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December 11, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 62) • Page Image 1


December 11, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 62) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO flTHE MICHIGAN DAIL~Y WVEDNESDhAY. DECEMB~ER11. 102) TRRDsP PENING IN ANN ARBOR. TOMORROW iI~1TAAIliv iirr n r Fourteen Animals Take Residence in New University Museum; AMSIH TF DOQI [K Turtle Pool, Ready for Occupancy, WVi be Filled Early Next Year i 3 #IL tlllLRU I ! W IL IIUI-LLIV1 Michigan has an animal house atl new home are the pride and joy( the ste gA~~RVP ~last.Afe two months of pto- o h uem oee M Vie;,1"Problems in S...…

December 11, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 62) • Page Image 3

…WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11; 1929 THE MICHIGAN DAILY WENSDY DEEBE 1 12 T MCHC N AL ". rrr+rrrr rsr nnnar -...:. lbe It's the Little Coat of Arms That' Makes the Dff E V1 ~Our ,Gift r Suggestions Are\\ Sd ~New/, - Modern Diamnd RngsCOME IN AND SEE THE LINE-GET A CATALOG. i Brilliantly executed Jewelry of all descriptions is newly- arranged for the "scrutiny of the Christmas Shopper. The moderate prices will catch your eye as well as the glitt...…

December 11, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 62) • Page Image 4

…TH MT HICA flAT -4 Tr T - - --------- -- . . .. . ............. ? [ . that body's attention from the side shows and horseplay of the last Pblished every ornng ecet MndySeSS n back to prime legislative Daa ,.u ringr the University year by the Boat in ' Member of Western Conference Editorial But there is a further political ___ __ __ __ _ Association._significance to Mr. Morrow's 'ap- The Associated Press is exclusively entitled pointm...…

December 11, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 62) • Page Image 5

…Wfl~iSDAY DC~~T~ . i9 THEMI C H I A -'DA I -Y - ,, , 4=--X=a TA AUS a= Zs- : s- THSEATRE ILONAT TOKONLASN YSEMJEFFERS THOUGHT MOST ORIGIN' AL0NI IM YVSFOR PLAY MRS. WOODROWEWILSONAT TOKO!NDSNE YS AND POWERFUL OF POETS BY ROW N [ lN ThU S A N F MAN G [M [NTI IN" "Peope do not seem to read Rob-i than prose. Greatness als for a ID iinnnc I nson Jeffers, or even to know of long enough work to give scope for flfl UTb4NIIKOR [L flIJ coast,...…

December 11, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 62) • Page Image 6

…P~AMTh S THP M1 rT4TO. AM n d t T V ttr'CST'1 Tt rLrT\ A v t'tr.+ryr.,ll nr r.MT 44 4^n^ PO LISHES C EATAC OR QUAKER' GAME WOLVERINES NEED Side C urt Shots - I - -- - - - -- - - , , i Y i t if I,[ CERS OPEN WITH VARSITY AND FACULTY WATER POLO TEAMS TO CLASH TODAY KALAMANZOO OPENS 'B' TEAM SEASON Maize and Blue to Clash With Pennsylvania in Next Court Battle. WEISS STARS IN DEBUT Even though his team had little trouble in running ov...…

December 11, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 62) • Page Image 7

…WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1929: THE M ICHIt.AN .DA LY ....... . .. "B"'TEAMBASKETBALL CHICAGO TRAILSC B 5'A- WI'CONSIN PAPER PICKS THREE B I~iDALLSEAN Dec. 14-Kalamazoo here HOCKEY CH AMPS WICNI AE IK HE hJan.4Det. City College here' IN PUCK LEAGUE BOILERMAKERS ON HONOR TEAM1 U ~Jan. 8-Kalamazoo there . . Jan. 11-M. S. N. C. at Ypsilanti Boston's Bruins, holder Of the l , ll o Ths. a he nth or s o r on the Badger line this fall and "A-°o...…

December 11, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 62) • Page Image 8

…v PAGLE EZcHT 4 HE MICHIGAN DAILY A qP ~ ~i Slmxf DLQ.1:rAvrrt 110 1323 F w. L I .. DAI 1LY FIILBLEI IIICI 0UL I Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- dent until 3:30 P. rm. (11:30 a. m. Saturday) troye tfrai Staff: Trewill be a m.eting of the entire eft - } j Ijj V i rr1SLlOFTIKESgOWUNDER WAYp TC3_tl .2123f7 Ard .1 CIUL'of the CGargoyle a...…

October 11, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 11) • Page Image 1

… SI ESTABLISHED 1890 Jr Ap 41v 411tr I4 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS ' VOL. XL. No. 11. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1929 EIGHT PAGEb P RICE FIVE CENTS _ AMERICA ANSWERS BRITISH INVITATIOII TO LONDON PARID1 Washington Accepta British Offer on Navies i .. I Find Mf ~ezeklsSHU TERTO AWARD OUOPERATION PROMISED Tokio, Rome and Paris Word Not Yet Received (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 10.- The American accept...…

October 11, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 11) • Page Image 2

…C 1 ~ -T.-- 4 'hiGA DAILY FRIDAY, OCTOBER.- 11, 1929 . ........ . . . . fi TINAiEIVK 0O TO EXHBIT S1 HOL[I WILL BE OPENE; ThDI[NS OIlLANDS t ~itwork rapidly progressing 'on U Lho th new animal house which is be- 'TFV ing erected on the triangular piece ofground directly behind the Uni- DEAI~flIT, lEA versity Museum,' plans are being A I ~tilITII~I T)GEOF' made by Miss (crystal Thompson, in :DgRRICKS, OTHER CQUIPMENT charge of the new ad...…

October 11, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 11) • Page Image 3

… I T - ;- -Z " PAOGE =rv~~ x. x :.: M .. S m ... . ,.... ... ................ .....F, rt..w m ......-. _. _ WILL PRHINT Organization of Womi Speakers, School Included in Pi Convening at 3 o'c the architectural lec its first meeting of Architectural Society plans for the coming s Among the projects Paul F. Jernegan, 29A the organization, ann day, are the publicati' journal, the organiz women of the school, of prominent archite associated w...…

October 11, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 11) • Page Image 4

…PACE IroUv THE 'MTCHI*CAN 'A?LY Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Cotitrol of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dis- patches credited to it or not otherwiseecredited ln this paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the posto..ce at Ann Arbor; Michigan, as s...…

October 11, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 11) • Page Image 5

…j RLA ,,0fORR-Ir1 7 T HE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE fibE --a- . ..-. -,. ...............M.e : '. , ... ML q l r. ,' CABARET TO REPLACE BAZAAR TEAROOMMrs. Esther Cram is New Member of the 1 eCHOSENBY SOPHOMORESAS CLASS EVENT;Board of Directors SET DATE FOR MEETING NATIONAL GROUP! PLANNING TO HOLD Number of Participants Will be Increased Under New CONVENTION HEREI Arrangement I Requests on the part of upper- Making the outgrown Sophomore...…

October 11, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 11) • Page Image 6

…FPAG' SIX: THE MICHIGAN D AIE FiiE3AY 3CTy.--,.,-h : - - - -------- WOLVERINE WARRIOS ADE-URL MICHIGAN "B"TEAM GAME IS SELLOUT ENTRAIN FOR PIJRDIIE MADISON, Wisconsin, Oct. 11- j L The Wisconsin-Northwestern game Varsity Perfect Formations Which has assumed an extraordinary im- Junior Varsity to Open Conference Will Be Used Against portance for a game so early in the Season Against Wisconsin I Boilermakers season. Wisconsin is fearful ...…

October 11, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 11) • Page Image 7

…_--- FRIDAY, - -OCT4l 3' SI i92 T H E -MI C HIQCA-N. EALY PAGE SEVEN ------------- --..-. 1(r Yaxs .. " ------U.-- ----------------.,.--- ....-. ---. ------------. .rsaa J~t no~t i3ffU r -r - ---s ---------. ... ..-. --.------.. W ULVIRINt nIlRS V. ... _ _ SFR URE SdelineChatter - ....... By Edward L. Warner ; Coach Phelan nightly sends his (Contintied from Page Six) Offensive strength seems to be charges through their paces. Truskowski,...…

October 11, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 11) • Page Image 8

…PAGE EIGHT P THE MTICH 0 e -T.T)lA T LY OCTOBER It. 1229 :..:4 _ DHILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday) Vol. XL FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1929 No. 11 Visitors' Night, Angell Hall Laboratory:- The public is invited to visit the Astronomical Laboratory in Angell Hall to observe the moon fr...…

July 11, 1929 (vol. 10, iss. 15) • Page Image 1


July 11, 1929 (vol. 10, iss. 15) • Page Image 2

…i riiUB TWU THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAIL\ THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1929 i members of the league can learn the newest developments in polit- ical circles gLeneral principles of I Music And Drama irhittan 741 a t I. -government, and methods of voting0 wisely and intelligently. TONIGHT: The Michigan Re- P ublishe very morning except Monday The conference being held in Ann ertor during the University Summer Session by I yPaespsntSl- the Board in Con...…

July 11, 1929 (vol. 10, iss. 15) • Page Image 3

…THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1929 THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY PAGN TFHRU STHE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE POLITICAL ACTIVITIES OF COUNTY DISCUSSED AT SCHOOLOF VOTIE SMALL POLITICAL UNIT HAS TWO SORTS OF SERVICE SPEAKER DECLARES I ATKINSON MAKES SPEECH Many County Institutions Dubbed Inadequate During Course of Lecturing Continuing the Citizenship school series of lectures on county gov- ernment, the speakers of the ses- son yesterday afternoon pr...…

July 11, 1929 (vol. 10, iss. 15) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE SUMMER MICHMAN TIATT V THURSDAY. JULY 11. 1929 PAGE FOUR - - --.a a AavvA(LL '4 vLd'C a.LLsv . T H_ .J M P M_ _I A V A T [DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all mem- bers of the University. Copy received at the office of the Dean of the Summer Session until 3:30, excepting Sundays. (11:30 a. m. Saturday). Vol. IX THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1929 No. 15 Teachers of French: On Friday afternoon ...…

May 11, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 163) • Page Image 1

…ESTABLISHED 1890 =401 Admue A& Air- ,qw MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Vol. XXXIX, No. 103 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1929 EIGHT PAGES Vari- Costumed Dancers Rhythms Amid Sway To Futuristic Jazz Decorations YERRLi S l ft Sophomores Injured DuringCelebration 0 MThree Escape Serious Injuries As Greyhound Bus Runs Into I FTug-Of-War Rope VARSITY TO MEET ^ Surrounded by the kaleidoscopic, j and gobs to man the Homeric. By .' biz...…

May 11, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 163) • Page Image 2

…PAGOn TWM THE MICHIGAN DATUM' SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1929 -I _ __ _ r r VINEEPHILOLOGIST' TO LECTURE MONDAY ONLNGAEHISTORY' PROF. T HI E M E ANNOUNCES! TALK BY MEYER-LUEBKE IN AUDITORIUM WILL SPEAK IN FRENCH Authority To Also Appear At Chicago, Northwestern And Minnesota Professor Wilhelm Meyer-Luebke, who in the opinion of Prof. Hugo P. Thieme of the Romance lan- guages department is the most eminent living Romance philologist, will speak ...…

May 11, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 163) • Page Image 3

…-SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1929 T 14 t M-1 *c litc AN t A T IC V MGM TTIR2 .001 inI-IC N 4 3V rAlE~rmf _ ... , PROFESSOR JENNINGS TO TALK ON EUGENIC IN SI A XI LETURI GUTHE ANNOUNCES LECTURI ON FUTURE OF SCIENCE FOR NEXT MONDAY IS NOW AT JOHNS HOPKINS Authority On Genetics Was Once Member Of Faculty Here; Is Michigan Alumnus H. S. Jennings, who is Henry Walters professor' of zoology and director of the biological laboratory at Johns.Hopkins Univ...…

May 11, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 163) • Page Image 4

…PAGE POU1 4 F & ' 0 . A ... .. . aa. ia a 1-1 1 VV*49w ' ZiW~ ~- 'a i Published every morning except Monday doinjg the Universit year by the Board in Conttrol of Student publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the tise for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Entered a...…

May 11, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 163) • Page Image 5

…,. - ~THE MTCH I A-N-13-ATLI PAGE pt Vt .. ,a '.V 1'' r 'FV l*' (1 LTA A AWM Z3 Q~ mm| nnro H 'COLORFUL JACKETS WILL BE WORN BA LuALL L ON AT ANNUAL LANTERN NIGHT, MAY 14 Grandstands, bleachers, and aftribution no later than next Mon- Pbandstand make it evident to vis- day. T'lose girls who have earned A4RE BESTOF SEASON MARTHA COOK WINS VIC'TORY OVER DEL-TA DELTA DELTA IN BEST GAME. WILL PLAY ON MONDAY itors at Palmer Field that...…

May 11, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 163) • Page Image 6

…E sn l THE MICHIGAN DAILY rl- SATURDNY, IMAY I I., JR9 E~RIX .1~AT1YRDNY, MAY 11, 10~9 Tenni STRONG BADGER TEFAM w IL L OPPOSENTME Minnesota Squad Displays Power In Defeting Wildcats By 6 to I1 Score CORNELL IS MAIN THREAT And Golf Teams Play [ere Minnesota Hope In Dash Events 0--- -0 FACULTY 0EATS VARSITY IN WATER POLO, 13 TO 3 Michigan's fighting faculty water polo team scored a decisive 13-3 victory over the Varsity yesterday aft...…

May 11, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 163) • Page Image 7

…U SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1920 i THE MICHIGAN DAILY - ------ -- TOLEDO SCOTT HIGH QUALIFIES MOST MEN I1N OPENING ROUNDS i PURPLE TANK CAPTAIN IS I GOPHER TRACKMEN LOOK WEAK HOLDER OF MANY RECORDSI IN ALL FIELD EVENTS BUT (Special To The Daily) SAND and GRAVEL. Washed and ._ _ s .. ...._ ONE x i Prep School Performers Fail Measure Up To Standards Of Former Years To g NO RECORDS ARE BROKEN Beckoning to their rivals to fur- nish some re...…

May 11, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 163) • Page Image 8

…F AQLI THt MTC-HTr-AN J3ATEY SATTMriAV MAY 11, 1-523 ~AOE EIGHT SATUDDAY, !v!AY 11, 1i~2~ ---4 --- --- - DA ILY OFFrICIAL BULLETIN' Publication in the Bulletin is conbructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) Vol. XXXIX SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1929 NO. 163I Aeronautical Engineers, Seniors and Graduates: Because of the excursion to the Sti...…

January 11, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 79) • Page Image 1


January 11, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 79) • Page Image 2

…TWO FRInAY, JANUARY 11, 1929 THE MICHIGAN UIVERSITY OF PARIS POSTS SCHOLARSHIPS' STUDENTS WHO HAVE FINISHED FOUR YEARS OF FRENCH MAY QUALIFY GIP~ FOR JUNIOR YEAR New Yor'k University Offers Five pentield Scholarships And G raduiiate Fellowships - everai opportunities for winning fellowships and scholarships both here and abroad were announced yesterday at headquarters of the Romance languages department The University of Paris has postc...…

January 11, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 79) • Page Image 3

…kxE1 I JLtYARY 11, 1920 HE V, T C H i C, - A- N I Z T f- V I ___2_A II I - A. S , -k I I N A it%_ ------------ j ANU ARY C L E P. lt ~4. N1C Without Queton the Ev,.ent of the DON'T THE VIIS COMIELN M4ANTN SHOP FIRZST COME FIRST i , <~ V -v - 1 I ,. I. r -uisu ----------------~oo@ oo~@~ I 25% OFF HATS 20% OFF SHIRTS $350-$8 $4.00-$2.25 $450-$2050' 9 I I 0i 8 a .rte , Q C. , -- i - - - - - - - -...…

January 11, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 79) • Page Image 4

…PAGE MUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY FIZIDAY', JANUARY 11, 1929 , PAGE F'OUR FRIDAY, JM~~UARy 11,1929' Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use fdr republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lis...…

January 11, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 79) • Page Image 5

…FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1929 HE MI CI-IIc.A AN I AIL I) A I LAY .- FIVE -41F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... ........ VA vim 1, "q . V , 4 4 w - - - - --- - --- - i " PROGRAM FOR WINT Skating, Social Additions To Of VARIED PRO ANNUNCIDI LEAGUE BUILDING' HAS ATTIC ROOM Among the most charming rooms which -is t...…

January 11, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 79) • Page Image 6

…,TRE MTiCHIGAN fAIY AILy. .. .,_ r _ 3 FRIDAY, JANUARY if. 1}29 Matmen To Open Season Tonight As Pucksters Meet Marquette (*'I I W CHICAGO LL OPPOSE PHI KAPPA PSI'S WIN TANK MEET M h| TEAM Ef Theta Chi Squad Downed In Final Meet As Victors Pile Up Swanston Will Replace Hewitt in 27 To 14 Score Second Bout On Account of C i Latter's Illness Completing one of the most suc- cessful indoor tank tourneys to be conducted by the Intramural ...…

January 11, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 79) • Page Image 7

…FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1929 Tletics, countered by announcing it B N A AA V would hereafter schedule athletic * contests with teams "not under control of the A. A. U." } Major L.Griffith, athletic com- missioner of the Big Ten A. A. U. administration, took up the dispute Mn Northwestern's favor, intimating Refusal Of A. A. U. To Sanction he would bring the matter before C. A. A.-Northwsternj Meet the Big Ten. t Causes Dispute."Our universities and...…

January 11, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 79) • Page Image 8

…PAGE EIGHT TIHE MICHIGAN DAIL\Y w FRIDAY, JANUARlY 11, 1929 - -- - - ----- DA ILYOFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) Wednesday issues of this Bulletin. Beginning Monday, January 14, the, Upperclass Advisory Committee will meet from 3:00 to 5:00 p. m. daily n tho corridor opposite...…

December 11, 1928 (vol. 39, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

…ESTABLISHED 1890 ir, Cb b 1111 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Vol. XXXIX. No. 67. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1928 EIGHT PAGES [r niUm NI1O H;Thieme Points Out Errors In Contentions Of Writer Of Nation's Article On Teaching While admitting the truth of the sor failed to state that these facts cited in the recent article in theses are merely a test of a rather The Nation written by a professor long period of apprenticeship. A in...…

December 11, 1928 (vol. 39, iss. 67) • Page Image 2

…'AGE TWO CELTIC RUNS ACBOUND OFF IRELAND; REPORT PASSENGERS RESCUE THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, DECEMf3ER 11, 1928 SCREEN SHOW DRAWINGS OF CONSTRUCTION REFLECTIONS On view at the Michigan is Reg- inald Denny's latest picture,, "The Night Bird," somewhat modeled HARD DANG unable Hol A COB White todayI entran in only today. it was get off break u All o gers w( safely water A Briti the wo passenE harbor gers nu Talki the A Johnsti Ro...…

December 11, 1928 (vol. 39, iss. 67) • Page Image 3

…TUESDAY, DECEMBER ,11, 1928 THE MICAH-IGAN DAILY *-PAGE THUR CAPI TLISM AND WR RELATIONSHIP DENIED Mme. Rosika Schwimmer Addresses; International Forum At Lane Hall 'ASKS CONTROL OF PRESS BOSTON BULL MAKES SANDY BOW; HOBBS' INTERVENTION SAVES HE "Sandy," canine pride of the Hobbs and Snidy a f w iur geology, department, very nearly ments as he bared his lee. lost his pugilistic laurels yesterday rushed to the fray cleterrin morning in fro...…

December 11, 1928 (vol. 39, iss. 67) • Page Image 4

…PACT!; FIOTTRI- THE ITCI-IIC N DAILY D M PAGE~ FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUi~ZDAY, ThF~C~M~Efl Thu1~S Purblised every morn g ecept Monday during the Uiversit year bythe Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively n- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it nr not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- I ...…

December 11, 1928 (vol. 39, iss. 67) • Page Image 5

…TT TIV; TI) A Y, I Ff Jr.O. T W; T' T I l , I ) r --' Ti-ir M-ICHI N Tj A- IL. PAC. PTVR THE ICHGAN DAIY. PAE~-IV- lyi.....r _ .++. ,,,....,......._J A C v 010 i Y { t C t 1 c S V C .I G ,P n e '114 'lY W EM ig FU s tt x k( m a1 lw ki JE f V] ftt 4Ct SCOLLEGE SLANG OF 50 YEARS AGO .INTOAMO[AL MADAME SCHWIMI L L L DEBATE O; WAS MILD, STUDENT BOOK REVEALS INTRAMUH L I L OF CAMPUS CLASS College slang was somethingyoung women, as th...…

December 11, 1928 (vol. 39, iss. 67) • Page Image 6

…JiGE SIX T HE "M I CIA I G A N D A I Y TUESDAY, DECRIMBER II, 1922 THF. MICI-IICAN D A I I V TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1928 MO UNT PLEASANT 4ILL PLAY B TEAM HERE TONIGH! TWO MICHIGAN TEAMS WILL FACE INVADERS Coach Veenker's Reserves Start Against Central. State Quintet Wil B TEAM VETERANS READYl With two different Wolverine Re- serve teams each slated to play one half of tonight's encounter, the Mount Pleasant 'quintet appears to be in...…

December 11, 1928 (vol. 39, iss. 67) • Page Image 7

…'TUESDAY, DECEMB3ER 11, 1928 TI-1I mICIGAN DAILY ' //^-- ;; l f l' A . ............... . 4! " 11 "O"O"!m 0 M " O 1, 0, 1 ml I w " IS m SWIM CARD OR ,VARSITY CAGER FiMiti AES SCOND YA NONEDHL OKU At Chicago Is Over competition to 8ahigheI~o.itc(h,.aIdl ;would tendt to stabiii,,Ae the peiv syst CIais to a greate r ctxcn (- VEARLINO CAGE CUT Vitty -0ht Of Original 140 rtemtin O~n 1932 Basketball Squad Af te~r Vinal Cut WOIRK 'ON IUNDAM...…

December 11, 1928 (vol. 39, iss. 67) • Page Image 8

…'IHE MICHIGAN DAILY TTT- DA V DEC ET-C fl 11192 i DAILY OFFI-1C IAL BULLETIN' Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) DECEMBER 11, 1928 No. 67. ' I Mulford Company, who will speak on ANTIVENIN (North American SOPH PROM IS PREMIER FUNCTION Alpha Nu: anti-snake-bite serum). The lecture will be illustrate...…

November 11, 1928 (vol. 39, iss. 43) • Page Image 1

….4 9A ANN .. dm ,- 4ir jUat MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS - --- - ---------------- ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 19281 EIGHT PAGES TTLE IDDIES TO TI ti BORAH ASKS FOR TARIFF REVISION (By Associated Press) MCNAMEE WILL SPEAKI 1 In scoring its third win of the season, Coach Courtwright's junior varsity completely outplayed the opposition in the second half, al- hough Alma had. a slight edge on te Maize and Blue reserves i...…

November 11, 1928 (vol. 39, iss. 43) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, .fLf _ ____AY_ FORMER SOVIET LEADER IS WRITING MEMOIRS IN EXILE. PPrARPIP WIl I TAIW CITY TO PREPARE PLANS FOR PLANT Under the auspices of the War Resisters league, the Rev. Athena- sius Rickard, pastor of the Metho- dist church at Whitmore Lake,j will speak on the topic, "Was Jesus a Pacifist?" in room 1025 Angell hall at 4:15 tomorrow aftenoon. i , Services of two local engineer- ing firms will be engaged...…

November 11, 1928 (vol. 39, iss. 43) • Page Image 3

…Y, NOVEMBER 11, AM H f INI l'C !--11. G' A DAILY, PAGE T Y, NOVEMBER 11, 19281 THE MTCHI~iAN DAILY PAGE ~ TRANS-ATLANTICFLIGHT HERO SEARCHES FOR BIG GAME ON HUNTING TRIP IN MOUNTAINS OF NORTHERN MEXICO TO PRESENT COURSE Of EIGHT ADD~RESSESI York manager who wanted a Shawl "How much?" cabled the mar translation of Trobitsch. There ager. was some patient haggling. The "Ten thousand dollars," parrie I manager thought it expedient to the...…

November 11, 1928 (vol. 39, iss. 43) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1928! THE ICHGAN AIL SUNAYNOVEBER_.. 928 - .. - wt r I r _ _ _ i LUiO tIlwattg Published every morning except Monday ring the University year by the Board in >ntrol of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Isociation. The Associated Press is exclusively en- led to the use for republication of all news spatches credited to it or not otherwise edited in this paper and the local...…

November 11, 1928 (vol. 39, iss. 43) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY low' 11 ,r i / :- .,, SEVERAL SORORITIES HOLD INITIATIONS; OTHERS HONOR THEIR PLEDGES WITH DINNERS AND DANCES' I "MUSEUMS SHOULD HAVE TWOI OBJECTIVES TO WORK FOR," SAYS DR. RUTH VEN SKETCHES BRIEF HISTORY I New Building Has Two WingsIv Devoted to Research And w To Exhibitions r Arliene Heilman, A. treasurer, hat a table will be niversity Hall 'uesday, and vhere V. A. A. du eceived between th an...…

November 11, 1928 (vol. 39, iss. 43) • Page Image 6

… - - ---.--, ~... in- -. . THE MTCHI AN DAILY SUNDA'NOVE7MBER. 11,1 9281 THE.... ....GA .AIL V Y L1Y1L1I1V 11 li/4V !6 IGHTING WOLVERINES TIE SCORE IN FINAL QUARTER iER COUNTS FRM0MIDlE ONE F00T MARK SCORE BY QUARTERS FRESHMAN BASKETBALL I NN Candidates for the Freshman Var ATER MICHIGANMH sity Shows Strong Running At- D N tack When Navy Smothers NORMAL DOWNS, Wolves' Aerial OffenseW __ WESTERN STATE ]Iikg IMRALL PUNTS WELL ! (...…

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