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October 13, 1970 (vol. 81, iss. 35) • Page Image 1

…Wome By LYNN WEINER The future direction of the women's liberation movement was debated Sunday in the most tumultuous session of the weekend teach-in celebrating the cen- tennial of women at the University. The representative of a coalition of radical women interrupted the introduc- tions of moderator Barbara Newell, as- sistant to President Robben Fleming, and urged the predominantly female audience of over 600 to join the stage. About a1 fif...…

October 13, 1970 (vol. 81, iss. 35) • Page Image 2

…Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday; October 13, 1970 Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday. October 13. 1970 I Power Center: Artistic reply to theatre needs By GLORIA SMITH It is a work of art. An alive, festive sculpture that speaks of the dramatic experience itself. The Power Center for t h e Performing Arts is presently under construction just one block east of the Frieze Builld- on Central Campus. Its six large, eight-foot col- um...…

October 13, 1970 (vol. 81, iss. 35) • Page Image 3

…Wednesday and Thursday-October 14th and 15th DEPARTMENT OF SPEECH Student Laboratory Theatre presents I RISE IN FLAME CRIED THE PHOENIX by TENNESSEE WILLIAMS pag4e thiree im4c 'trl i n Dati1 NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 BUSINESS PHONE: 764-0554 Tuesday, October 13,. 1970 Ann Arbor, Michgan Page Three FUMED OAK A Admission Free AND by NOEL COWARD RENA THEATRE FRIEZE BUILDING promptly at 4:10 P.M. oeewsdrbriefs ~By The Associated Press - APP...…

October 13, 1970 (vol. 81, iss. 35) • Page Image 4

…. - -__ - Iiphdiaq Chahey '- ZtM Siritgan ha OW Eighty years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Brother: Have I got a deal for you! i _____ ,I k I 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in oil reprints. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1970 NIGHT EDITOR: DAV...…

October 13, 1970 (vol. 81, iss. 35) • Page Image 5

…'Tuesda~y, Octob~er 131 '1970 THE MiCHIGAN DAILY Page Five .For DirectClassif ied Srvc ho e7 4-,5 _______r Monday through~ Friday, 10 aam-4 p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m.-Noon - 557 _ {FORt RENT - FOR RENT LPST AND FOUND ISLANDI DR. APT. Mod. 1 bdrm. faces 3PARKING SPACES for rent on E. Unt- LOST: brown leather purse with wood- river, swimming pool.. $140/m6. (ne-m versity. Call 769-7975. CC en circle on front. Call 761-0714. gotiable) utilities....…

October 13, 1970 (vol. 81, iss. 35) • Page Image 6

…Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, October 13, 1970 i Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY '4 , . N EW COMMITTEE FORMED: State personnel to investigate 'U' provisions for handicapped Engineering unit refuses to .bar Dow recruiter despite protest, _ ___. ___ _______ LED ZEPPLIN III ii (Continued from Page 1) Education Prof. Garry Walz, the committee chairman, believes that the committee will be effec- tive because all the members are conc...…

October 13, 1970 (vol. 81, iss. 35) • Page Image 7

…Tuesday, October 13, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Tuesday, October 13, 1970 THE MiCHIGAN DAILY Page Seven IHA ELECTIONS IHA elections will be held THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15 in meal lines (at Seeley Apts. Lounge in Oxford; at mailboxes in Fletch- er;) to elect president, vice-president, 3 board of governor members, and, 19 council- men and to vote on new I HA constitution. - -U I INFORMATION MEETING Michigan-llinois Year Abroad in Ba...…

October 13, 1970 (vol. 81, iss. 35) • Page Image 8

…Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY T Tuesday, October. 13, 1970 ... >; :. t IT'S SO NICE TO HAVE. JACOBSON'S YOUNG ADULT CHARGE ACCOUNT is cued to your campus needs and we will be nl..Inem. d r t in t ir tann.,Gtnn fnrnaJ_ Surprises mark Big Ten pteasea Jacobson Card Yo will spee greater st Apply fo Lo acceptyour app ica von Tor a n Charge Account Identification u personal account number { d your purchasesand give you hopping convenienc...…

October 13, 1970 (vol. 81, iss. 35) • Page Image 9

…*-Tuesday.., October 13, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine ~s Tuesday, October 13, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine Bo seeks clear. sailing in full M' boat F I .. . . . . . ..,..,r . Gridde Pickings 1 By PAT ATKINS "The boat is full," Wolverine grid coach Bo Schembechler said with a cryptic air yesterday after- noon. As Michigan rises higher in the national polls, so rises the national degree of attention. Going into the fift...…

October 13, 1970 (vol. 81, iss. 35) • Page Image 10

…Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, October 13, 19701 I Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, October 1 3, 1970 ' BEGINS NEW TERM: Court declines rule on abortion issue Pound House plagued by space difficulties (Continued from Paje 3) 1 or reject an embryo which has not quickened." Today's Supreme Court refusal to hear the Wisconsin case left standing the three-judge court's decision against the validity of the state anti-abortion law. ...…

October 13, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 29) • Page Image 1

…REGISTERING ALL THE VOTERS See Editorial Page Y 5khp41 ~IAi4b WUTHERING High-60 Low-40 Cool, chance of showers Vol. LXXXII, No. 29 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, October 13, 1971 Ten Cents Eight Pages Byrd likely to Conservative Democrat, two women considered for seats WASHINGTON (N-'-Speculation increased yesterday that President Nixon will nominate conservative Sen. Robert Byrd (D-W.V.) and a woman to fill the two Supreme Court...…

October 13, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 29) • Page Image 2

…Page Two THE MICHIGAN ]DAILY Wednesday, October 13, 1971 Page Two THE MICHIGAN OAILY Wednesday1 October 1 3, 1971 James Earl Jones recalls 'U' :-I -Daily-Gary Villani A ienation in the By BRUCE SHLAIN Enter Hector Bloom. A jock, and a good one. An All-Ameri- can basketball player at a big college. Now he 'is about to graduate, sign a juicy profes- sional contract, and spend a few years tossing in hook shots on courts around the coun...…

October 13, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 29) • Page Image 3

…tI NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 BUSINESS PHONE: 764-0554 94C 411 tr4iogttn aiti page three RALLY ON THE DIAG Meet at 12 Noon March to the City Hall for Voter Registration Ann Arbor, Michigan Wednesday, October 13, 1971 if' news briefs Supreme court rules on Attica, AUDITIONS For VASCO An Anti-War Fantas) U. Players Showcase Product OCT. 11, 12, 13 1508 Frieze Bldg. y ion 7:30 p.m. EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY presents and DOUG KERSHAW F...…

October 13, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 29) • Page Image 4

…. Eighty-one years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan superscription Moratorium: The Rites of Fall by flyn Weiner N 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1971 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT SCHREINER Registering all ...…

October 13, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 29) • Page Image 5

…Wednesday, October 13, 1971 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five For Direct Classified Service, Phone 764-0 Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 557 FOR RENT FOR RENT ____ __._ ROOM available now thru Dec, or ROOM FOR RENT-808 E. Kingsley. April, /one space in double room. 769-1837. 54027 Newly refurbished house, Hill andI----- State. Kitchen privileges available. 2 BEDROOM modern duplex. Couples $85/mo. Call 663-5387 or 663-5883. preferred. ...…

October 13, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 29) • Page Image 6

…Page_ Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, October 13, 1971 Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday1 October 1 3, 1971 VOLKSWAGEN OWNERS Complete Collision & Pdinting. V. W. body work our speciality. 12 years experience on V. W. We honor all insurance claims and all work is guaranteed. AIRPORT LIMOUSINES for information call 971-3700 Tickets are available at Travel Bureaus or the Michigan Union 32 Trips Day Sooners ' wishbone- T turns tabl...…

October 13, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 29) • Page Image 7

…Wednesday, October 13, 1971 -THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Wednesday, October 1 3, 1971 1HL MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Tom Darden-Michigan's TD on defense By DEBBIE WISSNER College football has traditionally been considered a game of offense, with Heisman trophy backs and raz- zle-dazzle plays dominating thehead- lines. In the past few seasons, how- ever, defensive football, which coach- es have always maintained wins ball- games, is als...…

October 13, 1971 (vol. 82, iss. 29) • Page Image 8

…Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, October 13, 1971 Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Newton murder trial delayed battorney's charge of biased judge OAKLAND, Calif. (2 - Black Panther cofounder Huey Newton's third trial in the 1967 death of a policeman was de- layed yesterday when the defense moved to disqualify the judge on grounds of prejudice., Alameda County Superior Court Judge Lyle Cook had been prepared to preside at Newton's tri...…

October 13, 1972 (vol. 83, iss. 32) • Page Image 1

…GREEN AND HIS CRITICS See Editorial Page LY G lflir :43 a t t NOT BADI High-57 Low-40 For details, see "today.. Vol. LXXXI1I, No. 32 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, October 13, 1972 Ten Cents Ten Pages today. .. if you see news happencall 76-DAILY REVIEW COMMITTEE CHOSEN 400 protest Green Supporting Green Students of suspended chemistry Prof. Mark Green who wish to express their support for his reinstatement are encouraged to write the...…

October 13, 1972 (vol. 83, iss. 32) • Page Image 2

…Page Two o HE MICHIGAN DAILY t-riday, act©ber 13,, 1972 Page Two IHE MICHIGAN DAILY 1-riday, October 13, 1972 Honda cars to meet exhaust rules by'73 DIRECT FROM ITS HIGHLY ACCLAIMED SHOWING AT THE CANNES FILM FESTIVAL! TOKYO (P) - Honda M o t o r Co. said yesterday it plans to put on sale by the autumn of 1973 automobiles equipped with new engines capable of meeting U.S. exhaust-emission require- ments for 1975. 60 autos equipped with ...…

October 13, 1972 (vol. 83, iss. 32) • Page Image 3

…Friday, October 13, 1972 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three Friday, October 13, 1972 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three CHRRLIE CHRPLIN "The powerful deflating force of Chaplin's comedy at its peak!" -Newsweek "Gloriously Funny! Another work of art from the master." -William Wolf, Cue PAULETTE GODDARD JACK ORKIE WrittenDirected and Produced by Charles Chaplin Released through Columbia Pictures now thru tuesday WEEKDAYS-7:00, 9:10 SAT., SUN.-12:45, ...…

October 13, 1972 (vol. 83, iss. 32) • Page Image 4

… IIt £14t&tn a4 Eighty-one years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan *1 Green defends showing of anti-war slides 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1972 Dunn: Evil precedent set By MARK GREEN T IS the obligatio...…

October 13, 1972 (vol. 83, iss. 32) • Page Image 5

…Friday, October 13, 1 X72 THE MICHIGAN DAILY rage Hve _ .._ ro* mp 0. . - ooo-*" PUMMMMM" O&YAoil. A 1 ;I U-"o 0 get tlie jo done -joo(wn EI ~1~Ljm F FOR DIRECT CLASSIFIED SERVICE CALL 764-0557-10 A.M.-4 P.M. MONDAY-FRIDAY rnuIuJ.ULUI.JLIaLLJ ~~.4JLLLi.-- ..., -- - _________________________ __________________________________ ,A FOR RENT ROOM in apartment available. Near campus. $100 for single, $70 for dou- ble. Call 761-...…

October 13, 1972 (vol. 83, iss. 32) • Page Image 6

…f Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, October 13, 1972 1* GRAND OPENING z 0 GRAND OPENING GRAND OPENING GRAND OPENING GRAND OPENING GI heroin use jumps in Thailand 6~> to § t &very H . 66865 0 z z WASHINGTON (P)--The Defense forces in Thailand during the North matically over the past year, in as hard drug users. He defined Department yesterday reported a Vietnamese spring offensive, Wil- part because of the declining troop har...…

October 13, 1972 (vol. 83, iss. 32) • Page Image 7

…Friday, October 13, 1972 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Friday, October 13, 1972 THE MICHIGAN DAILY gage Seven I .. : . , ei I 4 s Izza LIBERTY AT DIVISION -PIZZA IS OUR NAME- HOURS: MON.-FRI -4:00 P.M.-3:00 A.M. SAT. & SUN.-NOON-3:00 A.M. State of emergency declared by Chile SANTIAGO (U) - The Chilean 'the "highway, which turns down government, confronted with a na- Chile's spine, was reopened and tionwide trucking strike, declared ...…

October 13, 1972 (vol. 83, iss. 32) • Page Image 8

…Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, October 13, 1972 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, October 13, 1972 WASHINGTON UAC presents ADELLE DAVIS leading nutrionist and author of best-selling LET'S EAT RIGHT TO KEEP FIT, LET'S COOK IT RIGHT Speaking on: "THE NUTRITION AWAKENING" POWER CENTER TUES., OCT. 17-8 P.M. TICKETS AVAILABLE AT: Power'Center Box Office Eden Foods Michigan Union Soybean Cellar The Fishbowl Your Health & Nutrition Applerose Nat...…

October 13, 1972 (vol. 83, iss. 32) • Page Image 9

…Friday, October 13, 1972 rHE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine FrdaOcoer1, 92 H MCIGNDAL Pg bn Duffys By GEORGE HASTINGS When Michigan f o o t b a l1 coach Bo Schembechler announced late last week that his practices in preparation for Sat- urday's clash with Michigan State in Ann Arbor would be closed, it really shouldn't have surprised anyone. It's just another chapter n the long story of secret ses- sions, new offensive plays and surprise tactic...…

October 13, 1972 (vol. 83, iss. 32) • Page Image 10

…Fridov. October 13. 1977 THE MICHIGAN DAILY E C; IUL, C V'4 aV r 1 I. n 72 THE MIeHIGAN.DAILY * I 1%47 , I- d AP Photo he banner McGovern On the college circuit Sen. George McGovern addresses a student rally at the University of Minnesota yesterday. TI in the background hopefully asserts "St. George Will Slay the Dragon." REPUBLICANS EXTRADICTED: 400 rally to support cdem prof (Continued from Page 1) left, but about 50 remained to star...…

October 13, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 33) • Page Image 1

… WARD BOUNDARY MANIPULATIONS See Editorial Page Y it i au att DISMAL High-70 Low--44 See Today for details Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom Vol. LXXXIV, No. 33 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, October 13, 1973 Ten Cents Six Pages ixon cooses ord as new. IfYrOU SEE NsvKAPENCALL DAI Y Agnew remembered Though perhaps not the former vice President's most famous target, our own President Robben Fleming did come in for some violentl...…

October 13, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 33) • Page Image 2

…I Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, October 13, 1973 Pag- TwTH--I iGN.DIL EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY and WWWW Presentj Edgar Oct. 30-8:00 P.M. Bowen Fildhouse UNIVERSITY PLAYERS Presents GEORGE BERNARD SHAW'S October 10-13, 8:00 P.M., Power Center Power Center Box Office opens at 12:30 p.m. Information: 763-3333 -r- - 116 t' $1 MILLION DEBT: Financial woes beset city / continued from Page 1) do so again, Sheehan reports. Murr...…

October 13, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 33) • Page Image 3

…Satu rddy, Qc t6b6 r 13, 197 3 THE MICHIGAN DAILY S~turd~y, Qct~b*r 1 3, 1 ~73 THE MICHIGAN DAILY A Page Three Gerald Ford: From Record low turnout football fame to the vice presidency House passes limits on executive powers I marks SGC election RIP TORN IN A DAZZLING PERFORMANCE Of An Artist's Struggle Against the Pressures Of Society! Vice President-Designate Gerald Ford has been the leader of the Republican Party since 1965 and h...…

October 13, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 33) • Page Image 4

…i Eighty-three years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 - News Phone: 764-0552 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1973 Ward boundary manipulation THE ASSERTION by City Council Re- publicans that their ward bounda- ries plan shoved through city council last Monday night will correct supposed er- rors in the previous plan has a very hol- low ring. The previous plan, p...…

October 13, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 33) • Page Image 5

…Saturday, October 13, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five hmjomdI_ E I I E I TICKETS WANTED: two together, Ohio St. Call Dave, 662-8183. 69Q37 NEED 3 Wisconsin tickets. Section 23. 761-8510. 81Q34 6 or 8 OSU Tickets wanted. 761-1932. cQ38 I NEED two or four tickets to the Moody Blues concert. Price is nego- tiable. Call late. 663-6109. dQ34 WANTED: 2 tickets to Moody Blues concert. Call 665-2478. dQ34 I FOR RENT 5%,a ROOM APT., unfurn.,...…

October 13, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 33) • Page Image 6

…Page Six I HE MICHIGAN DAILY .>aturdav. Uctober 13, 1913 E CD La vc.. a, x.x.w x.v ' V tx ilr . -- r r . Bruised Blue storm ] By MARC FELDMAN EAST LANSING - Like Army- Navy, Southern Cal-UCLA, Texas- Oklahoma and the others, foot- ball afficionados in this part of the country are told every year to throw out the book, cast aside past1 records, and concentrate on emo- tion when the bitter rivalry be-' tween Michigan and Michigan Stat...…

October 13, 1974 (vol. 85, iss. 34) • Page Image 1

…SUNDAY MAGAZINE See inside Y 41it 1 Ten Cents SOAKED High--59 Lott-49 See Today for details Vol LXXXV, No. 34 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, October 13, 1974 Eight Pages l i~SPp oLtDA l iIF OU SE&S HAPPDCAL-'Myty Ypsi robbers The FBI announced yesterday that it has ex- panded its search for four men who forced an Ypsilanti bank manager to rob his own bank last Thursday in a dramatic kidnapping-robbery epi- sode. Richard Green, manager o...…

October 13, 1974 (vol. 85, iss. 34) • Page Image 2

…MIR Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, October 13 1974 Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY I- m Make your photo appointments now at the Diag or call 764-0561 after 7 p.m. Yearbook reservations are also being taken. . + 41t1 tip..:: S ' ''+9 :;4t ' '. EASTERN DELI and COFFEE HOUSE Hillel's Deli goes Oriental with Arab- Jewish Food: Falafil, Himmus, Oriental Jewish Music and Atmosphere. Find Out and Act on Conditions of Iraq, and Syrian Jews...…

October 13, 1974 (vol. 85, iss. 34) • Page Image 3

…editors: laura berman howie brick contributing editor: mary long inside: Sundciy magazine page four-books page five-sally fleming page six-week in review Number 6 Page Three Octobe FEATUR er 13, 1974 sES A local miniature melting pot: The Child Care Action Center By MARY LONG ADRIAN FLEW into the Child Care Action Center and ran about like a little rag doll ready to come apart at the seams. Clutch- ing a fistful of bright autumn leaves...…

October 13, 1974 (vol. 85, iss. 34) • Page Image 4

… Page Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, October 13, 1974 BOO KS ROMANTIC TRIANGLE Murdoch's gothic novel of the evil forces in possessive love STREET FICTION PRESS A local little magazine of some repute becomes a book, ANON THE SACRED AND PRO- FANE LOVE MACHINE, by Iris Murdoch. New York: Viking Press, 374 pp., $8.95 By MARTY HAIR T FIRST, the situation seems innocent enough. Here is the familiar love triangle, the story of husband, wi...…

October 13, 1974 (vol. 85, iss. 34) • Page Image 5

…Sunday, October 13, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Sunday, October 13, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY l6RANSW 1LL R E T aka Ally p.<nusp , y °se HOULTZ ow roman p, Pt4. N e4 0W dipkema ' t_ Lt 16 'A ac4t .sl 0£MOGRY ATtc is k. t:tw,. H COUNT SAI¢p r COMMISSIONER Ao -T 13 R .__ 4' -Pd. Poi. Adv. i A SEPARATE IDENTITY Sally Fleming: On her life as the University president's wife if you I EMU Players Series PRESENTS SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL ...…

October 13, 1974 (vol. 85, iss. 34) • Page Image 6

…d -uC AAlr'u1C'AAI MAIL v _ .. _ Page Six 'T I I: I VIUA1R/N DAtILY Sunday, ctober I, it I ANO j972 N1 LOOKING I THE WEEK IN REVIEW tuition hike. In the meantime, however, it must have been comforting for students to know the governor is on our side. * * * THE STREET FICTION PRESS ANTHOLOGY OF FICTIONS & POETRY Edited by Warren Jay Hecht Peter Anderson/Andrew G. Carrigan/Tom Clark/Andrei Codrescu Glenn Davis/Ken Fifer/Jim Guth...…

October 13, 1974 (vol. 85, iss. 34) • Page Image 7

…S'nday, October 13, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven a d - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .____. . t ,L 3 I .1 1 (I ) gret the job on)()e i 1 mm w Iaftmwooo" FOR DIRECT CLASSIFIED SERVICE CALL 764-0557-10 A.M.-4 P.M. MONDAY-FRIDAY r. _ i I FOR RENT FOR RENT FEMALE SPACE in North Campus UNIVERSITY STUDENTS and Co-op. Call Dave, 663-9283. 6301015 staff - Univ...…

October 13, 1974 (vol. 85, iss. 34) • Page Image 8

… Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, October 13, 1974 Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, October 13, 1 974 By JOHN KAHLER Denny Stolz stood in the visitors locker room facing an unpleasant, but unavoid- able task: trying to explain away the ;<..Spartan's fifth straight loss to Michi- gan. To the inevitable "What happened?" he responded, "You saw the game, you must know what happened out there." IF STOLZ' personality were different, i...…

October 13, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 30) • Page Image 1

…CLASS BOYCOTT See Editorial Page SfrF ~Iait1 DEJA VU + High -68° Low - 47' See Today for details Latest Deadline in the State 4 Vol. LXXXVII, No. 30 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, October 13, 1976 Ten Cents Eight Pages FYOuSEE NEWSAPPE CALWDLY March on Lansing A caravan of students will'be delivering tuition cost protests right to state officials' doorsteps in Lansing today. And because caravans can never be too long, you and yo...…

October 13, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 30) • Page Image 2

…Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, October 13, 1975 Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, October 13, 1 976~ Foda (Continued from Page 1) ed a personal clarification from Ford, Kuropas said all who attended paid their own way to Washington. AFTER THE meeting, Ford flew to New York City, where he told a largely Jewish crowd: "I intend to visit Israel and other Middle East countries when such a trip will contribute to a permanent Midd...…

October 13, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 30) • Page Image 3

… 1Nk-dnesdoy, Qct'ober t13, 1976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three \*dnesday, October 13, 1976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'PageThree FORD APPROVES PCB BAN: I Limits set for toxics By AP and UPI President Ford yesterday sign- ed a law setting strict, new governmental standards regula- ting chemicals and other toxic substances that could have ad- verse impact on environment and human health. The Toxic Substances Control Act, long sought by environ...…

October 13, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 30) • Page Image 4

… Eighty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 I Group scores worse Wednesday, October 13, 1976 News Phone: 764-05521 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan I Protest high tuition! TUITION, as everyone at this Uni- versity well knows, has been going up by leaps and bounds during recent years. Not only has inflation done its share to accent the problem, but numerous educational fundi...…

October 13, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 30) • Page Image 5

…Arts & Erntertainment THE MICHIGAN DAILY Ar s & Et r a netWednesday, October 13, 1976 Page Five WELL I DECLARE _______Ken Parsigian WAS HAVING dinner with my friend Bruce the other day and the discussion turned, of course, to the interesting hands we had played lately. I had just finished telling him how I'd bid hearts three times with a singleton, and conned my opponents out of a cold slam, when he started a story about the nationally known ...…

October 13, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 30) • Page Image 6

… MEMEEMEMENNOMM Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, October 13, 191 1331 get the job done mm ./ V i - - wmmmm.mmw FOR RENT WANTED TO RENT FEMALE GRAD or working, to share ROOM WANTED in friendly coop- two bedroom apt, with 28 yr. old erative house with graduates. Write working woman. Near campus, $125. Box 15, Daily. 48L1017 994-0578 evenings. 53014 -------14-.-. -- - - -- WANTED-Great place to live for NEAR CAMPUS - Tw...…

October 13, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 30) • Page Image 7

…Wednesday, October 13, 1976 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Sevei WensaOcoe 3 17 HICIA AL Doubles trouble for CMU as women netters win 6-3 YANKS TAKE LEAD Reds rally clinches NL flag By HENRY ENGELHARDT Special To The Daily MT. PLEASANT - Michigan's women's tennis team swept the doubles competition and narrowly escaped. defeat here yester-. day in a 6-3 triumph over Central Michigan. The Chippewas provided the toughest competition the Wolv...…

October 13, 1976 (vol. 87, iss. 30) • Page Image 8

…Page elgnc THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, October 13, ' 1976. Page ~ignr THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, October 13, 1976 Lectures Sponsored by The (enter for Near Eastern and North African Studies WEDNESDAY 'Oct. 13 4:00 p.m. KELLOGG AUDITORIUM Co-sponsored by the School of Dentistry Ibrahim el-Nowoy First Curator of the Egyptian Museum "Treasurers of the Paroah Tutankhaiuon"I (Slides & lecture about the collection of King Tut -treasures wh...…

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