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October 12, 1927 (vol. 38, iss. 20) • Page Image 1

…ESTABLISHED 1890 1 Ar 41P MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS I VOL. XXXVIII, No. 20, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1927 EIGHT PAGES LAWYERS. ENGINEERS, ARCHITECTS, EMTISTS PICK JUNIOR gFFICERS fSWEEPING FIRE STRIKES OCEAN CITY DISTRICT Damaging Blaze Reported to be Under Control After Destroyhig EIght Blocks Near Board Walk (By Associated Press) OCEAN CITY, N. J., Oct. 11-Re- ported under control after sweeping LEIGH YOUNG, FORM...…

October 12, 1927 (vol. 38, iss. 20) • Page Image 2

…Lone Efagle In Long Flop Across Country V PLA Ni 1' Coniservation Prog'ram Rtecommendled 'kiDistrict.Convention Likely- To Be AdIopted by Club :'Men WOULD DISTRIBUTE BOOKS (1 y Ns catcd Press) BAT'TLR CREEK, October It - M4Ichrign KiwanrIans will take an ac- tive diart: in the move toward forest conlservatifon (inritig the coming year, if recommendatioins made to the re- Cent district convention in session: here are carried out. Iarry F'. B...…

October 12, 1927 (vol. 38, iss. 20) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY CUNCANMON PREDICTS DETROIT AS LOCATIONl OF 6.0,l P. CONVENION Salinas And Carranza, Mexican Official Who Played Part In Quelling Revolut Is DEAN DANA BACK FROM CONVENTION ion Samuel T. Dana, dean of the school of forestry, returned Sunday from Washington, D. C., where he repre- sented the society of American For- esters at a meeting of the forestry committee of the National Academy of Sciences which has been investi- ga...…

October 12, 1927 (vol. 38, iss. 20) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDA Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications, Member of Western Conference Editorial The Associated Press is exclusively en- ttiled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Mlichigan, as second class matte...…

October 12, 1927 (vol. 38, iss. 20) • Page Image 5

…THE MTCHTGAN DAILY ) .......... .tom U sty? r ily --- W A. A. GIVESCORS0 E FOR SCOUT DIRFCT ORS ' All ('oI'be Wwwii1 Wo Are IMnerest- cd In Secut Work are Askedi To Register. WILL ORGANIZE GROUPS All girls who are in any way affil- iated with the Girl Scout organization are asked to communicate with Gladys Appelt at their earliest convenience. The girl scout organization is one of the largest national associations for' young girls in t...…

October 12, 1927 (vol. 38, iss. 20) • Page Image 6

…DL VEINES PREPA RE FOR FIRS T CONFERENCE G2 ftO SEDNI DATS~Srive For;,,PosOiti on nMichgan Team BASKETBALL PLAYERS "Ma;r.oei Ls K M S U [UIfIAUELIIII I f$EGTS HOLD FIRST PRACTICE 1 -. . FPPAwRAfKS RHfl WI IS. 6 O; ' et reported to0(coachnEdin( llJ.-~-- Mather, McCoy, center of the ter~m that staged its great come back after I midseason reversals.: Included among the 45' odd candi- ..f dates for the team were Schroeder, - letter winner last w...…

October 12, 1927 (vol. 38, iss. 20) • Page Image 7

…MICH' .1 11N UTA ~WTES P ~EH~fBadgers-Wolverines o Meet In Seventh1 AS REST 1 2l7 PL&Consecutive Battle I-- t~4t With Fielding H. Yost and George Star Yankee FIrst Basemani 1WJIIS 3 Little both absent from the coach-! Valuable Player Award WMth i a uatb oP fer 6 r Poi t ing positions of their respective teams; Michigan and "isconsia will meet LYONSiS SECOND CHOICE at Madison on Oct. 15 for the seventh COnsecutive game since 1921. YostE (...…

October 12, 1927 (vol. 38, iss. 20) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1' DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I Publication in the Bulletin il constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Prgsident until 3:30 p. M. (11:30 a. M. Saturday.) N11imnr W Vnlnmn 0 WV! NVQTIA V O-rIflRFU 19!_ 11191 L vomme , r ,; r ir V, Uwn.; I, ju u mpier--i To the Deans: There will be no conference of the President and the Deans Wednesday, Oct. 12. Frank E. Robbins. Fo...…

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