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February 11, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 89) • Page Image 1

…HOP EDITI-114,11 N} 1. i .a \ZTT iI1 Il"A 11 l-1 f flt I7f A7,7 C"t/I S'Tt ll 1\ 1 1 IlI T C' __ Vol. XXL. 90 .\7(I f 0I1'1l1XN 0111)\0 ' i t, fif TITLE MfART PLAYS I TODAY AT WHITY! Comedy Club's Production Has'41I Undergone Much Ciareful! Polishing SEAT SALE HAS BEEN HEAVY -Th1 Ttl 911 1 at steatrcina theN 1 itn1 h0 saf'rn ''l cessfi1,1ll e n 111- f h es1I 111i 111.< fi1111111 1111 Kd WiJ th inresd lidlc '.:n, ro h DiecorSt1 jh0 a1l 1 11,...…

February 11, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 89) • Page Image 2

…'IE 'sMICI AN DAILY lITHE MICHIGAN DAILY. A ST, GH. WILD CO. 311 50. STATE STREET Opening display of Spring and Sum- mer Woolens of Exclusive S ty le s For SUITS, OVERCOATS, and TROUSERS G. H. WILD CO. The Leading Mrchant Tailors 311 SO. STATE STEET ypcwritcrs ALL PRICES stumde-ns rypewriter Supply Co. mm4 Pres B.diding. Opposite Majestic etBooks Ne-w and Second Hand All Departments DRAWING !1NSTRHUmENTS SUPPLIES Log Log Slide Rule $7.00 Wi...…

February 11, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 89) • Page Image 3

…Over Eleven Hundred Loyal Sons of the University of Michigan Shower Tribute on Alma Mater at Greatest Alumni Dinner Ever Held in America (?v 1,c Xse NicrkL (iii N(11 'i is Ii c ii Im Ilt t11 t' ln7t 1t rr r cr 1 i -c tl 'l'hi" ; irit ,. 1 z-t t ? lti'211; 111 lll(I 1)a I Ills (hy la, 11 P of lk Id Pri' IciII il.\ 5[a c w c (.A tot al d d- lin av. I I ll(fcs 5 of ( C i ''ilici's ciici. sim ofi 11155sc o il c ii sill o\csilln s at hl h i...…

February 11, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 89) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIf aN DAILY I-~ " 7S " 4"W ry Ada ' ' 3 a . r r'rt.' "wy * v r fN ' ; "' ".' X @- r GURDLLAR CO T wACT 1F Pairs Trousers or5 Suits _ponged and Pressed $1.00 OUR SECOND SEMESTER CONTRACT All Your Clothes Cleaned, Pressed, and Repaired as often as you desire, no limit to the amount for $6.00 ALL WORK CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED yr. otto--Prompt and Perfect rvico ,0. dman Bros. The Cleaners and Dyers 220 South State St. Bell Phone 1104 ...…

February 11, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 89) • Page Image 5

…T.,t.. _ ._ .___...NOAL V From Snow-bound North Country to the Desert San~d of. New Mexico and the Waters of the Golden Gate They Have Come to Ann Arbor Among the Hills tii Nun kll \. KI jh lii Ni 3 A lxr Nl.lxr Li :I s 1( C< i c Ia Ilc ('1 l i-o l I ri Nlisses iliin W N. iiroii i, Nun Nv- Dkr alit, Md.: oN Miilrst ii Det(W i aiii nitartii.niticaigo, Niorir iisl ing o ,I).IDN; NiU- 1i Pai ker .Maie Parer Derot:Paul'rineirryit Ni sa i- t y...…

February 11, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 89) • Page Image 6

…THlE MICHIGa N DAIL~Y BPI' MR A It Otthat p1)1s sthog Our Sanitary Steam Presser t4dsoot t I asno1emsor ., I csca eis fie at iiorituri ashio. , he r tam netd at the same tiii iitiremvetns00any odor, that in p ht )' in it; take' anway he;imt'yt'appeara''tnce, istothe nall, r1iethecttt 010 and(1impts to lttieool 'ii tnt h ttotinessodeirted ity all dii'- -cv' FULLER AND OTONNER T A L R r n h Dyan d S te a m C le a n e rsREAI N Sanitary Stea...…

February 11, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 89) • Page Image 7

… THE M 'H) A9 DAILY Jun bolfl's/iI t, fth i 0 (* ti CrossheONrLibertyoftOhe eo~~~, ~ atih ata'seaa thantit ther stuint o'heu11 Thety Spas caucth ana l~lthecat'taa h hae ad ofttc t heri' 0 ali f rcs M~tN'l',loallathilti is _arclative __of ~ /attatic T helteeasiiilm ofllnua it lireyas etdt(sdao~ he ~j R K ataiiiatcacaa Fetii/ /atsag, aine/t tic u// t 011( has iattiteititytGeneral ,-aalla caiatO N i pe tc- lt . n Clf in c ]ft h t t'll l 7t r...…

February 11, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 89) • Page Image 8

…Trouser Sal E ae rvakrvga re- $1.00oy o ojm each winzter - weight Trouzser irx our shop, re- gardless of the price. An early selection counts Ocur Spetnlg Lines Now iReady J. Karl Malcolm, 118 E, Libery F CALL ANID SEE THE 1~ e eny rn C mp n 711 N. Velversity Ave. ilotel Cumberlana IT({Mrt,,'ICHAN DAIL T -LL.OPE ISINSTALLED Observatory's New instrument s1 One of Largest ins Cuntry _ ,,.1 11c 1 .s . 11i n II1c a It d 7 al 5 11 5rit l 11 11. a...…

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