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February 11, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 93) • Page Image 1

…i ::K. r e ' .. _, ., ---__.__ ** w IT E&$. ANN .ARBOR, MICH., TIES BASEBALL!! BASEBALL!! Prospects and Program of the Ves- Men urnOnt n Aswerto vii per Services. Flft MenTurnOatin Aswerto Pof.Stanley i>f the Sih~al atfMul'c SnOW's Call---To. Early to Make iutitsuuteft last teitig tit' pro graii Any Prophecy fr teiSaso. ' r e ss'riites, wis'lish art'yItoltet1in .~ or he easn. Ttlitlya . As usual there w-ill Ile twit a week. etry Tiesday saditu...…

February 11, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 93) • Page Image 2

…We Will Announce... i} ' )}i p I {1 ] ' l ' ;:T~i~ tO 1. C, H. WILD CO, 1lo8 E. Washington St. THIN WIiTE SLI DES. 6 5c. rs SLIDE BOXES For 231 slides... ...... For 100l slides. ....... . 5 For '2001)slides ........ QUARRY'S CAMPUOS I)RUGiSTORE R. E. JOLLY'S GiREAT -IAI Ali' 1113SALE Everyth~ing M.ust to. M.edical Books, chanc all oiii 0E. BARTHELL THlE MICHIGAN DAILY--NEWS DAIL oEW .t't l:11 limtlt tii 110 010)11111 Law BookS l'tw Ilt tiltls ...…

February 11, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 93) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY--NEWS Thle MOst GonvinGinoTingD that wie could do :hat would tend to induce you to buy STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES ould be to introduce you to a roan who has worn them. WVe cannot command the tanguage with which to tett you how good these clothes are. The makers attach their labet he- neath the coat colar of their coats, and they are so proud of fabir reputation, that not the stightest dtefect cither of style. farcs or tailoring, is...…

February 11, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 93) • Page Image 4

…THE 14J[llIGAN DAILY -NEWS t PHOTOGRAPHIC DEMONSTRATION A representativse of the Nepera Chemical Co. will be at our store Wednesday evening,. Feb. 12th, and will at 7:30 p. no. give a demonstration with V ELOX PAPER. You + are invited to bring one of your owsn neg-atives and have a print made from it. I C LKI S'Admission Free. Third Floor. CALIGPILABMACY 3 24 SO. STATE S ri~iKBilliard rarlors and Bowling PAN-AMERICAN 70 NRT NIERIT \'N ' PLAYIN...…

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