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March 11, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 114) • Page Image 1

…T he MichiganDal VOL.. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, MARCH U., 1904. No. 114 SPEDY ATHIL[T[S. D[BAT[ T[SIM~ONIAL. CthORAL UNION COC[RT., ROUSING [NTfHSIAM. First Regiment Men Have Excellent Of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars; Adele Aus der Ohe Tonight in Piano' Will be Shown at the Meet Tomorrow records-Stewart is Ill and May Yearly- Etabinhed by Mr. Ham- Recital-Excellent Program Will Michigamua will Lead Songs and Not Compete-Goodwin's Fat il...…

March 11, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 114) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY Entere:d a ecend elasmatter tthe An e Reuction Abr otOfie SaleINGEDITOR BUSINESS MANAGER : As we have too large a Rso .HSO of fancy EDTR: ytockAtlhietbce. - OserT K. WALTrON News, - - -- - J. S. BALEY bUITN~bANDASSOCIATES: SUITNOSANS Clifford Stevenson, Roy Pceebles, A. M.tGraeer, Henry P. Erwin T RO1JSIRIN GS A. 0. Pound. A. H. Ortmeyer. Joseph Y. Kerr, Stoddardi S. Mere. Ida M. Brownrigg. I. Waite .Jayn...…

March 11, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 114) • Page Image 3

…THE MM[C I AN DAILSY A new lot of the famuous K. S. & M. Black Suits, J L~IINin Vicunas, Thibets, Cheviots and Worsteds, Made Dorothy Dodd's FAUTL . ITIN in single or double breasted.I Varsity and Regular Sack Styles o O AD~ $* ±$15, $18, $20 UT The only shoe in the world desigjned by a ehave all sizes in stock now and can lit you U QTZ~eoe--frwmn ncl.Call and inspect thema. *~hi~ sli: it -14ttI M 21 ot 1inSre lCK & Co., - - SoIe Aqents .RAND...…

March 11, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 114) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY the P blic ~ Dwight B. Watkins, iNOt1CC to tTYPEWRITING and ve us call for your work. We, the undersigned, willc ontinne the Clothing oi08cadt32 S. amS. tingdRernis&n Goods business known us the Cut- A. .1[.. + tin, Reer &Co. at 109 iziiE. Washington St., + Ann Arbor. !IMT. Trumain Wadhamis, who has + entered uipoin his fourteenth year in connectioni + Fores t Avenue Meat Market ,' with the store,58will hasve char ge of the ...…

May 11, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 157) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1904. No. 157 OBERLIN TODAY CHANCE FOR GOOD-POSITION ST. LOUIS TRIP ABANDONED Wilbur S. Tupper, vice president of The Choral Union will not go to Ohio Ball Players Meet 'Varsity at the Conservative Life Insurance Co., St. Louis. It has been decided that Ferry Field This Afternoon at Los Angeles, Cal., has written Dr. the Chorus give a concert at the Ex- 4:10.-New Pitchers Jo...…

May 11, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 157) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY :"fffffNffff THE MICHIGAN DAILY NOTICE. Entered as second-class matter at the Ann The next dance of the Social Club 2 .rb (Onnal E d or Post Ofice. series will occur Thursday evening, Published daily (Monday excepted) during the May 12, at 9 o'clock. Tickets are non- college year, at II7 E. Nashington street, transferable. 57-58. Leading Merchant Tailo (basement floor, side etance Phone 89-3r MANAGING EDITOR: GOOD GOVERNMENT...…

May 11, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 157) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TAKEI A [00K At the Straight Front and Double Breasted Varsity-Hart, Schaff= ner & Marx Make. They are two of the snappiest styles praduced this season, and many of the heat dressers like the doable breasted style heat far summer wear. 4$15.00 to $20.00. Agency for THE GUYER $3 HATS The NewStore-217,5. Main St. U TZ The Clothier f i DRESS SUIT CASES THIE LOW-PRICED, MEDIUM AND FINEST NADU HANDBAGS, GLADSTONES, TELESCOP...…

May 11, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 157) • Page Image 4

…THIC MICHIGAN DAILY S I ST TYPEWRITING4 Madeto our easre ad ~ and hve us call for your workI A FIT GUARANTEED 2 ~ ~ ' AT( COOK HOUSE BILLIARD HALL o I~j oll' n r f Uder New Mranagemet.' I(lul F~ ~~& L~. hs New Bilard Outfit. i F ree Lunch. 1CLOTHIERS, .Lfl~[ COLLARS Hatters and Furnishers, Forest Avenue Meat Market Linen. (and CUFFS -109 and 111 E. Washington Street Poltry, Game and Fish in Season AR.1E THES BEST. ANN ARBOR 530 Forest Ave. Pho...…

October 11, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 13) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL.. XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1904. No. 13 Columxbia B ekcks Down. SUAKSP[AREfRECITA. Professor Trueblood to Give Readings From Macbeth-Benefit of Coach Morley Declines to Keep His Promise to Play Thanksgiving Game- OrtrclAsiao. College of Physicians and Srgeons Folow etfcsosgs iscss Suit-Oberlin Game Also Off. blodsisl gileslctsedeisligs frissi Ortorical A sscitioni. Ti a e Theirumos 'which haveIent tying...…

October 11, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 13) • Page Image 2

…'fITE MICHIGAN DAILY 0000000oo~ooooosoooooTHE 13 1 ICfHlIlGA N C A I IX. WE WOULD HAVE: '*.1Itt15 i; t S'':li l Atl IV Y O U T O K 1 OW 'j III( litr ' tcir" Th~lat tie are lali ii ite s at'I(_ tla till'do, ..STiANlL~iEY At * _____________________bsines Mi a nager CLAW I'.) A. THOiPilN. o OUR NEW STORE r:iir l f _____________"s.__ \em---i.t'C,1iw * 311 South State Street Ari'tC .1.(rIcl~ r 1 wn v the rouiting fall Itraila a- Officet our: 2:0o1 ...…

October 11, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 13) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY The+++ 1+p I l 111oft Politl1 1.11111 11111 I 1111I'l 1-S We have HART, SCHAFFNER & MARx and many other famuous makes of Soits, Overcoats, Rain Coats and Peg Top Trousers Ask to see the "Surtout." It's the swellest thing that ever+ /Papeare in an overco)at. Look for theH. 1S. & l. lalel-s/ma11 thinig to l/ook for-hig thing to ind. LUTZ, the Clothier, 217 So. Main St. MACK &CO.'S Banners and rennants $ SPECIAL PRICEZS 1TH1SWE...…

October 11, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 13) • Page Image 4

…'' a MICHIGAN DAILY $350 ___$4.00 Formerly Puritan. ANY STYLE, ANY LAST, ANY LEATHER, BUTTON or LACE FOR MEN OR WOMEN. ASK TO SEE OUR NEW OXFORDS,t BLACK AND TANS IN NEW WING TIPS AND SPUD LAST et 4 w4 Walk-Over Shoe Co.t 111 y outh amain Street 60OODYIIAR RUBB[RS- [IN[ REPAIRING $ Study withf a Good Lig-ht 'I 1o itter i% tthan THE WFLSBACH READ)ING LAMP AlIA, STYES AALL IPRICE'S. The Ann Arbor Gas Company. RANmDALLI 'P HOT 0 G KA PH ER...…

November 11, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 40) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily V0.X. v ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1904. No. 40 SIG GAME TO IfORROW. UNION DINNER. bOUVENIR EDITION. MONSTERL AS fIEETING. Varsity Indulged in Their Last Hard Practice. .ost's Smile Has Re-, turned--Rooters are Happy. hotforrot afternoon, when lichi- It lines up against Chicago on Fer- ry Veld, the Michigan adherents will hat\- tshe opportunity of seeing one he greatest gridiron centests of the season. Everything...…

November 11, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 40) • Page Image 2

…THS ~MICHlIGAN flAIL! .***"******THnE FMICIIIGAN DAILY.! IW EWOULD HAVE, j ttced t (0 lti attratte n *ot'e ,; '-ftt It^, E. . a aslis st t reet. i (b a t i looide utr;ise-) IIhwi~t-i- _Th1at- we rfie (l0i-Of 1044eg ot Managing Editor , J. STANLEY BALEY. -Business Manager, CLAJJPE A. TIOMPSON. OUR NEW STORE * 311 South State Street A tl i vs----_ __LvEs I1)E O I-lagu~ S .7 .. - i IY.Derr WonTn....... MiesIda M. 1Ittiat h t- or. \Ve oolen-. -far...…

November 11, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 40) • Page Image 3

…THUR MICHIGAN DAILY fioag's Home Supply Store Corner Main and Washington Streets 1.Fishi Nets, Padlocks, Waste Baskets, Brushes, Card Racks, Purses anid Pocketbooks, Kiives, Scissors, Tacks, Pictures, Ash Trays; Paper Weights, Smoking Sets, Soap , Towels, Strops and GPipe Racks at popular prices. This is the place. Ft E. G. HOAG. a pButch field's Fine Tailoring Trade Guarantees... You the inost skillful and artistic service to b, had anywhere....…

November 11, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 40) • Page Image 4

…'TSR Ivy 1t ', N' w D AILY *#*+**" 4"4C-14*" **"##o q .&i ,19 7 1 S.S_ KEEP 11OTN1 YOIJR : You will-find PETER .MMK', CHOCOLATE -NotA oh y a::de4i ' Oiou COfei f6SO V d boya sn Iri II' 'iand suotaining food. Easily digeated, Dooo not create thirst, iwof t uponi P3"k~t tWR P'fi 3}01 0 " SOLE AGENTS. Leading Clothiers, j4 - ;. Hatters and Fur- * ts~l:'rsi~c nihers. 5l~f ?IJ109111 [East Washington St. Arkansas, Texas, Mexico y' CALIFORNIA s Assei...…

November 11, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 40) • Page Image 5

…O fficial Song Sheet Thc;; Michig an Xl iCt , . 11c v rc latitr-i- lII' b~llSAl LIX tClI-iINA. Daily 01l11c, lclink \ lil Ik ) fillthe lNi p l )1ik diiil, d ii, m t he c k , , <l t t1t" ay°I il jil k~rc l7(,t Cvilc sItu Ia you now ;c<I Illtlla, t)(2I' tC1'.11)vr:t,- (III]it locuill judwas, lie glory TO Ant dideissilna. O l; i1ivmsitas It llostcs, j'oj, pcrnicitcr ca11t cis kvr- akas. rs flyh , CHORUS: U (horia, Victoria, 0 Decus oininunl, " Av...…

November 11, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 40) • Page Image 6

…Official Song Sheet The YELLS IT. 01F-\Il. V. c4 A Radillv Riii! 1' if l al!RIil! Ho)!Iili l I1li!'Rah!! RIdi ! Rih! Rib! lO O()WI I)(bgillling slow.) I1 iig I ii Idii 'li!ig' R liRaai !Rh llign! 'Ml ichigall dIi'Mrlia VIbIlt)CAN? 1"cait VChicago. C'e, iice! l~,li l 1a, I1Ia, Chiceago. thOldI( WORK FORld111E UNDERI Ohdl, moire ii' i'V foi'r heiidertaker, Anothelittl hh eliobifor the rciketiiiakei III the local reclieterv they are vyen veriiicr...…

December 11, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 61) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VTOL. X V. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, DECEMNBER 11, 1904. No. E;1 AMICHIGAN'S TRACK TEAM, 1904-FIFTH YEAR CHAMPIONS OF THE WEST. FITZPATRICK NOT HOPEFUL Prospects for a Winning Track Taam Are lDoubtful --Michigan'sOnly Hope in New Mi. i i 'rt ilt t)it)1 t rl iit:11 ~ W 1111,Cii11c tl !8 \[ 1 1; tl R"4 tilt (ttittiitt iii. i ittitit. it. lii i'l tt1 I tit r ii I ' t lt it tt~ittg lii iY Nitlil- I i1:1l1:11 11 ieti,~ ii N Iii I...…

December 11, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 61) • Page Image 2

…IN StlClotGAN DAILY I *4**************r******** : WAE WOULD HAVE: : VYOU TOKNOW. *That we are doingls Ris it, * l OUR NEW STORE : 31 South State Street : jThat our New Woolens ot * f* h coin all thaeane Gow.eaH. WLDCO Tha 31eSutmatsue rbgar an respectfully solicit a00 ontinuanco f the same.0 I, XMAS FICION 311 Sot uth tteSre j r t it iLiL,t i ll: 1t" NI $100 ChRITS c GIFTS I 'll Michigan Spoons ETtilL 1 [~. )Al Y. Alaooaig ditor, 1 .51Ao 1 5IA...…

December 11, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 61) • Page Image 3

…_ THE MICHIGAN DAILY HOLIDAY GIFTS Fall Fashions Brushes.,antid Brutsh Sets, Smoking Sets S Shavinuo Sets, Chafing Dishes. Cutlery, - ante:, Boak, 'erfuimes, Baskets, Chairs Sis=TpCot Eanaps, Dulls, Skates, Sleds, Tools aFo Whoeal o o t fat a31llI a newandml S 'itabi,' hings that havea. HOAGf 'S °o,'L.. ADL.ER BROS. S20c Candies, 14c 40c Candies, 20co --------....-.* - - - .no. Ileustrating the latest are Ripe =Rain Coats i& Co. y 'ad. W a of ...…

December 11, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 61) • Page Image 4

…__ ______ THELMICtI IAN DAILY latC pGarer Now woanby Gaaw ,, s . _ i ., .yii N * ___ Cutting, /V Royor& Co] - - SOLE AGENTS. * i, _ Leading Clothiers: nishers. * 109-111 East Washington St. Ir~e <$ Y 4t4 , 9 . , L. :r .3+Crt4** Mi A 1b00* SArkansas, Yxsl ~CO + CALIFOIA + Are Betissii. tSt Louis, W ri' dlCit}, SironMo uta Rot The BEST -ofvervhifl *l."4 U ~i T 25 Cli L t I~ P i~ri.qiepiinr. + 4: l ;t' i P Job Printing. Meyers' 215 Slain St. *:-e...…

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