April 12, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 141) • Page Image 1
…izl e '.a , n. W1a~ijj. VOL. 1.-No. 141. UNIVERISITY OF MICHIIGAiN, TUESD)AY, APRIL 12, 1892. PRICE, THREE CENTS. University School of Music. ( Cass oti3,nlhours perssweek $25 ()lpeis -onisier Athletic Board Meeting. OF YOUR :iIr1i-sE YPiat,! orlsos erwe.---$ 0Fr the benefit of the Ireaders af Isi-te hThesos is siile newvAthletic IBoasid lield UR SOQ ETY .B DGE IPrivate, lull lioiselesson, ten lessosseir the t-, of )I. 111 who -ire iter-I...…