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July 12, 1910 (vol. 1, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

…1 L1 VE RINE Vor,. 1. WiHL Ot'-IGAN, TiIiSDAY. T1 2, 10)10 No. S VARSIIY (AFF 612 E. 1111 ITY Open for Summer School Board single week - $3.50 Four weeks - $13.00 Hours Week Dy's Breakfast - -(i:5to to8:0 Dinner - 1:00 to 1:00 Luncheon - x):00 to 6:30 Sundays Breakfast - 8:00 too9::0 Dinner - - 12:0 to1)3:00 Luncheon - 5:2(0 to :30 ]t-iglai'mellacIs2o. Srd q W. H. BARNES, Prop.'t 3 Medic YOUNO UGHTIN TO KNOW: 4LThe address attdipone ntub...…

July 12, 1910 (vol. 1, iss. 5) • Page Image 2

…l'1I W'OLVERINE KODAK FULL LINE OF Kodaks and Supplies Developing and Printing for Amateurs E, E. CALKINS, Drulggist 824 S. State St. Get your MICHIGAN Pins, Fobs and Spoons HALLER'S Optical ~Dept$ Fine Watch ant Jewelery Repairing HALER'S JEIWELERY STOREf 216 Sonuth Miina St. THE WOLVERINE Tri-nweekly publication of lie stidn ts of the Universityof ftMihgan s tininti Session. MaltigtEditot ri ;A NN tnt. Zltitlori ittChief--DANA5 1. Joot'S. ...…

July 12, 1910 (vol. 1, iss. 5) • Page Image 3

…THE WOLVERINE i Players are particular about cues. We have good cues; light or heavy, plain, corded, or ebony to suit. Find what you like and we reserve itfor you in private drawer without charge. HUSTON BROS. 307-309S. State St. THE WELL-KNOWN Chubb House One Block from Campus. 209 S. State St. Rates, $3,50 Per Week Co to the STUDENTS SUPPLY STORE FOR ALL YOUR Summer School Supplies Note Books, Fountain Pens, Station- ry, Fine Line of Cand...…

July 12, 1910 (vol. 1, iss. 5) • Page Image 4

…I We are showing an especially fine assortment of I.WOOLEANS for Summer in Flannels and Light Grey Suitings oep Cool. Come where all legs lead to. I P. A. MYLES UtNIV RSIsTY NOTICESf 001'1\i ,. 10 lN S (Second Floor) 607 F. 'William St. We Do the Highest Grade of Work Varsity Laundry Co. 215-217 S. Fourth Avenue Call 928, Either Phone. and Our Wagon Will Call Promteely. DETROIT UNITED LINES BETWEEN DETROIT, ANN ARBOR AND JACKSON Limited Ca...…

July 12, 1913 (vol. 4, iss. 7) • Page Image 1

…AT YOUR DOOR THREE JITHE ONLY OFFICIAL EVENINGS A WEEK,75c SUMMER PUBLCATION Vol IV. ANN ARh MIC SAYS AGE NEEDS PRES - NT TI-IIiAII 01 FIOF. t a BETTER LAWYERS Mrs. H. S. Smalley has presented the university with a collection of por- traits of prominent professors of po- Dean Bates Asks for Uplift of Legal litical economy, which were brought Profession in Lecture Last together by her husband, the late 11. ,. Night- Smalley, professor of e...…

July 12, 1913 (vol. 4, iss. 7) • Page Image 2

…T H E W O L V E R I N E // ~' A TRY T R U BE Y'S ICE CREAM Also Martha Washington and Crane's Candies 116 S. Main St. Phone 166 UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC MAYNARD STREET. ANN ARBOR Special Summer Session June 30-August 22 All Branches of Music For Catalogue or Information, call at offie, or address CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary Capital, $ sod ed P r$ us, $ Unide roit st, $20,000t0 THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK ANN ARBOR, MICH. Safe Ban...…

July 12, 1913 (vol. 4, iss. 7) • Page Image 3

…T H E W H L V V IN 1E Iia"I 1 E g'Ill IISI tIE N tIsurance on South Wing i5 Adjusted. Cole, Iward It, gad, 811 Mtoro. The;hreetiNI I'll )IN IE) Claims for (damage, resulting, from Ann roi' "alThe H F IlNiN tINId . AEElIEN 4. Ite receni, soulh sits ire, on the in-Coler, RoJ., lit, Biol. MS., Diouglas Great Attributes -- surance companies, have come to a's ak.aoGre encastleInd. "Ti ii iiiroan ii iii1 inthe iedliielleiient. A suns amounting to Co...…

July 12, 1913 (vol. 4, iss. 7) • Page Image 4

…THEW O L V E RI N "0 PHILADEL PHIA ORHEIISTRA The May Festival wil, as usual, W E R E SEY A N DIC AN 1 EREWSII TO HEAl) coistie of five cocerts, te eact dates C. I. K1DD LE UJPRE-FESTIVAL MlUSIIANS. of whlich have not yet been decided Phone 1530 J 1112 S. Univ. Ave. ___ pn h sl hoa rhse vi DRLY AND STEAM CLEANING -uo.Tefl hmsOcetawl AT LAST! The University Musical Society has apear again. The Choral wxerk THIS WAY you Summer Students-Come arou...…

July 12, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 7) • Page Image 1

…rTYOUDOORI 3 TIMESR A WEEK VOL. VIII. No. 7 AgMODLANCE THE ONLY OFFICIAL SUMMER NEWSPAPER ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1917 t CORPS NEED 21 MODE MEN New Order of War Department Re- quires Additional Men for Dich- Igan Divisions WANT MICHIGAN MEN TO ENLIST According to a letter received yes- terday by Dr. L. P. Hall, of the dental department, from Sergeant Glenn M. Coulter, '17L, with the three Michi- gan ambulance corps now in...…

July 12, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 7) • Page Image 2

…i Wuerth Theatre Matinees 2, 3:30. Nights 6:30, 8, 9:3o Saturdays-Sundays-Cntinuous Th s-Frii2-t3o-Oiga Petrova in "The Undyig Flme. Satx-l adys hulette in "Pots and PansoPggy." Sd-Mon-s-6-Louise Huff and Jack P'ickord in "Seckleic." To s-'-akyn Farnum in0"r-ing- ig Io,,:Ftoe." W d-t8-J. Wrre e go i "'lb Measure of a Man." Orpheum Theatre Matnees , 3:3. Nights 6:3, 8, :30 Saturdays-Sundays-Continuos Tih1urs-Fri-12-13-Chas. Ray in "Thec Pinh...…

July 12, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 7) • Page Image 3

…W OL VE RI NE PAGE THREE 06 SIVOENTS fAKING ADMY SIDDES COVOSE Members Divided Into 11 Squads; In- spect Numerous Jackson Plants The Army Stores Methods course under Professor J. A. Bursley now numbers 66 students, which -are di- vided into squads of 11 each. At least one-third of the class are business men who have been in business for 5 or 10 years. Every Tuesday noon and Thursday morning the students leave at Hill auditorium in a special ...…

July 12, 1917 (vol. 8, iss. 7) • Page Image 4

…AJI A A ditional men, to save transportation, might come to them from the drafts of Texas, Arizona. New Mexico, and S California. Michigan draft troops might be sent, for the same reason. i to camps at New Jersey where Guards- Unfilled PlAces, to be Supplied by men of other states are to traii for le Plcese toe Sleied byFrance.- Meln Chosen from Selective "'There is a chance, of course, that Army we might be able to transport re- cruits f...…

July 12, 1919 (vol. 10, iss. 8) • Page Image 1


July 12, 1919 (vol. 10, iss. 8) • Page Image 2

…THE WOLVERINE .__. ['C wolverine OFFICIAL STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE SUMMER SESSION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Published Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class matter y Subscription by carrier or mail, $1.oo Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Steet Phones: Business-96o; Editorial-2414 fice Hours: Managing Editor-i :o to 2 :oo o'clock eaiy except Saturday; Busin...…

July 12, 1919 (vol. 10, iss. 8) • Page Image 3

…THE WOLVERINE in Mortimer E. Cooley Advocates Study of Latin, Greek, and Humanities in Preparation For Entrance Into Scientific Professions (Editor's Note: The Wolverine prints today the first of two articles on edu- cational problems by Dean Mortimer E. Cooley, of the College of Engineer- ing and Architecture. Dr. Cooley fav- ors not only the continuance of the study of Latin and, Greek in prepara-r tory schools and universities, but also ...…

July 12, 1919 (vol. 10, iss. 8) • Page Image 4

…INE W" v £ J___, pa*~p pa-i- 7~ L -f -- I. 'THE FLIRTS' BILLY WEST Wm r I rr wNV rsw / I In Person in Connection With c I'oo LI A Five-Reel Comedy Ford Sterling -Marie Prevost Ben Turpin Ever I he Funniest Picture ade shows at 2, 3:30, 7, and 8:30 ATINEES -- All Seats 25c. NIGHTS -- Lower Floor. 50c; 1st Balcony 35c; Upper Balcony 25c _ ., _ _ - …

July 12, 1919 (vol. 10, iss. 8) • Page Image 5

… fENGL ISiH CRITICIZE i -WAnrru n~a 'nx CLOIi-TROTTING UZECHIS WILL VISIT WASHINGTON San Diego, Cal., July 11. - The L000 Czecho-Slovak soldiers who ar- rived here a week ago from Viladi- vostok and have been guests at Camp Kearney, were ready to leave today! for the east en route to their homes; in Europe. The veterans of the Rus- sian and Siberian campaigns will, goi first to Washington and after a review in that city, will embark at Newpo...…

July 12, 1919 (vol. 10, iss. 8) • Page Image 6

…TH WOLVE INE GEs MADE IN LUEPROGRM 8 p. m.-Some Phases of War Sur- gery, Dr. J. F. Breakey. INE ontinued from Page One) oad to Detroit, andl steamer to lo. -Edwin M. Stanton, secretary var, Prof. E. S. Corwin, of eton university. Reading, Halm's Ingomar, the arian, Prof. T. C. Trueblood versity hall). July 21 .-"The Origin of Variation, a amental Problem of Organic Ev- on,' Prof. Bradly M. Hall, of rniversity of Pennsylvania. July 22 -...…

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