October 11, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 16) • Page Image 1
…be o o VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TH-URSDAY, OCTOBER, 11, 1900. ~. G F a ti 12 4rntne etGOLF CLUB A HUMMER. New Courses in Public Administra- "Happy" Brows May Get Out. Tournament is Arranged For -- Mem- ('oat-l1itea kep nitils sg lug1 at re An iuitiloliant tdtlition to the etlirats ,li te al(-rilhii-. Tlii- wark iiaa ilieaB ~~s ariaGofr, nte ltli oa Our special line bership Incrass RpidyOfi d ffloti ieay ttat l-rla o a-ll sa itire of foe...…