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January 11, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 73) • Page Image 1

… 0 0 F3 I -7- Jy - f r y _ J y r t' v I I v f. . . ..+ I 't, i .. . ' .-+ r r i 1 I , Jam; .J r r i~ '"}' /: 77, : .: r .. .. ' ^ .: -- .. r u ,. ._ -' _ .% _ /.: 7. l f. ._.. _ i ,^, r, r T ~ i I .. r ' ,.:. f ... f " -., ,, lam' i i- : f - r 77- r -n y <2. rn~w -I1tI a Io '- z °~v G I _ , r " 1 ., J: Y r n ~ .{w n V /J, , .v :!, I7 i% ' i Jf, J^ .yy - u " rf JO .-. f, - N r n r : _ \ _. _ _ .- - JQ !% -- n - N y ._. . .. , ^. :f' i J...…

January 11, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 73) • Page Image 2

…TilE8 MICHItGAN 1J4iLY G. H. Wild Co., Leading M~ERCHANT TAILORS I The largest stock ii I the City of exclusive styles in Wooen. for Gentlemen wear. Of highelas farics and special style for stu- I dents5 . H. Wild Co. v 311 S. State t. H - k f- Ihe Specal <laBuilt Up " Gosal and Deense Stick has a strip of elm attach ed 'firmly in frssit tos re iniorce the stick and make it more effective tosgoal keeper or defense player r'.ade of fine rck el...…

January 11, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 73) • Page Image 3

…SPALDING'S OFIIL FOR 1906 Edtdb FAE . SULtLIVAN PRICE 10 CENTS A. 0.SPALDING(CA BROS. 5 onit l'I o ty CiI rt1i Btontii Kasas Ciny attneic Satmoel Pittsbuttrg It aitom ;ett Ortleans Mtontreial. Cantfo. Ltttt tu.~a la i 's ccatalogue' yf atlathltici sport: mit atiledtfree toanty addriets. GO V" BAGULEIY t ti L N\IlC IIIA N 1)A ItL#V +4 ANAPW W INSAND SiLAMNHIP LINES. # Wi '{ . {" r . # x, s i,. a.lta L t. s3A: a...rIaO Greatest Sc Cigar MadeI...…

January 11, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 73) • Page Image 4

…llockillg Valley Ry. CiN IN V V ilS I-AlC1,1INI TRAIN SERICEIt' you will find Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union IDepots in Toledotand Co- S. E. LARK, 32 jCampus Martius Detroit, Mich Allegretti Chocolate Creams We have the exclusive agency in Ann Arbor for the Original Alle- gretiChocolates. 60c per lb. E. E. CALKINS 320 SvutK state street Rowe's Laundry T homas Rowe Proprieto...…

March 11, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 114) • Page Image 1

… t# vi i y 0lam 0 F- i '/, :! l v C C! r r i a 'AA -C C) W v . 'Wv 'AW W a w 1 1 1 ~ z Q CQ Li ce fA W A Waa W a I w ho v N 0 U4)0 C2 H LJ7 z .- ,.f '/ J . y " .^. .r"' v y J. -- 'J J. '-e 'v J ^v ; _ " ,^ -+ Ji 'J, ' _ v J 5 ... ~ ' V "--' of ^.i " ;J v f,. 1 J .=: 'J v ^ .-. ..- . ._ .-- Ci '- .. J ._ rr ^I W ~ r ,-, ,i i, 'f .-'. f I .-... /. r ( J ... J .-- C( r... ." «. Ii / .r . ; = ,r ._ cr - r -- . - Wit, !' ' J 'vl ~ J ~ '1...…

March 11, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 114) • Page Image 2

…- THE MICHIGAN DAILY Spring, 1906 aOUR STORY SAttractive Styles jNewv Colorings FOR IMEN'S W[AIR ILargest Line of Woolens Shown, all at POUAIPIE ICull Dress Suits a Specialty at Leading M ~ERCHANT TAILORS 311 S. State St. A PETE -RS BAT Tlhe"New" Kirmd Specially Modelled Feels Right--IS Right T'itot 004111)Seasontad Foo00( We~ll Baantced and To ee orv a E e E THE MICHIGAN DAILY. r Vtased .'as scod class matter at Il thetn rArbor Postoffice....…

March 11, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 114) • Page Image 3

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY for Art dn kilin Idilorinq call or SAM BURCHEIELD CON The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the City 106 EAST HURON STRrEET Class Caps and Gowns 1 A Full Line of Famples of the Wr. c. h.en iyt' ,roi ot> n ter ed attd willtbetttt rir Pthe, rirnirt,( t i f t diltferrnt Iase i- teciet tto r myb eeo n tnhis sre. 'throseethe Capsind rownt furnishd at 1 ey 1 it i clse of 19:)5, and wihiwremtost sttstoy We ate sole agents. MAC...…

March 11, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 114) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY llookillg Valley Ry. COGNTINUES ITS EXCELLENT TRAIN' SERVICE, You will find Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depots in Toledo Jand Co- lumbus S. E.. CLARK, 32- Campus Martius Detroit, Mich. KODAK' Finishing We do developing and printing for amateurs, and do it well It is to our interest to do it well, that we may sell more f ilIm and more Kodaks PRICES REAS...…

April 11, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dalily \+N-N \RBOR, 'A Olf \ \\ifGN FI)\i ,SI)AYt_\fIRII iig196. ,dOL. XVI. No. 140, VARSITY MINSTRELS GET DOWN TO BUSINESS Hard Is the Order From Now On For the Chorus, Olio and Farce Troupe -Meeting This Afternoon. This cx cixg at 7 o'clock, the chorus of the minstrel show wiii meet in Roon CUixersiystl. 'he commxittee has decidirdlo00 hard work for the partici- pantsin xtie show fromxi xow ox, ad memberx~xs of the cioruxs wh...…

April 11, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 140) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 7 I THE LEADING ITailors ;;Makers of Men's Clothes. All the latest London styles and fabrics for any and all !occasions. - FUILL DRIESS SITS A A SPECIALTY 311m S. Stat t.ih Shoes Base Goves B a~lBats Ball Masks Pants Spalding Make at Sheehan & Co's Students' Bookstore Mioney Loaned On Watches, Diamonds or other personal property. Watches and Jewelry repaired. 13,Ergains in Watches & Diamonds Oie at residence 331 E. Liberty...…

April 11, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 140) • Page Image 3

…THE, MICHIG'AN 'DAILY for Art and Skill in Iailorin SenIr Caps Call on $1.75 Firom Swiragoxs. F E ~$1.00 For Comec SAM U U IiLu I LU~l& U. 6 Wool Serge Caps and Gowns.' The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the Cityia-. 100111,1111itril 10HES U]IRON STREETone 106 EAS\.A T MACK/mi. arid Gowns Ato Comanmer~cserst cement Week N To better worn by i,. of M. Senior' itt the pri11,. Leave your order at COMPANY HALF-TONES and ZINC ETCHINGS Lower...…

April 11, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 140) • Page Image 4

…I]. THE MICHIGAN DAILY R Hockilg ValleyAl R. Ea- NUT Finest Q uality RloasteJ Peanut per lb. I1Oc. CONTINUIES ITS 19X(E:IItENT j Salted Va. Peanuts, BIrached per, lb. 15c. 2 lbs. for 25c. TRAIN SE~RVICE+ Peanut Brittle per lb. 15c. SWe buy Peanuts in car lots of 25,000-lbs. You wilt find Doing our own roasting, we give better and fresher peanuts for-lessnoney than any house in this vicinity. Four Trains Dail 214sotDEN&C Ann Arbor From Toledo...…

May 11, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 158) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dail1y N ARBOR, ICHIJGA.N, I 1WIi)\N Ni \\1i, 1)0(1 v OL. XVL. No. -158. MANY FESTIVAL'S TUNE= FU L REIGN BEGI NS Auspicious Opening of Season of Suciton Dc...............13(1 i'lelody and Song - Stabat OvtureiiiAit: (aiote, Iand11i. Plater" and "A Psalm of Vic- oIrree (cigue. tory" Given by Choral Union. ri. "Ahtodni..!ii _____Symnphtony. I inorcit"Unftinishied,.. The. thirteentit NiycFestivlt iotpenedii ti cititi ci ini a m...…

May 11, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 158) • Page Image 2

…tHZ MICHIGAN DAtLY_ G.fUsWILD CO. I THE LEADING Tailors 4 ~ Makers of Men's Clothes. 515 501LssUssyn 64 a j , . , ,.. J J and fabrics for any and all occasions. I FULL DREfSS SUITS A SPECIALTY 311 S. State St. Arn Arbor, Michs. University of Michigan Souiventir Au excellent present to give to your friends who attend the Festi val, contains the finest p h o t o-engravings of the Canmpns, Buildings and surrounding places of interest ever pt...…

May 11, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 158) • Page Image 3

…Tili MICHIGAN GAILY for Art and Skill in Iailoring Men's Fine Furnishings MIONEY [OANED Gal n ll gods ttisstoeefort hiiiwe stnd spo t ltpee. lehatchesiamotnd ewlery Cals. pro int fe ate..s Styl, Quality anid Vain.. In men'tead all 1g C lass 6hatastr 1 recishu gothese irs t rstisotrepartiularly no ieitlet and (tllateat security. SAM B R C EL 0 & CO nderwear, Hosiery, Hfandkerchiefs, Jewelry. 144tAr.(poieouto 1H09f4hthl AveCsf, ekte, ~ll. S~tsW ...…

May 11, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 158) • Page Image 4

…TIME MIC1410AN DAILY Rocking Valley Ry. CONTINUES' ITS EXCELLENT TRAIN SERVICE You will find Four Trains Daily , From Toledo Carrying Parlor Carson Day.Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depotocin Toledo and Co- lumbus S. E. CLARK, 32 Campus Martius Detroit, Midh. F. J. SCHUH SANITARY PLUMBING Glas and Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. Washington St. jBAILEY & EDMUNDS %portfno G3ooao 121 East Liberty Strert. ...…

October 11, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 15) • Page Image 2

…' THE MICHIGAN DAIL~Y . _ Wih..make your Clot .'tnf Rather a pertinent and pointed question, to e sure, lit our ob ject in asking it is to intret yo in our Superior Sort of Tailoring. If you are not already a patron of our, we w ald like the pleao- ure of making your Tall Sit aa a tet of our ability to it and please you. There's Nothing Beyond Us in Garment Making. Our new Woolens are a choice selection fromo the bet of Foreign and Domesti...…

October 11, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 15) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY .t ,,,, i -, '\n r . . ..1 A jT 1 .1+ l 4 . Ir ' * ' 1:. r ~ t .. - \ i. " tN IXTi Y[- GSXr . Fashionable Clothes No effort has been spaire1dby the makeirs, iiiil no iviila ihi tailoring skill lefituentisted, to inake (~iMAni in!N I E ,v OKCiws ,Clo is isiinKEEP McI -"Kcu nc the tbest that caii be produced. Vron can see It ticth smartness of t1e styles, the beanty of lie %workimacship aind the excellence of the materials-...…

October 11, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 15) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY IIOAG'S Cor. Main and Washington The Largest Assortment of Students' Room Furnishings. Lam ps Waste Baskets Fi'sh Nets Brushes Pictures ,Books Stationery flirrors Razors Knives Scissors Leather Goods Banners Pillows Soaps Jewel ry Playing Cards Lamp Trimmings We Cut the Price on Alarm Clocks H OAG' S RLAHiI KAHI RKAHI oraMichiga.n Photo Net. ometvhingen iely ane foryor ,w,'vl i arsoity M onevory net \, t i rnleotllcvot l)o'...…

November 11, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 42) • Page Image 1

…\oLz X\1I. The Mlichigan Daily CAPTAIN CURTIS CANNOT PLAY IN PEN NSY GAME! ltllli: llW l r i . li,... a COMIC OPERA PLAN I Iil-SS~it I-Is \t I IS NOT PROGRESSING Michigan's Leader broke felt Leg in yesterday's (lame-_Team and Students bear up well. The hard lack awhichasii-ri-i rtlessly cd <n :herdi~astel-to th 101 list y s tedylferon, i Cap~taint Joe Cutriti lladhis lefit lle ih k tin-ala a th h ;Caseyt Was ritliti o-t ont narrowttptrctti...…

November 11, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 42) • Page Image 2

… cn) IL} v 0_ ry J z . id cd :: ^C 6M1 r "rf i V s y W c f. ; d t1 n ... Z U f .-, =, .... -° - :1 ._ V f. ^ ,r. -- _ too r - 7 -7, .- l t. l v m .t - .., e. .--, .. . W. ... 7-_ _ ^ J r e v - s _ , -+ 'ter sr- } 1 r tel: 'tel. ^" -^ .. J; , _ :.h. .. ' s. . fir. r. ;~. , i, - d c^ ..- 'y c . _ .v t\ ... .-, r .. ,.f ..-i t 'r :f: V ' '- r ,y - e-- . '- ! . v .-+ v f V .--. ; 'J. i. - r: ."'. - .- .-. i. ._ i _. .- ..- ! rv '" ' 'r...…

November 11, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 42) • Page Image 3

…THEIf MICHIGAN DAILY L .Samf Bulrchfields Fire Tailolilng Trade Can Deliver the GI~oods SAM BUICHFIELO & CO. 106 EAST HURON STREET FURNISHED HIUSE==For Rent A CHIANCEiFOR A I'rt lI)l-N 1O WORK HIS WAY TlIROIIIJII A 1. .\R( F1( 'N ' 1 1 4 141 11Mt l lh nt o 11wk'-.f the Ca('4 4';, fi~rr l' lr114141 i gh114 441 Il 41. 41414' II 4141 411)( 1 1 s. 141t1 lu444114IS i ll441 be c'11z<1 >> ;tu~trt 110& .tr il,. t I t1iI c 1of M ack ( CO. I 4 I i...…

November 11, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 42) • Page Image 4

…Pi'fir MICHIGAN DAILY' HIOAG'S Cor. M1am aend Washington FOR 10 CENTS X 'c u Il 'o:I i"Cii 1Pictures, Pipes Leather Ut naments and Stationery for. f " illm -"o 1E. (G.HIOA1i IL FKES PEANUTS ROASTED plaiti (1-,.e tlie PIOS'l i i IHlS"(- 0 rtl{"Money. One Pound Packages, 10 cents. Blanched Salted Peanuts, 15c per lb.; 2 lbs for 25c. DEAN ft. CO., Ltd., 214 S. Max" St. F ITK IC551 Si C IiN' MANS>INN- 1l -") r f th ich fa'11v ai t.- i I i...…

December 11, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 62) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVII. ANN ARBOR, lii> I)A , 01"Cl"M 1 ',]-" 1\' I t, 11)()(). CHICAGO MEETS MICHIGAN Ni l IsOCib:IIcYIS IN TWO INDOOR CONTESTS c Arouses as tluch interest in Trackthe lI c c iiic c i ci scicccit will gt Events as in Football-flih. i, firste crtiiict I il es Igan's Chances (woord. I hsa llcN nic f a Ictr ciii cr0 iiicc iii -cii t: licik"i"tci mhitihial eri I fi lii cagec will met icim n alico r rlto nIlt.clyr~i_ Tgt ...…

December 11, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 62) • Page Image 2

…H i~MiCHIGAN DAILY? V'tillgand I vouseing (w Di lay r t d mosst 00um- Sein the ity in both K " riste" d trove- >iast ght. We gur I kc ais..laton. HWILD1)CO. ;311 Satse St. dBROWN 'IER BOUND vir of the versily l 14 t.o ytmgMdrin A' SUPPLId teSjw $11 T ALEU THE MICHIGAN DAILY. iltI ll' IIIarc a f .11'. ta 1 .tt 'jil r 1 111111 illicd GOr (:f NI~il Til it1111 5 Rdtl- rltt . P u d It Ill 1 111 1l:t: lli: txtt l I t till' anion(: the ilnnini 'l...…

December 11, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 62) • Page Image 3

…TEMICI4iGAkN DAILY ii Fyou've never tiedl College Brand Clothe?, do so 11oxv-yon'll ntever werar any oilier kind after you've once tried or suits, overcoats, craventettes. All the tatest :shades in plaints ttes alld blacks- pricevs f15 to $2,5. Cm ristoias Gifts for mens moderately pricedt. lI orltaherdatslt- all tastes-- ifts priter. within everybody' reach who has a husband, a son, a brother, a fattier or at frind t reembttter tsot.Ihdiotnr...…

December 11, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 62) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY $1 Fr You For C'hr~stnias 1, F, o. i o ut(l t 0r lourntain sc sa F llat ci e 10dol- l,, t~ ;ally Iody vwho pur- elbse, a Prker fountain 'cO at to.he la rc hey :ire oln( ssand as -~d IS till.h' s Alli t w,..)orlarIfountain I w us at 7',( Ccit% ach F.f ALKINS Q2 S SATE _STREET I yo! 16: F ALARM CLOCKS HACK AND CARRIAGE HIRE centsi fr it i 11 .11 i 11cr c 'Chapman's Jewelry Store "r71l1d 11111 ) 1Sr 110 .Ind 20 501 1 Alto a. ...…

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