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March 12, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 113) • Page Image 1

…1L1 pr 4iAa &t it j ASSC i DAY AND NIGHI SERVICE r- ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 12. 1918. PRICEI ICJ I rE USE, AR- 'S RINK :0N BLS TODAY MAN ARRESTED AS ANNOY ER OF GIRLS David Anderson, Washtenaw and Forests avenues, was arrested at his home Sunday evening on the charge of assaulting University girls and was later identified by several of them as the man who made a practice of loitering on the streets in the vicinity ...…

March 12, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 113) • Page Image 2

…'ATID r WIomenI I. this is best on the honi- - But for those who neglect the less ' of exact sciences, a word of warning. When the war is over a period of r as reconstruction will come, unparalleled in the world's history. This will be a -- world Renaissance, and even, so far as ord the *arts of the world are now drag- Sthe ging in the dust, so then they will be aror west raised to a standard as high as they e are now low. The engineer an...…

March 12, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 113) • Page Image 3

… Dame; Baker, Michigan, second; Phil- bin, Notre Dame, third. Distance, 41 feet 11 1-2 inches. Pole vault-Cross and Rademacher tied; for first place; Powers, Notre Dame, third. Height, 11 feet 6 inches. High jump-Johnson, Michigan, and Haigh, Michigan, tied for first place; Gilfallen, Notre Dame, third. Height, 5 feet 9 inches. One mile relay-Won by Michigan (Kruger, Stoll, Messner, Forbes). Time, 3:37 1-5. Red Donnelly Is Elected Captain O313...…

March 12, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 113) • Page Image 4

… with a double , as clothes he Military ** * * * * * * * * * * * EGS*MTAT THE THEATERS : MAYSIT HNO*BANKS "The Passing Show of 1917." at * * the Garrick. STAKING OTER BANKING FIRMS PRESENTS SPECTRE OF * "Let's Go!" Union opera, at nt * e MONEY TRUST * Whitney, Wednesday, Thursday, * A* and Friday, and Saturday matinee * London, March 8.-(Correspondence* and night, this week. * of the Associated Press): .One of the * TODAY * greatest revoluti...…

March 12, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 113) • Page Image 5

…IL are rhtin g the destiny of find the qual- of youth, the iement of ex- of value --best TO URGE TAX PAYMENTS FORMER LOAN SPEAKERS WILL DEMONSTRATE PURPOSES OF INCOME TAX Washington, March 1.-Beginning today, a small army of public speak- ers-the "Four Minute Men" of the last Liberty Loan-will invade thea- ters, moving picture .houses, churches and other meeting places, to make' brief addresses urging prompt filing: of income tax returns, ...…

March 12, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 113) • Page Image 6

…IuL 111i IAL SPORTS BAYONET SKILL DUE TO' BOXING - OR, Gag MAY ,r Boot Shop. [offstetter, Prop. S. Main St. -"S J University of Michigan new line of very smart models in Men's Top-coats Men's Gabardines MDen's Suits II rments every one of them. advise early inspection. I Fashions I t. _' ., i _ of Ice Cream may every CR EA C EA M PROFESSIONAL ACTS ON SPUR OF MOMENT; AMATEUR NEEDS THINKING TIME "Scientific boxing as taught...…

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