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March 12, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 115) • Page Image 1

…The ichigan Daily Vol-. 1Xin. l\N ARBiORL-t11(1IIGCAN, IARTI)AY, MARCII 2, 1-it BENEFIT SEAT SALE Ml-VIR T I 't YIOTNGT OPENS AT 9 O'CLOCK ,Iin~i- la I ila 'iu kl GREET MAKES BIG HIT' IN STAR ROL&' :-Wed by" fleaultiful Symphony Orchestration, the Nottd Actor Makes Strong Impression. Theater Box Office Opens Hour Early to Accommodate Crowd;, All Seats to be Reserved. 'Ill iesre tet -salt for the and it-it i performance at I-thelajuttic th...…

March 12, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 115) • Page Image 2

…___________THE MICHIGAN D AILY - HE MVICHIG.AN DAILY. cdeu Lo ecf01tetr tot-i.athetic B OIll() l .\lI\ITA=I\'L, AN1I1t- iiit o ettitrr.Pursing la to "-IW)'K It'N (V IIilt .:\\'N ON~li.I AY f - - 1jiiira itl ct, h i rtc lttatl ir eco G. H. 'W ild Com panIiy ; Id/ or rt to 1. ltt'cta. j tirr I i iiii t ir c fr Aicitati triith 'hiat lcia ah in n crf ge MER tCHIANT TAILORPS I--ut1r. clool Mliicl bastit- otel ctnlip it trt tich iso coiliat- to her ...…

March 12, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 115) • Page Image 3

…Sam Burfcificid's Fine Tilring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Samurl'fiel 106 Co. EASTF HURON ST. 1101'\\IIEAI' or 1$UCKW11I1AI' CAKaES THE[ FARMER0S AND W1fCHANIC7S BANK MlAIN AND) tURON sTIOEETS Capital $5),001 uraplusad Profis $9000 Genercal iBaning Bus ies iwrclat hpaid on iini ainlcDeositsi~i. Safely tie- Ii. NjNi' X rs W. ' r I' -s, ice-Prosa The Ann Arbor Savings Baak A ieerial l i Busianess a tnsacted STATE SAVINGS BANK Jilt V. ~ I.(Iar V...…

March 12, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 115) • Page Image 4

…Mt A~4_._. . ur Easte r uI I 5un day April 11 th is EASTER, you will want your Suit ready. By purchasing here vOU will not only get the best that can be pi oduced in Hand Tailoring. But you will t"nv at least $8.00 on a single Suit. a lL TUFF IS KEEN AND) R101T1)FOWN T0 NOW. ~ CC\VBOTH PHONES 480 Srtky March 13 Thursday, March 18 IHTONLY 5 U S RG.MA! Ill XE lIMsN P L. ii ti Wr 11 nights #V+e old Witli a -Brilliant Cast of PMayers 2Yearsir...…

March 12, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 120) • Page Image 1

…Th Mcian Daily VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, TMICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1908. 'No. 1-?0. FAOIJS RUNNER ARRIVES TODAY Haskins Trains to Meet Coe Sat- urday-Race Proves Drawing Card for Varsity Meet. Guy Hfaskins will arrive in town to- day and commence final training for his ace wills "Spider" Coc next Saturday evening. Nuneros reports have gone Ithat le would not be here to take part ins the meet, but they were un- founded. Reserved seat tic...…

March 12, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 120) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DATL' G. H. Wild Companly Our Spring 1908 line of fine Imported and Domestic IWOOLENSI Is now ready. It includes all the latest Novelties, Shades and Upto-Date Patterns in Moose Brown, Caribou Tan, Leather Shade, (frays and Fancy Blues. Your patronage respectfully solicited. G. LH. Wild Colipally 311 South State Street TRY "Sheehan's Special"' Linen Bond Writing Paper andI you'll agree with us that ft is the finest writing paper ...…

March 12, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 120) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY PHI BIETA KAPPA noost havxerecceived ino cxnditions during ELECTIONS AMAOElxis college coxurse. If your air isaAltlxongix the iAtxclxigxxxclxaxlter of Tao if ourhai 1Sa eta lPi is.yoxxog.lxeixng establishledt in (Contixned fromn Page One) xxxox6 it- strexxgtlx is icing recognizexd bother, or you have WideroxxxnJohxn H. Nead, Willianm 0. ocaslosecdsyr. lctnso any trouble with it, Mason, Joxeph P. Clune. itxxce lbing soaght a...…

March 12, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 120) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ $15.00 ZL>YSCOf LY LTA~ MO1 $40.00' N'Fi'4 ii OI[ORS ABOVETH[ RESI THAT HELPS S4 118 E. Liberty St. J. KARL MAI CALENDAR. HENRY QCO Mar. ii-i3-Ferry lectures. William C o T. Ellis. First lecture, Newberry Hall. TAILORS ) l ~ High Class XX1iWednesday), OS I, . M.ilt wn erchantdise $15*0U Mr. 2FclyCnetwtlUn ESvriy orchestra, High School auditor- HATTERS 1To N n Ppua 2ce TO Mar. 12a-Senior lit-engineer dance at Lts tlsRglSo...…

March 12, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 117) • Page Image 2

…9- V c cn a for ... : -, r ;f , _ ,. v "J.' t ."r.. N N ' _ r.. i . r, .: . . p % ^-- "'t cyo. CD cr--r I --- - C y od w v r 0 J ~AL - - r; . w r f Z .++ {l: f VU . i 3' f- -- -- r- _ : . - r f_ __ .' ~ -P. c s .. o to ; r 't a v "'1 x :'+S r^ rR 4 ' U ' r + ' ~ J '!: ..-a ..._. .... r. r-y ' w .+-i ..- . C-)C 0 : s: - , - 'j .;; , ..« : :; t! . ru TS =, = (-; . ,.. t': n " C ; ro : r., 4 - '. H' «. C) r ,I. -A. 'r -PQJ ItT1 rC ...…

March 12, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 117) • Page Image 3

…'I'll F" I t f If \ N I \ I NY We Wouldn't Spend our good money advertising College Brand !Clothes if we weren't pretty sure of them. There's reputation. organizaition and great skill back of them. They're gua ranteed in price. Tewilsuit your taste, your body'-and your purse. STAEIEtLER (eaWVERWTH WALK-OVER OXFORDS $3.50 FOR MEN AND WOMEN -$4.00 SPRING SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED) 1' r . (+ SomecN cry pretty de- signs for nl( {: rid Ns omxen in d...…

March 12, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 117) • Page Image 4

…EASTfER CAN WO IES H LIV'Ier's Lowney's Allegrette's (inI t he r's Easter POsta Carids E! E.l kis D)ruggist .324 S. State Street. .ALARF CLOCKS !HACK AM)CXRR IIAGE HIRE lCnapman's Jewelry Store 206 SOU1 TH AIN S5151"I'1 I BRANCH STORE1 Al 3 3 204 South State Street j11I 1 1 I )1 3 F M I ' 1 33 . X 1'tsor; epairc . ?yes careftilly titter 1 :1I Xl IT F I1" ~T t-' 1-I 31 . Gefo Iorge I hller, Nll)))street P! P 1 11 11 tlin 1)ressoil 23c t<ir s, ...…

March 12, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 114) • Page Image 1

…o- * x *-" C/ ,., ,.- ; .r v r .- """ f, 'd ' r ' ' Y " s *"" :' , c : r f, :. ,.. 4 { "ti M / U: r 'K ^' r V± ,+ r "-" I_ t0 - 0 a0 0 ro z 0 c d r . O v , -.' i { Ir ju / {-{ w ',,,,.. ! j, !_9 ',',. f i ,Jy . _ E / i Y- /' l l ', 1"4 i H N r-. } Cn I i f / I Zj r 0 i ry ti ^{'.. .... n ... ... i-- i " i .. .--. .- fit. 'J. s. -- 'J _ '., rr-. r rv is r' .: .-- _y ,_, _ n J -% _ .r _ ~. J .+ .. . . .- - /^ t .-. n I _. 1. "-- r J r, 1 K n ' 1...…

March 12, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 114) • Page Image 2

…IG A NI )A T L. :w +r * ", ,s: !Ti]n iI C H I GANIID A ILY.9 S p r in g !'i Et, } i J 3 , ct+ttt"itir>, t *,,t "t r ;;ii1.";tlii;tr ,rt~.'Ti o i laaigE ioJ T N - A Y f* uiesMngr LA(U:A II0 LSN *A 11 1,.;T4 os ilii I[CI[D I~OI1L~~ NVELS at j 50C f THE NEW SPRING WOOLENS ARdE 4 IA 711 t1 lft 1 , ' l) sN: o ? A.M Urvf r M rryIi nrw READY «+ And the Styles are ./ * 1 "I e t rtos A.P. l unusually Handsome. 0 . ~~* pIn. alw 6. II. ILDress.* A d AI. ...…

March 12, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 114) • Page Image 3

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. +++++ +++++++ +++++++++++ ., Juirclfiel d's Fine Tailoring <FIRST SP] I Trade Guaantees... 4. You th+, kitia ni iitistc p:rictott itbet'ith a n 't' v.. 4 'iet,' G1< hG r>t'1 4t , -'v for !i.a(-ht.1 Ntnv Ct'l t oIItt shits, +'4 .11) 1 c ar t 'wt'y aat' bc' ad 'a ,n c ,11 iinpi't tt l ' tnai' shit- + in.4a~ i ;I Burcblields finle Tailoring Trade, 106 E. Huron" hOA SUPLY 64TO RI f BRUSHES, COQIS, SOAPS, SHOE' I'RINOiS, KNIVES...…

March 12, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 114) • Page Image 4

…T N E :I C ILG AN DAILY. ++++"" a -e "...... p v® One Night Out to 1) FLORIDAij ____VIA +Big Four Route From Detroit and Toledo;. S(UNION DEPOT IN BOTHF "b . Toledo and +i SNo disagreeable Transfers :1 ..Write Big For Agnts for Inofrma- . ion, or X L. W. L AN DMNtA N,: General Agt. TOLEDO . Collegemen findol I grateful degree yr comfort and service in the Brighton. Flat Clasp Garter. Now worn by nea' ;. ly two millions me. Rowe's Laundry'I 'Th...…

March 12, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 115) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. 1ST REGIME[NT TONIHT Fitzpatrick and Kellogg Think Meet Will be Close-Enthusiasm W il l Run High- List of Officials and Entries. ANN AR1BOR, MICH., SATURDAY. MARCH 12, 190)4 No. 115 "I think that the meet with the 1ot Regiment will he an exceedingly close contest," saidl Keene Fitzpatrick, last' night. "We are net at all confident of winning." His sentiments are shar- edl hy the men on the team. "I lookMf for a...…

March 12, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 115) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY e~wfsffsof THE~ MICHIGAN DAILY of the studet body on every occasion f __ -and laks of loyalty is a charge which flflhlfl lflfl Entered asosenl.:' clas sOicat thennAsswill over e lad at Michiga's door. V-uu uu :Aitbo r "ci(ittia. _____ f * lablit~shed dsly hi i oiay's'tedlacing Ow The action of the offcer of the hissement dor.Sid'ientrancle) ih t~ll:s Ir012cliaii ecof time for the apearance Of dIMANAGING EDITORI Mr. Iryan at...…

March 12, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 115) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Too Late for Breakfast ? DON'I GO HUJNGRY ,OA TULL NOON. 4e 4~ Surpassing Coffee or Dutch Cocoa with whipped cream and delicious T o ast e d Rols. Most saisfy- igand only--- enycooke fiRANi[R'S ACADE"1Y ORCHE[SIRA Ann Arbor, Milch. office- at te- Arseany ot MayarlSts-set. 'hState 2 -4-i ROSS GRAGER, aager $ YOU CAN GET A *Hot Lunch #At Tuttl's, 338 S. State 24 LESSONS IN 24...DANCING..Street 01110 CENTRAL LINES DIRECT LINE...…

March 12, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 115) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Arrriv- 4 7 Facory- Styles tIa~s 1 i, i F i ' F 1FP i4 r i i mmodut t j 1I ilk" 11 1 C1IARLTTLS Q~rolvn in Turkey. Perfected in Egypt. Enjoyed in America. LSMOKL MAKLS LCYP'TIAN SMOKEK5t Cork Tip. sr Plin. Sae the Cupon. The W. C. Keril Co. 411 E. 57th St., Chicago. Cape and Gowns made to or- der and rented. Pennants for all colleges and fraternities carried in roc-k Clss Pins, (lass and Teamr Capos SeenafrwrC atalous. ~...…

March 12, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 119) • Page Image 1

…1111 U t. N. DAILY. VOL. VIII. ANN 4ARBOR1, MICHi., THlLPSM-Y, :.A &RCt 12, 1903 No. 119 ILLINOIS ENTRIES Eleven Men Instead of en-Verburg Entered- Good Mterial in Illi- nois Squad-Close Cotet Promised The Illinoisdenes for he mlet Satrday might arrived yesterday. They are as fo1l(ow, Forty-yard das-h--G. M N. Kern, C. J. iothel) C.A.IFiriweather, C. Post. Forty-yard Ihiichi iurdes-C. A. 1air- 'iether, I.11. lI'os-tt 4405-yardlrun-(; 'it11.Dil...…

March 12, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 119) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICIGAN DAILY. Spring A Knouncemeni Thet lairgestainidniost eompijlete line of NOOLFEM in Ann Arbor will be found at Gil. Wild & Co.'s, 108 E. Wcashinigton fit. Great pains Nava been taken in the selection of all suit- logs, trouserings & over- coatings for this season. Go HAVILD CO 108 E. Wash. St. INEW BOOKS i THE U. F M.DAIY it< OdIIS'trilllis'btter jolurnaisml' I ilIII', In' ni011siioloee oue udr one1 Lnem as10 m-lt. mtn-...…

March 12, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 119) • Page Image 3

…i FANCY E:. ,R r THE UNIVERSITY OF MICH~IGASNDAItY. If you want to knov,, what smartly dressed f i- men witt wear this sea,- t ° son ask to seer '\y-; : 1 '. _ ) 1: . _ 4,. . ".. _ " - z, rA j y s ...Jt 2.Yf .. G fi I ., ; c ' i ., - r r ii t . 4 A 7 .r 4 . 112 S. Mali I1ANUFAANUL,' 1w. " T a w'V T^ . AT rl r% a T s T 11 T i AT 4 M1 ,t. and 342 S5. State St. PALACE AN DPARISIAIN Laudry A feu"CVFdfild1 'That's1 lie lace wher e you : gets 1()-to...…

March 12, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 119) • Page Image 4

…THE UN.IVER'SITY OF MrICIG rN DAILY. MI PurtanARE COMING IN EVERY DAY Custom $3.50al ASK TO SEE OUR NEW SHAPES $0 frRImAN t1O[_6009 111l&MfIIN 8TR[[T .: ., .d . = ., = a + n s c w MMMA C 0T',F~y7 , x 5 0 We sell R;l l n i rfpr RIENTS( --------------------------------- CHL 'U, ART~ISTIC FRAMING PHOT.OGRIAPHIER. AT RE: Car. Main and Huron Sts.j Phone 359, 3 rin's. 'Windsor and Newton's ""_____(Watercolor Paints i T1n1Jf~~AMUSEMENTS CALENDAR T~fy...…

March 12, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 117) • Page Image 1

…f } ll ' v_~u a.. J Lf ,f1- . tia j y kr ^ r . P y( R- 7W - Az A MICA.. WED-27NESDAYT, MARCH t902. w ;fib r r ,. :x ih TEAM WILL NUj he'frail.Men 15 CorilipHae 1" Sele-cted. ~BER 13 Oratorical Contest. WESTERN STUDENTS x. o fxiit li t iii i iii i~ l x it h.:'oul if ilt' In thle American Scxiool of Classical ~tst ipii 'ittl IlI*Ii 't'ii t'lI ikiloixnx xixyxiixl Science at Rome, Westerners A111 ~ il;l u t i i if' Ad, t ijli:?ii r- i'iPredominate...…

March 12, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 117) • Page Image 2

….00 Fonsorrossi C ,,SU°.an low LunatcheoutaiByns Cigars 308 S, State St. Law Books, Medical Books t If You went to buy, sell o x change, call oan C. E. BARTHELLz t , YIL. A D IL - ,W L 1: t 20 / ri Wahr'5 ABoo~store* H. L. PERKINS d t' Dealer in + MEN'S FURNISHIN%15 CH S4AFf NG DISE ,,. .,"r ew line ls ie. See oil" r, TI3 , T l')LAN 0 HENRY& 4k Sccessors to Henry MERCHANT TAILORS in 709 N. Univ. ASSe tIur Spring Stock is Opel,1 inspection ' k ...…

March 12, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 117) • Page Image 3

…SBUY THEY ARE DANDIES!I*1 S200202 S. main Street. RY r _ Fb h2 II ~ " I F "3I d3 k S"i#+r .. .4 .. , 4 ++. 4 4 +4+i"n ++;....T" 44 . ..... . K44+ 4... ~ONJ D-NZ .:BAs. CSET 7A1ICT C FJT rF ;cAPVW Rh F'0 EAST WLKA4,VS SEET 1. k is v, I -t ti it eg ita e n«, "':? e _ * ii oter .5. _ -- - < .° ~perein;l r- f a.1' ri'tilr.j STiUDNTSI < ..ic r r.. L. ri nn.raind B UR CIIFIED1Swill1 sri~ .n "NO etter Turkish 106iE. rHuron, E= stablisiied 1 FW88L1NON...…

March 12, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 117) • Page Image 4

…({ t 1. " Y ... N n '' v .s r 3:. >e; d '-Ki ,d :ti F i 5iai1L1 iat -are fw WVAUNEL LATEIST SI-iPES JUST IN, Bete-r3re 1c ee~I-i rceusg. Bsefter e*kor,.trership,' MUCK BiI1iarg rarlors and BowIiou 707 NOIRTH ri UNI .SITN IX S:I'Nis THE HOCKING VALLEY RY.I I Tte, cianti e --it t o rt yt-i.;ce - RVIe. It I Ir NTand Rot jXl w-1,k TO:t, ~t~rl,-LEDO TO COLUMBUS Write J. W. LANG IAN, Gleneral Traveling Agent, DETROIT, MICHIIGAN- FULDE ....The Tailor...…

March 12, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 122) • Page Image 1

…VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUE SDAY, MARCH 12, 1901. No. 122 .Our Special Line of.... MORE FINANCIAL'TROUBLE Minter Wti Coming Here THE SEASON'S CLIMAX FoegFn oisi armer's Club Is Tiying to Reduce the itierS'.i' The Dual Met With Chicago Next Apprprition forthe ucer- itililnic to ti oncitry illletur FAs prpiationGafoSth o Uniiver--tliillt ~~Saturday t' aBrilliant nAII So- l sprbby oei Sij o Dl it f Idoadfit pubtliciseaer t toy ( Clal as Well a...…

March 12, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 122) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. (U l"<I 1truteril~ t ar upon the regular e tean Thi is ethod of I ~ ~ Stizllui champllionlshipls; let us Adopt ,Publihed Daily (Monedays saeptd)daitg Collg THIE UNIVERSITY Of MICHIGAN VAN OFICE BACH OFICE .Agus Bldg,ItMa t St. 33 S. Stat Steet. Bth 'Phne 13. \est Stat 'Phns 182. MANAGING EDITOR. . H. HItoss.'0t BUSINESS MANAGER. t. EsoEi,>aaH, otto "1. (;ITORS: Ass LtI'tC-EIuta - . Co s. I55anoto ...…

March 12, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 122) • Page Image 3

…Vt ilEI ;,i v iuil Y OF MICHIGAN DAIL Y _vrE Fi~E ir+Ei EIEE. Ff : E:Ffr. rEi frlF:i;: Fi E e: F: E: E: fr. r' Ir. fr: Ei~ : i:: F r-i~ IFi i Fg:i FSrL tri!:fie:Ei irE:i E:Ei:: Te:£L i :E i':i 5e p ring,"Varsity Is absolutely the swellest hat being sho The present popularity of this hat z sheer force of merit. You are as wvelc, W ~buying. Kindly favor us with a ca11i w w - - - - - - - - - )wn in1 was gal some se !1i p' !' !M !ft the city O...…

March 12, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 122) • Page Image 4

…TH E UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY 4# S.-PECIAL SALE' NOTIICE ON1~'\ViEK NLY We have our most excellent line of seasonable WOOLENS, SERGES, WORSTEDS d 3xe ..., and CHEVIOTS W[ riino'Paper oan the table waiting youi. inspection. g 1' ig e will show you nearly 500 different ntyles of trouserirgs. W~e offer - you the finest line in the city. T y use pouind at "5CTruly Yours miure anil (Ceam Wove, Envclopes to OV uXT 106 EHuon -anacli 10c pcr pi...…

March 12, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 122) • Page Image 1

…be 'U.of 94 Pai~s VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., MONDAY, MARCH 12, 190( I). No. 122. Spring Mirh Announcement G. H. WILD & Co. k AVie havse jusot received u lnI tut of spring woolens for mnen's - wear. It incliiies everything in ands staples that are suitable and de(Ic ~t siralile for the season. %Ve are j also showing full ranges in nov !teJelisin(aiyadsyle- t ?i sit the most exacting taste. t ;f CoO'ai llii of1Top Cotl,, n Ait- logs, Pa...…

March 12, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 122) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSITY 01~ MICHIGAN DAILY c t i a x l r c t 0 f 'a j . Addressee Union Meeting. IL~III~1 L. Prof.J. Ross Stevensoit of Metot- -li dDty(iaasenetd igtessik Theological Seinasi poke. ie- do not have to be crowded int. Cottege yera fore thei ontmesetinig of YX.Al C A with the tows of fashion. oHsNIESIYOilCHGN. adS. C. iA. esterd'iy afteirnoon ot Fasison has becoimeitecidedty tenisent. TH NVRIYO IHGN Newoberry- Hlall oon usThe cFridslh...…

March 12, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 122) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY' 01' MICHIGAN DAILY. S [H ILD BRADJUST A STEP AHEAD IN STYLE-NEVER IN PRICE. HIL EBR ND THE NEW~i TAILOR pi 120 WASHINGTON ST' MICHIGAN CENTRALA-A I&4-0 1 4A The NiagaraFails Route.leuscte, heli'htowahc, dno ndd CENiTRAL STANDARD TIME c$ _ utr Taking Effcit Novemtber19)1899. s . ..s~ ~ r. .c.'--4. r r.:. DeatritigtcEixprestst.E U-U iiiir-aiteA N. . osoSpcd i al ti80scc cKU ipU M sU ci M ailtand Express...t............. ...…

March 12, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 122) • Page Image 4

… JUST RECEIVED T..llvI fr $In Your Inside Pocket D. fA TINKER~ & SON~ HATTERS 1AND)FURNISHERS Headquarters for HATS, OCr,', MEs'S FURootSRIsos aod Comopletteeof GYMSIUMot Goooooand SWETEa~RS. AGENCY FOR LONGLEY HATS 334 South State Stree IVu [klt Iooewhat you can save onasit or orcoatomade ooyoor orderbyou. We guaranteeaoperfect 000 0rote. Calt and -te, no obigation to boy. Our omoense assortmenot of ovro3,000 ooampewlltplease yoo. All...…

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