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April 12, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 153) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-five Years of Editorial Freedom cl be Lit9 an3U ThfllQ Madras Sunny and warm with highs in the low 60's. r WyL. XCV, No. 153 Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, April 12, 1985 Fifteen Cents Eight Pages Josephson, Feusse 0 In S election By AMY MINDELL VOICE candidates Paul Josephson and Micky Feusse captured the top two posts of the Michigan Student Assembly in this week's election, which ha...…

April 12, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 153) • Page Image 2

…4 Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, April 12, 1985 Panel rejects WASHINGTON (AP)-The U.S. Civil Rights Com- mission on yesterday repudiated the concept of com- for President parable worth-equal pay for jobs of similar profit from di value-and urged federal agencies and Congress to THE REP( do likewise. ployment Opj "The implementation of the unsound and civil rights en misplaced concept of comparable worth would be a worth, and ti serio...…

April 12, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 153) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily- Friday, April 12, 1985- Page 3 Seven faculty members net Guggenheim awards By STACEY SHONK The Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation has awarded seven Univer- sity faculty members research fellowships averaging $20,000 in its 61st annual competition. One professor has rescinded the offer after receiving another fellowship, however. The fellowships - totalling more than $5 million - are designed to release faculty members fr...…

April 12, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 153) • Page Image 4

…OPINION Page 4 Friday, April 12, 1985 The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan The changing liberal voice Vol. XCV, No. 153 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Trumped-up proposal NEW YORK soon may be asserting the idea that sports is a business, this time at the hands of real estate developer Donald Trump. Trump, who also own...…

April 12, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 153) • Page Image 5

… The Michigan Daily - Friday, April 12, 1985 - Page 5 Berkeley students urge divestment (Continued from Pag cupation grew larger as people walking through Sproul Plaza joined the protesters - mostly students - on the steps. A HASTILY-organized rally yester- day attracted about 300 demonstrators, with more than 100 people joining the' occupation on the steps in front of what the protesters called "Stephen Biko Hall." Biko was a black South Afr...…

April 12, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 153) • Page Image 6

…1 0 ARTS The Michigan Daily Friday, April 12, 1985 Pag 6 Engaging film By Byron L. Bull T hematically Mask has a lot in common with The Elephant Man, in that both deal with a mon- strously deformed but intelligent young man's struggle to lead as normal a life as possible. But unlike David Lynch's disturbingly dark, often night- marish fable, Peter Bogdonovich's tale is warm, bright, and surprisingly lighthearted. Based loosely upon a rea...…

April 12, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 153) • Page Image 7

… Midwest Intercollegiate Volleyball Association Qualifying Tournament Tomorrow, 10:00 a.m. CCRB SPORTS Softball vs. Indiana Today, 3:30 p.m. 'M' Varsity Diamond The Michigan Daily Friday, April 12, 1985 Page7 a1 marttin Geronte By Adam Martin Boxing means big business.. a...But whatluappens to the fans? "Hey, big fight tonight.' "Yeah, I know. But it's not on TV." "Isn't it on HBO or something?" "Naw, just closed-circuit tv and I don't ha...…

April 12, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 153) • Page Image 8

…Page 8 --The Michigan Daily - Friday, April 12, 1985 - I v 71I45- 4Yi( 7 LOST & FOUND FOR RENT FOR RENT ROOMMATES HELP WANTED LOST- green spiral notebook containing important letters and addresses. 6654512 small reward. 30A0414, FOR SALE HIGH CHAIR $15, Duncan Thyfe dining table $40, welsh baby chest and crib $80, round marblite coffee table $40. Call750-9134 37B0417 PORSCHE classic 914 convertible. Good condition, extremely rea...…

April 12, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 153) • Page Image 9

…Tigers By JOE DEVYAK Special to the Daily DETROIT - A total of eleven pit- chers pawed away at the mound before Dave Von Ohlen walked Tom Brookens with the bases loaded in the bottom of the tenth inning to give the Tigers an 11- 10 win over the Indians. The game marked the debut of Tiger pitcher Walt Terrell. After surviving a rough first inning, the Milt Wilcox look- alike was touched for four runs in the second. WITH ONE out, George Vukovich...…

April 12, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 153) • Page Image 12

… 9 3 V U -W V7 V V I " Old job hunters. Urban job hunters. Vlo r tn il Rural job hunters. Job hunters with COVER A habit hard to break Pages 3-5 This week's cover story explores the serious issue of campus alcohol abuse. Daily editor Laurie DeLater has interviewed professionals, ad- ministrators and student alcoholics in order to examine the reasons for such abuse as well as means of identifying and coping with friends and classmates w...…

April 12, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 153) • Page Image 13

…~)S a.) ~0Cu QN3)133Mt4:)oquapiaM njS " .o o ba40 C c .c *-aU)4yD o 14p &a ~CISd :r - .0.0.0Cu~. .L. 4.6 y ac ~ o. 0 O3 to wu 03a O - . .W .. 4) 4 4= Cuo-a. h40)5 is C > a N .I ry nn3 ca 3 0 270. -Va u ) 'UCo)O IX A-4 Ju004u- cc)) c 16. CZ (L) - .40 CU . 0, ,C tu4V . ca'_ 003W> t r 1 + i i i M i F a 4.4 rn (V4 0.0 a) $.4 O 0 0CD s C 0 C3~u (D CuiC !0) Ca O 0a) r V a )1p v z 'O c; O &n.CI .00 C13 Cu 044- W Cu w .0~ Cu C1 G w +"Z ai toca -...…

April 12, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 153) • Page Image 14

… M -W 7f Alcohol (Continued from Page 3) rather than as a means of having fun. "If you don't know how to deal with the stress of independence, missing your family, not knowing what you want to do with your life, and you've been used to dealing with stress by drinking, then it's likely you'd drink more," Tulin-Silver says. On the surface, alcoholics may seem to be very responsible drinkers. "People who say they hold their liquor, they don't ...…

April 12, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 153) • Page Image 15

…0 0 M us ic for the worldly Meat I5 Murder The Smiths (Sire/Warner) Slave Girl Lime Spiders Big Time Records The Axeman's Jazz The Beasts of Bourbon Big Time Records Tabula Rasa Avro Part ECM Drop Everything Lady Paul MCA Real Nighttime Game Theory Rational/Enigma By Dennis Harvey F ROM SEATTLE to Sarajevo, the hits (to paraphrase Michael Nesmith) just keep comin', and this week they're streaming in from as far as Estonia and as wide as Aus...…

April 12, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 153) • Page Image 16

… M w -f -f w More than veggies Seva Restaurant and Market 314 E. Liberty St. Hours Monday-Thursday 11-9 pm Friday 11-10 pm Saturday 10-10 pm Sunday 10-9 pm By Neil Galanter W HERE CAN you walk out of a restaurant, tummy full and satisfied, along with a brilliant green head of leaf lettuce, exotic coffee beans and perhaps some tofu? "Is that possible?" you might be asking. It is, and I assure you of the fact because I did it last week, ...…

April 12, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 153) • Page Image 17

… *0 4? r. 0 C'3 y . .G 4? co $*. ~ Ca v~ ~ aC ccC C3"No '! - o 0'-fo 0 -c o "a n0 Nov :C it . 0iQ w R U2~ SsW. 3 : . I.. *Co 0 .00.C4? . s o m 0 VD o0 0 ..7 cc- >c Q) - o. a° C 0. . a .c 8- 0. ; 06 A r. w Y, cu .1-1 1 1 4?w O~ H O 0a r w cc + Co: .aka k '0- 0e cd Co c /d a W c > °c a ~.0 c o 300 C on z 3U) O 3.. 0 W0 W, V I ?s".. O 0 00.=0 0 0U0 ° a.0 E 3.0wm a i go lu &. .0 id 0 ai ~ i a 3 0 yW L R M cc~ 0 g0 a o008 ac 4 0 -y..,o...…

April 12, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 153) • Page Image 18

… 0 of CD P~ CD CD s DC ol a -J .C C 0 0- x o'er~ q er. D O' sU2 co x c° o ' g 0 d- CD O I 9 0' 01 1 0 0 !C "T 9+ w-p. (fl 0- cL V +, 0 N9 0 9j N D ID M~ o 0C- oo' 0-UQ:3 U'M c ID- ME .-, 0 aD f 0' 0 CD CL W C C D 9D D ED C cr I . ... C 3 0 ~, C~~0' ~ 0'~ 0--.- ~CD 9.~ ~ ~ co~ 9C#2~~ 0 ~ i-~ ~ ~CD w~*,-' 9g~ ~ 0' 0't'3 ~'- <CD CD~ ~'~4 ~CD N'. 00 CAD r I pp N f * VJ N CD. 0 ' cDo <., ¢; 0o c=. En COC 9 p*%0 0-p V+ CD GC4 CD p...…

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