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May 12, 1973 (vol. 83, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

…THE Summer Daily Vol. LXXXII, No 4-S Ann Arbor, Michigon-Soturday, May 12 1973 Ten Cents Twelve Pages arges ismissed in Pentagon Papers trial Gray: Nixon knew of Watergate, By AP and UPI LOS ANGELES - U. S. District Judge Matt Byrne yesterday dis- missed all charges against Daniel Ellsberg and Anthony Russo in the Pentagon Papers case, citing "un- precedented" violations of their rights by the federal government. And in a second major develop...…

May 12, 1973 (vol. 83, iss. 4) • Page Image 2

…Page Twa THE SUMMER DAILY Saturday, May 12, 1973 tev. tonight 6:00 2 4 11 13 News 9 This Is Your Life 20 Temple Baptist Church SO Star Trek 6:30 2 11 CBS News-Roger Mudd 4 13 NBC News--Garrick Utley 7 24 Reasoner Report 9 Fishin' Hole 20 Ozzie and Harriet 7:00 2 Truth or Consequences 4 George Pierrot 7 News 9 Untamed World 11 55 ore Haw 13 Lawrence Welk 20 Movie "The Spide.r" (1958) 24 Call of the West 7:30 2 Young Dr. Kildare 4 Johnny Man...…

May 12, 1973 (vol. 83, iss. 4) • Page Image 3

…The truth about trees Dr. Sylvia Taylor, instructor in Natural Science 230, shows her students a special leaf indigenous to a tree on East William St. recently during one of the class's frequently scheduled field trips. The course, offered in the spring this year for the first time, concerns itself with the many varieties of woody plants in the Ann Arbor area. UNPUBLISHED STUDY Misleadin1sg f intan-cial reports Ugh! CALCUtTA - Rumor-driven m ...…

May 12, 1973 (vol. 83, iss. 4) • Page Image 4

…Page Four THE SUMMER DAILY Saturday, May 12, 97' PageFourTHE UMME DALY Sturdy, My ,197 TIME Summer Daily S smeisr Jdstier of S111 EMI(\ AN I)AILY Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Saturday, May 12, 1973 News Phone 764-0552 CarlnKing: 1, " i Discrimination 'AROLYN KING of Ypsilanti emerged Thursday night as perhaps the youngest crusader for women's rights. Twelve year old Carolyn decided that she was going to play...…

May 12, 1973 (vol. 83, iss. 4) • Page Image 5

…Saturday, May 12, 1973 THE SUMMER DAILY Page Five Saturday, May 12, 1973 THE SUMMER DAILY Page Five SWELTERING in Ann Arbor this summer? then, STYLE %: 000 K ~.,'go Aft 1 "1 . s by subscribing to THEZ Suininuer Dail FOR QUICK INFORMATION: " to the nearest air-conditioned theater or bar. * about your favorite ice cream parlour. - * how best to spend those summer evenings. AND INCIDENTALLY:. " full coverage of all the exciting events ...…

May 12, 1973 (vol. 83, iss. 4) • Page Image 6

…Page Six THE SUMMER DAILY Saturday, May 12, 1973 Daily Classif ieds FOR RENT SWIM AT UNIVERSITY. TOWERS APTS.- IN A HEATED SWIMMING POOL FROM APRIL - OCTOBER SHORT LEASES AVAILABLE MAY 5-JUNE 30 or JULY 5-AUG. 28 ALL APTS. ARE AIR-CONDITIONED WHY SUBLET? Your mwn lease and apt. discounted 30 percent during summer. STOP BY BETWEEN CLASSES FOR A VISIT Only 2 blocks from the Diag of the crner of S. University and Forest CALL 761-2680 FOR RE...…

May 12, 1973 (vol. 83, iss. 4) • Page Image 7

…Saturday, May 12,;1973 THE SUMMER DAILY Page Seven m (Continued from Poge 6) BUSINESS-SERVICES TORPEDO TYPING - fast, economical, first-rate. Call 761-7831 anytime. cJtc WE GUARANTEE personal attention in handling shipments of your personal effects worldwide. Contact A. - F. Burstrom, E. Gene. 963-4033. cJtc MOVING? Experienced movers of fur- niture and appliances. Low rates. 63-3882. Jtc BIKES AND SCOOTERS 1971 KAWASAKI 500 Mach III. Onl...…

May 12, 1973 (vol. 83, iss. 4) • Page Image 8

…Page Eight THE SUMMER DAILY Saturdkay, May 12, 1973 Page Eight THE SUMMER DAiLY Saturday, May 12, 1973 Record city budget skimpy on services Charges dismissed for Ellsberg, Russo (Continued from Page 3) "The situationrcould become critical next year, if our man- power is not markedly increas- ed," Krasny adds. THE OTHER department heads tell much -the same story: Despite enough funds to add six men and another truck to the Fire Departme...…

May 12, 1973 (vol. 83, iss. 4) • Page Image 9

…I Saturday, May 12, 1973 THE SUMMER DAIELY Page Nine I Saturday, May 12, 1973 THE SUMMER DAILY Page Nine i' Sen. Ervin Rivals line up in home state By MARGARET GENTRY Associated Press Writer WASHINGTON - While Sam Ervin lines up witnesses by the dozen for hearings on the Water- gate scandal, there's a line of potential rivals for his Senate seat forming ever so cautiously in North Carolina. Though at the apex of national prestige, Ervin...…

May 12, 1973 (vol. 83, iss. 4) • Page Image 10

…Page Ten THE SUMMER DAILY Saturday, May 12, 1973 SATURDAY ad SUNDAY right May 12-1 ROCK 'N SOUL '64 CK JAGGER snd THE ROLNG STONES RETURNED POW Edward Leonard received a welcome and parade in his honor. But to the parents of Jimmy Walker, a soldier killed five years ago, such scenes are painful reminders of their son. Vietnam tragedy: 'I don't really thinknheknew whatitwas about' By KENNETH BRADDICK PACIFICA, Calif. (UPI) - Jimmy Walker j...…

May 12, 1973 (vol. 83, iss. 4) • Page Image 11

…Saudy ay1,17 THE ISUMMER DAILY' Page Eleven I Saturday, May 12, 1973 THE SUMMER DAILY 111 Cdinema I TONIGHT ONLY at 7:30 & 9:30 The Lad from ShanghaOrsoWIls A schizophrenic murder thriller as outrageously stuck together as the plot- line of THE BIG SLEEP. Welles plays an Irish sailor and Rita Hayworth as the sultry lady who leads hih to his ruin. AUDITORIUM A ADMISSION ONE DOLLAR Next week rare showings of SCARFACE and WUTHERING HEIGHTS...…

May 12, 1973 (vol. 83, iss. 4) • Page Image 12

…'age Twelve THE SUMMER DAILY Saturday, May 12, 103 MICK WINS SECOND Tigers outlast Brewers Palmer blanks New Yc 1P VfI By The Associated Press' Brinkman. DETROIT - Mickey Lolich Rodriguez, Dick McAuliffe, gave up ten hits and survived Bill Freehan and Mickey Stan- Fame and fortune NEW YORK-The NBA chamipon New York Knicks will receive $14,107 apiece for winning the 1973 title, the team an- nounced yesterday. The Knicks, who defeated the ...…

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