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February 11, 1952 • Page Image 1

… '' J -HOP 4r £irtipMn U EXTRA I . , , , rI--% p~D;-. A nr onr; YneilC~ I Mondnav Februnrv 11. 1952 ~rce-t u""yra u"u r tiv .4i +x f e cv. uu. r . . r ...,..... 2, Li orUt t< SEE STORIES, PICTURES, NAMES-SECTION TWO *.* * * * * Four thousand strong, University students and their guesc' glided to the tunes of Charlie Spivak (above) and Johnny Long in the midst of a tropical wonderland. Some got autographs, others listened, everyone...…

February 11, 1952 (vol. 58, iss. 0) • Page Image 1

…J-HOP EXTRA Monday, February 11, 1952 Price: A Dime or a DoI1at SEEND-HOP SEE STORIES, PICTURES, NAMES-SECTION TWO Four thousand strong, University students and their guests glided to the tunes of Charlie Spivak (above) and Johnny Long in the midst of a tropical wonderland. Some got autographs, others listened, everyone danced. …

February 11, 1952 • Page Image 2

…Page Two T HE MI CH IGA N D A ILY Monday. Februorv 11 195 CAMPUS HIT BYaarky ells- Worlds Clash IIt's nothing really, in the over- all makeup of the spheres." That is how Professor Dan M. Malarky, of the philosophy depart- **Bment, modestly describes the im- ,_7By ERASMUS DOOLINGLE portance of his life works. +The axe has fallen.* A' '" - " U'nder the searching probe of BTTOEwoko rfs S's""""' th House Tn-MidwesternrActivi- sor Malarky say t...…

February 11, 1952 (vol. 58, iss. 0) • Page Image 2

…Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY M nl~ d ntr Fb a 11d Pn e way,oe Fruary i , IA95A2 CAMPUS HIT ByMalarky eIls- PWorlds Clash "It's nothing really, in the over- al makeup of the spheres." VESTIG TIONS That is how Professor Dan M. Malarky, of the philosophy depart- ment, modestly describes the im- By ERASMUS DOOLINGLE portance of his life works. S . The axe has fallen. tUnder the searching probe of BUT THOSE who know Profes- Sthe House Un-Midweste...…

February 11, 1952 • Page Image 3

… AMonday. Februarv11, 192 T HE M IC H IGA N D A ILY age Three TawraFhrATrC HE152TERIHIA DAL agTTre By NEWBOLD MORRIS and ROBERT ALPHONSO TAFT Congressional bloodhounds let out the loudest yelp to date in their investigations of pinkish Midwestern University yesterday after hearing Midwestern's gibbering President Har- ly Thatcher admit that his estranged wife and brother-in-law had bilked his institution out of $6 billion in real estate fe...…

February 11, 1952 (vol. 58, iss. 0) • Page Image 3

…Mohday, February 11; 1952 T HE MIC H IGA N D A ILY cage Three THATCHER IN UTh By NEWBOLD MORRIS and ROBERT ALPHONSO TAFT Congressional bloodhounds let out the loudest yelp to date in their investigations of pinkish Midwestern University yesterday after hearing Midwestern's gibbering President Har- ly Thatcher admit that his estranged wife and brother-in-law had bilked his institution out of $6 billion in real estate fees by cornering all t...…

February 11, 1952 • Page Image 4

…Paae.Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY Monday, February 11, 1952 Paoe Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY Monday, February 11, 1952 We__ i seVictory JT'S IN A WAY hard to settle friendship that is seldom found TODAY, comrades, snow drifts down from the rush and hub- at the University of Michigan. abjectly against the great bub of getting the J-Hop Extra It is to this that we contribute, glass doors of the Administration3 together and write this. The Extra for ...…

February 11, 1952 (vol. 58, iss. 0) • Page Image 4

…Pone Four T HE MI CH IG AN D A ILY Mondov Februnrv 1 1 19S2 PoyqeFor HEMIHIyGANDAILY We_ y __Isu Victory T'S IN A WAY hard to settle friendship thatis seldom found TODAY, comrades, snow drifts down from the rush and hub- at the University of Michigan. abjectly against the great bub of getting the sJ-Ho Extra It is to this that we contribute, glass doors of the Administration together and write this. The Etra for the fund is to us a memoria...…

February 11, 1952 • Page Image 5

… Monday, February 11, 1952 T HE MIC H IGA N D A ILY Page Five I t r vynae , Fe. orv 1. 92M ILP v DAILY OFFICIAL BULL (The Daily Official Bull is published daily. It is official. No more need be said. Future notices will be received at 120 E. Liberty Street.) MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1952 VOL. IXXICIC, NO. Notices From The Dean of Women's Of- fice: This office, hereby absolved, relinquishes all sovereignty over the rights and privileges of fe-...…

February 11, 1952 (vol. 58, iss. 0) • Page Image 5

…Monday, February 11, 1952 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five CINEMA OFFICIAL -;_ BULL HALITOSIS, produced, direct- short sotry, "War and Peace" by f, ed, adapted filmed, spliced, sli- Margaret Mitchell and though at (The Daily Official Bll ispublihed f5 ; ed, tarred and feathered right esho uity be es al Eaily. It is official. No me e need be here in Ann Arbor. tad uueseicswl ercie mot intelligible the plot would at 120 E. Liberty Street.) Q HALITOS...…

February 11, 1952 • Page Image 6

…Page Six T HE MI CH IGA N D A ILY Monday, February 11, 1952 New 'U' Ban Squelches Social Life! The academic world reeled precedent would be followed that the social ban would be the in amazementyegreatest step forward in Univer- yesterday as by colleges all over the coun- sity history since the develop- President Hank Thatcher an- try. ment of social probation. "This lversity reg. * * pan has been materializing nounced a nsew Univriyeg sin...…

February 11, 1952 (vol. 58, iss. 0) • Page Image 6

…Page Six T HE MI CH IGA N D AILY Monday, February 11, 1952 New 'U' Ban Squelches Social Life! The academic world reeled in amazement yesterday as President Hank Thatcher an- nounced a new University reg- ulation banning all social ac- tivities. The President, standing on a grave marker in Geddes ce- metery as he denounced dates, beer and fraternization, ex- pressed his hope that the precedent would be followed by colleges all over the cou...…

February 11, 1952 • Page Image 7

…JHOP SEC. 2 Monday, February 11, 1952 Sec. Two, Page One By VERNON EMERSON It was a blend of many things, but all added up it seemed that just about everyone at the 1953 J-Hop had a pretty fair time. Whether it was the sweet Spivak, hot Long music com- bination, the tropical setting, the chain of parties before and after the dance with all their embellishments, a new gown, a new girl, or hardly reason at all, most of the couples were still smi...…

February 11, 1952 (vol. 58, iss. 0) • Page Image 7

…A^PftAn.i PAhrt inrv 11 19 2 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven onaay MICI-IcflA DAL Paa SevenL...., GGIES WRECK lhi LAN; RAIMM, IIIMpm ' HAS1 MR AN Im" T * e s * n RY FOR DE-EMPHASIS MAY LEAD TO THE END OF ALL THIS nvetigtion of Buxom eauty u ens gins By GIMMY NICHOLS Special to The Daily WASHINGTON-Subsidization of buxom beauty con- st winners at Rives Junction, Mich., football school was arged yesterday by a key witness in hearings before...…

February 11, 1952 • Page Image 8

…Sec. Two, Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Mondoyo February 1 1 X 1952 Sec. Two,.PgeTwoTH.MICHrGANDAILY,..nda .brar 1. 195 )faco/ion' ~jS thSuraf {SpatterZimeec pintw A dress as refreshing and new as the very fist blade of grass and shaped along those sleek, contoured lines' just the way you, and we, like it. with a deep-dip neckline and curved pockets boldly bordered by whisper. soft black velvet. Black print traced on white. Sizes 10 to 20. ...…

February 11, 1952 (vol. 58, iss. 0) • Page Image 8

…Page Eight' T HE MI CH IGA N D A ILY Monday, February 11, 1 Pag Eiht-HE. C.G...A.Y.Mndy ...ebruary... , 1 1 Tri- Chi'sAdm Sisters of Chi Chi Chi sorority voted last night to accept Gypsy No e Lee as an honorary member of the group. In announcing the decision Clar- issa Upgirdle, '53 P, remarked "We girls of Tri Chi wanted to cite Miss Lee for her splendid efforts to Border Clash May Lead to World War I// Special to The Daily HIGPOOR, Vlad...…

February 11, 1952 • Page Image 9

…Monday, February 11, 1952 T HE MIC H IGA N D A ILY Sec. Two, Page Three M, T P After the ball was over and all who attended the 1953 J-Hap had gone home, the eight energetic people who have worked for months to make the undertaking a success did some cleaning up., breathed a sigh of relief and went back to being students again. "But it was fun while it lasted," the committee members agreed. THINGS WERE happening all the time. A problem wa...…

February 11, 1952 (vol. 58, iss. 0) • Page Image 9

…indav Februarv 11. 1952 THE MICHIGAN DAILY at r.i{J t..l i .r M\.fir s" "r~s w __ ._ __ ._ _ _ ___ _ rlo'unce Whiqggens' Nuptuals ON THE HIOUSE By JENNIFER CLUTCHLE " JUST TOLD Harly that we couldn't live in that packing crate at S.. .Ohio State any longer, so he arranged to be appointed president of the University and then, of courae, we got to live in this new big house on the campus," a. Harly Thatcher revealed yes rday. Mrs. Thatc...…

February 11, 1952 • Page Image 10

…Sec. Two, Page Four THE4 AICGAN IAIILY M'vi "^ r e r it I c onay,February I1, 1952 r BY ORDER OF FEDERAL AUTHORITIES "THE P-X" MUST BE DISCONTINUED GOING EVERYTHING... YES !!! EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD TO THE BARE WALLS OUT OF BUSINESS Musit Be Cleared Out by Feb. 23 Regardless of Losses AND FRANKLY., FOLKS... WE'RE STILL LOADED Help yourself to Bargains You'll Never See Again! Help Us Sell Out a "6 Months Stock in a Few Weeks! Save...…

February 11, 1952 (vol. 58, iss. 0) • Page Image 10

…Page Ten T HE MC H IGA N D A ILY Monday, February 11',. 191 .gTnH MC G N rMdyFruary., 1.., 19. i Opera oses Legs; Goes On Anyway Tryouts Will Be Held Throughout the Week (EDITOR'S NOTE: Warning! This Is a half-way serious story.) An outbreak of leg thefts has caused local police to suspect a new way for students to satisfy their sex drives. Some time during registraiton three huge posters, decorated with nearly life-size leg art, were st...…

February 11, 1952 • Page Image 11

…Mndenv February 11. 1952 THE MICH IGAN DAILY ,sec. Two, Page Five THo MH DAy,GA DAYeToPgFiv DANCERS RELAX IN HOUSE BOOTH ON SIDELINES COUPLES LINE UP IN MEMORABLE POSES I THE MOST POPULAR PASTIME OF ALL NEW and USED EXTBOK and SUPPLIES, for all University Courses Engineers and Architecture Students: We have a complete line of equipment for you as well as for all oth- er schools and colleges of the University. Notebooks, fountain pens...…

February 11, 1952 (vol. 58, iss. 0) • Page Image 11

…Mday, February 11, 1952 T HE MI CH IGA N D A ILY Pna Elva ragei5Deven IL'S ANTI-BIAS, HONEST-SL aring, Surprise Decision Made By ARDY VARK Special to The Daily ALTO, Mich.--The Student Legature, by a convincing 19-21 count, early this morning ned itself with the forces of anti-discrimination. In a boldly controversial move, the Ligature passed a resolution, which reads: "The lent Ligature is against discrimination." The measure was intro...…

February 11, 1952 • Page Image 12

…Sec. Two, Page Six T HE Mi CH i GA N D AlLYV Sec. TwofPI e Sx !Y1AI r 1I- ICZAKJ fNAI V A irckhead and Billie Reed, Ralph Br t AIVI E S. Bird and Carol Drake, Valentine N A M ES . *" Birds and Joan Voige, Earl Bishop> and Mazie Boone, Jim Bishop and (Continued from Page 1) Ellen Harman, David Bittker and Helen Schiff.a Furstenau, Bruce Bartholmew and Douglas H. Blanks and Billie Barbara Smead, John Bauer and Anne Patterson, Dave Blanchard ...…

February 11, 1952 (vol. 58, iss. 0) • Page Image 12

…"" .. Pace Twelve THE MICHIGAN DAIi Y AA....,.J.. C,. .., ..., Y , rL- Pag rwrve. -r . . aa.i r, 1.L ivonaaSyr l-ebruairy I, Tt 19,:i~M ~Al I , VIEWS OF MEN WHO MA1 * * .* 0*0 * * * 5 5 5 HIS IS a year of decision. Y This year, the American people must lay their future on the line. At no time since the founding the republic has so much been at stake. It is no time for fiddle-faddle. We must be ready, we must be resolute, and when the time...…

February 11, 1952 • Page Image 13

…Monday. February11, 192 T HE M IC H IGA N D A ILY Sec. Two, Page Seven " , , 5NAMES... (ContInued from 'Page 6) as, Howard M. Dess and Irene F. Dess, Harold Dentscher and Miss Beverly Eaton, Donald DeVries and Carolyn Fisk, Tony DeWan and Mary Letsis, Richard Dewey r and Dora Byerly Sam M. Deyo and Sally Weber, Bill Dibble and Phoebe Ann Ellis, Wilbur Diehl and Audrey Murphy, Oscar Dodek and Joan Biheden, Bob Dombrawski and Elaine Ratke, ...…

February 11, 1952 (vol. 58, iss. 0) • Page Image 13

…J-HOP iItrJtIn U UIf SEC. 2 Monday, February 11, 1952 Sec. Two, Page One S ... the 1953 J-Hop Committee L 't 2 i A k F r i E I { i 1 a ( 2 l c7 i 1 r (}i 1 r { < ; rY J By VERNON EMERSON It was a blend of many things, but all added up it seemed that just about everyone at the 1953 J-Hop had a pretty fair time. Whether it was the sweet Spivak, hot Long music com- bination, the tropical setting, the chain of parties before and after the ...…

February 11, 1952 • Page Image 14

…Sec. Two, Page Eight .o: Monday, Februarv. H. 1952 TH E MICHIGAN DA ILY Se. MIHGA.DIY.ova.. Febr..uar.Y, 11. 1A l.4;. Musical *ont est on By J. CORSEY DALLAHAN Charlie Spivak a n d Johnny Long alternately filled the giant I-M Building -- usually echoing from referee's whistles - with strains of the nation's most danceable dance music during the 1953 J-Hop. The 2,000 males present softly yodeled dance tunes, accompanied by Joh...…

February 11, 1952 (vol. 58, iss. 0) • Page Image 14

…Sec. Two, Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Monday, February 1 1, 1952 Sec.Two Pag Tw THEMICIGANDAIY Moday Febuar.11,195 V r r ?'Zh "........... "S .. ""ms s ___. _a..a"S ", ,'. i-v 9acotion' lSi Sura4 Spatter iraced Print A dress as refreshing and new as the very first blade of grass and shaped along those sleek, contoured lines . just the way you, and we, like it with a deep-dip neckline and curved pockets boldly bordered by whisper- soft bl...…

February 11, 1952 • Page Image 15

…Monday, February 11, 1952 T HE MI CH IGAN DA ILY Sec. Two, Page Nine Mody _er. y 1 92TEMCHGNDIYScTo aeNn Honigman and June Kielson, GARY JOHNSON and Georgia George Hopper and Doris Elliott. Hutzman, Dick Johnston and Bet- Lewis Horwitz and Lenore Stone, ty Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. David C. Kit Hough and Joan Prescott, Joliuetle, Carl Jones and Mary (Continued sfrom Page 7) Harvey Howard and Carol Gould, Ann Hennig, Dick Jay and Linda SGRobert ...…

February 11, 1952 (vol. 58, iss. 0) • Page Image 15

…Monday, February 11, 1952 T HE MIC H IGA N D A ILY Sec. Two, Page Three Monda, Feruary11, 952 HE MIHIGA DAIL Sec Two PeThe J-Hop After the ball was over and all who attended the 1953 J-Hop had gone home, the eight energetic people who have worked for months to make the undertaking a success did some cleaning up, breathed a sigh of relief and went back to being students again. "But it was fun while it lasted," the committee members agreed....…

February 11, 1952 • Page Image 16

… Monday, February 11, 1952 Sec. Two, Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sec* T, PneTe-TE1 C IG N AIY-onay Fbrar-1,,9 ,, A ~Leen and Lydia Font, Gene A. N A L1S Lehmann and Lu I. DeHart, Stan Leiken and Mary Kaplan, Joe (Continued from Page 9) Teimkuehler and Jane Preston, Dean Leith and Nancy Ann Stev- Mr. end Mrs. David W. Lake, Hen- ens, Bob Leopold and Nancy Fan- deem, Eugene J. Lessiey and Lu ry Lang, Jr. and Barbara Louns- Stansberry. berry...…

February 11, 1952 (vol. 58, iss. 0) • Page Image 16

…Sec. Two, Page Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY A~rntnv F:Ariw~-.r1 74 2 Sec. Twov rr Page Four yr THE ivuriuyIrrury 11,A1jlY r BY ORDER OF FEDERAL AUTHORITIES "THE P-X" MUST BE DISCONTINUED GOING EVERYTHING... YES !! EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD TO THE BARE WALLS OUT nF UIIiEQQ MI UUUIIliiiU Must Be Cleared Out by Feb. 23 Regardless of Losses AND FRANKLY, FOLKS... WE'RE STILL LOADED Help yourself to Bargains You'll Never See Again! Help Us Sell Ou...…

February 11, 1952 • Page Image 17

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY i A .j ot rri 1 1 95)r; Sec. Two, Page Eleven ,,Monday, Februury iAev ; - N AMES... (Continued from Page 10) Milroy and Nanette Wilhelmi, Ed- Ward Minor and Felice Azen, Ken Mitchell and DonaLee Davenport, Steve Mitro and Beatrice Johnson, Stuart Mittenthal and Loi sKlein. Ron Modlin and Harriet Tepper- man, William Mollhagen and Ed- ith Miller, Richard Moline and Judie Lindeman, Otto Molmen and Nancy Alles, Charles M...…

February 11, 1952 (vol. 58, iss. 0) • Page Image 17

…Mondiav February 11 /92 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ,>ec. Two, Page Five tyl111 UiyH M H A A YeToPeF i DANCERS RELAX IN HOUSE BOOTH ON SIDELINES COUPLES LINE UP IN MEMORABLE POSES THE MOST POPUJLAR PASTIME OF ALL NEW and USED TEXTBOOKS and SUPPLIES for all University Courses Engineers and Architecture Students: We have a complete line of equipment for you as well as for all oth- er schools and colleges of the University. Notebooks, fountain pe...…

February 11, 1952 • Page Image 18

…Sec. Two, Page Twelve Monday, February 11, THE MICHIGAN DAILY Daniel A. Schaitberger, Jr., and Shaffer and Jacqueline Bergey, Norman Starr and Anna Muschen- J. Slenglein, Robert F. Timm and N A M E 5 Ann Stromer, Michael Scherer and Royce Shafter and Joan Hunsick- heim, Mel Stauffer and Mary Pet- Phyllis Frank, Harry H. Timmins Valerie Cowen, Ira H. Scheinerman er, Leslie J. Shalan and Audrey erson, Chester R. Steffey II and and Carol Leyb...…

February 11, 1952 (vol. 58, iss. 0) • Page Image 18

…Sec. Two, Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Birckhead and Billie Reed, Ralph Bird and Carol Drake, Valentine N A M E" Birds and Joan Voige, Earl Bishop and Marie Boone, Jim Bishop and (Continued from Page 1) Ellen Harman, David Bittker and Helen Schiff. Purstenau, Bruce Bartholmew and Douglas H. Blanks and Billie Barbara Smead, John Bauer and Anne Patterson, Dave Blanchard Marie Abendroth, William Baur and Kathryn Severance, Victor and Beverly S...…

February 11, 1952 • Page Image 19

…OF - - Monday, February 11, 1952 T HE MI CH IGA N D A ILY Page Seven ,Mndy Feray1.1 H IHGNDIYPg ee AGGIES WRECK MPLAN RA3 SE EE APHISCRY " s By BERYL FRISKEY, JR. An insidious ring of agents from a mid-state agricultural college has completely un- lermined the entire Intra-mural athletic program here and caused a ringing cry for deem ;hasis of non-varsity sports. The ring, headed by IM Czar Beryl Friskey, has been planted in the IM bui...…

February 11, 1952 (vol. 58, iss. 0) • Page Image 19

…Monday, February 11 192 T HE MI CH IGAN D A ILY Sec. Two, Page Seven , , av / .v..a v . ii.. lnra.Fbur 1-15 THE MICHIssGTV AN DaIL"Sc ToPgeSee NAMES.. . (Continued from Page 8) as, Howard M. Dess and Irene F. Dess, Harold Dentscher and Miss Beverly Eaton, Donald DeVries and Carolyn Fisk, Tony DeWan and Mary Letsis, Richard Dewey and Dora Byerly Sam M. Deyo and Sally Weber, Bill Dibble and Phoebe Ann Ellis, Wilbur Diehl and Audrey Murphy,...…

February 11, 1952 • Page Image 20

… 52 Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Monday, February 3, 19' ri- h's dmit Stripper to Ranks Sisters of Chi Chi Chi sorority voted last night to accept Gypsy' Rose Lee as an honorary member of the group. ,,.- In announcing the decision Clar- issa Upgirdle, '53 P, remarked "We girls of Tri Chi wanted to cite Miss Lee for her splendid efforts to Border Clash May Lead to} orld War Ill Ispecal to The Da iy HIGPOOR, Vad-As the sol- diers of that ...…

February 11, 1952 (vol. 58, iss. 0) • Page Image 20

…Sec. Two, Page Eight T HE MICH IGAN DA ILY Monday, February, 11, 1951 Musical Contest on Friendly SidE By J. CORSEY DALLAHAN Charlie Spivak a n d Johnny Long alternately filled the giant I-M Building - usually echoing from referee's whistles - with strains of the nation's most danceable dance music during the 1953 J-Hop. The 2,000 males present softly yodeled dance tunes, accompanied by Johnny's violin or Charlie's trumpet, into the ears o...…

February 11, 1952 • Page Image 21

…Monday, February 11, 1952 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine Monday, February 11, 1952 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Paae Nine nN tu Is Avid Reader Restrained in Gen. Library ON THE H[OUSE Herndon Rothschid, '52E, was apprehended by police early this - - morning attempting to force his Eway into the basement study hall By JENNI+ER CLLTCILE of the General Library. JUST TOLD Harly that we couldn't live in that packing crate at Cloeted with a prominent py- O...…

February 11, 1952 (vol. 58, iss. 0) • Page Image 21

…Mndalv February 11. 1952 THE MICHIGAN DAILY I IVlLl7 t t NAMES... (Continued from Page 7) Gary Graves and Marilyn Breback, Myles Gray and Marilyn Osberg, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Greager, Al- vin Green and Miriarn Blan, Mil- ton Green and Sally Garfinkle, Leonard Greenbaum and Judith Levine, Paul Greeberg and Alice Pullman, Robert Grew and Anne Bailey, Ken Grieser and Sue St. Louis, Lawrence Griewski and Jo Anne Beck, Ed Griffin and Pat Irving,...…

February 11, 1952 • Page Image 22

… 1 952 Page Ten T HE M IC H IGA N D A ILY Molnday. February 1l] . Page Tn THE MICH1AN DAIY IVln1,i , r r . 1 Opera Loses Tragedy Legs; Goes OnfAnyway By ELI CAPUCHIN r Way dFor many years, inaugurations have been a big thing at Michigan. They have assumed, in fact, the Tryouts Will Be Held proportions of a tradition. The Throughout the Week dear, colorful thing began nearly a hundred fifty years ago, and just recently ended. (EDITOR'S NO...…

February 11, 1952 (vol. 58, iss. 0) • Page Image 22

…Sec. Two, Page Ten (Continued from Page 9) Mr. and Mrs. David W. Lake, Hen- ry Lang, Jr. and Barbara Louns- berry, Bill LaNouette and Margie Spindler, Lyle LaPine and Dona Carlson, Peter Lardner and Mar- ion White, Joe La Rue and Carol Vanderzee, Peter K. Lashmet and Cynthia Hendrian, M. Lashmet and Amy Monis, Larry Tatigan and Fae Baughan, Jack Lawrence and Sandra Koch. Allan J. Lawson and Liz Clap- ham, Robert Lawson and Patricia Fisher, Pet...…

February 11, 1952 • Page Image 23

…Monday, February 11, 1952 T HE MI CH IGA N D A ILY Page Eleven SL'S ANTI-BIAS, HONETSL Daring, Surprise Decision Made By ARDY VARK Special to The Daily ALTO, Mich.--The Student Legature, by a convincing 19-21 count, early this morning aligned itself with the forces of anti-discrimination. In a boldly controversial move, the Ligature passed a resolution, which reads: "The Student Ligature is against discrimination." The measure was introduc...…

February 11, 1952 (vol. 58, iss. 0) • Page Image 23

…kwn d Febri ary 1 1 1952 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sec. Two, Page Eleven rv nonciy a , uiy , -" THE ICHGAN AIL Sec Tw, Pae Eeve 4IAMES .. (Continued from Page 10) Milroy and Nanette Wilhelmi, Ed- rard Minor and Felice Azen, Ken litchell and DonaLee Davenport, teve Mitro and Beatrice Johnson, ;tuart Mittenthal and Lois Klein. Ran Modlin and Harriet Tepper- an, William Mollhagen and Ed- th Miller, Richard Moline and udie Lindeman, Otto Molmen and...…

February 11, 1952 • Page Image 24

…mmmq Page Tw eive T HE !MIC H IGA N DA ILY Monday Februnrv 1 1 1 92 Page Twely,e THE yMIHIIGNDAL VIEWiS OF MEN WH 0 MAY T HIS IS a year of decision. This year, the American people must lay their future on the line. At no time since the founding o, the republic has so much been at stake. It is no time for fiddle-faddle. We must be ready, we must be resolute, and when the time comes ec ane mus t a ct. th eir fute o th At en c u The exclusi...…

February 11, 1952 (vol. 58, iss. 0) • Page Image 24

…Sec. Two, Page Twelve Daniel A. Schaitberger, Jr., and N A M E tAnn Stromer, Michael Scherer and " " . Jean Bromfield, Robert Schor and Valerie Cowen, Ira H. Scheinerman (Continued from Page 11) and Adrienne Schiefro, Robert Schuur and Janet Alarie, Donald Austin, Ralph K. Rosenbaum and S. Schmitz and Mary Ann Morris, Arline Elconin. Arthur Scheider and Peggy Zager, Martin G. Rosenthal and Carol Eli Schoenfield and Nancy Rudel, Osterseil, Irwi...…

February 11, 1952 (vol. 58, iss. 0) • Page Image 26

…Page Two; THE MICHIGAN DAILY M~onday, Februaryv9,.1953' Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Monday, February 9, 1953 THIS ]CONCEIVE: Bunding DamCe Overcome by IT EDITOR'S NOTE: In conjunction with the lettuce series 'This I Conceive" The Daily is propositioning statements of pre-natal experience from promi- nent members of the University Rhythm Group. Diane Spiritual is a prominent members of the University Ryhthm Group and president of Sortabored...…

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