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September 11, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 1) • Page Image 51

…2I THE MICHIGAN DAILY uck Team Had Tot Quite Year Hockey Team Should Be Even Bette n <11 By JIM BERGER I By JIM BERGER Last season for the Michigan Hockey team was a "not quite enough" year. The Wolverines started in a blaze of glory but turned out sec-1 ond best in the Western Collegiate Hockey Association and third best in the nation.1 Things began well for Michigan last. year. The icers played their first game against the Toronto, B...…

September 11, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 1) • Page Image 52

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY T Nine ed from Page 1) Captures Titles the series and insure itself NCAA District Four Tourney .tion. h Illinois, Western Michigan, Detroit as the, other partici- the Wolverines had the ill of drawing Western in the ound. The Broncos weren't losing four in .a row and back to nip Michigan, 6-5, in nings to open the series. first pitcher in Big Ten history to start and win both games of a doubleheader and lifted his sea-...…

September 11, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 1) • Page Image 53

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1 it IPETITION IN OVER THIRTY SPORTS: Intramural Department Offers Someth Michigan's Intramural Sports Department is among the-biggest and best in the nation. - Divided into 12 divisions, and operating contests in over 30 dif- ferent sports, there is surely an activity that will be attractive to every male student on the Univer- sity campus. Director Earl Riskey and Asso- ciate Director Rod Grambeau head the large staff...…

September 11, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 1) • Page Image 54

…THE MICHIG~fAN UbATT.V VU T alr%~A V V .: a __, ae. aVaaav["al Ll11 at1 T'1 . UUSVAX, :SEYTE] MBR PLACED THIRD LAST SPRING: Golfers Surprise Conference Tennis Team Remains On Top <" Y ! l By BOB ZWINCK Revenge in any Big Ten sport is a virtue. And last spring a virtuous squad of Michigan golfers romped home to a healthy third-place finish in the Big Ten golf meet at Cham- paign, Ill., a mere 15 strokes off victorious Indiana's pace a...…

September 11, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 1) • Page Image 55

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ymnastsDefend BIG TEN RUNNERS-UP LAST YEAR: Michigan Wrestlers Bolstered by Veterans, Soj Conference Title "IY By JAN WINKELMAN Associate Sports Eitor . Coach Newt Loken's gymnasts will prepare for the 1962-1963 sea- son hoping to earn a third .con- secutive Big Ten crown. Two years ago, here at Ann Arbor, the Wolverines brought to an end a long Illinois domination of Big Ten gymnastics. Led by Captain Richard Montpet...…

September 11, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 1) • Page Image 56

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER ll. THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 11. X X \...s , t Sej . f )AYE HORNING Welcomes You to CHECKMATE ptember 13,14, and 15 - Thursday, Friday, and Saturday 9 A.M. to 9 PMu hieCleto 9a11 appareI SPORT COATS X25 to $49.95 DRESS SLACKS $1.95 to $17.95 Choose your sportcoat from our outstanding collection of plaids, checks, solids, and stripes. See our color coordinated slacks in continental ...…

September 11, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 1) • Page Image 57

…ACADEMICS SECTION Y Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom 742,A& 1y ACADEMICS SECTION VOL LXXHIINo 1 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1962~ SIX PAGES Research Activities Cost Over $30 Million For Nuclear Physics Experiments Federal Government Gives Funds By GERALD STORCH Research has become big business at the University. Last year more than $30 million was expended on research activities, with $26 million of it sponsored gr...…

September 11, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 1) • Page Image 58

…THE MICHIGANT fAIT.V Yn w ww . .av..r.,.... ... ..,.... ... m-. . vavn ara.zTUESDA~YSi EPTEMBER: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i 1 DIAMO II. NDS WATCHES HALLE K'S 69ewe/erj TO THE STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Score of Libraries, Service Divisions 11 10 )4 Years: 1858 to 19( We welcome the Old Students and invite the New Students to our store, located just North of Main Campus. 1. University - near Hill Audito COL...…

September 11, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 1) • Page Image 59

…Y,SEPTEMBER 11, 1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY rovide Basic Features o Universit Edu The scope of the library ranges' from Columbus' discovery to about 1835. The library contains about 36,000 books, 200,000 manuscripts, and some 25,000 maps. "The material in the Clements Library is used by textbook writ- ers and biographers, and histor- ians in general who produce the secondary source books," Howard Peckham, director of the Clements Library explained. ...…

September 11, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 1) • Page Image 60

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY CA] 'US BIKE SHOP-514 East William TO CLASS THIS FALL HONORS PROGRAM: Plan Offers Broad Education ConvoReaffirms Scholastics '4- e time on Michigan's vast campus SI 3 uILwii 95 Fast and easy-riding . . with 10-speed g e a r s, lightweight whee ls, racing equipment, choice of Schwinn radiant col- ors. Famous Schwinn Quality in a bike that's really fun to ride! By DENISE WACKER Shortly after the Soviet Union success...…

September 11, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 1) • Page Image 61

….4 11395f THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIV 11. 962 ~lE ICHGAN AILYPAGEFIV UNIVERSITY RESEARCH: U.S. Sponsors Experiments (Continued from Page 1) terns. In particular its surveys of voter attitudes have been acclaim- ed for their consistent accuracy. The, group dynamics center is interested primarily in group be- havioral problems and the inter- action of individuals within the group. One of its efforts last year was a comprehensive study on t...…

September 11, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 1) • Page Image 62

…FAGE SMt THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, ACTIVITIES INCLUDE MEDICAL RADIATION, LEGAL ASPECTS: Phoenix Memorial Project Studies Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy (Continued from Page 1) T the hopes for the peaceful Use of the atom when they return to their homelands. Broad Influence- The project has attained a broad interdisciplinary influence, as well as its international effects, for research has been conducted in fields including...…

September 11, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 1) • Page Image 63

…CULTURE SECTION Si4r i anP :4IaiI t CULTURE SECTION Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIII, No. I ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1962 SIX PAGES Museum, Library Exhibit Art PHILIP SUTIN t".":.}r-:; ;::.: <......:rN.. , Exhibitions from permanent collections will greet the returning and new student as he looks through the galleries of, the Uni- versity's art museum and- Under- graduate Library. In the west galler...…

September 11, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 1) • Page Image 64

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY. SI EP7 I _1I i II 11 wid0 at the University Presented by, THE UNIVERSITY MUSICAL SOCIETY 1962-63 CHORAL UNION SERIES 11 I 111 DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA . PAUL PARAY, Conductor "LA TRAVIATA" (Verdi) . . . . . . GOLDOVSKY GRAND OPERA THEATER FRENCH NATIONAL ORCHESTRA . . CHARLES MUNCH, Conductor UDAY SHANKAR HINDU DANCE CO. (2:30) Sunday, October 7 'Marching', Symphonic Bands at'U' Stepping through thei...…

September 11, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 1) • Page Image 65

…THE MIChIGAN DAILY Playbill Offers Drama, Opera SAB Rents Art Prints- IRE INSTRUMENTS - The Stearns Collection of rare instru- mts is explainedby its curator, Prof. Warner, in a lecture given the summer. Instruments from East and West, of varying ages' d purposes, are housed in it. ill Aud Stearns Collection isplays Music Instruments 4v ____________________ By ROBERT SELWA Societies throughout the ages have treated their musical instru- me...…

September 11, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 1) • Page Image 66

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY r}.il_ f r rte}, }. J!. ! ' v $" ........... nv.y},r,.: rr.vcv''.vv r ::SA+aMSla{ :: ::i t 2/12If come 0to Mir oAt07 anito 2aniell 4flwe4 LONGINES THE WOR LD'S-At.WATCH ~5A ~ c4 We will be honored to show you our collection of ADMIRALS, explain the extra protection. of its seamless, one-piece case. There are both' hand-wind and self-*inding models priced from $89.50 to $175. Er 'i. I AT UGLI: Offer Records, Tapes The U...…

September 11, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 1) • Page Image 67

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY It; discount records You Know Your Student Registration Card Cost Money but . .. Did You Know It's WORTH h AONEY* I Ii - - - - - - - - - IiL COME IN DISCOUNT RECORDS, INC., while maintaining a consistent year 'round low discount price on 0 You'll find COMPLETE inventories (not just the best sellers-olthough we have those too) phonograph records, has continued a high standard of record shop operation. on all available r...…

September 11, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 1) • Page Image 68

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, S t:i ___E.__ ICHIGAN DAILY TU. v .EDY. SET}F x02Y uc.a Ja, a:w 1962 FALL SEMESTER 1 nema ild 10 ams Thursday and Friday at 7 and 9 EXCEPT WHERE NOTED Saturday EXCEPT and Sunday at 7and 9 F WHERE NOTED I I SEPTEMBER 13, 14 Emlyn Williams' NIGHT MUST FALL OCTOBER 20, 21 Truffaut's THE 400 BLOWS . . Rosalind Russell, Robert Montgomery, Dame May Whitty. A horror classic. SEPTEMBER 15, 16 BLACKBOARD ...…

September 11, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 1) • Page Image 69

…PUBLICATIONS SECTION Y L Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom :43 a t I PUBLICATIONS SECTION VOL. LXXIII, No. 1 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1962 FOUR PAGES s S c s THE MICHIGAN DAILY is the voice of the University, the link be- tween thousands of otherwise dispersed readers. Six days a week it presents the local and national news, plus reviews on local movies and plays, and its famous editorials. Entirely student-r...…

September 11, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 1) • Page Image 70

…THE MICHTIGAN DAII.V 'l'TIi CX'l"t i 7kt C^+ "1YYl 1MYY aMYtiwwr rm... TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 GENERA TION' Students Print Art Magazine Since Generation was foundeday in 1949, it has changed its format and content many times in a con- stant effort to fulfil its role of campus inter-arts magazine. Each year Generation staff members try not to turn out a purely literary magazine, but one X with plastic art, music and the dance also represente...…

September 11, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 1) • Page Image 71

…R 11 1962 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ZEj THREI £nsian Guards Campus Memories I ~ ... For Each Year's Graduating Class By ROBERT SELWA Better 'n ever. That's the watchword of a group of nostalgic-minded students who gather daily in an office on the first floor of the Student Pub- lications Building to prepare the 1963 Michiganensian. "We aim to continue modern- izing the book," comments 'Ensian managing editor Linda Joel, '63. Cites Improv...…

September 11, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 1) • Page Image 72

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tlr7V..CTtA'V' CT T +x rtc+n r 'I'TTL aT~ A ~1 JuEjh~J.rn.L, aErkLLVWJEJ 11 610 r~6 40 fO 4p 0 pO fP% 04046, 00* ; Ce, p (p . y4(0% hers 4 a I v1 For Every Course on the Michigan Campus BOOK RACK This beautiful piece is roomy enough to keep your favorite books easily acces- sible. Holds up to 35 books. 27"H x 20"W x 12"D e D i Sweat Shirts Tee Shirts Jackets RECORD TABLE Holds Largest pho- niograph with. am...…

September 11, 1962 (vol. 9, iss. 0) • Page Image 73

…" " " N %01 -w a- w LUJ w w a w a 0 " * 1 0 Z 0 4 ,,.."..- 00 I - - >- a o Z t Jo-0)0 1 O Zd a Q+ O NO y p-+ 4. 00 - L T-O-4- .O -on ,C0 0C - 00 > 40 -C .- 7 U 014- -W 4,0 E 0 0- O -C C) 0)bkA0-0 14- t a o u o U OC . C CN v uiy" T .t- 0S D - N ON t- t Qot C 0 - N s NCy 0- f 1 Q u ' +- Q7 L 4S-n -Ca w N 1 °~ °a 0 p d-.0 NO SOZ -o ; -ia c 0 o 4 0a 1 Z. S 0v. t ::3 0 t 1 V t ' a-- ' -^' ). % ? C LI tC 0-4'3,;2CUO!-: L …

September 11, 1962 (vol. 9, iss. 0) • Page Image 74

…Ca~ n CD H" C Cp1 S CD .C C D + C D n CD'.CDCD CD c+0 C rO CD C D ci(D CD 2 rc. ro D t o~t o c C O m zn Ol D CD r '1 ,v z i ectCD am 1CD ' -*. ~' :4 a m0as mart 0D CD : n a'c o r 0 + o P c D.r Q ca O CD ~ 0 ' ci-CD0p C+~ p C ~ CLCD R. 1. ~ p t :j ~CD - CD 1 :3cD o CD CD~ C+I (D " pi CD C + -t4 -. C+ D CD O D c+ Q - a o0 q c C CDr+" PiCD C CD 0 -Ip O COtrn0 g Dt I-I 0 DCD CrD (0 +CD 0 o rA C 4 ~~90 CL C pCD CDp o ci- 1 CD b (~oD t 'tN e O...…

September 11, 1962 (vol. 9, iss. 0) • Page Image 75

… <.. a v ,...S -x'--t '"1I-IV I'll -.:-y-g - - .. T ' .. :.. Awl av- ,t- The Creator of Yoknapatawpha and its People Is Dead; Future Students Will Receive The Reivers - Faulkner's Last: UNIFORM EDUCATIC As Institutionallizati* By ARTHUR KINNEY FEW LIVING AMERICAN writers have the breadth of vision that is Wil- liam Faulkner's. In the decline and fall of the Sartorises and the Compsons he has been uncompromisingly tragic;,in San...…

September 11, 1962 (vol. 9, iss. 0) • Page Image 76

…r .....i "".. . . .i 1"... " r.. .y . 4.... . . a . t .Y .., u ... ,.. ... .. .. ,. . -r -W7 LOOKING AT THE CAMPUS THROUGH THE EYES General Library windows. By JOSEPH WILLS DURING FOUR YEARS of undergrad- uate life at the University, a uniquely architectural insight can be - actively nurtured along with the other faculties of learning and studying. Its importance lies in the general interest students are encouraged to take in art and th...…

September 11, 1962 (vol. 9, iss. 0) • Page Image 77

… w ~ A F R"'-3- - LSA%, Graduate and Professional Schools Are Blocked Of f from Each Other by ACADEMIC WALLS By GERALD STORCH TOO MANY students at the University exist in a sort of academic vacuum. At the present time, for instance, it is entirely possible that a student in one field of work may never meet and get to know an individual within anoth- er campus unit. A student enrolled in the music school may be totally unac- quainted with an...…

September 11, 1962 (vol. 9, iss. 0) • Page Image 78

….......... Michigan Education FIGHTING FEMALES: A History of Women's MICHIGAN is perhaps unique among the states when it comes to educa- tion. History will show that no state has fought so hard to establish and retain a really independent system of higher education, yet no state has been so ma- ligned for its efforts. The arrangment is simple, and it has been this way for over a century. The University is governed by the Regents, a body of...…

September 11, 1962 (vol. 9, iss. 0) • Page Image 79

…0 0 O1 0 .. V P.. *a a V V~ I) 0o~ O'- Cs p4 4- 4-( W . ~C p4 - 41 + 43 *Cd 0 b 0 Val 02E)to8 44y a ~ ~ o' . 0 cv a -, cd > t N x Os 0 'O +?4 Sbn43to 4-;) . cad . i-, ~4.-G >) 0 s, r 0 c d -- 4 w 3 ;., 430 (U~ 0 4-') o I 0 r cd a i t G .> 0 0 4 c *bk T A ..CO O i4 O -4040y, b 0 0 to Q? 0 -4 a .. U vs 43 w) Q0 <C) 0 0 .44 b0 0) 0) 0 0 4V Os C) 0) 0 4-D vo 0 0) CH TA to W4 ,3 4-' - 4 U 4,> -4U)0) s 4-)s ocu 0ab 0 ) W to b to 0 D r U - 0...…

September 11, 1962 (vol. 9, iss. 0) • Page Image 80

…-~ - - ~ - - - - - - _______________ ___ -w- .~ - U -1w . ,:1. . Extemporaneous f olksings" on the Diag relax a studyin' m Sloshing water cascades over the serene statues in the fountain near the League. Formal and. In formal Music- Balance the UGLI's Silence The building boom. The Sounds of an Active Campus m Cool or classical, organ music fills many bills Undercurrent conversations and rustling paper provide background for con...…

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