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January 13, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…Wbe fl 4 of 9~ PaiL~4 VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, JANUARY 13, 1900. No. 78. I WI LD' T T H Fine Fall and Winter H E Suitings, Golfl Suits, E Faney Testings. T DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY T A We Carry the Largest A Stock In the Cit. L 0 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. 0 R R WILD Th tosaf brandof tooth ruhes that will not shead thsnr brstoes. Wo replace all W Ilders Pharmacy THE 0D Feveran ai"J foav LEboys and now are readynwith 2ELI LEaf...…

January 13, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 78) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSITY OI MICHIGAN DAILY U , 2j.L 2 blew sky, two Russians, perfected asapparatus for securing greatly in ci eased pressure. Dewar succeeded Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the in liquefying hydrogen and in produc- College year, at isg oxygen and other gases on a larger T HE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. scale. Dewar's predecessors used the Or BcE: The Inland Press, Henning Block. cascade system. Linde and the later Both Phone...…

January 13, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 78) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY.3 3 P RE-INVENTORY SALE All Shoes Greatly Reduced I2O~ DISOUNT2ON~GOODSPEED'S 20O2 0ON ALL TAN SIOS 119 South Main Street _ _ _ _ _ 'I MICHIGAN CENTRAL ,,The Niagara Falls Route. CENTRAL STANDARDO TIME. Taking Effect November 09, 0899. Detroit Night Exress......... 505A. 31, Ailsntic Exp re..... ...... 740 Grand Rapids Expes..t.. O....11 Mailand Exproes........... 37 P. . N. Y. Boston Specia ..........4585 F...…

January 13, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 78) • Page Image 4

…&' THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. H )liday STUDENTS O I c remember that we can supply you with a $1.00 BooksFountain Pen, the Laughlin or Waterman, which we fully guarantee. What more can you ask ? Try us. NOT T Y V YT THE I.ARTIN HAL1r CHEAPEST STORE DOWN TOWN. 116 SOUTH MAIN ST. IN TOWN. We have no 12 MOS. at 25 cents. We are n Selling BIBLESa Half Pric We cannot sell you a good 12 Mo. at 15. But we will give you the best value fo...…

January 13, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 80) • Page Image 1

… oit VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH.,' SUN DAY, JANUARY 13, 1901. Announcement AMERICAN UNIVERSITIES. O r special line The University Stands Second Without4 O rSummer Schools. 3 of foreign and The statistics of attendance of the domestic fabrics leading Amierican universities at the 1 For the Fall and Winter of 1900 has beginning of the academic year 1900-01 are nmw available, having een gath- arrived and is arranged for inspec- red by the Harva...…

January 13, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 80) • Page Image 2

…t Ta~VE UNIVESI'TY tu 1 1'" AI(AN DAILY ry meeting yesterday morning and it is R I R H N w Isaid that at that time the co-eds re- ________________quested that they e permitted to pra- } . The "100' $3.00 Shoe is the shoe Pubishd Dily(Modayexcpte~duing tice separately from the male contin-10ea hetewahrisne- Puliod allMegse er teddu gent of the troupe until the last week ~t erwe h ete sucr before the presentation of the play, . tao. A little rai...…

January 13, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 80) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MILHIGAN DAILY. :frF E:FF.:EEFEr.Ei': EEFELEFEFfTHEEfE UMV.E~r:EiiSiE:F MICH IGAN DArE: ILY. 3FFE~E F~:f:FFE!:: iEE4= rsa' ra: :c ce s= c r" c r" c ira ccaccr cc+c c cc.cccc.c"".c c" .. ifs ii W W i* ii . *ii it ii ii ii*'. *l i* i* ii 'W Order Sui't 5a14 Our recent sale of high grade trousers at the exceedingly having been so fully appreciated by the ST UDENTS, to offer (FOR A SHORT TIME, ONL...…

January 13, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 80) • Page Image 4

…4 THlE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY NEW BOOKS WQRTH.RE ADING .. Crdin al's snuflf-hox, He my Harlanid <zs~ t' 'winga ococtasns, Joel Chasndler Harris 7Uc 4trarts Highway, .Mary! E. Wilkins 'be, t+ aae that haid no Turnin ,Gilbert Parker "I e: Fales, Georg Ads Lkttae Old Vincennes, Masu-ice Thompson .:r-cPalace of the King, V'. MarOn Crawford .Mas oaf thn,iloernigg. Edsen Phillpotts visle of Unret, hisary Seton Merrirman _A Neateo Cathay., ler...…

January 13, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 77) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. SECOND YEAR. ANN ARBOR, MICIH., TUESD)AY, JANUAlRY 13, 1903 No. 77 ATHLETIC ELECTIONS Rumor Concerning May Festival --A r. muory lis sit 5tsrsist(rally sit'- Zandidates are Scarce-Roberts and ;ealated anti studlets antd others Verder ut or Fotbll it the May Fes-tival would not take Terler ut fr Fotbal plao this year. WNhen seen tty thte Kanagership nallyNews last evettittg lrofes sor - .-.- Stanley :;aid positively that...…

January 13, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 77) • Page Image 2

…T N %I[C)ti14 v«U tL i-N ° troucrs.AIL N4EWS The U, o Al D ILY)1thtea The 'VARl' IX NIEWS, d5v '~hA~A A f atffairs ais any odwr' freshmtain. In lie Eas'lt I is of 1111 se :somtiewhat (11ferent, is~s-th le jitlfelsusiii d'e- I')s litBu It h~n1iellit sei'nis 'll ii v its iti « i l i' ill 0 u'tilt t t:55.i LIrvuIIr[ tYS tI 11 ri II g, Itii t r iiti of NIichi- >;tilti -:4t tt of thie ltett ternils ItI 1111,11 V otl 'ID mtsi tic ALT G.HWILD CO. IIA...…

January 13, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 77) • Page Image 3

…a If you want to knowl 'This is wrthy YOUR ATTENTrION ,va mrtl r esed1 30 n. Vint "v R9 6- zoom, ta xa xRCasc' R x ath ter , - ? § . men will gear this sea- seaskto se tS m at . r I Va. s I!, oC Taf1lOtjIA(wY ~torv A)(lf'i B[IL., 1.L 0 i or0P TiIOLO N_ ..F I rum Sup~ies J 3 _<i L 1 31 , A t l N,) PALAC . /I ~ p ~ O~L H1kArT A .GSad&r~ 0c ieckvsear for 35 Arltl N NI.) Basie Bill, iF-1, ii Pr1,c 3 lcii l___ Athletic jjj 3i'i I ft, aIcniss 1%itiT...…

January 13, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 77) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHI(-&N DAILY--NEXXR Puritan Shoes, PuritanlShes ry All Styles for lien, Women and Boys THE LATEST OUT Our New "Spud" Last Ask to see it Large New Line of Patent Leathers Just Received I I I SOUTH MAIN STREET ' t ' ' ;?'1 r"..r' . ;+, w :.tywt t S'Inn .ri' . .. 1 t. C l: s 'i ..C' ' d1.+ - --------------- ------------- 11, MY ! = Il r7 L v %, " We sell Blickensderfer Typewriters RE TSC H1LDR, {ARTISTIC F R AMNG PjlOTOoRlAIl R. AT RR7w Co...…

January 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 74) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1904. No. 74 TRACK MEN MEET. GUSTAV A. GOETTE DEAD. Gustav Alfred Goette, a 1907 dental Largest Meeting of Track Candidates student, died very suddenly in his room at 503 Monroe street last even- in the History of the University.- ing at 6:15 o'clock. His death was One Hundred Men Present. due to congestion of the tungs. Al- though he had been feeling ill for sev- The la...…

January 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 74) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. ; THE MICHIGAN DAILY Three reasons may be advanced to o -explain this state of affairs. First, Entered as second-class matter at the Ann perhaps interest in politics is dead Arbor Pest Office. and but few men care for political Ro Publshed daily (Mondayexcepted)lduring the jobs. Second, maybe the value of the Scollege year, at117 E Washington street, offices appears to have depreciated a!(baseent floor, side entrance) Phon...…

January 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 74) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. +++w++++weeeseeee++++++++++e~ ++++V + iN 9tei+iNN O/Rlee+NI~ee~OII Ie4+lwi~eie~letI4 i el CTlals sale includes tlhe SCLOTHING afa:Mou.AT MACK C. A .'S oar H ART, SCHAFFNiERl0, INVENTORY SALE MARX GOODS . ALALL ALL During the month of January we will sell Iadies' Coats Ladies' Suits Fur Neck Pieces All $24 and $25 Suits and overcoats at..... $20 00 - r- d-. All $18a u itand nd Overcoats at....2. 50c TiRe d12e All $15 Suits a...…

January 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 74) • Page Image 4

…THLE MICHIGAN DAILY. SCluett, Peabody & Co.'s Arrow and Dwight B. Watkins,~ 1 + TYPEWRLITING 3^ Cr wnBan S+Clar orDro un a card to 323 S. Min. St. Q .1. Crwn Brnd 15eCollas forand e~ve s cllfor yorwok. You11 woo't miss thos "right O'locs"v .~ if you haerone of or CE* TS 1 Dollar Alarm Clocks II. H. LWtz, Jeweler, 109. Main St.. e WLLIM St -AT____Chwrlie'n American & [uropean fotel * / COLLARS CUTTI~lG REY R Cpope DayandNigh ,Linen and CUF FS R...…

January 13, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 73) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daly FRME PITZPATRICK ISXHORTS HIS PROTEGES ~TelsThemto Shut "Their Teeth Wnand Go in and Win"- -Talks by Rebstock, Norcross and Manager Baird. gar I'ithir ir l ad ap O lt Re Ittetthk iait day. e orir Oiv I inU sir ooe11119. Ne r br i n h hs ofJ01 \ lire Nlrerrrrrg Solaka 1*W~ e1 rrsrri rr thertint Ir tlri f thie wt, tire pl(irrri rrrrr bc~ fes tog Peelle if ' riicr-n-or-oi sscd tihe IIWII lnif'r t~rit hr, ol r rO. r hre rc rrii10...…

January 13, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 73) • Page Image 2

…C ,) Mz d" C L 2y __ "9t - I : ca o.. a/!! " * z- w a Col) * +NW rn Q C~ 0 i Dili c ro c.. ., " Z a c i . r h .- y r (a ..r. Q "-ty r t"f Ct i n tD 3 tG "x { { i t ,g -3 U :rz o n =i i r Q r =a =WI dr 0a I 4 if JI I r Z F. t r r !mt f!H' t V+ 3 C-4r -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - t.j twn~- r.' _ 1 mn Z 1-Irte; "-- 1 0 ! iY .,"1 ° °R , a. . ,+. , r' F. .."I w .; -. v. .ea s :, ,r .-. 0 ! 77m .5,,, **, * ** J* 0* 4 10 * . uU 41 r1 f w1 l ...…

January 13, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 73) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ~:I I*11 - - - - , 441*+*.41+*4'+ * A. - A-H'q+ .. a JBurch field's Fine Tailoring Trade Guarantees... ,~ Yon the o t o s~kxilful Itad t ,>behd n hre. en. W a e th a xxrt 1 fo' L;, e ,_t 11s l' ton Shit's. Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade, 106 Lt.Huron "ICSetf oliIi' l lii lill I thes a'xn to te ti d 4 x bodet l io inP01yo hae l a lasaunt acaion. Our fBx i ix un '' ni'W left iaidlmore 10 ill li I oil)) xxi 1001 itlaniseits....…

January 13, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 73) • Page Image 4

…THE MIGHIlOAN DAILY or " 3, u.;, jF I , " CHRSTMAS 19404 NEW YEARSS 1905 10~~~~i; !lghtr anu ary lagher Sale® ,+ iaj~~e\j~ ry :BARGAINS! BARGAINS! BARGjAINS! f: Missouri Pact ifisy -- ungryIn Men's, Boys' and Children's Winter Clothing and Underwear ; Iron Thuntain Roulte PET R'S' IJN' S+'I CHOCOLA 14TE CUTTING, REYE & CO., 21L;, >iin11"r. r i o . r I. 09= 11I1 E. Washington St. ANN ARBOR * Cztit i > Nushnutnn 'MR,. RENTSCHL.ER ANNOVNCES H. D....…

January 13, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol. XVI. ANN ARBOR, ENTHUSIASTIC 1flEETING OF TRACK CANDIDATES dition tfor te meets to come later Nearly One Hundred Respond to Judging fromn the umber of new men Captain Ramey's Call-Many who turned out last night, Michigan's Freshmen Out. chances for winning te conference this year are much better than in 105. Te Ninety-oue candidates for the t akidistasice escts cpecialy are wett fited, aml turned out list night sinIres...…

January 13, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 75) • Page Image 2

…-1 THE" MDilcHtGAN flAILY Loading IMERCHANT TAILORS The largest stock in the City of exclusive styles in Woolens for Gentlemen wear. Of I high-class fabrics and special style for-stu- dents. GO.]H. Wild Co. 311 S. State St. BUY YOUR WRITIlNGPAPER BY THE POUND Tresnont Bondoliite and bluec per lb. _ L~ Shr chaos Bond, a bn grade of bond paper, folded sheets, latest fashionable stan - L'J5j Envelopnn to match, per pkg, 10c Huard's Holland .Lin...…

January 13, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 75) • Page Image 3

…SPALDING'S I - OFFICIAL. ALM~ANAC FOR 1906 Edited by JAMES E. SULLIVAN PRICE 10 CENTS A. G. SPALDING (ea lROS. New York Chicago Philtadtelphia Dtenve Syracuse Minapo'ist wt.tLouis utfalo Cincinnt ati BotonO Kasas City San tFrancisco Baltmore Pittburg Washintegon Ne reans Montreal. Can. ELondon, Bite. Spaldittg'S catalogue of altlcathltitc apart matted free toy addresa. GOV. BAGL EY Greatest 5c Cigar Mad( HUSTON BROS. STATE SAVINGS BANK Wv. J. ...…

January 13, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 75) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Hocking Valley Ry. CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT TRAIN SERVICE You will Soud Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depoto in Toledo and Go- lumbus S. E. CLARK, 32 jCampus Martius Detroit, Mich. Allegretti Chocolate Creams We have the exclusive agency in Ann Arbor for the Original AlIe- gretti Chocolates. 60c per lb. E. E. CALKINS Drubs - - 320. SosotlaState Street m ...…

January 13, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 77) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVII. ANN ARB~OR, CONFE~RENCE3 SHOWS NO MERCY TO MICHIGAN MICHIGAN, St.*NDAY, JAN['ARY 1907- NO. 77. Students Will Probably Rise in Rebellion--Conference Cripples Athletic Teams--Biars Seven- Game Schedule. kiiir e ira111if'z.a't f rni he miiirac (;;half, nns lilwI (111dfiin I ficl/I'sil /ss f/sill. rlif/itrs i17 fasi'f{111. ba/l gamnes, alld Is fed 0 It' MI fir wfi.' i'iCiiliili C l r'1 C'hiesci rio veisr Irsdeal...…

January 13, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 77) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fancy Vesting and Troliseringi Window Display The largest and most com- plete line in the city in both Scotch and Worsted trous- erings. You will also find our prices right. We guar- antee perfect satisfaction. 0. Hi. WIL.D CO. 311 S. State St. A NEW PAIR OF GYM SHOES ora utay btat y otned liut hlesptit oil gettingiimay IbeIihad he rein allIsies Spalding inake of dleendable qualty SHEEHAN 6&1CO.' The Students' Bookstore Mon...…

January 13, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 77) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN' iiAiL Sang Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trde COOKING In Mack's Tea Room lin' -Made Bread and l a c a -, \ Vgetablhoi !x re tc3., homne cooked arid palatabcle. Can Deiverth oods Notod for its eI gnn rantCIfii-tablec.appointments and Lowe- likc 'ciiroufldings, tlii 'Pea Room is very popular wih the Cti/cens and 'tudents ofin \fll or. S AM BURCHFIELD & CO. LUNCHES SERVED A LA CARTE 106 EAST HURON STREET M c o OUR (iASOLINE C Press...…

January 13, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 77) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Soilelir Postals ic Each An lEntirey New Series Just Received at [boag's. Fifteen Beautiful Views of Ann Arbor and the University Birds Faye View ofCmpi Unilversit1y Hail l,a' Builing Librar y (.y~1U1 asi1lltl Medica Buildings New Engineerit-ig Billdng ilollopallhic 11Hospitl 'Phie Pretty Crnero Tile SuirrelI New High iShool St 'T'onmas 4C.thoic414Chrch View of Alin Steet They are All Right and Only le Each at IIOAG'S Cor. ...…

January 13, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 77) • Page Image 1

…The ]"ichis n ANN _ RBOR. 1l IC IA [GAN, 1t"l DNI' IS1) )". rIAM'AtO",' 13, 1909. VIot.. XIX. FRESHMEN ATTEND BASEBALL MEETING Many New Men Will Try for the Varsity Nine-Fitzpatrick and Sullivan Talk to Candidates. I ls' than tlifty It trsponddtoI Cap-0)11 tanL ull i ti sfl o acalcn i outloo i 51 s 111111 551-, 5iasmuch 5as 11h illS :1115 mater.ii l i l 5 I iV well Iit ced.11l( held5 th1 i lls i ll eIV Tr, xctlt CHEEIR ('I>' YOU '11 11 II ...…

January 13, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 77) • Page Image 2

…THE MICIGAN DAILY G. H. Wild Comfpally th Cit al'.' "1 of ExclusiveStyles in WOOLENS For Gentlemen's Wear Full Dress Stuits a Specialty G. H. Wild Comipally 311 South State Street IC HIGAN GOING AT 25c WHILE THEY LAST THE MICHIGAN DAILY. '~ill 1e1,itt ill ,fe do'.y-It '.tslu 1 ' n, Eitori'.er jiI;NF. RWuer. 'm j '" o 'News. ....... Lee A White l11111111 11 ch11 4 .an , 1u111 Athletics..' ..... . . C. E. Eldridge s1 11111 ad 011 il(11of1t1le...…

January 13, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 77) • Page Image 3

… Sam Burchfield's Fin Ta lring Trade DEII LA(1 YS \VfIRfK 1 h c) \I ca (\Vr f he af1I.1c 11. lu u' c a IIg r a m n C I A .1, c1 ,44 'yj S. i Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burciifid &EO AST HUON ST. Ycoax Cma,..Geta% Hot Lunch At T'...attle's, 338 S. State BRIAR 1,0to$1.50 BANNERSn A T Ddrlill &Maleaux V. Of M. 11 0 ;'EK L.SHOP' . R . TRO.AN WSIProp. Ii III( 1 I ' i 113 I t}] I 3113 II II 322 3.5 fUit, I' SI rb ,M ch E hoez ;31 nnAror.Thli n...…

January 13, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 77) • Page Image 4

…III I ", I I I I 111 0. ., I Im "I'll 11 1 11111 Ill III III - M M I'MCIFEM Feeling Proud It f l.;l i 11101 1011 - (; 1 1 11- or0 THE114CJFIGAN DAILY UNIVERSITY NOTICES ' k 7 O10loc00at1theMichigan U11i01. In- 11111 J 1 110 11111111111(1111 111001 1at 111 Sig1ma11Chi111)110 at1;5o'clock 1t111y. .lM x11me1b1rs1should 1he1)rese1t1 y linday. 1January1t1, 11n NcII'IloOHlll 0111.r 1l110111111stuen11nvi111110101ron a:11llthes(wihingto ty ot 1111'...…

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