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April 11, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 148) • Page Image 1

…She 't*or ~4 Paili VOL. X. ANN AR{BOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 1900. No. 148. ACADEMIC DEGREES. whih has made the largest ga, of a11. Communication. Sp igNearly 9 per rent mare studesi c The following communication was The lasscal ree Couse iBen ow electing, This course, which niOOs received Monday evening: A nnouncerrient Superseeded by the Other Coutses. thsat tise number of B.L. de ree caudi- Editor of the U. of M. Daily: dates has...…

May 11, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 166) • Page Image 1

… 3.IeV d107 a1l VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICR., FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1900. No. 166. Spring Announcement G. H. WILD & CO. We have just received our line of spring woolens for men's wear. It includes everything in staples that are suitable and de- sirahle fr the season. We are also showing full ranges in nov- elties, in quality and style to suit the most exacting taste, consisting of Top Coats, Suit- ings, Fancy Vests and Golf Trouserings. We invite you...…

October 11, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 16) • Page Image 1

…be o o VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TH-URSDAY, OCTOBER, 11, 1900. ~. G F a ti 12 4rntne etGOLF CLUB A HUMMER. New Courses in Public Administra- "Happy" Brows May Get Out. Tournament is Arranged For -- Mem- ('oat-l1itea kep nitils sg lug1 at re An iuitiloliant tdtlition to the etlirats ,li te al(-rilhii-. Tlii- wark iiaa ilieaB ~~s ariaGofr, nte ltli oa Our special line bership Incrass RpidyOfi d ffloti ieay ttat l-rla o a-ll sa itire of foe...…

November 11, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 44) • Page Image 1

…be o 9 .k P aiI ALI VOL. Xi. ANN ARBOR, MIH, SUNDAY. NOVE BERt 11, 1900. No. 44. IOWA .28, MICHl Michigan Suffers the W Recent Years-Iowa's Wins an. Undisputed --Their Team VS Revelation. IUGA 5 irons- was "t it ls 'to he broken, and it fowea Cityp men met this -one went n-s }toiv falsoat it on Miichiganr's 3-ya was onoe toi lhe very pr'ty tunle of several better. As ean afterthooght, line. Browzn takes W11il's place at 28 to 5, the most ...…

December 11, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 65) • Page Image 1

… W 1,; IL VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAYIDECEMBER_ 11, 1900.- No. 65 Announcement- S Our special ine of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and Winter of 1900 has arrived and is arranged for inspec- tion. The same careful attention isgiven to the styles and finish of every suit, whether to be used for business purposes or for fol dress occaions. 6. H. WILD CO., o8 E. Washington St. DAINTY XIAS GIFTS FOR LADIES: Wane Crest Ware. han...…

January 11, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

… all1 VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, JANUARCY li, 1901. No 78 .Announce 11n I~Our special line of foreign and domestic -fabrics For the Fall and Winter of 1900 has arrived and is arranged for inspec- tion. The same careful attention is given to the styles and finish of every suit, whether to he used for husiness purposes or for full dress1 occasions. G, H. WILD CO, iog E. Washington St. WI LDE3' PHI-ARMACY YOU KNOW t V~~where Nto get....…

April 11, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 148) • Page Image 1

…Cr at VOL. XI. ANN AIIBOR, MIC I., TiURSL)IkY. APRIL 11, 1901 No. 148 ..Our Special Line of.... Foreign and Domestic FABRICS FEOR S1PRING has arrived and is ar- ranged for inspection. We have the largest as- sort ment in the city, 6. H. WILD CO., ro8 E. Washington St. ADAMS' SALTED PEANUTS received fresh every day... . WILDER'S lIPlARMACY YOU KNOW where to get.. A GOOD LUNCH AND _ SMOKIE It. t . Jolly, 30S 4. State. Street. BEAT OUT TH...…

May 11, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 165) • Page Image 1

…VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICI. SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1901 No. 165 ....Our Special Line of.... f FOR THE CHAMPIONSHIP Freshman Malcolm Vidicatd , '1901 MICHIGANENS IAN." Foreign and Domestic Michigan Meets Illinois Today-Capt. A shor timea o efre-oplcs stii-! On Monday the Senirs WillIsu i Adrian . Anson, the Grand Old nearly proved dsastrous for one of the the Finest Annual That F B ISMan of Base Bal Will 03s. Mch criticsm was directed by Has Ever Been...…

October 11, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 16) • Page Image 1

…e E)AI F~IRST YEARc. ANN ARBOR, MICH3., RRTOAY, OCTOBER 11, 1901. No. 16 'VARSITY ON EDGE. Debating Societies Meet. Last Scrimisage Before Meeting the l'' till iavo looI ii'''ii i lyelrxvV ''))' l x'x'tl" 1zl (r~i l i'x'iil it'Iit((lv Th Big Men From Indians i ; Satis- 'ii uxxuixxx'x' xictxii' °1iis [x i-i' :111d rlw factory to Coach and Rooters, fullxv x"i xxrt ':111i1i'i :1sv iv')ll f't~ luit isi ase tt l ii ": l ;Illi il lxfoi ilw) ixiixil ...…

December 11, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 63) • Page Image 1

…140, A7 _i X XII ANN A 1(8(111MI1H., WEDLNESD, AL.BERT HEHRNSTIaN, BASEBALL PROSPECTS. CoM Mh ost Versatile Plax i ave n te S tiral of Lar4 131;.,--- Al A1 Mliehi an 'ee- his Le11-,'J lip anyNcw .Caciida5aPreeta a in the Blff. N Gtat,.eit ci' at O~l li( ~ l i;Itl" :1't !' 121'(' 'iiiis i i (l .II~l: "flI.Ill ~'''I t vtt (tl } 7 Y ,1' i t 1,til tt31 C:itnt<Itt o lyttit t itl ln I,' I * itinttl'll I iil i ''il It I 11 jtttt hlt S ti t Si11i1 ilt...…

January 11, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

…n v e iT F e'rr' to j sr. z i 'SrS . r'z t [ 5 r n rN 11tI> )IZ, rfl('f1., S;\-'f ITItD.,\- JAS UAPI' 11. 1902. No. 75 -, YE~AR. ANOTHER VICTORY. Chgan Defeated Northwestern in Debating Last Nighnt the Votes of the Judges StandiiiaTwo to One, tli titC h 1, Cit ir"1 )4; il I E':t 411I:1 r c tt~ta:'. Alish-tt1 14h tIll tilt Itl itt' I l;t' lt! 'lll 1; 10:S Prsidet Iole'of Yale satid. MICHIGAN FRESHMEN "Ther is o rt a a La II'tiant pina ilet I ic...…

February 11, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 93) • Page Image 1

…i ::K. r e ' .. _, ., ---__.__ ** w IT E&$. ANN .ARBOR, MICH., TIES BASEBALL!! BASEBALL!! Prospects and Program of the Ves- Men urnOnt n Aswerto vii per Services. Flft MenTurnOatin Aswerto Pof.Stanley i>f the Sih~al atfMul'c SnOW's Call---To. Early to Make iutitsuuteft last teitig tit' pro graii Any Prophecy fr teiSaso. ' r e ss'riites, wis'lish art'yItoltet1in .~ or he easn. Ttlitlya . As usual there w-ill Ile twit a week. etry Tiesday saditu...…

March 11, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

…71 r y { t Li .t r 19 } .._.. _......,. I. k x YEA. TRACK{ AFFAIRS ANN ARBOR, MICH., XVespers Toda-. I telass Meet Next Saturday. Hardiit l} r:, fulilti MetW itt, Cornell Predicted. Itlloini1i71I ii .111111 11 1 - . t ~ ~ / ' , 11 E i' l n l' tnt lt i 11111 tIi t : ; : i .l t l l II l lt 1 ltii I li t i l " 1 't l l 1111ti 1 I i II~l+ 4'1 1it. 1 t~ i \ i l :t i .1'I 1 ' t 11. yt'~X 1111t " 1 tt ;llI Liii 1111 nt i ii III S11 l (~l 1;n t titt I...…

April 11, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 143) • Page Image 1

…g s 1TV RN "'O liL}rfA. M" .( . ' VY ' ' W TSfR UP WINMIG lbl Litt f l i , _'t ''". rt Zb I1' i i t .. ,,,,. t:i ," l . 'l I 't V iSt 11 ii ;.t 4t .l';it l - IALIU ?.: '; , .; t ' t1su 1 '': . . I. . i l tlt' 'tiff I+dav,. T t . Its. I: I- hi-C lii. …

May 11, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 159) • Page Image 1

…ANXN 'AloiI{ , IMl('.. S1' rDAY. MAY ,1 1 IRST I-ly LR. M . 15 COMEDY CLUB A Brie History of the Organizatien Which Will Pi eseit -All the Corn- forte et Home'"Hav 1 11 Ii 1 ,11 4tIL ' I ' S . Ii, ( ' 1'L L ' 'II'' \',#si l, :"1Li~lLL II L' ' r . 'LL 'ILtIll - i I' t"0~k t L tlt' ;,111.. l i lI IlL 1i1 All,1 \LL r' LL 11LLL1 I1 I I s ll, LLLit' 'LL' t ,litLiLLL'LL ' ( IL' "jIL LL''*si" LLLaL st tr. IL''' I Cl - IaLL IL 1') III(I IIi~r( I( [tl...…

October 11, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 17) • Page Image 1

…; .: - 'P 1 . v "l. - . . 3_ - r' .. v ,,.. _.. ,- .. -. _ , _. _ ti. ._ . - - t .. :.' / I E--+ f. ' '!. ' i, ,-. l; ... .- ,., t. . . _ 1. ./ f. i, w -° " J'. : '.."' 1. r. H v --+ _ J-' ". " ' ; , :i , 7 .. c-* .- r:. 1 " ' ++r f ,^a f. "' - - r 7: Y .. .. .. =r. - .- : f Y '_ %, .. : . ... -i. . : _ ' a a fl r - %r. , ; ' ' _ % r a _ r... .-- .r .. r . -- J: r -,/' rJ '-' ' St. 'I. +- , . -- -; t'" . P. _ -- p: "- _ ,- - °' 0 f, /. ,f by ....…

November 11, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 43) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. SECOND YEAR. ANN ARBOR MICH., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1902 No. 43 SNAPPY PRACTICE The Michigan-Wisconsin Debate FOOTBALL AND THE U. OF M. p1 yess are retired by- the four-year -Pogrjess is being adh toear ie rtiul____els.and assweak eam, not rereset- Yost Pleased Der Iowa Score-A !iXlt11sai-vv ltA'tisttttt~t t , tate ttls11,11llMichigan Graduate liscources Inter- ti tsisnke-I-tnhis inx' ihelds i Mislisonill 1,oatie a rst ...…

January 11, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

…___ ~~UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN.__________ eSHOOlt YAR. ANN ARBHOR, MICI., SUNI)AY, JANUARtY 11, 1903 Nu. 761 GYMNASIUJM WORK The "eJ" Hop PROF. W A. DEWEY Good Government (lb Daes ho eto dt eof the J11011 raws --tilt 4 oil ! tt't'ittt 4 elib tto hs Many Studetts re Trin ling for the t er tttos c tittl i ttttt to professor it, Michigan Hmeopathic 11in t tnoutit t, it nette ats for th ^n nitU ee tote 1i4tu ttttii'te to1o ' <it oo rhi . ' ytue' t- ...…

February 11, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 94) • Page Image 1

…THE U. OF M. DAILY U'PrOL. XIII. ANN ARBOR, MICR., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1903 No. 94 BASE BALL AND TRACK Medical Society Meeting 'The itidiai Society wil celeorte ~ew Candidates Report for Practice FounerslDayv this Year on Saturday, Feb 2. -Preliminary Track Meet Prom- The eventwill be one of unusual in- ises to be Interesting eest, partly on acontoft ehe social features. The faculty hisdies will hold Quite a ood sized crowd reportd a recep...…

March 11, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 118) • Page Image 1

…THE Iis Or P1. DAILY. L. « XIII. ANN ARBOR, ICR., WEDNESDAY, MNARChi 11, 1903 No. 118 INTERSCHOLASTIC MEET Yay Replace the Inter-Class Meet- The Team for the Illinis Meet Chosen Asyet it is impossible to say whether the iner-clas meet will be awdon the date ori inally announced ,ar whether in its stead will take place an interseolasi- mot between some o th strogest ot the surrounding bhax sI prparatory schools. A sas sted last week. Manager Ba...…

October 11, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 12) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, ?MICH., SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1903. No. 1 2 BELOIIPROV[D[EASY. **f********f********************** JAMES[ WflhICOfrB RU[Y. f R[SUJLTS OF YESTERDAY'S 6AEiSfrlff Taken into Camp in Short Order by * * Hoosier Poet Opens S. L. A's Course Yost's Babes-Michigan's Score j e lMcigan ........ 79 Blot......... ... -Large and Enthusiastic Au- LareceWiscoinsin. . . 4f11Lawrence..........0 Now 186-0 in 112 Minutes o...…

November 11, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 39) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. " ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1903. No. 39 ROUGH SCRI" 1AGE. Hard Work in Preparation For Wis- consin Game Begins-Scrubs Score On "Varsity-Badger Plays Are Mystifying-James Is Injured. Qoach Yost began his active prep- aration for the Wisconsin game at yesterday's secret practice, and the result was the fiercest scrimmage seen on Ferry Field this year. The nien showed the effects of their hardt wo...…

December 11, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 61) • Page Image 1

…Th'e Michigal VOL. XIV.. ANN, ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11], 1903, No. ()1 CONTEfrIPORARY [RANC. j [UNAL TRIBUE PAID. 10 PI1OIO6RAPII 6[RNIS Opening Lecture, in Series on "The By Fraternity Brothers of Rusell H. Zeiss Camera Obtained from Germany Country-Object of Course-Sub MWiliams-Funeral Services at -Rooms Fitted Out in Medical jects of Future Lectures. Kansas City Under Auspices of Bilding-Prof. Rygarud in Alumni Chapter of S. A....…

March 11, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 114) • Page Image 1

…T he MichiganDal VOL.. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, MARCH U., 1904. No. 114 SPEDY ATHIL[T[S. D[BAT[ T[SIM~ONIAL. CthORAL UNION COC[RT., ROUSING [NTfHSIAM. First Regiment Men Have Excellent Of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars; Adele Aus der Ohe Tonight in Piano' Will be Shown at the Meet Tomorrow records-Stewart is Ill and May Yearly- Etabinhed by Mr. Ham- Recital-Excellent Program Will Michigamua will Lead Songs and Not Compete-Goodwin's Fat il...…

May 11, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 157) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1904. No. 157 OBERLIN TODAY CHANCE FOR GOOD-POSITION ST. LOUIS TRIP ABANDONED Wilbur S. Tupper, vice president of The Choral Union will not go to Ohio Ball Players Meet 'Varsity at the Conservative Life Insurance Co., St. Louis. It has been decided that Ferry Field This Afternoon at Los Angeles, Cal., has written Dr. the Chorus give a concert at the Ex- 4:10.-New Pitchers Jo...…

October 11, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 13) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL.. XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1904. No. 13 Columxbia B ekcks Down. SUAKSP[AREfRECITA. Professor Trueblood to Give Readings From Macbeth-Benefit of Coach Morley Declines to Keep His Promise to Play Thanksgiving Game- OrtrclAsiao. College of Physicians and Srgeons Folow etfcsosgs iscss Suit-Oberlin Game Also Off. blodsisl gileslctsedeisligs frissi Ortorical A sscitioni. Ti a e Theirumos 'which haveIent tying...…

November 11, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 40) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily V0.X. v ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1904. No. 40 SIG GAME TO IfORROW. UNION DINNER. bOUVENIR EDITION. MONSTERL AS fIEETING. Varsity Indulged in Their Last Hard Practice. .ost's Smile Has Re-, turned--Rooters are Happy. hotforrot afternoon, when lichi- It lines up against Chicago on Fer- ry Veld, the Michigan adherents will hat\- tshe opportunity of seeing one he greatest gridiron centests of the season. Everything...…

December 11, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 61) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VTOL. X V. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, DECEMNBER 11, 1904. No. E;1 AMICHIGAN'S TRACK TEAM, 1904-FIFTH YEAR CHAMPIONS OF THE WEST. FITZPATRICK NOT HOPEFUL Prospects for a Winning Track Taam Are lDoubtful --Michigan'sOnly Hope in New Mi. i i 'rt ilt t)it)1 t rl iit:11 ~ W 1111,Cii11c tl !8 \[ 1 1; tl R"4 tilt (ttittiitt iii. i ittitit. it. lii i'l tt1 I tit r ii I ' t lt it tt~ittg lii iY Nitlil- I i1:1l1:11 11 ieti,~ ii N Iii I...…

January 11, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VO.XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY i 1, 1905 R~OSE IS INELIGIBLE. LIBERAL SUBSCRIPTIONS.I TRACK ATHLETICS. rat Athlete will Never Again Rep- Memorial Hall a Certainty of Near Athletic Outlook Unchanged Pur- esent ilichigan- Board of Con- Future-Ezra Rust Pledges $1 0,- due Promises to Prove a Worthy trol Takes Formal Action 000-Over $50,000 Already Opponent-New Dates for TonightProf. Patten- Subscribed. Baseball Sch...…

March 11, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 113) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICHI., SA'TURDAY, MARCH zI,. 1905 NDO. I1I3 MICHIGAN VS. IPURIUE. FRESHMAN BANQUET. COMMITTEE TO ORGANIZE SOPHS WIN OUT. ll '1msof0.-Bg Nine''Aleet in IDual Conttest 'T'nigtit Purdue lTearn NN'ihT Arrive This Mhorning. Arrangements for Annual Feed and County [air Committee Made Com= Senior Gitrls Defeated in Htest B~as- Dance Nearty Completed- Ex'el= plete by' Mis's Burton's Ap- ketball Game of the Year lt Progra...…

April 11, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 139) • Page Image 1

…o - . o{ ..... ... . ... . . . ... . ..... . .... .... . . . ..... .. :.. f r ;:} _ - .. r; ; r- ' -- ,r , :rt rr _. .. . _ r,,, 2- - 2 2 .emu'; % f ( . ti , J ' .. .. r r ... ," -- r, . vi G. I f _ -- Y r r f "J . ... !. I 1 i ^+ v r _ r. .r. ' r f r. r r _ f: I.. '. .-"' f, I-. ,r, '; _ _ ..t s J. ! r: ... ; . 1.< .. J _ _ J !. r ,i _. f, r' v ,.. r;. r, "-S J i C !:, r j r, ' ,' .,.. f 1, "f. r -, r r r -'" J' ... ' - , , f z-"= _ ."., C. n...…

May 11, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 157) • Page Image 1

…II=3 CD =- = - m = .c 0 J r. r /. J i' r, 1. 7q, 1 - = 'J i tv ! _ _ 7 . 1 : ° _ . _.. r f v !' f.. _ r , ,-. .. n -,. , -., . . mo - _ a . y r i d. r c -.: , ' a a _ - (y I. :J .,. .., v - :, J" f %; . (D As r 0. "t J^ f' J. j ,_ 1C C 0 II - . U' ' - f. r is - i J^ . '-- .J. I. f 1. I J- f l _. 'n ot: n i. j. f' i I, f: - "' .- _ f Si r ~, r r , r .. j f, ' -' r, r.. . '/, it '.-ti ;-; ' = (': ~ !', ! r y=o- "" ' . ... f; r.+, .J ' l / ~_, f,...…

October 11, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 14) • Page Image 1

…ANN ARBOR, '[TBHR0\VIG N, l\ ;DJ,.I AY, I C"l'( lli1 rI It. foo Vol1- O I NO. 14. OHIO NORTHERN UNI- 11lANSIIIN(, l l, CHAMPION SHOT-PUTTER VERSITY TODAY FO11{a 001 -('OttYIV YIR COE TO REMAIN S. cond Mid=week Game Today on ~~Ci0iitCfitttI10 World's Champion Shot=buster Has Ferry Field-Tom Hammond o _olit frio1 Entered University Will Be Out of Game.Rotttit Eligible Next Spring. itl thteam ''imoretcheditiI up iii' tha ' mittt cl n h \t iig...…

November 11, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 41) • Page Image 1

…rOL. XVI. The MichignDaly ANN :ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SA' IN 'RD)AY, NOVTEM1RBER I1, I1)05. Nt 1 "O. 41. OHIO STATE BRINGS CROWD OF ROOTERS Over 2,000 Columbus Men Will Come 00 SEATS PSEFT 'Ot «SsVS. IBN cal1,Jr:FS. CONGRESSMAN LANDIS 'lll :ln-!inl tthe cant..atet PLEASES BIG AUIDIENCE ta il i lae etrO itt' t he 06 at 't iia adt1le '07 cntlti-srr 011 No~tht "The Message of an Optimist" Consti- tutes a Cheerful Review of t erry} ri fied lt l i or...…

January 11, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 73) • Page Image 1

… 0 0 F3 I -7- Jy - f r y _ J y r t' v I I v f. . . ..+ I 't, i .. . ' .-+ r r i 1 I , Jam; .J r r i~ '"}' /: 77, : .: r .. .. ' ^ .: -- .. r u ,. ._ -' _ .% _ /.: 7. l f. ._.. _ i ,^, r, r T ~ i I .. r ' ,.:. f ... f " -., ,, lam' i i- : f - r 77- r -n y <2. rn~w -I1tI a Io '- z °~v G I _ , r " 1 ., J: Y r n ~ .{w n V /J, , .v :!, I7 i% ' i Jf, J^ .yy - u " rf JO .-. f, - N r n r : _ \ _. _ _ .- - JQ !% -- n - N y ._. . .. , ^. :f' i J...…

March 11, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 114) • Page Image 1

… t# vi i y 0lam 0 F- i '/, :! l v C C! r r i a 'AA -C C) W v . 'Wv 'AW W a w 1 1 1 ~ z Q CQ Li ce fA W A Waa W a I w ho v N 0 U4)0 C2 H LJ7 z .- ,.f '/ J . y " .^. .r"' v y J. -- 'J J. '-e 'v J ^v ; _ " ,^ -+ Ji 'J, ' _ v J 5 ... ~ ' V "--' of ^.i " ;J v f,. 1 J .=: 'J v ^ .-. ..- . ._ .-- Ci '- .. J ._ rr ^I W ~ r ,-, ,i i, 'f .-'. f I .-... /. r ( J ... J .-- C( r... ." «. Ii / .r . ; = ,r ._ cr - r -- . - Wit, !' ' J 'vl ~ J ~ '1...…

April 11, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dalily \+N-N \RBOR, 'A Olf \ \\ifGN FI)\i ,SI)AYt_\fIRII iig196. ,dOL. XVI. No. 140, VARSITY MINSTRELS GET DOWN TO BUSINESS Hard Is the Order From Now On For the Chorus, Olio and Farce Troupe -Meeting This Afternoon. This cx cixg at 7 o'clock, the chorus of the minstrel show wiii meet in Roon CUixersiystl. 'he commxittee has decidirdlo00 hard work for the partici- pantsin xtie show fromxi xow ox, ad memberx~xs of the cioruxs wh...…

May 11, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 158) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dail1y N ARBOR, ICHIJGA.N, I 1WIi)\N Ni \\1i, 1)0(1 v OL. XVL. No. -158. MANY FESTIVAL'S TUNE= FU L REIGN BEGI NS Auspicious Opening of Season of Suciton Dc...............13(1 i'lelody and Song - Stabat OvtureiiiAit: (aiote, Iand11i. Plater" and "A Psalm of Vic- oIrree (cigue. tory" Given by Choral Union. ri. "Ahtodni..!ii _____Symnphtony. I inorcit"Unftinishied,.. The. thirteentit NiycFestivlt iotpenedii ti cititi ci ini a m...…

November 11, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 42) • Page Image 1

…\oLz X\1I. The Mlichigan Daily CAPTAIN CURTIS CANNOT PLAY IN PEN NSY GAME! ltllli: llW l r i . li,... a COMIC OPERA PLAN I Iil-SS~it I-Is \t I IS NOT PROGRESSING Michigan's Leader broke felt Leg in yesterday's (lame-_Team and Students bear up well. The hard lack awhichasii-ri-i rtlessly cd <n :herdi~astel-to th 101 list y s tedylferon, i Cap~taint Joe Cutriti lladhis lefit lle ih k tin-ala a th h ;Caseyt Was ritliti o-t ont narrowttptrctti...…

December 11, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 62) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVII. ANN ARBOR, lii> I)A , 01"Cl"M 1 ',]-" 1\' I t, 11)()(). CHICAGO MEETS MICHIGAN Ni l IsOCib:IIcYIS IN TWO INDOOR CONTESTS c Arouses as tluch interest in Trackthe lI c c iiic c i ci scicccit will gt Events as in Football-flih. i, firste crtiiict I il es Igan's Chances (woord. I hsa llcN nic f a Ictr ciii cr0 iiicc iii -cii t: licik"i"tci mhitihial eri I fi lii cagec will met icim n alico r rlto nIlt.clyr~i_ Tgt ...…

January 11, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

…The Michig"an Daily VOL. XVII. ANN ARBOR I, NIMI lIC l\N. V'I D AY, 1IA .-Y No. 75. PROSPECTS FOR TRACK vc il vi \ L~ifiN SNI'I l I CONFERENCE HEALS WITH TEAM ARE DISCOURAGING! it NS SIBIO~RiIk(on lliSi' WISCONSIN TOMORR~OW ia:n s . tiicis.. Jan i. \illiats But Thirty-Five rlen Reported and \iilitiSmithl of Gaud R Iitapids,. tr- Michigan Men Ar Aroused and May Only a Few Veterans Out -Squad dttkttfroimithe itftth contigrssion al Again Agit...…

April 11, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 143) • Page Image 1

…The Mich iganDal ANN ARBlOR, Ml C'II( _ h\ 1Iti2;i l 1', I1Zh \ 'P~i Tt7 Vol'. XVHI. No. 14t3. COACH STAGG ISSUES ! ULTIMATUM TO MICHIGAN Says Michigan Must Abide by Con- ference Rules-Athletic Relations1 With Chicago Uncertain. tli a ('iiit'a tiiirant oinon.r on liclig ll' itttt, i th lin it it hav IonpoliI it heh icago p1a1-hg' pcr> ttill 11a1h11a",1 i : returlni to11Chi it; iii iii I hbie b itti h-ie ttiig iiiiiilos ii'iiriiigo date In ...…

May 11, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 160) • Page Image 1

…The Mkichigan Daily ANN \il(i NI Ili\ sI' R)X.MAY'xii1107- Vol-. XVII. a. itx7. 62 MEN ENTER 'xxix iCoe S xto ' XVt ru-BwDlMlny A~SIITY MEETI'kixiixerx-iXlcx'<it ' tole\alt--Alxi cii Kno.xL'kn ____-lix xxxxx lc-so , laxlt I Annual Event to be Held on ioinix 1erri, 'x iker.iii ii LxxxinI Ferry Field Today-Freshman "t ixe. (xixx lxi Team VWil be Picked. S Fe cxcix rin.xxxxx xixx Sith.xxi )i ic ix IY x ixxxx'x' a x'x'rgiteredxithei it Lx ix x...…

October 11, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 16) • Page Image 1

…The M'ichigan- Dail y ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER zii:,1907. No. t6. Voi- XVIII. "WABASH MAY consider ation that ot wee i e pr URGES BUCK-SAW T ecedini theipositon, an oversight itc md is critiismn of their wok PROVE SURPRISE" a itl °°sot emigy FOR COLLEGE MEN Elckersall Warns Yost to Look sendingI or!! t teceetter at tat isar prof. Roth Addresses Forestry a Out for Hoosiers--Opposes Our titlime.Th svarsity at! te bllonth Students ...…

December 11, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 63) • Page Image 1

…Daily inn'. XV'IT.\1\\N kill ()R., int (iI.\ \.\VEI)NkSIDiY. 1)kin'ki1 thinrriiQ0. Ivai m-11- tt)Tr oMVVl lonY1''OIIWt NI i CII (;1iNINVITTED TO CANDIDATES MUST ,_ ein oi'l 111111 141 \I 1(1)1f~ HINE EXE DSC ,1 1701 't'~'Ct r . iit i 1 Ii Au he n ,il N Ic i i lyl; tin ur.riivii . nIiiiteConveii ntion hs e Souit fr Pltca rbeji iidhii i-tN'.1b tcntniil <<p lilic Owner of New Theater Cuts Price niiiiWih t'° n.Jhn Inrt Presented to Student Counci...…

January 11, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

…The Michign Dil ANN ARBOLR. ?MICIIGA'N, SA IliZl).1Y, JA N J : I:Y rar. aqoh<. o7 Vo'. XVIII. NO. 75. "MICHIGAN'S PLACE IS IN THE WEST" Senior Student Argues AgainstE Secession from Conference- Sees No Future in East. 1ditor IDaiy. Permit ata uy e.or ao say a fett words aitent le Conference-sitati.} Iae been here long tenglhto realie that I liver n mama a- to say. aatil sentiorsarteBayilg, tat I willlhe rte et year atdI till ntathae to bea...…

February 11, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 94) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dail VOL. XVIII. ANN AR BOP, IMICHIGAN, P TDAY, t-RUARY fi, 10 NO. 94. ... -.-- - - r _._. ._..._.. _ - . ...___.W_._. BA&BAL WORK IN CAGE BEGINS TODAY Coach McAllister Is in Town to Start Practice-- New Games Arz Scheduled. Preliminary practice for the baseal season will start in the gymasiam this ternoot. Coach McAllister will e F present to direct the opeitg work. En tsiasut among thetplayrs has sdeel- ped with the close ...…

March 11, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 119) • Page Image 1

…The Mi higanDil Voi ,. XVIHL A T- ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH i, 1908. Net. 1 19. WA-JEFF. ASKS FOOTBALL DATE Pennsylvania College Is Latest Possibility for Eighth Game- Syracuse Wants Dual Meet. Manager Bairud arrives in town yester- day morning and is already busily en- gaged conpluetng the schedules for the years athletics. The tproluem of the eighth footal gaue is occupyig a large part of his attention. Mr. Baird uwill leae Ilhe c...…

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