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March 11, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 114) • Page Image 1

…N I , 4fttrl t a &titjx ASSOCIATED PRESS AY AND) NIGT WIRE SERVICE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1920. PRICE THREE CENTS h DUE [HEAO3 r _ _ UNIV 'v OF ATION BLARES 10,000,000 People ates Who Cannot -Dr. Jessup in BY Associated Press) t, March 10.-Bolshevism andj dical doctrines are .flourish- certain parts of this country of the large number of it- William S. Jessup, president JnivArsity of Iowa, told the1 ty of Mic...…

March 11, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 114) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY i - F THE [GAN 'GMonday f Student ring the Univer- lications. F THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ss is exclusively entitled to the use for dispatches credited to it or not otherwise d the local news published therein. office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second ier or mail, $3.50. Press building, Maynard street. oo words, if signed, the sig- print, but as an evidence of ublished in The Daily atthe rmailed to The Daily office. eno con...…

March 11, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 114) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ . . .. ". . . . , .:. .. . .. - - . . . ". .. . ., ."" .. _ . . ._ - .,. . . .,. ,. ... ... ,. ,. .. , . . . .. .. . ." .. . . ... ., :" . . . . . .. ,. .. """- ., . .. DES WITH INDIANA ND OHIO RLDSE SEASON that the Hoosiers are weak by reason of the pitiful showing they have made in their last few games. .Although the Indiana outfit defeated Mather's team 22 to 9, in the initial Conference INTENSIVE DRILL FOR CHIC...…

March 11, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 114) • Page Image 4

…s ; THE MICHIGAN DAILY ^THU "- -- , I 4 MIHIIGAN DAILY SUPPLEMENT EthURN DATE VE THOMAS INights and Shadows" ...::......... ,. r } Martin; Edward H, '23, 6o9 E. University. Chicago. 1014-J. 'McBain, Hughtston Mi, '23, 6z5 Monroe. Grand Rapids. 2106-M., Mead, Henry R, '23, 425 S. Division. Omner. 156;-J. Mchlman, I J, '20M, E 715 L. Catherine. Toledo, 0. 751-J.I Meiss, Edwin R, '23, 437 Maynard. Cincinnat, 0. 2707-WV. 1 MeIyerfeld, Wil...…

March 11, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 114) • Page Image 5

…1HE MICHIGAN DAILY *TIMES TODAY Dalton 'ORPHEUM THEATRE 2:00. 3:30. 7:00, 8:30. 10:00 Thurs-Fri--11-12-Frank Mayo in "The Brute Breaker" with a news and comedy. Sat-13-Eugene O'Brien in "Broken Melody" with a screen magazine and comedy. Sun-Mon-14-15-Nazimova in "Eye for Eye"j (return dafe). Tues-ed-16- 17-Madlaine Traverse in "The Hell Ship" with a Mutt and Jeff cartoon comedy and Craig Kennedy stories. .t1 Thurs-Fri-18- 19-MonroetSalis...…

March 11, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 114) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THUR$DAY _-- vG ON I 00-Mieh.-Chicago track meet Waterman gymnasium. in 'HURSDAY liurch committee meets LI. Epsilon dinner on third practice in Uni- meets at the Un- ts who were formerly f the seventh and eighth f the Michigan Naval Mil- at the Union. viu meets in practice n, Law building. y club meets in Sarah club meets in eeting of the Saginaw club, on floor of Union. eeting of the Johnson-for- .eift club at the ...…

March 11, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 109) • Page Image 1

…THE WEATHER FAIR; CONTINUED COLD TODAY g gi*t an VOL. XXXI. No. 109. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 1921. t ARD FOCUSES ATETINUPON FOREIGN FFIRS MEXICAN, RHINE, AND CENTRALt AMERICAN MATTERSl CONSIDERED PRESIDENT TO PICK , AMBASSADORS SOON1 Byron T. Herrick May Go to France;t Harry L. Wilson Mentioned for Italian Post Washington;, March 10. - As the new administration settles down to a working basis both President Harding and hi...…

March 11, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 109) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MARCH 11, IMI. ,. OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Published every morning except Monday during the Univer sity year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published therein. Entered at the...…

March 11, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 109) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY w. t. a A"x h f 'r, . Cr rfit Weight Men Workout on Ferry Field i MENHURL, DISCUS HAMMR JAVELIN Squad Begins Intensive Preparation for Indoor Conference and California Meets 1i O SQUAD LEAVING FOR M. A. C. CARNIVAL For more than a week weight men' on the Varsity track squad have been working out on Ferry field. Undaunt- ed by the snappy weather and a wet muddy field, a half dozen athletes have been out throwing the...…

March 11, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 109) • Page Image 4

…T RE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, j. A______________________V__________________________________ a i1 Ineering Building Has Arc Lights cording to Prof. H. H. Higbie, of the e'cury are lamps have recently electrical engineering department. If found to be -generally successful intaled ginrooms 325 and 331these lights will be adopted for the the engineering building by the drawing rooms of the proposed new dings and grounds department. engineering ...…

March 11, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 109) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY JIll FAVIRING HEALTH %NffICIALS PROGRESSINS ... ~ ,...... a WILL ALSO PROVIDE FOR STATE ADVISORY COUNCIL AND FULL TIME SALARIES Lansing, March 10-Representative George H. Townsend's bill to provide for the creation of a state advisory council of health and for the appoint- 'ment of county health officers in all counties of the state at fixed, full time salaries, will be reported out favorably by the house health committee...…

March 11, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 109) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY r t U--- oud! 7!ecipe To slake Romance iat is heralded to be a good recipe romance, "The Florist's Shop," be presented at the Women's te party at 4 o'clock this after- in Barbour gymnasium. One r shop, filled with blooming s and inhabited by a match mak- poet bookkeeper, forms the nu- around which the plot is laid. nid, talkative old maid, a bache- who is classified as being both -headed and a "human savings ," the pro...…

March 11, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 109) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Vi AT THE THEATERS TODAY Screen Majestic - "The Kentuckians," wit~h Monte Blue. Universal comedy, "Tee Time," and Pathe News. Arcade- Dorothy Gish in "The Ghost in the Garret." Com- edy, "Ain't Love Grand." News film and a Bray comic. Wuerth-Elaine Hammerstein in "The Pleasure Seekers." Van- ity Fair Maids comedy and Pathe Review. Orpheum-Charlie Ray in "Peace- ful Valley." Christie com- edy "A Homespun Hero," and Inte...…

March 11, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 109) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ' IIIiIWMIII ..YIIyI I A -- r YIW/ Y W - .... Y I. _.-.. ... ". . -~1* DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Volume I FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 1921. Number 109. Men's Educational Club: The program for the next meeting of the Educational Club will con- sist of reports of the recent Atlantic City Convention of thp N. E. A. by Professors A. S. Whitney, Guy M. Whipple, and J. B. Edmonson. Attention is called to the fact that the meeting wi...…

March 11, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

…1 tr igan Sat t- 7AI V . ANN ARBOR, MICHIGIN, SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 1922 PRIC C [ Group Discussions, Modeled After Oxford Plan, Will Begin Next Week Group discussions, modeled on the of the speakers to a far greater ex- Oxford .discussion} group plan, will be tent than they are able to express started next week by the Union. The themselves in a class room. universal approbation given the idea All initiative is going to rest with by the stu...…

March 11, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 116) • Page Image 2

…OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNI'VERSITY OF MICHIGAN Published every morning except Monday during the University ar by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively' entitled to the use for publication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise edited in this paper and the local newt published therein.- Entered at the postoflce at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second ass mat...…

March 11, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 116) • Page Image 3

… nent Student Directory NUMBER THREE D 25, 332 E. Jefferson. Jackson, 2096-M J., '25E, 903 Mary. Jackson, 2375-W 'nold, '24, 514 Thompson. Marion, 1505 E '22D. 523 Packard, 2866-M 22P, 914 Hill. Barrien Springs, 237 5 E. Ann. Detroit. 1288-3 er C., '23, 715 S. State. Indianapolis, Ind., 72-W D., '25, 1318 Forest Ct., Pueblo, Colo., 542-J ., '24, 1708 Geddes. Detroit, 2888-M '23, 804 E. Monroe. Sandusky, O., 1114-W F '25M, 808 Packard. Roches...…

March 11, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 116) • Page Image 4

… L \ , _,rs , Sn. J ! t1 Y + y ' f * y " w-I s " /t "' '' A 1 1. . _. ,: w ..... ,4.. _..... ........_ ,. _.,.. .. ___ - .- ass toques from Daily Lost something? A Classified Ad In dv. The Daily will find it for you.-Adv. .** *0** Intramural Items The Intramural department has set aside definite periods on Monday night, during which the fraternities that have entered the foul shooting contest will have an opportunity to pick their ...…

March 11, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 116) • Page Image 5

…g completed a suc- 11 season several basketball team are their faces to the Mike Paper, the his season's quintet, earance and is han- mid-season fashion pected that several the 1921-22 basket within the next few Fisher gave the pitchers al erday afternoon and several pper games were waged by d aspirants. After an hour If of this work the coach as- the infielders for a lively scooping up grounders from i's fungo.1 xious to Get Outdoors ntinued...…

March 11, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 116) • Page Image 6

…,C _____________ ______________ i YOU WILL DO BETTER -AT- LEMBLE'S 530 FOREST AVE. Menu THREE PH I 5 0 It Breakfast Grapefruit Corntlakes Wheat Cakes Postuin lunch Boston Baked Beans Coffee PressedHam Coldslaw Rolls Apple Jelly Coffee Tea ONE NUMB NEED WHAT IT .rEANS Dinner Herring Soup Braised Pork Chops Candied Sweet Potatoes Celery Cream Peas SE THIS IS Apple Pie Coffee Cheese Ider Roast.21c 'orn Flakes.... Roasts . . ...…

March 11, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 116) • Page Image 7

….. W Xomen Kappa Alpha Theta house will hold a bridge tea at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon for the benefit of the Wo- men's league. Tables can be obtained for $3 or 75 cents a person by call- ing to reserve them. Chaperones for dances over the weel end are: 'Union-Miss Martha, Hills; Armory-Mrs. H. G. Berger; Packard-Mrs. H. B. Lazell. All women who wish to submit a drawing for the permanent pin for the -Michigan league should complete their dra...…

March 11, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 116) • Page Image 8

…Desiabl Sea Desirallk Seats wr . ." rraf "'ice SI IAL BULLETIN antil 3:30 p. m. , (11:80 a. m. Saturdays.) IURDAY, MARCH 11, 1922 Number 116 ing of the Senate Council In the President's office rch 13. R. W. BUNTING, Secretary. the University Senate will be on Monday, March Law building. embers, of the Directors of the Michigan Union, 1 of Athletics. Committee on University Extension Lectures. e Professors Beman, Bogle, and Van Zwal...…

March 11, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 117) • Page Image 1

… i THE WEATHER PROBABLY AIB TODAY ppF dL Ap -A- -.A6- t VTOL XXXIII. No. 117 20 PAGES ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 11.1923 20 PAGES PRICE FIVE CEO BROESBECK WILL SPEAK MARCH 13 ' ,t4LBER OF LEGISllATURE WLL BE THlE GUESTS OF BUJRTONI VISITORS PROGRAM ENDS WITH DINNER AT UNION L~egislators will Bie Accommodated Ini Parlous Fraterultkes and Dormitories 'Houston To Speak DIA~ APOEFO IIUpfl .Journalists To At Peace Meeting1111fUlLVUl...…

March 11, 1923 • Page Image 1

…SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIG AN, SUNDAY, MARCH 11, 1923 INDIVIDUALITY IN NEGRO MUSIC A feature of the modern vaudeville NORMAND LOCKWOOD It has been said that the national is very often a gleeful negro "rat- music of America lies not necessarily tling the bones" or going through the in the .old negro songs but in the contortions of some sort of pantom- songs was he able to impart the con- rail workers should adopt their own western music....…

March 11, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 117) • Page Image 2

…TE MICHIGAN DAILY. _____ K . , .N y r66ii44LL~i6. strttcianoffredby, ny coleg inI iture generations will resemble very Yized as the foremost thinker on or- !Michiga n men in that city vll be re- Ma gidsohn, 1lE, former varity foot-t en under the d Y ILL. America on this subject. little the teeth of the present genera- thdltatdy"et.blstrisnchgefthaar Poe fte ______- - Pe idtMainIL. 3urion will be clege, speaking aof the a ppintmner t coitno...…

March 11, 1923 • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SITNIIAY, MARlCH 11, 1.23 The Breviary of Decadence 'While vra tility ws repr1esented by men 0 t the prodigious ene g of Albert and Leonardo it. was by no t ineans vain, ut when 'soall spits0 attenmpted all things, spold all thngsp and blittled all thngs thentve stlit iy led to deadence." This froni o-tsf aoni Panini, an Italian and one o1 thea clearest. thinkers that it hs bn imys lock to find. Bearing tis stat...…

March 11, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 117) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY i [A Z CJ EINDUSTRIAL GROUPS TO Do College Women Fear Mice? P NTERKOIS[EGM[S "Anything like the sound of a rat from a delicious bit of cheese. It was ..r..-Hfig M ETINCUMakes my heart go pit-a-pat an old trick; noting new or original Delt0,111a stuad Chi Orega itr, said Robert Browning. And so it i in it, but the foolish mouse, knowing In T Tourney MA>F FIRST A fEAtRANE IN with college women. A girlcan face nothing of that...…

March 11, 1923 • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY, MiARCH 11, 1823 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE, THREE~ Conservatism Rampant The cl-anipus seemi~ s- ti e esperien- sing' a revival of initerest in literature. LISLE ROSE tiesc poets themselees laugh at. Our valiant cruadrs.cif thaevsdid isissiises 'nl1 liedl itpjl b e ti.Is"uiir rmovils itself of a am- realism; snlttis ('its' a lit'e'en Iae m slin themsselves somewhat is at is the Itraditional healthy sign, erous ileri(es: loe-eolor,'a...…

March 11, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 117) • Page Image 4

…Tfi'bIE MICHIGAN DAILY ________ tinall overdraw, through not know- 7.: ,...., t 1 tit j ng the anmount of money which they __________________-' have on deposit, seem:;, inexcusable. O S EI OFFICIAL hEWSP. PER OF THLE With the expenditure of but a few, ?UNIVERSITY OF 'MICHIGAN minutes each week, anyone can know ,F Published every morning except Mondayexclho he tad nacII during t eUniversity fear by theoBoard i11 The person having such knowl...…

March 11, 1923 • Page Image 4

…PAGE F'OUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 11, 192 Memoirs Of An Ambassador If we except a few periods within Reviewed by WILLIAM HERBERT HOBBS I nothing, reding nothing, saying noth- which literature has semdt to have ing-ony thinking. Some times he anr unusutal efflorescence, books which Unitet sdqt of M~ic itt. I couli stay ot' an hour; not infre- are destined to go down to posterity . qunty ic wood renain till two, as distinct actitevemen...…

March 11, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 117) • Page Image 5

…iT IfJL MICHIGAN DAILY I4HE MICHGAN DAIL - f]~ V sus.- _ "...,. , , - ,_ U . -r . _ 'Ti, q A ,. - ! ! I__ +6 /' -. ,'- r -rrrr r r4 e ~ rrirrr E' I" I' FFERED1 BY A NYV THEATR~E IN A-N .fit ;1i .Oll VI'NlFPY.INC'LUD)ING, I)EATOIT. IF' YOU ARE 511 PI'N(i FORl ENTERTlA INM31ENT, II EA ) EVEIRV WORD1 o1" ilS I Al1). I.n e Comm ening Today! i t '. -JE i in his very latest feature-- ~Aiii~ i' . 4 I f . U lsi.Do you think anyone but...…

March 11, 1923 • Page Image 5

…SUNDAY, MARCH 11, 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIBS Ri p c M rion ttes serious development are inherent, no0 future is concerned I think motion L 1C4Iariettes doubt, but are as yet totally unrealiz- pictres ave inherent artistic poten- ed. tialities and it seems-to me a kind of AGA 'WINTERS The greatest art is tat wich pas motion picture opera is not beyond te the least. The great orchestras, opera boundsi of possibility. There is a otat in te...…

March 11, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 117) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY %"- W..U.L U.U.U.U.U. NIP. ...,.... .d..... r /""' ,. ,_ . ... 0 9 21 a A r OW -- s t IESHMEN IMPR OV STRACK TRAHRL But Two of Past Week's Mark Bettered by Yearling Runners DER 1NDIVIDUAL STAR; BEAN FURNISHES SURPRISE eatured by improvement in th fmile, mile, two mile, low hurdleti high jump over the results of 5e events in the first trials held las k, the second Freshman track Is were conducted yesterday in Wa ...…

March 11, 1923 • Page Image 6

…LAGqE Six " Il THE MICHIGAN DAILY IRTJNDAY, 3MARSS. t.I1-94123 .. . ~ h ENCORE IN AM\'ERICAN', o Twl illhaveeto fall tack on tte ko'le' i bt ounavoidale eplitiet FIN IEltS, By John iV. A. Weaver. "proiing". C ertain it is tat the Alfred Knopf anid Comipany. Reviewed blit'Liste Rose l(i t grat ;t nly potilrltetal s. he I 1ave0long l1o)011f(1 101' 01"50oet writer o1tho fist rank:. Iiiorder to abile to interp~retimaloginativly theti Ilo h...…

March 11, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 117) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY . BHIVI INTRG the gymnasium are as follows: White,' F sYB s b M Snider, Feinsinger and Pressnell on; eam1111,Unyone Rockwell, frown A warded Numerals For Work KTIA L Fa TEn N TY BILkIiFh onCoach Ray Fisher, freshm an bas- exception of M orgaridge, a center, and kzthi mo n vna tir nnnl n d t Bumnus, a forward. (Continued from Page Six) Fingerle, cross country 'numeral MR E STOR TIISP winner, and "Coach Hahn's ace in the...…

March 11, 1923 • Page Image 7

…SUN DAY, MARCH 11, 192:3 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PACE SEfVEN his unromantic puritan nature, she left hin, a sou-weeary girt who had searrctedtfor loe ttotttttit, ani hat been defeated in the batte to retain it. Manin, cold-blooedtAnglo-Saxon though h wa's,roldi not endure the heartachte of her tesetion, anti plea- ed wittt ter to r~tr, ttt Sonyt tas ta'sted ofteotup of Life--atttfoutit it Iittetr. Se trried te motiste. Ani Yeirtta a lst reseto ...…

March 11, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 117) • Page Image 8

…, _ TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNXDAY,IM A] 40 - _..-. DAILY OFFICIAL .BULLETIN (Continued on Page Twelve) f __- LA UNCH FIRS T GO VERNMENT, GIL .v t Senate Council: On account o the impending visit of :the State Legislature and tlhe ne- cessity of perfecting plans to receive them, the Senate Council nmeeting scheduled for Monday atternooz, March 12,. will be postponed until further notice: Mv. L BURTON. The , jdyerslty sevate: *The thi...…

March 11, 1923 • Page Image 8

…PAh EIGHT THE MIC~iGAN DAILY SUNDAY; MARCH 11, -1923 M EM O IRS O F ii l11lIHii m n u nI111111Unnlnililllll itn11111111RlII g11111111311Ii1111111111 U111I lla ilnilling WALTER PAGE - (Continued from Page Scven) t, she objection arose that such a ylsatwould not be neutral. "The President's address to thew s I D E A L S &nate, wliseh was received t t ay sasary 5 Itt), shows that he thstnks lc can pray peace-maker. He does rats ay eaem(kr. Ihe so...…

March 11, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 117) • Page Image 9

…Section Two. Y AA.4 at l Section Two VOL. XXXIII. No. 117 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 11, 192 PRICE FIVE CENTS i MICHIAN PLAGES HI6H AT CAPITAL Dis More ht Government Posts Thai Any Other Single Institution 3 CAMPU111S STYLE TO )EMANI) MEN IN I{NICKEltBOCKERS Knickerbockers will be more I lpopular for the men at Mich- igan this year than ever before, in the opinion of State street clothier';. Knickers are more comfortable, r...…

March 11, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 117) • Page Image 10

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY -- SUNDAY, .MAI SNDAY SERIES IN ANN ARBOR CHURCHESI! r((1oT1 kuu11d U ( iNoPse Nine) moning. 'The Student Bible discus- s101.1 grup will menet at 9:30 o'clock ~k Haris h I Rv. lohn Groton, of ie ci i ~ if(' . tII1 Siio r, JClliii- town,Penl'fl. will give th1e ul~rliflg il' iiad Scrf:ofl at 10:30 o' clock. ,i.t he St. Vai; ,L tu{'1;"eran curch,I Rev. Carl A. Brauer will deliver a, ser- mon on "The Sacredness of the Gos- p...…

March 11, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 117) • Page Image 11

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY; MARCH 11, 192,3'- --: ,, , . MEMOIRS OF r _ WALTER PAGE r (Continued from Page Seven) Lien, the objection arose that such a yvsit would not be neutral.- - "The President's address to the ;.D E A EL S Senate, which was received today I E - (January 16th), shows that he thinks he can pioy peace-maker. He doesErhv not at all understand, (or, if he does Every man worthy of the name has an ideal. It may be servic...…

March 11, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 117) • Page Image 12

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 11, 1923, SUNDAY, MARCH 11, 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY I PAGE TwO i ._ . The Breviary of Decadence "While versatility was represented ROBERT LOCKE heasvertaken by the apparition. by men of the prodigious energy of "The bulldog woman was-in front lbert and Leonardo it was by no t t ocepr'of him and, grotesque and woeful, Albet ad Lonado t ws b nothe flute, at once sugary-and peppery, trip to London. An...…

March 11, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 117) • Page Image 13

… "qw w .. . - . .. t. PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 11, 1923 SUNDAY, MARCH 11, 1923 THE MICHIGAN DAILY FAG PA( Memoirs Of An Ambassador Burnett's Marionettes If we except a few periods within! which literature has seemd to have' an unusual efflorescence, books which! are destined to go down to posterity as distinct achievements in the field of letters have made their appearance at rather long intervals. An eminen...…

March 11, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 117) • Page Image 14

….. .,. - - -_ _ lw w )'AGE~ SIR x THE MICHIGAN DAILY ! SUNDAY, MAR M, ; j, n2 SUND AY, IMARCH 11, X923 THsriE MICHIGAN DAILY- PAGD THI - I . - . - I - , I I . . . 1 . _ - 44- 1- ; , I . I I . - . - 11 . I I - . "B"O 4 K .N ENCORE IN AMERICAN' FINERS. By Johni V. A. Weaver. Alfred Knopf and Company. Reviewed by Lisle Rose work wmill have to fall back on the hackneyed -but unavoidable epithet promising". Certain it is that t...…

March 11, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 117) • Page Image 15

…THE MICHIGAN DAiLY _.... .. _ .T JTo r.- _ I. (Cotninued from Page Nine) Orpheum George Eliot's "Silas Marner"; comes here on Sunday for the openingI attraction. The portrayal of the char- acters of Eliot's novel is effected in I the .sincerest and most human ways possible. The role of Silas Marner is, handled by Crauford Kent. Little Helen Rowland plays the waif*he findsi asleep on his hearth after the loss 'f his gold. Anders Randolp...…

March 11, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 117) • Page Image 16

…i THE MICHIGAN DAILY wr..:h: l" _ ... Try Our Bnsiuc~s Mcii's Lunch JAILY OFFICIAL B'ULLETIN I 'iibllcatton In the Bulletin Is constructive notice to all members of e Voiversity. Copy received iintt1. 30 . Dm. (11:30 a. m. Saturda.V) irllale yi SUNDAY,3MARC'H 11, 1931Number 117 CALLED TOO OLD TO 'TE NCHIAT 50, C ONVIN UES AT 77 i .er is sIm'rilit('i'U for the summer lot the produftion, has announced the school. 'beginning of the ticket...…

March 11, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 118) • Page Image 1


March 11, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 118) • Page Image 2

…,: Of Round-wWorld'Flight SECRETARIES' All classes that have not yet ap- inted their alumni secretaries "ould do so immediately, urges Wil- edFJ Shaw, general secretary of the urnni. association. Mr. Shaw has recently spoken at etings of the law, engineering and erary senior classes and after point- g o'ut the desirability of. an eatrly ction of alumfni oficials in the var- us classes there, the ecretaries were etdin these- ,classes. TV...…

March 11, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 118) • Page Image 3

…z s A/ X{ C DETROIT MEN TO JUJOSE SWIMMING MEET HERE, H1OUSE~S 'ETER RELAY TEAMIS IN FIRST ALL-CAMPUS CON- TEST Charles D. Lynch, of Detroit. presi- dent of the Michigan Amateur Athletic associati~on of the U~nted States, Charles H. Blrennan, chairman of the swimminig comittee of the A. A. U. and George Graves, president of the Detroit A. A. U., will be the judg'es' In the first all-campus swlmnming meet to be held at 4 o'clock Thursday f...…

March 11, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 118) • Page Image 4

…-C 1 1L lvllt.l ll*a -'I . --1. . to h ar s at o W M on a conIo' I E 1 t e m any other stations on the air: , _____________-there was too mach interfere nce . The A T R L AL ~E8FPEJR F UEDaily itself, has to resort to einerg - [VERSITY OFMCIA ency measures to get the scores, SFNI through the thicket of speeches, A Ot Lced every morning except' Monday d (ance-misic, and opera.CA BE he University year by the Board in of Student Publications. Th...…

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