2. y > 7v E v"' , j'rv: .. v : c f \': a :i chi. . \ R 414 : ) ,:, r ,". it5 u t . ::. UY v vi t 1 n \3 v. MAW& > P y,1v.,'<'.ST\ c v a 'it / < "ya ) ,Y@I " ; !X . i r(\<<" Y i J'T 3 >:Sa*.ri fh ', x...…

December 13, 1953 (vol. 64, iss. 69) • Page Image 6

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY' , DECEMBER 13, 1953 FAGU TWO SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1953 SALVATION ARMY DRIVE: U' Students Man Christmas Kettles ANNUAL ROUNDUP: National Safety Council Reports Odd Accidents wzzzz;z By JOEL BERGER Seven women's groups are man- ning kettles for the Salvation Army's Christmas drive this year, Mrs. Arthur Trevithick of the lo- cal Christmas bureau said yester- day. So far this month, girls from Al- pha...…

December 13, 1953 (vol. 64, iss. 69) • Page Image 7

…SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1953 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TRER WASHTENAW CROSSING: Wetteruall Watehes Over Youngsters Problems 2000 Miles Away By MURRY FRYMER Santa Claus comes only once a year, but some men like Fred Wet- terhall play the part the year round.j Fred, or more formally, C. F. Wetterhall, is the patrolman at the busy Washtenaw and South University crossing. He says he's 69, but adds that he doesn't feel or act it. "I can still s...…

December 13, 1953 (vol. 64, iss. 69) • Page Image 8

…PAGE FOUrs THE MICHIGAN DAIL\. SUNDAY, DECEMBER13, 1953 Indoor Trees Need Fire-Proofing By JANET SMITH CHRISTMAS IN AUGUS B Beautiful but dangerous, it can .be said of an indoor Christmas tree, and this is an important fact to consider when setting up Yule- tide decorations. The best way to guard against an accident is to keep the tree in water, advises a profersor in the School of Forestry. A fresh tree will be much lss likeiy to cat...…

December 13, 1953 (vol. 64, iss. 69) • Page Image 9

…SUNDAYr .fl'IC. ER is, 1953 Coea Celebrate Christmas With Variety of Traditions Sororitike!s, Dormitories Hold After-Hours Parties; Tree-D( .orating, Carol-Singing Events Scheduled c' THE MICHIGAN DAILY GADGETS FOR GAMES: Sports Gifts Welcomed by Men By MAR X HELLTHALER Christmas :Js celebrated with a wide variety o traditions from the ridiculous tci the sublime in the various soror itnes and women's res- idence hals' Alpha Delts , Pi is ...…

December 13, 1953 (vol. 64, iss. 69) • Page Image 10

…i i PAGE SMr TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, DECEMBVIj I, 1951 .- , . _ _, i ,;l G Mann Views' Current 'M' CONFERENCE THREAT: Ilni Loom Large in Court Pictre i Swim Team as One of Best z. By LEW HAMBURGER Matt Mann's swimming team for the coming season is beginning to take form. The Wolverine coach left for the Florida swimming forum Fri- day, but he left with a good idea of how his team stacks up. He has an extremely versatile lin...…

December 13, 1953 (vol. 64, iss. 69) • Page Image 11

…SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13, loss THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1953 PAGE SEVE?4 Kentucky, Duquesne Press Hoosiers for Cage Laurels, M' Cage Season Recalls Memories of 1948 Title - q By WARREN WERTHEIMER Indiana, Kentucky, or Du- quesne; who will rule the collegiate basketball world during the 1953- 54 season? Most exp'erts, including the AP pollsters, agree that the nation's t top team will come from one of these three, b...…

December 13, 1953 (vol. 64, iss. 69) • Page Image 12

…: P'AGE ETGT THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUTNDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1953 w t, 1 4 r' 4 I " * _. t r .. : j -' Make one of these dates "Michigan Night" in your home town. Enjoy an evening at "UP 'N'ATOM" with your family and friends. CHECK THESE DATES ON YOUR VACATION CALENDAR: f V~ TOLEDO: DEC. 26 ~. BUFFALO: DEC. 28 v. CLEVELAND: DEC. 29 "U P 'N' ATOM" 1 State TheatreI IToledo, Ohio-, II enclose $_____ for the, TOLEDO "performa...…

December 13, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 64) • Page Image 1

…CONFERENCE LACKS PLANNING See Page 4 Y Latest Deadline in the State ~4aati4 UW 0a 0' , v PARTLY CLOUDY, WARMER VOL. LXVI, No. 64 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1955 SIX PAGE Committee OK's pen Sky' Plan IN to Give First Consideration To Ike's Disarmament Program UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. (P)-The United Nations Political Committee endorsed overwhelmingly yesterday a proposal to give PresidentDwight D. Eisenhower's "open sky" ins...…

December 13, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 64) • Page Image 2

…T-E MICEGAN DAILY TUESlDAY, DEEMBEU 12, it* _ I - -.. Quintet Plays At Rackham The University Woodwind Quin- tet will present a public concert at 8:30 p.m. today in Rackham Lec- ture Hall. Three numbers will receive their first performance in Ann Arbor. "Trio No. 2 for flutd, oboe and clarinet" by Henri Zagwijn; "Quintet Op. 35" by Sparre 01- sen; and "Quintet" by Jean Fran- caix. Other compositions to be played are "Quintet, Op. 67, No. 2...…

December 13, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 64) • Page Image 3

… PAGE THREE TUESDAY. DECEMBER 13, 195~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY ~7PI leers Play Denver e r Tonight MR. LAWRENCE CHARFOOS and MISS ANDY KNIGHT AMERICAN YOUTH ABROAD- Pioneer Squad 'Toughest Opposition Yet' Heyliger Basketball Team Optimistic With Vitory Over 'Huskers By STEVE HEILPERIN By BRUCE B.ENNETT Michigan's once beaten hockey team attempts to get back on the winning trail tonight as it opens a two game, two point per game series ...…

December 13, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 64) • Page Image 4

…Sixty-Sixth Year EDiED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "Help!- A Giant!" Wen opinions are free, truth will prevail." Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, DECEMBER...…

December 13, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 64) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Candle Lighting Marks Chanukah Celebration By JUDITH GREENBERG Chanukah, the Festival of Lights, is being celebrated this week all over the world in Jewish homes and temples in commem- oration of the, expulsion of the Syrians from the Temple of Jeru- salem. The holiday stems from the heroic battles under the leadership of Judas Maccabeus, 'when the, Jews drove the Hellenized Syrians out of Jerusalem in the year 162 B.C. Ma...…

December 13, 1955 (vol. 66, iss. 64) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY URAINS COME AND GO: Terminal Remains U-neftanged Road For Style Changes Pioneered by 'Journalist' *t * (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first in a series of two articles on the :_Ann, Arbor Railroad Terminal.) By VERNON NAHRGANG Trains came and go, people change, times change, but Ann Arbor's railroad station remains the same. Built in 1886, the small gray brick building down the hill from the foot of State Street has re- ma...…

December 13, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 70) • Page Image 1

… I it zgrn Dati SNOW, QUITE COLD Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXVII, No. 70 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1956 .IX PAGES NATO Leaders' To Build Up Pact Treaty Organization To Be Given Wider Political, Economic Powers PARIS (P)-North Atlantic Alliance leaders agreed tentatively yesterday to strengthen the treaty organization with wider political and economic powers. But secretary of State John Foster Dulles served not...…

December 13, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 70) • Page Image 2

…4 PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1956 f LAW SCHOOL: Campbell Competition Begins Tonight f- By SUSAN KARTUS The annual Henry M. Campbell competition will begin its opening rounds tonight at the Law School. Campbell competition consists of a single case, of a complicated nature, composed by a faculty member, which is argued by the 16 top ranking Case Club partici- pants. This year's case is a corporation matter conc...…

December 13, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 70) • Page Image 3

… CHURSDAT, DECEMBER 13, 1958' THE MICHIGAN DAILY PACE THRED UHURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1958 THE MiCHiGAN DAiLY PAGE THREU 'M' Icers Await WIHL Powers Ground Game on Increase, According to Survey by AP DIMINUTIVE DUNNIGAN DRILLS ONE-Dick Dunnigan, 135-1b. right wing of the Michigan hockey team, fires a shot at the Denver goalie in one of last year's meetings between the two teams. They meet again Friday and Saturday, Dec. 21 and 22 as part o...…

December 13, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 70) • Page Image 4

… T 4, Hiclpjgan Dailg Sixty-Seventh Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY Or BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "Do You Think There Really Is An America?" "When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" AT LYDIA MENDELSSOHN Juno and the Paycock' SEAN O'CASEY is one of the least produced contemporary play- wrights. The Speech Departm...…

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