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December 12, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 64) • Page Image 1

…I A lie2 I' 1 0 I 4 DAY ANDP SEE. 10 _. _ : --- - ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1919. PRICE I , ll .11"! . .. I., I I RHODES SCHOLAR ELECTION, DEC. 23 i:0i I1fl0Appointient of the second Michigan A FRhodes scholar to be sent to Oxford university next year will be made at a postponed election to be held Tues- day, Dec. 23, according to Dean John R. Einger, a member of the state ~AI A(EE ENT WTH 'WILSON committee of appoi...…

December 12, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 64) • Page Image 2

… iothing whatever about. Sentiment is e ashamed of. . For by sentiment man prayers of other men. answers Official Mich~i ng except Monday during the Univer- Control of Student .Publications. 'HE ASSOCIATED PRESS is exclusively entitled to the use for spatches credited to it or not otherwise the local news published therein. qe at Ann. Arbor, Michigan, as second Ain Arbor Press building, 'Maynard street. Business, 960; Editorial, 2414.. i...…

December 12, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 64) • Page Image 3

…ospects_,,for a successful track next season are good," said i Farrell, when interviewed day. "Although no official call ;e made for track men until after tmas, there 'are 45 men working ARLUU rimL ILIIL FUll SOPENER\ECEMBER 13 HILLSDALE - AND YPSI UNABLE TO PLAY TONIGHT TEAMX A: Much promise for the future. Moul- tirop, at forward, and Mason, who has been working at both center and forward, played the former position well. The lack of a ...…

December 12, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 64) • Page Image 4

… I. ide c Tree at Community House rd of directors of the Com- deration met Thursday and have a Christmas tree for unity house this year. Mrs. head of the Community d there will be- Christmas for the members. jtm + NUL I 7 |iIU WKII REASONS FOR ROOMING HOUSE Girls interested in dressing dolls or CHARES DURING VACATION making hand painted tray cards for; COARGES WRIER Y. W. C. A. Christmas activities willT _B- please call at Newberry .hall fo...…

December 12, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 64) • Page Image 5

…11 - Wit "'Ill 'homas in "The harlie Chaplin in Ret. ) Rogers in "Ju- ly, "His Master's ogue b~ Detroit _ Thurs-Fri. 11-12-All-star cast "Break the News to Mother," with a two-reel comnedy. SPECIAL-THE DARLING QUARTETTE SunMon. 14-13-All-star cast in "The 13th Chair," with a colored review and comedy. Tues-Wed. 16- 17-William Russell in "Eastward Ho," with a monkey ocmedy and kinogram weekly. VAUDEVILLE Thurs-Fri-Sat. 18-19-20.-Seyen-reel s...…

December 12, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 64) • Page Image 6

…/_ 8:00-Unitarian guild party In Whitney theater. 8:00-"Red Feather" opera in Whitney theater. 8:00-Lutheran students' party in Lane hail 8:00-Swimming meet with D. A. C. at city "Y." ....-.- ier's studio. honor of Dr. iptist church. Atia dinner meets SATURDAY 7:30-Varsity basketball game. Mich- igan vs. Kalamazoo College in Wat- ermahn gymnas um. 7:30-Bayonne, . ., club meets in Lane hall. 7:30-Student Volunteers meet In Lane hall. Dr. L...…

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