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September 11, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 2) • Page Image 25

…a 0 a U w Iowa, OSU, MSU to contend for title 25TH YEAR AS HEAD COACH AND COUNTING... Bo popular choice to replace C (Continued from Page 6) The conference quarterback situation is still foggy for most teams. Northwestern's Mike Greenfield and Minnesota's Rickey Foggie are the only returning quarterbacks who consistently started last season. Foggie has never proved to be a good passer, and Greenfield only ranked 13th in conference passin...…

September 11, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 2) • Page Image 26

… M ^ UUv - .1w v v v kv Big Ten is off and running Ohio State gets the nod as conferencefavorite Bi Mac Mcntyre is back to lead M' linebackers M' kickers aim for recoi By DARREN JASEY Sometime during the middle of the college football season someone is going to reminisce about the way Big Ten football was in the not so distant past. They'll harken back to the days when a 77- yard touchdown bomb was common in places like Ann Arbor and...…

September 11, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 2) • Page Image 27

…CAMPBELL IS SOLE '86 STARTER BACK Depleted Blue secondary regroups 0 w Morris stands out among the c By GREG MOLZON Strong defense is the trademark of most Bo Schembechler coached teams and with six starters returning from last year's squad, the Michigan defense should be strong again in '87. However, Schembechler and others still see one glaring question mark with the defensive unit - the secondary. "The key to winning the Big Ten champi...…

September 11, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 2) • Page Image 28

… M w 7W w w 7W7 V SV SS 0 9 SAME DAY CONTACTS: Jamie Morris M' records in sight for senior tailback Experienced Messner, Harris to set tone for .defensive line All-Time 'M' Tacklers 1. Curtis Greer(1976-79) 2. Robert Thompson (79-82) 3. Mike Hammerstein (81-85) 4. Henry Hill (68-70) 5. Greg Morton (74-76) 6. Jeff Perlinger (73-75) 7. Kevin Brooks (82-84) 8. Tim Davis (73-75) For Loss No. Yds. 48 234 41 184 37 116 35 148 33 148 30 12...…

September 11, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 2) • Page Image 29

…a 0 S S 0 0 v w w Toughest in the trencheS Offensive front has 'Jumbo' size KOLESAR, MCMURTRY LEAD SWIFT FLEET Receivers pose deep threat Messner eheads- veteran group By DARREN JASEY Mark Messner is one of those players who comes but never seems to go. He's been a standout on Michigan's defensive line for the past two years and has a chance to graduate two seasons hence with the most career tackles for loss in Michigan history. His...…

September 11, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 2) • Page Image 30

…I AI 0 rn T z z I -4 4n ow A Z' -I m m I !r s E a _ O 1 v C $a O + } AWA. 46. 70 yc9 H m !6 > g z a 5 0 ~4m F0 0elk 4u a. 0 0 0~~ Co " ? Q: 0t CL (DO 0UC~ 0 I ci U) 0 0 ci TJ ci>U~I) -U U m m !C m Zi jw I I I!OI It. I 1ID no I I I m-C ~ 1Cl)~ f I O IISMN II II " II ~Ifs I I , , I I I 1I I I Im I I *I PI I I II m I I tiII nII II II -I II I I I I i I I 1 !U._ -- - -- - rr v I --I-I~~.1 In t I MI C7 C) 00 f "_ - >0y --' __...…

September 11, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 2) • Page Image 31

… PIZZA HOUSE U of M Campus Area 618 CHURCH STREET DINE IN or CARRY OUT F 995-95 1 995-5095 PIZZA Whole Wheat Crust Available SUBMARINES House Cheese Special* Extra Deluxe Items Baby 9" Medium 12" Large 16" Small Large (full tray) 3.50 5.50 8.50 .50 5.00 8.00 12.50 .75 6.75 10.75 16.75 1.00 DEEP DISH 4.00 6.00 9.00 .50 6.75 10.75 16.75 1.00 Whole Wheat Italian ........ $3.50 Ham, Hard Salami, Cooked Salami, Cheese, Lettuce, Onions, Pep...…

November 11, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 45) • Page Image 1

…; t t rn tU, Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom Vol. XCVIII, No. 45 Ann Arbor, Michigan- Wednesday, November 11, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily Search looked Bennett at Sec. Press aide says 'U' reps. mentioned presidency Abandoned Doily Photo by SCOTT ITUCHY A walk through Old Main Hospital-which was replaced by the new University Hospital nearly two years ago-reveals dust, desolation, and 60 years of medical history slow...…

November 11, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 45) • Page Image 2

…A Page 2 -The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, November 11, 1987 City head plans for upcoming retirement (Continued from Page 1) discriminatory, and recruiting firefighters. "He lets us run our departments," said city Parks and Recreation Director Ronald Olson. "He's not meddling in every little detail, which is good. He's a nice, kind person, and he always has something good to say." Collins also tries to uphold a strong relationship with the Uni...…

November 11, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 45) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, November 11, 1987-Page3 Free Press found guilty in sexual harassment case kPwco0 f Sn *Wso *n. SX. 1987 U' immune to threat of financial aid cuts S-- wost 7 By JEFF HUGHES A federal jury Monday found the Detroit Free Press guilty of sexual harassment and ordered the newspaper to pay $159,000 to five employees. James Spaniolo, vice president of human resources for the Free Press, said the newspaper will ap...…

November 11, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 45) • Page Image 4

…OPINION Wednesday, November 11, 1987 Page 4 The Michigan Doily 40 1Ib Sidhwn i aiIa Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Cement offends the'Fatman' Vol. XCVIII, No. 45 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. What are they doing to our Diag...…

November 11, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 45) • Page Image 5

…Peace groups discuss militarism By MELISSA RAMSDELL Campus peace groups last night presented the second in a series of discussions on military research and the nuclear arms race in an effort to educate and recruit University students. Members of the Michigan Student Assembly's Peace and Justice Committee, Michigan Alliance for Disarmament, and Women's Action for Nuclear Disar- mament described their organizations and told students how to becom...…

November 11, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 45) • Page Image 6

…Page 6-The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, November 11, 1987 CLASSIFIED ADS 764-05 57 A LOST & FOUND FOUND PEARL BRACELET at Chi Phi jatrday night. If yours call Chris 764-5024. SFND SMALL GREY & WHITE ED CAT w/flee collar. Greenwood d a. Call 930-0526. .FQUND: DORM KEYS at the Si ma Phi fends party Fri night. Call93-46 FOUND: RING OF KEYS at SAB in a 'phone booth on 1st floor. 995-8871. FOUND: RING OF KEYS for a Ford car. Found on E.University. C...…

November 11, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 45) • Page Image 7

…ARTS Wednesday, November 11, 1987 The Michigan Daily Page7 Brecht Co. 'S a complex success By Jennifer Kohn Bertolt Brecht's conception of the "Lehrstuck," the learning play, does not allow the viewer to leave with the simplistic self-satisfaction gained in the common theatre. The perfor- mance itself leaves the audience with a sense of confusion. The Brecht Company's Embrac- ing the Butcher is successful o n these terms. Viewing the ...…

November 11, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 45) • Page Image 8

…Page 8-The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, November 11, 1987 E 4 4 The once-bustling admissions lobby of Old Main Hospital is virtually abandoned now. Its reign as one of the country's premier teaching hospitals ended with the opening of the new University Hospital in February of 1986. Now Old Main is resting quietly, collecting dust, and waiting to be demolished. AWalkThrough Old ain The sign simply says, "We've moved." "We've moved?" It's a sig...…

November 11, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 45) • Page Image 9

…Ice Hockey vs. Michigan State Saturday, 7:30 p.m. Yost Ice Arena The Michigan Daily SPORTS Women's Volleyball vs. Western Michigan Saturday, 7:30 p.m. IM Building Page 9 Wednesday, November 11, 1987 All-around athlete McMurtry won't go By SCOTT G. MILLER Greg McMurtry does not want to become the next Bo Jackson. Jackson, who plays for both the Na- tional Football League's Los Angeles Raiders and Major League Baseball's Kansas City Royals...…

November 11, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 45) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, November 11, 1987 (V THE SPORTING VIEWS McMurtry Alvarez shafs viewers By ANDREW MILLS Injuries, raucous fans, and celebrities on the sidelines. This is the type of story we expect from the on-the-field reporters during a football game. "Our man down on the field," ABC's Steve Alvarez, obviously has a different interpretation of his job. Alvarez redefined the job during last Saturday's Michigan win at ...…

December 11, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 65) • Page Image 1

…Hall of Fame Bowl '88 !age 19 Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom Vol. XCVIII, No. 65 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, December 11, 1987 Copyright 1987, The Michigan Daily i Michigan flushes Peay at Crisler By ADAM SCHEFTER Michigan basketball players, like the rest of the students at this university, are in the process of un- dergoing final examinations. Last night, they managed to take some time off from learning their ABCs to play s...…

December 11, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 65) • Page Image 2

…I Page 2 -The Michigan Daily-Friday, December 11, 1987 Official (Continued from Page 1) quality. And he talked about the percent- age of minority students at the Uni- versity. "Minority enrollment is clearly one of the most important concerns," he said in 1980, "but it does not stand above all others." He also talked about research - he encouraged professors to more actively solicit national funding - and undergraduate education, saying "pe...…

December 11, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 65) • Page Image 3

… Students offer help for city's home less By VICKI BAUER Holiday plans for the more than 450 homeless people in Ann Arbor are no different from their everyday concerns - where to find a hot meal, warm clothes, and a place to sleep. To help the homeless during the holiday season, two campus groups, SANE and Project Warmth, are or- ganizing food and clothing drives. "Holidays are a mess with these people. I've noticed they become real introverte...…

December 11, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 65) • Page Image 4

…4 __OPINION P'age 4 Friday, December 11, 1987 The Michigan Daily E' h diednm ebtudnsganive r Milu Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan LETTERS Epton' s comments were on target Vol. XCVIII, No. 65 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. For on...…

December 11, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 65) • Page Image 5

…Soviets forbid activists' meeting MOSCOW (AP) - Activists who organized a human rights sem- inar to test the new Soviet "open- ness" got official warnings yesterday that it was illegal and found the meeting hall they had rented closed for a "sanitary day." Sponsors of the seminar said many foreign guests could not get visas. By contrast, Pushkin Square and the House of Union were filled by official groups holding approved rallies on Internati...…

December 11, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 65) • Page Image 6

…Page 6-The Michigan Daily-Friday, December 11, 1987 C .ASIFIED ADS 764-0557 LOST & FOUND FOUND DEC. 7: ring of 8 assorted keys out- side of Beta Theta Pi. Call Ron 665-6945. FOUND: Pair of Sun ski gloves 12/10/87 outside CRISP. Call Lisa, 764-603b. LOST- Distressed leather 'cket with glasses in pocket at Nectarine. Oct. 29. If found please call Andrea, 769-9274, REWARD!!!! LOST: Light green history 477 notebook in Central Campus area. Pl...…

December 11, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 65) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, December 11, 1987- Page 7 C SkSIFIED AS764-05 CUPID'S HELPER STUDENT SERVICES GIVE HER ATWEETER THIS CHRISTMAS... A TWEETER IS FOREVER ; CALL 761-5455 DORM DOINGS EAST QUAD DOUBLE LEASE for sale. Walter 764-4655 or Deepak 764-5633. FEMALE LEASE in South Quad for sale. Converted triple. Call Won at 764-6613. FEMALE LEASE for sale in MoJo. Double, great roommate! Call Lauren 764-9812. FEMALE WINTER LEASE-BAITS-...…

December 11, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 65) • Page Image 8

…Page 8--The Michigan Daily-Friday, December 11, 1987 ii all of Fame jowl '88 Wolverines out to roll back Crimson Tide By DARREN JASEY A Jan. 2 matchup between Alabama and Michigan. What more could NBC-TV want? It could want to turn the clock back a few years so that Paul "Bear" Bryant's Crimson Tide would meet Glenn "Bo" Schembechler's Wolverines. It could want both team's losses to Notre Dame this year to be changed to victories, ma...…

December 11, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 65) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, December 11, 1987- P0gO9 Hall of Fame Bowl '88 Morris By RICK KAPLAN away fron The 1984 opening-day football AS A program read: always gc #23 Jamie Morris, WR moved ou Four years later, the new "wide the way f receiver" had become the most pro- he paved lific running back in Michigan his- Going to tory. did in col Morris came to Michigan a rela- me that I tive unknown from rural Ayer, if I set m3 Mass. He spen...…

December 11, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 65) • Page Image 10

…P0ge 10 --The Michigan Daily-Friday, December 11, 1987 :all of Fame Bowl '88 i Loss claws at Tide linebacker ' ' . Tip of the Kap BY RICK KAPLAN I Thomas stars against Auburn By TONY PETTIS BIRMINGHAM, Ala. - Derrick Thomas stood in the Alabama locker room following the Crimson Tide's 10-0 loss to Auburn here Nov. 28, dressing himself as he talked to reporters. But the actions of putting on his clothes and uttering words of wisdom ...…

December 11, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 65) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Doily-Friday, December 11, 1987-Page 11 Hall of Fame Bowl '88 Bowl fever! EMU kicks off long list of post-season activity Spartans reaching for Roses Gator Bowl Dec. 31, Jacksonville This will be the only meaningful non-New Year's Day bowl. LSU and South Carolina are both ranked in the top ten. Only a tie versus Ohio State and a 22-10 setback at the hands of Al- abama have kept the Tigers out of the national title chase....…

December 11, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 65) • Page Image 12

…Page 12-The Michigan Daily-Friday, December 11, 1987 Students participate in Kwanza By SHEALA DURANT It's a day after Christmas, but beginning December 26, Black Americans will celebrate a holiday just as meaningful - Kwanza. The University's Housing Special Program's Office began the festivi- ties last week when more than 300+ University students gathered for pre- Kwanza activities held throughout the dorms.+ The seven-day program is designe...…

December 11, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 65) • Page Image 13

…ARTS Friday, December 11, 1987 The Michigan Daily Page 13 'Nativity' awakens By Terri S. Park Somewhere, amidst all of the lights and tinsel, the cellophane wrapping paper, the crowded stores, the frayed nerves, and the general evolution of the "commercial holi- day," the true meaning of Christmas is often overlooked, and even forgotten. Sometimes, it takes something special to remind us what we are really celebrating. Perhaps this year, ...…

December 11, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 65) • Page Image 14

…Page 14 -The Michigan Daily-Friday, December 11, 1987 Bishop ofers a feminist - ii 'Taste of the Blues' By Timothy Huet' Heather Bishop follows in an; honorable line of Canadian folk- based musicians which includes Neil Young, Bruce Cockburn, and Joni Mitchell. Along with common na- tional and musical origin, these artists share a prominent social di- mension in their work. Our neigh- bors to the North tolerate and appre- ciate a much gre...…

December 11, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 65) • Page Image 15

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, December 11, 1987- Page 15 Gilbert and Sullivan group has (Continued from Page 13) persevering poets. Grosvenor is a genuine "aesthetic," trained in po- etry, deportment, and the fine art of holding lilies while standing by a 14ke. But Bunthorne is a phony - the ultimate poseur - who adapts the "aesthetic" persona just to woo Patience. Gilbert and Sullivan humorously deyelop the two love affairs while taking accura...…

December 11, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 65) • Page Image 16

…Hall of Fame Bowl tickets still available Michigan Ticket Department Corner of State of Hoover SPORTS Friday, December 11, 1987 Hockey vs. Wisconsin at Great Lakes Invitational Dec. 29, 5 p.m. Joe Louis Arena in Detroit The MichiganDaily Tankers to train, compete in Fla. By TAYLOR LINCOLN Upon finishing final exams, the menrs swimming team will head for Florida, but it won't be for a vacation. "We're going to eat, sleep, and swim," says he...…

December 11, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 65) • Page Image 17

…'M' impeaches Governors, 88-67 (continued from Page 1) He's the best all-around guard we've played against in a long time." Grant; was the sparkplug of the team in the first half when the Wolverines were tested. Glen Rice had little success in the first 20 minute session hitting only one shot, while missing two free throws. The rest of the team struggled showing the ill effects of being students in early December. Contributing to Michigan's pr...…

December 11, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 65) • Page Image 18

…Page 18 -The Michigan Daily-Friday, December 11, 1987 Rush Delivery BY JEFF RUSH Class in session... ..ecgers Bill Frieder opened the door of the Basketball 402 class to find 14 bodies slumped over their desks. Frowning at the sight, he flicked on the lights, slammed the door, and stomped to the chalkboard. "Glad to see y'all could make it," he drawled sarcastically while erasing the board with a cloth. "Now I don't want any PE 402 article...…

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