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January 11, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

…the tt. a , ' . la n. VOL. VI. NO. 71. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, S:ITURDAY, JANUARY 11, PsK FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. T RACK ATHLETICS BEGIN iop for comptetition five years, it will WEBSTER M AEN BANQUET. GUTA e u i hetopyromofte y.-NON ALL MEN MUST BE PRESENT AT Oslil. CThe winner of the cuip Loot NEWLY ELECTED OFFICERS FOL- Nii O s nE uhfo n porson to O ONCE AND REPORT REGULARLY.. year waeIttul II. Veroor1, '97. LOW USUAL PRECEDENT. 00 play on...…

January 11, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 71) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY 341 i+0 I NEWS OF THE COLLEGE WORLD Dung,,the recenit "wasa m li"the Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during teagernies so wih hich the 'daily press, the Golle4b year, itt TH UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ':osshtliniformaitioni andicinters iews with colege pofesso s pstarticelar- S rnacE: Times building N. Main st., oppositewihcleeposorw post office. ly notlicealble. Corre'spoindentis of the nDtroJS leatinlg 1papersi'atiitheiimor...…

January 11, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 71) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. MICjHIGAN GLffuL Time Table I(Revised) May 19. 1894. EAST. WEST. Mail and Ex--3 50 Mail -5----843 N. Y. Special---. S 00 N. Y. Special---- 7 30 Eastern Es---101: N. S. Limited 5 212 A. u. Pacific Es.----11 57 Atlantic Ex-s.-7 47 P. M. D. N. Express.... 5 40 Western Es.---2 0 G. 1R. Esxpress ---.11 05 Chi. Nt. Es.5-- 0 28 G.R. Es .-----5 57 0. W. RUlGGLES, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Age., Ann Arbor ,0 A k Mr. A...…

January 11, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 71) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. For a StylishGREA SIT ALE Closing Ott f ULL DRESS OR TUXEDO Include all the Latest Patterns in Fancy Bosom Shirts-. N alt sorts afi c of CALL ON - .. - .... , Jos. W. Kollauf, Merchant Tailor, Strictly high grade work at moderate prices. 10 E. Washington St. Fancy Bosom, 81.50 Shirt, now - - 81.19 Fancy Bosom, $1.25 Shirt, now - .98 Our 50c Unlaundred Shirt, now - - .39 The largest line in the city to select from. D. A TI...…

March 11, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 115) • Page Image 1

…Voi.VI. No. 115) UNIVEE+.SITY OF iM1CJJII(A, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1,,_,(0. Fo~Ui PAGES-3 CENTS. V CONG IflESS OF PSYl~hLOGY~l~.1T HAS HAD STEADY GROWTH. B111ING ouT A CAN)IDATE. q IY LE.,NTINLMETN TPermanency of PhilologicalSoi 1e0det elelehei ety Established. WSOSNPULCASAN welern o iv t~uttr~ wUNCHIAGUT NATIDNAL PRESIDENCY. Hi p its ato rale a h bid ' rfe I M NC N A G S.___ H toy e bu inte;, thiys eto Wve11phe '.o A.P iolgcl S le , hHit enrd ...…

March 11, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 115) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY vatu+good scholarsip is not eooimnemorated ----tos. According to the ('ritic, Mr. Publishesd Daily (Sunday excepted) during Cuaine 'had no taste for study, and the Col lege year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. preferred baseball to books" The DOpuna Timen huilding N. "Main at., opposite "lited Bladge of Courage' is Certainly post office."a little massterpiece," anti evens a su- EDITOatS ntiial reading of the book giveosis W...…

March 11, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 115) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. AIH 6 1 G e--A o d T i o i gOI TA Time Table (Revised) Marc 1, te9,llS.)ES.P..A.MTO.&CRy K.& .R. Mail and Ex-1__a 0 Mail -e...... soNolotr schemes You ptyfo what you het andTO.CRy K&MRy N. Y. Special.... 500 N.Y. 9eclaL _7130lotr .fr Solid tlb ouchtrals brtween Toledo, Ohio EasterS Es-tO ii0 1 N. S. Limited..-- 9 25 CASH saves you 25 per cent. Every garment fitti d n O hlelso, W. Va,vi Columbuse, the Atlantic Es.... 7 10 Pa...…

March 11, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 115) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. THI3 VICTOR League Ball will bat further and last longer than any ether make. It contains the best materials and shows the finest construction throughout. Every 1"official" league ball offered to the public is an imitation of the VICTOR. Demand the Victor in all cases. Our trade mark is a guarantee of finest quality. OVERMAN WHEEL CO. Makers of Victicycles. Rufus - Waterhouse - Neckwear! PRICES THE LOT}IEST. ps ug Style H...…

May 11, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 160) • Page Image 1

…tt* AI VOL. VI. No. 1w). ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, N\1IAY, IMAYM1 sO Foit P AGES- 3 CENTS. CI JICAGO 7, Ml duGAN 3 Itolliles and llloolltmtntoic tilled 1theLIN\YiiEI111) .101 eT 'v t IMI4 e IS in h'*( first ptl't of the sixth, > Ntr ~ o 'Varsity Defeltel~ in a Hard- lilt itit'"lil'it ttite' 1111 wIt' out Good Sho in Made r~l in' Most ot.G ll 5-50 (1zltr> Fougoht Battle. Cl. t 'nittg io gt the Events. ', w e N t C lose OuLt f l g.Mx ii iaogtir ...…

May 11, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 160) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 34 f' fI1 w * Thomas M~ahon Badly Injured. M1hous ~ihcII iiaseinior lax st- - dent, fell under ca. msovii train at Published Daily (Sunay excepted) durisg s llsi rdyiigtmdlol the Colle~x year, at Ws eri rdyngtadbt THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. his feet were cut sil' at the antkles. tOrrims t'imes bailding; N. Main st., opposite lie had 1be1 en ccstixiled to go Ii fronit past office. Aitn Arbor every Priday even...…

May 11, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 160) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF M\ICHIIGAN DAILY. MICHIGAN GENT1RAL Time Table (Revised) Marech1, 1896. Mail and Exs-350 Mall -----838 N. Y. Special--. 5 00 N. Y. Special-- 7 30 Eastern E--10 I3 N. S. Lmited.- 9 25 Atlantic Ex_-_7 30 Pacific Ex---12 i5 D N. Expresi.... 5 40 Western Ex- 200 G. R. Express ...il1 05 Clii. NV. Es----10 12 G REx--- 557 0. W. Ruosses, LI. W. HAYS, G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt. Aee Arber THER~E IS A BICYCLE Built on honor. :Bui...…

May 11, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 160) • Page Image 4

…TIIE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. N[XI I!,i II [KS GRE]=-AT CL1-OSING OUTI Jos. Kollauf, All 75c, $1.00, and $,1.90 Neckwear at arc. Any Necktie in the house xwilil he so1(1o00Saturday, AMay 19th, only Merchant Tailor, Avi 1 12 ke' for Ca"'1 atgreatly ro(10170d prices. Gotlies cot and in-adotup to date. 10 E. Washington St. Gibson &Clark PHOTOGRAPHERS, 12 W.1-URON ST~ ANN ARBOR No. 23 S. Fourth Ave. Summoer taw Lecturps, Untv. of Virginia. ...…

June 11, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 186) • Page Image 1

…~Itc , . a n. VOL. VI No. 186. ANN ARBOR, MICHMGAN, THURSDAY. JUTNE 111,#-,. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. IED) WITH DETROIT LEAGUE We Must Move The store we now occopy has Game Called Because of Dark- been sold. We most seek new quartes . ness After Nine Innings. We Must Close Out I The 'Varsity lalyedl a pretty tie ous stock of music goods and iicycles. We offer nrcoss whichII' tame with the Detroit League testm will sell goods if lose prices 1 mea...…

June 11, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 186) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 211 ~ Detroit's S;cholarship Fund, IU .fPf .Y'I '&Tho following article on the Detroit. -:[High School Alumni Asscltion is Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during front the 'ti6l Hilicon of the Detroie the College wear, at High School: THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. 'The Alumni and Scholarship Fond OFFICE: Times building N. Mlais st., opposite Associaionuleave Jusot closed a. VerY post office. irosperouo year....…

June 11, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 186) • Page Image 3

…TILE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ,IGHIGAN GEIn1A L Time Table (Revised) March 1, 1896. Mail and Ex-__3 5 Mali -e.......8 N. Y. Special.-. 5 0 N. Y. Special... 7 30 Easters Eu..-10 12 N. S. Limied.-- 0 5 Atlantic E__-_7 30 Pacfic Ex.....12 15 . N. Express.... 5 40 Western E...12 00 G. R. Epress ___11 05 Chi. Nt. Es.i..1012 G.R.Ex..---55 . W. RUGGLE, 5H. X. tAE, G. P. & T. Ag., Chicago. Agt. Aa Arbor RAILROAD. -FTmr Tahle, Sne 7, 1S896. NORTH...…

June 11, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 186) • Page Image 4

…TIEUNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Hlighest Tribute Ever Paid to a Bicycle'! 12.s, Z, . ,& fD~ New York, March 25th, i 896. Me. C. Pawley, Sec. Jersey CityvY.M...H G P C iR b D I H U The National Bouard of Trade off Cycle Cyl Y IE I OA D °H . Manufacturers hereby sanctions a public es- Located half a block frons University grounds. Uader nw anaement and with hibition of cycles, accessories and sundrics, at the clew of aceontmodating any persnt ...…

November 11, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 36) • Page Image 1

…Von,. VII. No. 36. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1896. Four PAGES-3 CENTS. JT ~ ~~ CHICAGO ORCHESTRA. note ill securing Mri. High. aid lie1 NINETY-NINE DEFEATED. 7T- J ' ~ qO a.bitt'lettre rooli, t-iildoubltless tbe- Leading TailorFirst of Choral Union Concerts etaioilail witl ian ea.iar iiidieniiie. Ninety-Eighlt Wins the First In- Highly Successful. SoityPoraser-Class Game. AN M O TER.B T'lihe l'aing leagral iihlisaheenl, 1E A...…

November 11, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 36) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. f L f bengsent to dleniominationail andi to 7J + . ff I+f i Uttii 5iiill ilistitittlons will lie sent lit-i. The pra llscticei repol og will hIe- 'i Published Daily (Suedays excepted) daring Sonally benefiicialiantl it tins-helpth Ie the College vear, at Univerisity. T'he planisi at least wortli THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. tj-ilt _________ OFFICE: Times bailding, 7tOS5,Aain Smt. be-". tweena Liberty and Willi...…

November 11, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 36) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. RICH IGAN CtNPIL Time Lab]l(f(Deised) Sept. 2, 1896 Mail and Ex _ 1 N. Y.Special __1_ NY.Special_ 4 f8 Mai - 4- -------_8_4___ Eastern Ex----10 17 N. S.Limited.S_ c 9 23 Atlantic Exe 73i Pacific Ex----- 1 ]1 D.N.Expees __540 Wete a ANh .-r WetrDx_- 15>ELP R.Express, _11(5 (hi Nt. Ex---- ii At ®I t Twa 0. G.P. & T.Ag.,Chicago. Act.Ann Arber-.e1i eo a F'9 eo ' Du N O c . a --,/ ITT R A L O D1. 2 h ni le ing a ...…

November 11, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 36) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MIICHIGAN DNILY. GREAT UNDERWEAR SALE TANDEM Tandem TICFIIS W EK for rent at reasonale rates BA RG A IN $20 Garm11es-----------------------------$1.58M5SA BLR X1.50 and1 $.75 Garments -- -- - --- -- -- -- -- -- -- --119 Cycle Emporim One door East of Amer- v 1OGarments .----------------------------- -76 Can House 'a esmea ou wolda 'tiL 50 ++ Sc Garmnents--------------------------------50 PATRONIZE OLMES' LIVERY iyou bought it...…

December 11, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 56) • Page Image 1

…he . f hAY, DECEMBER 11, 1896. FouR PAGES-3 CENTS. VOL.. VII. No. 56. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRII @ (D i D, BOSTON LADIES' ORCHESTRA Dr. Fowler e to Africa. CHRISTMAS WRINKLE Di. Fowler ,'Avwholo1:s heero for it-0 - ibeadlag 'Iailor A Most Excellent Program to Be (,rssII" ri',hi o ii ioeo otiste sa ubro Given Tonight. Bitllie liospit. l hs resigned to a-i Clever Drawilngs. (0 l 11 lel'. I C. IJiti-tzeli. the nenl\- -- - -__ AN D IMPORTER, 'I...…

December 11, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 56) • Page Image 2

…TILE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. f ~ ~college education most ocerally hrt 1)0 F *!21 f e .forw ard, ond, <after enomleratiog thee 57N$EBC the Writer goes010 aliiid lC-olil fabiahedDail Sofayseaceted do ag tiiaer theim. Ttie Crticle will Nii ii '' the College year, at t: T '' a THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. repaly a101iiiigitflreadily"g. OFICaE: Times builing, 00 0. Olaia St. be- tween Libtertyafd Wiliam Sts. Choral Union Course. aJ.If. Tao), ...…

December 11, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 56) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. WAIDH.AM S, RYAN & RS3U LP, ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR Black till Underwear, Ypsilanti Union Suits for Men AND YPS1LAN-TI C1ELEBRA.T-ED SWEGATERS Ours is the best stork of Underwear in Ann Asbor. Call and examne before buying. 28 and 30 South Msainsnt-- i MICHIG~AN EIAt P, W o jo- it01 A. A. fd S 0. . . Ser it--- 4. 1 - -t-59 8X13 0.stri Ex-----10 2r o Ns ini te 1-o 25e ( <i097 Ae.,(h7. s .PA .Oh3.tb i,' 1 r' r...…

December 11, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 56) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. nY'a~~aa ss aoa~r' ssa~soao eWE HAVE The Best ,m. 13WALIDO BA J I$5.00 Christmas that are beauties. If you doubt their n quality ask Mell Gillespie or M~r. Present e(hteiuibauer. a oTHESE ARE ONE PRICEBD GOODS. SE a Pocket Kodak. It takese o but we will shade a little to close ~t good pictures aud is easy to o before Jan. lest. mark. Full iustructions 0 a ANN US C . * orate with it. If you have A 2t AND 23 EA...…

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