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October 11, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 10) • Page Image 1

…A - ouuu o TODAY Mixed sun and clouds; High: 58, Low: 43. TOMORROW Clouds, cool, rain; High: 55, Low: 37. l74t D Religion on campus. See WEEKEND. I I One hundred and one years of editorial freedom Vol. Ci, No.10 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, October 11, 1991 TheM74naitY Bill to *prohibit speech codes by Gwen Shaffer Daily Higher Education Reporter 0 Michigan's House of Representatives has introduced a bill that would prohibit universitie...…

October 11, 1991 (vol. 9, iss. 18) • Page Image 1

…00 0 9 9 aornto Col e an saveon some molle Bet you never thought you'd hear that. But just by being a student, you can get special prices on IBM PS/2* - computers that will help you through AN school, and long after you get out. IBM offers a variety of PS/2 Selected Academic Solution models to choose from. And with an IBM PS/2 Loan for Learning you can own one for as little as $30 a month** and -etake up to five years to pay. Buy now and ...…

October 11, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 10) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-The Michigan Daily- Friday, October 11, 1991 SIEGE Continued from page 1 ping, and charges of possessing au- tomatic weapons and explosives. Bail was set at $1 million. Hands and feet shackled, Harris shook his head and smiled as the charges were read. He blurted out "It's wrong!" and "I didn't shoot!" before being ordered to be silent. Harris' former supervisor, Carol Ott; was found dead in her home about 10 miles from Ridgewood, alon...…

October 11, 1991 (vol. 9, iss. 18) • Page Image 2

… . . . . 0J Coming in two Weekends... Fall Fashion Issue! ...the =A r .: ." . 1! win <i<} " Fi -t.. .. * _ y 1 t t " }t ,l ' f! ' Dining and Drinking Sunday: June Tabor, folk vocalist Tuesday: Vinx, Sing's pop buddy. Wednesday: Open Stage, you perform. Thursday: Just Friends, local folk. . . .. ..* Bird of Paradise (662-8310) Friday-Saturday: Bill Heid Trio, local jazz. Sunday: PaulnFmkbinder and Friends, Session night, no cover...…

October 11, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 10) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily- Friday, October 11, 1991 - Page 3 ---I Troupe explores *1ives of disabled by Nicole Hennessey The Diversability Theatre, a dif- ferently-abled acting group, por- trayed their lives as physically dis- abled people in a performance last eKight in South Quad as a part of "Investing in Abilities" week. The program entitled "The In- visible Elephant" compared physi- cal disabilities to the burdensome task of owning an elephant...…

October 11, 1991 (vol. 9, iss. 18) • Page Image 3

…0 0 I FRI DAY Throne of Blood! Another Japanese period film, this one is Kuros a's adaptation of Maceth into 16th century Japan. Admission FREE (Akira Kurosawa, 1957) Lorch 7:00 Breathless The classic of the French New Wave aboutan ultra-cool French drifter (Jean-Paul Belmorido) and his American girlfriend. (Jean-Luc Godard, 1959) MLB 4 7:00 * - - * - - That Man From Rio Jean-Paul Belmondo again, ina popular French James Bondesque thriller....…

October 11, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 10) • Page Image 4

…Page 4-The Michigan Daily- Friday, October 11, 1991 01 d l e , icl igttn ttil 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 Edited and Managed by Students at the University of Michigan ANDREW K. GOTTESMAN Editor in Chief STEPHEN HENDERSON Opinion Editor 1qA4&K( 14 14 WAX i6& 751VAMA5 (5 F( CAB t R/ PANTeV SA, r7 Wt4'EC AK Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and...…

October 11, 1991 (vol. 9, iss. 18) • Page Image 4

… e 0 9 # 4 A Home Away from Home, A School Away from School by JoAnne Viviano Hillel and the Chabad House, the two main organizations serving the campus' Jewish population, ensure that the Jewish community is able to build and share its heritage. The two organizations have much in common, but Chabad House acts more like a home or hangout for Jewish students, while Hillel provides a larger assortment of programs and activities. It's Frid...…

October 11, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 10) • Page Image 5

…The Michign Daily- Friday, October 11, 1991 - Page 5 *We know the homeless are there... so why don't we see them? by Tami Pollak Daily Staff Reporter , It is easy to feel sorry for the homeless. It is easy to feel sorry for Sue Watson, a homeless, pregnant wom- an who can't get a job at Mc- Donald's because she can't hide her second-trimester stomach - "Who wants to hire someone facing maternity leave in a matter of months?" she asks matt...…

October 11, 1991 (vol. 9, iss. 18) • Page Image 5

…0 0 4 C. r The Other Option: Atheism The State of Islam on Cam by Brad Bematek Tharemany ligonsto dolow from, butsomeprnfertopo in d4ine. Paul Szpunar, asophomorin the Raidenal Collge, i onesudperson. He shandhir vir on aoelm wid te Daily'sBrad Bernatei. In h~i arAde, andthi artic only, w obmelhea /eiaprawimofspelkng "God'wiha low,-case "g." Q: What is atheism? A: Well, a common definition of an atheist is someone who does not believe ...…

October 11, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 10) • Page Image 6

…Page 6-The Michigan Daily- Friday, October 11, 1991 C ASIFIED ADS APPLE IMAGEWRITER II PRINTER with computer paper. Call 662-2704. BICYCLES - All speeds, big & small frames. $20-$50. Good condition. 475-3238. FOR, SALE: Amiga 2000. 2/4/8 Meg RAM. 3 Meg on board. 1084 S. Clr. monitor. 2 x 3.5 int. Drive. $ Neg. 971-9283 eve. IBM 386/33MH3 51/4 & 31/2 DD 125MB HD4SVGA MONITOR 4MB RAM MOUSE, MODEM & lots of software. $2500. Call 481°0224. MAC...…

October 11, 1991 (vol. 9, iss. 18) • Page Image 6

…0 A ' tzl ri' C n T. C T < rD r m ~ - r r . .d ° a : ., o i : : ; a o . . , + O ' . . . . ' . , . vv th * 1U4 ~I~w Q n Olt06 ISIt ar rA 90 .... '<C), O'Q< O 0 C2 G n 0Q fD C. g 0 o .. r.; 4 .o cooR 9 c c) ~ ~ 0 < < ~ W W E L I~ IQ ~~CW 0 C ~ C~~LC~~ ~;g~~ fr+ i 2.4 vi. CID 0 CD 0 CL ~ C C) Ri 0 CD CD : a. a< -OG can g R o a P 00 9 z 3 r ,. tC . g ; "v o ' . 0 7r c " cii cr O C -t C) Cr r.i' 5. ca ~r-~ 7- crQ lz R. 0 yj9 C...…

October 11, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 10) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily- Friday, October 11, 1991 - Page 7 Puerto Rican writer by Marcus Olender Although Judith Ortiz Cofer, a Puerto Rican creative writer and a visiting professor, is an American citizen and writes in English, her work remains rooted in her Latin American heritage. Her mini-course entitled "Ethnicity and Creative Writing" is being offered from October 7-21 through the American Cultures Studies department. "The aim of the course...…

October 11, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 10) • Page Image 8

…ARTS The Michigan Daily Friday, October 11, 1991 Page 8 College bands gettin' curiouser and curiouser by Nima Hodaei "It the people of Ann Arbor don't enjoy our show, I'll personally run erands for them," says Mark Amft in a tongue-in-cheek manner. Amft, and fellow Drink Me member Wynine Evans, bring this same witty, off-the-wall sense of humor to their music, resulting in what can only be described as a "unique" acoustic duo. Prink Me, w...…

October 11, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 10) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily- Friday, October 11, 1991 - Page 9 JoAnne Brackeen is a jazz composer with style, history by Josh Mitnick *Looking good is quite important for the members of Urge Overkill, often criticized for being pretty boys. Sul men reinvent rock Hard rockin' Urge Overkill definitely ain't the Commitments, but can fame be far behind? ,y Skot Beal In the '80s, it seemed like a lot of really stagnant things were drag- ging music dow...…

October 11, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 10) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-The Michigan Daily- Friday, October 11, 1991 F. Turn to Vienna for great art The University of Michigan SCHOOL OF MUSIC by Roger Hsia I-,14 , Sun.-Wed. 'Oct. 13-16 Sun. Oct. 13 Y..W . a '.I ~ f : '. $' ' !' ,. ° Mon. Oct. 14 tue. Oct. 15 i, 31st Annual Conference on Organ Music "The Music of Jehan Alain" University Players Heinrich von Kleist: The Broken Pitcher Tickets: $9, $6 students Trueblood Theatre, 2 p.m. Stearns 2+2...…

October 11, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 10) • Page Image 11

…The Michigar Daily- Friday, October 11, 1991 - Page 11 BOOKS Continued from page 10 are reminded that "there is nothing so strange as the soul...." David Kaplan does not let us forget this fact. There is nothing so strange as a soul, and when presented correctly there is nothing more identifiable or moving. Kaplan's Frank is both. -Kevin Stein Surfing Samurai Robots Mel Gilden .Lynx Books Let's use our imaginations for a moment. What if ther...…

October 11, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 10) • Page Image 12

…Field Hockey vs. Iowa Today, 6:30 p.m. Oosterbaan Field House TheMichigan Daily SPORTS Softball NSK/Wolverine Invitation Tomorrow, 10 a.m. Mitchell Field nal Friday, October11, 1991 Page 12 'M' dominates mis-matchups _. .p " +' 4 , wr.;y1 When it comes to playing football, Blue's better KENNETH SMOLLER/Dally Heisman Trophy candidate Desmond Howard will match-up against the Spartans' Courtney Hawkins, a preseason candidate for the award....…

October 11, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 10) • Page Image 13

…The Michigan Daily- Friday, October 11, 1991 - Page 13 Spikers trek to Lady Lions' lair i Michigan's Fiona Davidson (L) and Chris White attempt to block a shot during action last season. The Wolverines travel to University Park to face Penn State this weekend. Stickers take on to competition y Chris Carr aily Sports Writer The Michigan field hockey team faces its toughest competition of the season tonight at Oosterbaan Field House when the ...…

October 11, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 10) • Page Image 14

…Page 14-The Michigan Daily- Friday, October 11, 1991 Linksters complete season at Penn State 4 by Dan Linna The Michigan women's golf team's fall season comes to an end this week, as it competes in the Penn State Lady Lion Invitational. Rain forced the cancelation of the Wolverines' previous tourna- ment, and they hope to continue the play that brought them a sixth- place finish in the Lady Northern two weekends ago. "I think it has keyed the...…

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