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February 11, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 90) • Page Image 1

…PARTNERSHIP MUST MARK U.S. POLICY Siry 1igt Eta n Sixty-fiight Years of Editorial Freedom Ar :43 t tu , SNOW, COLDER See Page 4 X, No. 90 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1959 FIVE CENTS EIGHT PAGES op Noted Total'U' roliment esbecki Reports ord Matriculation Fight E Shakes between Middle Nasser, Kassem East Countries 'TotalUniversity enrollment in redit programs has been esti- ated at 25,125, a drop of nine- e...…

February 11, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 90) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY CiVic Theatre Group To Present'Cat' Those who have seen it nrp I IN PERSON OS CAR BRAND a program of folksongs.. . and backroom ballads Friday, Feb. 20, at the Armory (Fifth and Ann) Tickets - reserved $2.20, general admission $1 .65 _,r __ - _7__ '.-.'.,. . R" _ 'Xi ti m mc t nv l ir r t f viously performed. may not rec- ognize the "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof," which the Ann Arbor Civic Theatre players will present at 8 p.m....…

February 11, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 90) • Page Image 3

…1, 959 THE MICHIGAN ATTM [, 1959 THE MICHIGAN ATT.V si League House Begun in 1909 ;spite Controversy, Long Delay SGC Exchangee Hopes Program Will Endure ISA To SponsorValentine Dance By PEGGY GREENBERG As far as we know, there was o organized housing for women ntil 1909," said Mrs. Leslie 'rench, '02. In 1906 Mrs. French returned to :nn Arbor after an absence of >ur years. She and her husband, he first full time campus pastor t the Univ...…

February 11, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 90) • Page Image 4

…Sixty-Ninth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NQ 2-3241 Underdeveloped Areas" r SOpinl~us Are Free utb Will Prevail" 'itorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. ESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1959 NIGHT EDITOR: ...…

February 11, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 90) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY a ~y :.s L' .3i 'L ..:r. ~i ..;.2:A.. .'. :L ar:.~'+...:.. .:,: ___A._.. .... ...____ .. ....*....*_. . . .. .. .. ... .5.. -..... - .- .......J . 10[ ..., DAILY OFFICIAL .r .h . ...n.t . ..S.n' ....... W1 :V FOR RENT MALE STUDENT to share furnished apartment with 3 others, swimming pool. 10 minutes from campus. NO 5-7602. )C20 TWO self-contained, furnished apart- ments. 3 rooms, bath with shower. Ideal for 2 or more boy...…

February 11, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 90) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, FE! If Spartan Goalie Surprises 'M' Icers; Squad Awaits Chance for Vengeance Oosterbaan Kep Busy on New Jol j BERNARD NIELSEN new defenseman I-M Scores By FRED KATZ Most football coaches cringe when the word alumni is barely mentioned in their presence. In this respect, as in many others, Bennie Oosterbaan is of a different breed than the majority of his coaching buddies. Retired as head of Michigan grid fo...…

February 11, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 90) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY RESERVES TRIUMPH IN CANADA: g Ten; Wolverine Swimmers Show Strength in Double Bill T 1T a By BILL ZOLLA Divided but not conquered was the motto of the Michigan swim squad over the past weekend. Although the team was split into two segments to enable some of the swimmers to give an exhi- bition at the Father and Son's Banquet at the Detroit A. C., the reserve depth again proved strong enough to win in the competition with We...…

February 11, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 90) • Page Image 8

…iJ NxUIT THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEE UDIES IN THREE SUBJECTS: Ann Arbor High School Offers Accelerated Courses )NESDAY, 1 By PETER DAWSON T Some fifty Ann Arbor High, School seniors are this year study- ng analytic geometry and courses quivalent to college-freshman ,nglish and third-year college Tench. During the last two-and-a-half! ears the high school has beef in- tituting a program of accelerated ourses in French, English, and nathematics, on...…

February 11, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 90) • Page Image 1

… ROUNDTABLE CAN SERVE CAMPUS See Page 4 El 4L Sict Eitra Sixty'-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom :4340v 1 U CONTINUED COLD t ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1958 LXVIII, No. 90 FIVE CENTS SIX PAG SIX PA( Senators Propose Civil Rg hts Bill Douglas, Javits Sponsor Program To Encouraga Racial Integration WASHINGTON (R) - A bipartisan group of 16 senators intro- duced a new civil rights bill in the Senate yesterday. It may t...…

February 11, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 90) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Senators Clash in South Quadrangle UN Program To Feature Lawmakers Sheriff Training Program To Begin 'In About Week' A compulsory training program' for the 39 members. of the Wash- and agencies in the city ar tenaw County Sheriff's depart- county. ment will begin in about one Th traiin progrm is part week, Sheriff Erwin L. Kiager an- the reorganization of the sheriff e ye sterdaEyn. Kag a-department announced Friday t nou...…

February 11, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 90) • Page Image 3

…TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1958 Minsoa $i n Overwhelms Cagers, (Continued from Page 1) and pulled to a comfortable 45-30 lead at the half. The only thing that kept the Wolverines in the game in the last part of the first half was their phenomenal foul shooting as they sank 10 out of 11 attempts. The Wolverine's continued their frigid shooting in the early min- utes of the second half. Michi- gan's shots continually bounded off the rim or went ...…

February 11, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 90) • Page Image 4

…"What I Really Want Is A Few Jars Of Instant Science" Elyr fidiigaw Daily Sixty-Eighth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be not...…

February 11, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 90) • Page Image 5

… UARY 11, 19538 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Union Choose bras Charities DAILYAA esCASFE D PAI PETS AND SUPPLIES TROPICAL FISH, large shipment just arrived. Aquariums and supplies, ring- tailed monkey, beautiful sulphur- breasted Toucan (Jungle bird), ham- sters, parakeets, etc. UNIVERSITY AQUARIUM 328 East Liberty, NO 3-0224 (Open daily and Sunday afternoons) (Closed Thursday) )T14 FOR RENT WANTED--third roommate to share de- sirable 4 rm. apt. Phone...…

February 11, 1958 (vol. 68, iss. 90) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 11, 1958 . THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUE$DAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1958, uctors lay Expect [igher Pay Prospective college teachers can pect higher salaries this year an they have in the past H. nneth Barker, assistant director the University's Bureau of Ap- intments and Occupational In- 'mation said. A starting salary of $4,000 and 000 often was offered the Ph.D. aduate who went into college aching. Now, the salaries ...…

February 11, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 86) • Page Image 1

…SGC POSITIONS See Page 4 YI rL Latest Deadline in the State Daitb; O ,0 D SNOW, COLDER VOL. LXV, No.86 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1955 EIGHT PAGES Atom Lead Assumption Called Folly Gavin Says 'No Weapons Patent' WASHINGTON WP)-Maj. Gen. James Gavin saii yesterday Amer- icans should not "assume we have a patent" on new weapons, that it would be "complete folly" to think the Russians are lagging. Gen. Gavin, Army chief of o...…

February 11, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 86) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRMAY, FEBRUARY" 11, 1955 PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1955 THE DRAMATIC ARTS CENTER a professional arena theatre invites you to "THE COCKTAIL PARTY99 by T. S. ELIOT Thursday thru Sunday 8:15 P.M. until Feb. 20th Matinee Feb. 20th, 2:30 P.M. STUDENT RATE 99c General Admission $1.65 Final Navidzadeh Hearings Set' Final deportation hearings for Buick Navidzadeh, Grad., will be conducted Wedne...…

February 11, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 86) • Page Image 3

…FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1955 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TIREW: rUIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1955 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAC~ TRRU~t -V &1 Z 111Y L L' W No Natural Lyric So TL ui To ,'U Frances Greer, lyric so .EA..1J olecturer in voice in the Music, will give her firs bor concert at 8:30 p.m SiZe - S I Lydia Mendelssohn The Miss Greer sung with t "There are no natural limits to politan and Philadelph the size of the Upiversity," accord- Companies, before ...…

February 11, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 86) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1955 1~'AGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, FEBRUARY Ii, 1955 SGC Positions Deserve More Candidates DREW PEARSON: "Glad To Help - Here's Some Swimming Lessons" CAMPUS LEADERS have been harping at evidences of student apathy for the past few years. Their disgust was particularly di- rected at apathy toward Student Legislature, the existing student government at the Uni- versity. Very few...…

February 11, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 86) • Page Image 5

…FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1955 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PANE Fly FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1955 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAEW UTVW L CA u iA W A T L SRA Plans Full Season Of Activities AlI-Campus Program Features Seminars, Luncheons, Recreation SRA, the Student Religious As- sociation, will hold its first lunch- eon lecture of the semester from 12:15 to 2:00 p.m. Saturday in the Fireside room at Lane Hall. Aage Rosendal Nielsen, director of the Scandinavian s...…

February 11, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 86) • Page Image 6

…PWAGE SIB THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1955 PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1955 Unbeaten 'M' Tankers Face MSC at Lansing Tonight 3id i 3a E ait SPIOUITS PHIL DOUGLIS Nigbt Edito COLLEGE BASKETBALL SCORES Notre Dame 87, Bradley 63 LaSalle 76, Manhattan 62 Wayne 78, Omaha 67 Calvin (Mich) 71, Alma 57 Oklahoma 59, Oklahoma A&M 50 NBA Fort Wayne 105, Philadelphia 97 Syracuse 85, Minneapolis 81 LATE HOCKEY SCORE...…

February 11, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 86) • Page Image 7

…FRIDAY, FEBRITARY It. 1955 711E MICHIGAN D II PAIllit MIKVWV flJDAZ YE~RUARY 11~ 1955 THE MICHIGAN DAILY U £ .~W Y Y :Strengthened Icers Opena Spartan Series Trlontight 1U1h &jt £purt by dove Livingston J R OM THlE ridiculous to (lhe sulblime yinl thrlee d-'s, 'That's what MVichiglan's luckless basketball team encountered last weekend. WVe doubt if na Big Ten'l team hafis ever beenl forced to hlay suicha ra'ldically differenlt gamn...…

February 11, 1955 (vol. 65, iss. 86) • Page Image 8

…PAGE EIGHT TH MCHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 11, 1955 PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY. FEBRUARY U. 19~5 '~ -- _-__, ._.. _ e,_ Sorority Women May Now Apply for Panhel Grants INFERIOR TRAINING: Rise in Foreign Medical Students Seen by Dean, Museum Exhibits Flora, Fauna Panhelenic Association's newly- created system of-grants for af- filiated women will go into effect this semester. Awarded on the basis of need, the grants will com...…

February 11, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 86) • Page Image 1

…FOREIGN STUDENTS See Page 4 I it 4an :43 xii PARTLY CLOUDY, COLDER 0 Latest Deadline in the State W. LXIV, No. 86 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1954 SIX PAGES SIX PAGES Ike To Avoid' Partisanship By Moderacy Asks Road Aid, Cut in Gas Tax* WASHINGTON-M-P)-President Dwight D. Eisenhower said yester- day the times are too serious for extreme partisanship and he will counsel Administration officials to avoid it in talk...…

February 11, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 86) • Page Image 2

…PoA fSV T W THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1954 :r i"l'1' i6 "1 CMS Rl - --_- Modern Art Lecture Set For Today British essayist Sir Herbert Read will deliver the first English department lecture of the semester at 4:15 p.m. today in Aud. A, An- gell Hall, speaking on "The Fun- damental Conflict in Modern Art." Describing the forthcoming lec- ture, Read said that it deals with literature and the relation of the artist to societ...…

February 11, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 86) • Page Image 3

…THURSDAY'., F."RUARY 1.1, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE ThURSDAY, FEBRUARY ii, 1954 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE Alpha Tau Omega Five Topples Phi Sigs, 38-34 FIVE IN A ROW: I - Denver Sweep Moves'' Icers Into Third Place By MARV. SIEGEL Paced by Lou Baldacci's ten markers, Alpha Tau Omega edged Phi Sigma Delta, 38-34 in a wild and wooly Fraternity "A" basket- ball league game played at the -I-MB Building last night. The Sigma Nu...…

February 11, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 86) • Page Image 4

….PAGE FOUR tt tltJL -l M -. " 3 ;as: k tJ,, I . pwit i it, 1. 54 ;y THE FOREIGN STUDENT: Long Walk in a Desert (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third in a series of articles on the' foreign student by a graduate student in journalism from Amsterdam.) By EDDY LACHMAN T WAS ONE of those beautiful warm fall days on the campus. The trees were re- splendent and the multiple colors of the shirts and sweaters worn by the thousands who, la...…

February 11, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 86) • Page Image 5

…THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1954 Kenton To Act as Host At Modern Jazz Eventi THlE-MICHIGAN ~DAILY PAGE FIVE .,...., E DISCUSSION SESSION: .3 ;'. :/ ;.'\. Assembly Association, IHC Plan Conference :.. ..................t . ,,. ~ ' ::i:L , ?'..". , .;7 . ... Stan Kenton and his orchestra will be hosts for the "Festival of Modern American Jazz," to be pre- sented at 7:15 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. tomorrow night at Hill Auditori- um. The festival, sponso...…

February 11, 1954 (vol. 64, iss. 86) • Page Image 6

…PAGE ST THE 1M1ICHIGAN )DAILY i i - THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1954 Photographers Called Ypsi Press Razed; Uses Daily Office Daily presses roll on-even with- out The Daily. Although the Student Publica- tions Bldg. has been traditionally deserted during the bteween-se- mester break, it put in hours of unforeseen work this year, serving as headquarters for the tempor- arily homeless Ypsilanti Press. FIRE DESTROYED the Ypsi- lanti paper's buildi...…

February 11, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 84) • Page Image 1

…Daily' Opportunities Open Up for New Staff er Interested in meeting University administrators, visiting digni- taries, campus leaders, or perhaps the city council? Are you lookihg for a chance to show your selling ability, or put into operation a favorite promotions scheme? Do you like to get in past "keep out" signs and find out about things before they happen? IF ANY OF THESE situations appeal to you, you should come to ,any of the four...…

February 11, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 84) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1953 ... SL Agenda T~he Student Legislature agen- da for the group's meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in Strauss Din- ing Rm., East Quadrangle, in- cludes the following topics: Announcement of Student Citizenship Program. Student Affairs Committee report Lecture Committee Brief re- port Report on extended faculty members and students to at- tend. Book Exchange Still NeBeds Texts The Student Legislature ...…

February 11, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 84) • Page Image 3

…FEBRUARY 11, 1953 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE PAGE TO,Tops Lambda Chi; hi Delts, Sig Eps Win By KEN COPP The second round of "A" fra- ternity basketball was completed last night with many high scores being rolled up in the twenty con- tests. Phi Delta Theta, downed Phi Kappa Tau 76-11 with Jack Cor- bett dropping in 19 points for the victors. Two other games provided wide point margins as Howard An- drews put in'20 points to aid Al- pha Delta...…

February 11, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 84) • Page Image 4

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1953 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ I m I- me : Formosa & The Seventh Fleet NEW PRESIDENT takes the oath of of- Our government will find that, inst flee and shortly after reads a dully Chiang assuming the preponderent sh ded speech to a joint session of Congress. the burden, the United States will be ce spoken, these words bring 150 m...…

February 11, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 84) • Page Image 5

…FEBRUARY 11, 1953 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FI V PAGEFIV wo Orchestras oph Cab To Provide arnival Atmosphere To Play for 'Music Heaven Friday, Saturday Two bands will be featured at "Music Heaven," which will be presented from 9 p.m. to mid- night Friday and Saturday nights on the second floor of the League. The 1953 edition of Sophomore Cabaret will feature Paul Root's orchestra in the League Ballroom, which will be decorated as Mu...…

February 11, 1953 (vol. 63, iss. 84) • Page Image 6

…WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1953 PAGE STX PUBLICITY MIXUP:' Comedy Given Morbid Interpretation f+5 0 ., 4, N I - THE MICHIGAN DAILY Only a publicity mixup could urn a sophisticated comedy into a horror show and the campus student Players have 100-odd pos- bers to prove it. Busy rehearsing Philip Barry's "Philadelphia Story" in the comic vein, the Players recently received a batch of posters from publicity agents in New York advertising somethi...…

February 11, 1952 • Page Image 1

… '' J -HOP 4r £irtipMn U EXTRA I . , , , rI--% p~D;-. A nr onr; YneilC~ I Mondnav Februnrv 11. 1952 ~rce-t u""yra u"u r tiv .4i +x f e cv. uu. r . . r ...,..... 2, Li orUt t< SEE STORIES, PICTURES, NAMES-SECTION TWO *.* * * * * Four thousand strong, University students and their guesc' glided to the tunes of Charlie Spivak (above) and Johnny Long in the midst of a tropical wonderland. Some got autographs, others listened, everyone...…

February 11, 1952 (vol. 58, iss. 0) • Page Image 1

…J-HOP EXTRA Monday, February 11, 1952 Price: A Dime or a DoI1at SEEND-HOP SEE STORIES, PICTURES, NAMES-SECTION TWO Four thousand strong, University students and their guests glided to the tunes of Charlie Spivak (above) and Johnny Long in the midst of a tropical wonderland. Some got autographs, others listened, everyone danced. …

February 11, 1952 • Page Image 2

…Page Two T HE MI CH IGA N D A ILY Monday. Februorv 11 195 CAMPUS HIT BYaarky ells- Worlds Clash IIt's nothing really, in the over- all makeup of the spheres." That is how Professor Dan M. Malarky, of the philosophy depart- **Bment, modestly describes the im- ,_7By ERASMUS DOOLINGLE portance of his life works. +The axe has fallen.* A' '" - " U'nder the searching probe of BTTOEwoko rfs S's""""' th House Tn-MidwesternrActivi- sor Malarky say t...…

February 11, 1952 (vol. 58, iss. 0) • Page Image 2

…Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY M nl~ d ntr Fb a 11d Pn e way,oe Fruary i , IA95A2 CAMPUS HIT ByMalarky eIls- PWorlds Clash "It's nothing really, in the over- al makeup of the spheres." VESTIG TIONS That is how Professor Dan M. Malarky, of the philosophy depart- ment, modestly describes the im- By ERASMUS DOOLINGLE portance of his life works. S . The axe has fallen. tUnder the searching probe of BUT THOSE who know Profes- Sthe House Un-Midweste...…

February 11, 1952 • Page Image 3

… AMonday. Februarv11, 192 T HE M IC H IGA N D A ILY age Three TawraFhrATrC HE152TERIHIA DAL agTTre By NEWBOLD MORRIS and ROBERT ALPHONSO TAFT Congressional bloodhounds let out the loudest yelp to date in their investigations of pinkish Midwestern University yesterday after hearing Midwestern's gibbering President Har- ly Thatcher admit that his estranged wife and brother-in-law had bilked his institution out of $6 billion in real estate fe...…

February 11, 1952 (vol. 58, iss. 0) • Page Image 3

…Mohday, February 11; 1952 T HE MIC H IGA N D A ILY cage Three THATCHER IN UTh By NEWBOLD MORRIS and ROBERT ALPHONSO TAFT Congressional bloodhounds let out the loudest yelp to date in their investigations of pinkish Midwestern University yesterday after hearing Midwestern's gibbering President Har- ly Thatcher admit that his estranged wife and brother-in-law had bilked his institution out of $6 billion in real estate fees by cornering all t...…

February 11, 1952 • Page Image 4

…Paae.Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY Monday, February 11, 1952 Paoe Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY Monday, February 11, 1952 We__ i seVictory JT'S IN A WAY hard to settle friendship that is seldom found TODAY, comrades, snow drifts down from the rush and hub- at the University of Michigan. abjectly against the great bub of getting the J-Hop Extra It is to this that we contribute, glass doors of the Administration3 together and write this. The Extra for ...…

February 11, 1952 (vol. 58, iss. 0) • Page Image 4

…Pone Four T HE MI CH IG AN D A ILY Mondov Februnrv 1 1 19S2 PoyqeFor HEMIHIyGANDAILY We_ y __Isu Victory T'S IN A WAY hard to settle friendship thatis seldom found TODAY, comrades, snow drifts down from the rush and hub- at the University of Michigan. abjectly against the great bub of getting the sJ-Ho Extra It is to this that we contribute, glass doors of the Administration together and write this. The Etra for the fund is to us a memoria...…

February 11, 1952 • Page Image 5

… Monday, February 11, 1952 T HE MIC H IGA N D A ILY Page Five I t r vynae , Fe. orv 1. 92M ILP v DAILY OFFICIAL BULL (The Daily Official Bull is published daily. It is official. No more need be said. Future notices will be received at 120 E. Liberty Street.) MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1952 VOL. IXXICIC, NO. Notices From The Dean of Women's Of- fice: This office, hereby absolved, relinquishes all sovereignty over the rights and privileges of fe-...…

February 11, 1952 (vol. 58, iss. 0) • Page Image 5

…Monday, February 11, 1952 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five CINEMA OFFICIAL -;_ BULL HALITOSIS, produced, direct- short sotry, "War and Peace" by f, ed, adapted filmed, spliced, sli- Margaret Mitchell and though at (The Daily Official Bll ispublihed f5 ; ed, tarred and feathered right esho uity be es al Eaily. It is official. No me e need be here in Ann Arbor. tad uueseicswl ercie mot intelligible the plot would at 120 E. Liberty Street.) Q HALITOS...…

February 11, 1952 • Page Image 6

…Page Six T HE MI CH IGA N D A ILY Monday, February 11, 1952 New 'U' Ban Squelches Social Life! The academic world reeled precedent would be followed that the social ban would be the in amazementyegreatest step forward in Univer- yesterday as by colleges all over the coun- sity history since the develop- President Hank Thatcher an- try. ment of social probation. "This lversity reg. * * pan has been materializing nounced a nsew Univriyeg sin...…

February 11, 1952 (vol. 58, iss. 0) • Page Image 6

…Page Six T HE MI CH IGA N D AILY Monday, February 11, 1952 New 'U' Ban Squelches Social Life! The academic world reeled in amazement yesterday as President Hank Thatcher an- nounced a new University reg- ulation banning all social ac- tivities. The President, standing on a grave marker in Geddes ce- metery as he denounced dates, beer and fraternization, ex- pressed his hope that the precedent would be followed by colleges all over the cou...…

February 11, 1952 • Page Image 7

…JHOP SEC. 2 Monday, February 11, 1952 Sec. Two, Page One By VERNON EMERSON It was a blend of many things, but all added up it seemed that just about everyone at the 1953 J-Hop had a pretty fair time. Whether it was the sweet Spivak, hot Long music com- bination, the tropical setting, the chain of parties before and after the dance with all their embellishments, a new gown, a new girl, or hardly reason at all, most of the couples were still smi...…

February 11, 1952 (vol. 58, iss. 0) • Page Image 7

…A^PftAn.i PAhrt inrv 11 19 2 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven onaay MICI-IcflA DAL Paa SevenL...., GGIES WRECK lhi LAN; RAIMM, IIIMpm ' HAS1 MR AN Im" T * e s * n RY FOR DE-EMPHASIS MAY LEAD TO THE END OF ALL THIS nvetigtion of Buxom eauty u ens gins By GIMMY NICHOLS Special to The Daily WASHINGTON-Subsidization of buxom beauty con- st winners at Rives Junction, Mich., football school was arged yesterday by a key witness in hearings before...…

February 11, 1952 • Page Image 8

…Sec. Two, Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Mondoyo February 1 1 X 1952 Sec. Two,.PgeTwoTH.MICHrGANDAILY,..nda .brar 1. 195 )faco/ion' ~jS thSuraf {SpatterZimeec pintw A dress as refreshing and new as the very fist blade of grass and shaped along those sleek, contoured lines' just the way you, and we, like it. with a deep-dip neckline and curved pockets boldly bordered by whisper. soft black velvet. Black print traced on white. Sizes 10 to 20. ...…

February 11, 1952 (vol. 58, iss. 0) • Page Image 8

…Page Eight' T HE MI CH IGA N D A ILY Monday, February 11, 1 Pag Eiht-HE. C.G...A.Y.Mndy ...ebruary... , 1 1 Tri- Chi'sAdm Sisters of Chi Chi Chi sorority voted last night to accept Gypsy No e Lee as an honorary member of the group. In announcing the decision Clar- issa Upgirdle, '53 P, remarked "We girls of Tri Chi wanted to cite Miss Lee for her splendid efforts to Border Clash May Lead to World War I// Special to The Daily HIGPOOR, Vlad...…

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